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背景冷戰是以美國及蘇聯為首的資本主義和共產主義陣營之間的相互鬥爭,雙方互相回應對方的挑戰,促使雙方的關係惡化,形成冷戰的出現及發展。 // 架構在外交、經濟及軍事方面能夠反映出蘇聯對美國的挑戰作出回應,同時,政治、地區性戰爭、太空科技上也能顯示美國對蘇聯之挑戰作出回應。 // 立場因此,題目所言只能在部分程度上成立。

主旨句 外交上,多次危機的爆發是蘇聯對美國挑戰作出的回應的代表例子。 // 贊成核心A的理據冷戰期間,美國積極圍堵共產主義的擴張,成為蘇聯所面對的挑戰。蘇聯更因為需要應對美國所帶來的挑戰而作出對抗的手段,致使危機頻生,如1948年當美、英、法有意合併其於西德的佔領區,並於合併後進行政治及貨幣改革,結果令蘇聯擔心西方國家的行動會影響其對於東德的管治,因此封鎖西柏林,導致「柏林危機」的出現。往後,美國對蘇聯的圍堵行動持續,如1959年起開始於意大利及土耳其佈置導彈以針對蘇聯,蘇聯為了應對美國對其國防帶來的威脅,因此於1962年試圖在古巴建立導彈基地,以制衡美國的導彈佈署,最終促使了「古巴導彈危機」的爆發。 // 小結可見,多次危機的出現反映了蘇聯對美國的挑戰作出回應。




主旨句 政治上,美國總統發表的各種主義充分反映了美國對蘇聯挑戰所作出的回應。 // 反對核心B的理據 就著蘇聯不斷擴張共產主義,多位美國總統於冷戰期間發表了著名的演說及國情諮文,提出各種主張,以回應蘇聯的挑戰。其中,為回應蘇聯支援希臘及土耳其共產主義派別的發展,美國總統杜魯門於1947年發表了「杜魯門主義」,表明美國需要擔當「世界警察」,並提供4億美元援助希臘及土耳其對抗共產主義,以遏止蘇聯共產主義勢力的擴張。往後,蘇聯於1979年入侵阿富汗時,美國總統卡特也發表了「卡特主義」(1980年),強調美國將會以軍事力量擊退任何意圖控制波斯灣地區的外來勢力,並且於同年杯葛蘇聯舉行的莫斯科奧運會,以回應蘇聯入侵阿富汗。 // 小結可見,美國總統於冷戰期間發表了各種主義以回應蘇聯的挑戰。




‘The Cold War was Soviet response to American challenges but not American response to Soviet challenges.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

The Cold War was a struggle between the capitalist bloc led by the US and communist bloc led by the USSR. Both sides responded to each other's challenge, which worsened their relationship, resulting in the Cold War. The USSR responded to the US challenges in diplomatic, economic and military aspects. Meanwhile, the US responded to the USSR challenges in political, local war and space technological aspects. Thus, this statement is valid to a certain extent.

In diplomatic aspect, several crises broke out, which showed that the USSR responded to the US challenges. During the Cold War, the US actively contained the communist expansion, which was one of the challenges of the USSR. The USSR thus carried out confrontation so as to deal with the US challenges, leading to crises. For instance, the US, Britain and France decided to unify their Western German occupied zones and carried out political and currency reforms. The USSR worried that the action of Western countries would affect its ruling over Eastern Germany. Thus, it blocked West Berlin, which led to the Berlin Crisis柏林危機. Later, the containment policy imposed by the US continued such as the US missiles, which targeted the USSR, deployed in Italy意大利 and Turkey土耳其 since 1959. In order to deal with the defensive threat, the USSR attempted to set up nuclear missile bases in Cuba (1962) to counter the US missile deployment, leading to the Cuban Missile Crisis古巴導彈危機. Thus, several crises broke out, which reflected that the USSR responded to the US challenges.

In economic aspect, the USSR provided economic assistance to Eastern Europe in response to the US challenges. The US became the most affluent country in the world and accounted for one-third world industrial production. In order to contain the communist expansion, the US loaned to other countries, driving economic recovery around the world. For example, the US implemented the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃(1948) offering a loan of 13 billion to assist European countries. However, the Marshall Plan imposed by the USS was attractive to Eastern European communist countries, bringing challenge to the USSR regarding the ruling over Eastern European countries. When the Marshall Plan was under discussion, the USSR signed a series of trade and economic agreements, which called the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃(1947), in order to avoid drawing Eastern European countries from the USSR. Later, the USSR established the COMECON經濟互助委員會(1949) to undertake the Molotov Plan and tighten economic control on Eastern Europe, confronting the economic cooperation of Western Europe led by the US. Thus, the USSR provided economic assistance to Eastern Europe in response to the US challenges.

In military aspect, the USSR actively developed nuclear weapons and formed military organization in response to the US challenges. In the later stage of WW2, the US successfully invented atomic bombs原子彈 forcing Japan to surrender unconditionally. The nuclear weapons of the US aroused the Soviet suspicion that it would be attacked by its atomic bombs. Thus, the USSR actively invented nuclear weapons and successfully tested atomic bomb (1949). It became the second country to possess nuclear weapons after the US. Later, the US produced a hydrogen bomb氫氣彈(1952). The USSR accelerated research and development in response to it and successfully tested as well in 1953. Moreover, the USSR increased its expenditure of national defense to 12% (1985) in order to respond to Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)星戰計劃(1983). It reflected that the USSR was afraid of the US challenges in military aspect, thus actively responding to it. Furthermore, the US formed the NATO北約(1949) to avoid countries in North Atlantic being communized. Until West Germany joined the NATO in 1955, the USSR formed the Warsaw Pact華沙公約組織 in response to it, confronting the NATO led by the US. It showed that the USSR actively responded to the US challenges in military aspect.

The USSR responded to the US challenges in diplomatic, economic and military aspects. Meanwhile, the US responded to the USSR challenges in political, local war and space technological aspects.

In political aspect, the US president announced several doctrines in response to the USSR challenges. Since the USSR spread communism continuously, a number of the US president delivered well-known speeches and State of the Union address國情諮文 proposing different suggestions to responded to the USSR challenges. In response to the Soviet assistance of communist groups of Greece and Turkey, the US president Truman announced the Truman Doctrine杜魯門主義(1947), which stated that the US had to take the role of International Police世界警察. It provided US$400 million assisting Greece希臘and Turkey土耳其 to confront communism, suppressing the expansion of Soviet communism. Regarding the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan阿富汗(1979), the US president Carter announced the Carter Doctrine卡特主義(1980), which stated that the US would repel any foreign force trying to control the Persian Gulf region波斯灣地區. Also, it boycotted the Moscow Olympic held by the USSR in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. It showed that the US president announced several in response to the US challenges.

In local war aspect, the US intervened in local wars around the world in response to the USSR challenges. During the Cold War, the USSR supported communist development around the world. For example, it seized Japanese military weapons after WW2 and gave them to the CCP中國共產黨. It left military advisers in Korea朝鮮 to help formulating military strategies and offered 1.4 billion rubles to economically assist North Vietnam北越 during 1955-62. The communist groups turned radical, causing local wars such as the Chinese Civil War, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. In order to prevent communist groups from gaining victories because of the support of the USSR, the US actively intervened in to confront the USSR. For example, it provided a lot of resources to assist the KMT in the Chinese Civil War and sent troops to assist South Korea through the UN in the Korean War. Especially, the number of the US soldiers involving in the Vietnam War was unprecedented after WW2. Since the USSR supported communist groups around the world, the US responded to its challenges by resource and military assistance. The US intervened in local wars in response to the USSR challenges.

In space technological aspect, the US actively invented space technology in response to the USSR challenges. Although the US achieved a significant advantage regarding nuclear weapon, the USSR led in space technology then. Space technology was closely related to rocket technology, thus relating to the range of missiles as well. Thus, the US had to carry out research and development in response to the USSR challenges with regard to space technology. For example, when the USSR successfully launched a first artificial satellite人造衛星(1957), the US followed in 1958. Later, the USSR made a research on Moon Project登月工程 and Manned Spacecraft Program載人太空船計劃 and carried out the first moon's hard landing (1959) and manned space flight (1961). The US also developed the Apollo Project阿波羅計劃 in October 1961, which aimed at manned moon landing. In the end, it successfully landed on moon in 1969, which surpassed the USSR regarding manned moon landing. It showed that the US responded to the USSR challenges in space technological aspect.

In conclusion, a characteristic of the Cold War (1946-91) was not merely the USSR response to the US challenges or the US response to the USSR challenges. Both the US and the USSR confronted and combated towards others. Thus, this statement is valid to a certain extent.

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