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定義 軍國主義是一種黷武精神,指社會及國家的決策從屬於軍事價值的考慮,主張以武力解決問題及奉行對外擴張政策。 // 架構 日本軍國主義於1930年代取替了政黨政治而崛興,探究軍國主義得以在日本興起的原因,可從政治、經濟、社會、軍事及外交等方面討論。

主旨句 政治方面,政黨政府的軟弱腐敗是軍國主義者於1930年代日本上台的要因。 // 段落內容 政黨政府於執政期間貪污腐敗、醜聞不斷,例如1924年時就有15,000個違反選舉法的個案,使政府不得民心,更替頻繁,於1918-32年間換閣多達11次,政黨政府搖搖欲墜。更甚,政黨政府在推行政策時過於軟弱,例如首相犬養毅於1930年代初反對在中國建立「偽滿洲國」,結果成為國內激進分子及媒體抨擊的目標,最終更受到「血盟團」的刺殺。事後,行兇者更得到35萬日人以鮮血聯署要求法院從輕發落,反映政黨政治已失去民心,相反,以恐怖方式打擊政黨政府的軍國主義組織反得到人民的支持,令軍國主義思想主導了1930年代日本的政治發展。 // 小結 可見,政黨政府的軟弱腐敗必須為軍國主義於1930年代的崛興負上責任。






Discuss the reasons for the rise of militarism in Japan in the 1930s.

As a military spirit, militarism bears a definition that all decisions related to society and the nation are based on military concerns. It encourages using armed force to solve problems and supports expansionist foreign policy. Militarism in Japan rose in the 1930s as a replacement of party politics. The reasons for its rise can be discussed from political, economic, social, military and diplomatic perspectives.

Politically, the incompetence of the democratic government was an important reason for the militarist takeover in the 1930s. The democratic government was corrupt and rocked by a series of scandals. For example, there were 15,000 cases of violation of the Election Law in 1924 and they ruined the government’s reputation. Also, the Cabinet was frequently reorganized. From 1918 to 1932, there were in total 11 cases of Cabinet reshuffle, which showed the instability of it. More importantly, the government displayed its weakness when putting forward policies. For instance, Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi犬養毅 was against the establishment of Manzhouguo偽滿洲國 in China and thus attracted criticism from radical elements and the mass media in the early 1930s. He was eventually assassinated by members of the Brotherhood of Blood League血盟團, who gained 350,000 signatures in blood afterwards from people around the country to plead for a lenient sentence. This showed that party politics had lost popular support. In contrast, militarist organizations that used violence against the democratic government gained public support and militarism dominated Japanese politics in the 1930s. Therefore, the incompetence of the democratic government must be responsible for the rise of militarism in the 1930s.

Economically, the poor economy was of great importance to the rise of militarism. Economic prosperity always drums up support for the government. But Japan’s exports declined sharply and its economy experienced recession because the powers returned to the Chinese market after WW1 ended in the late 1910s. Worse still, Japan was hit by several economic crises in the 1920s and faced serious economic problems. For example, the Great Kanto Earthquake關東大地震 in 1923 caused destruction of more than 100 thousand houses and losses of US$30 billion. About 30 banks were closed during the Bank Crisis銀行危機 of 1927. After the Great Depression經濟大蕭條 of 1929, Japan’s economy reached its trough and the number of unemployed climbed to 3 million. The depressed economy made the government lose its popularity because they thought it was incapable of solving economic problems. It also cultivated support of the Japanese for expansionist foreign policy adopted by the militarists. After the September 18th Incident九一八事變(1931) and January 28th Incident一二八事變(1932) were staged by the Kwantung Army關東軍 in China, the Japanese and the press not only showed no criticism towards its actions but also expressed their support. Rise of militarism became possible in the 1930s with popular support. Therefore, economic recession provided a breeding ground for militarism.

In social aspect, extreme nationalism in Japanese tradition was an underlying factor leading to the rise of militarism. Traditionally, Bushido thoughts were deep-rooted in Japan and the Japanese were habituated to absolute obedience. The Meiji government even did intense brainwashing on Japanese nationalism, suggesting sacrifice for the country and saving other Asian races to fight for prestige for the Yamato people. The Imperial Rescript on Education教育敕語 published in 1890, which stressed loyalty, patriotism and sacrifice, was a typical example of indoctrination of ideas. Exposed to extreme nationalist ideas, the Japanese established militarism and related organizations, including the Black Dragon Society黑龍會(1901) that backed invasion of China for achieving Pan-Asianism大亞細亞主義, and the Brotherhood of Blood League血盟團(1931) that aimed at removing corrupt officials through assassination. Afterwards, these organizations launch several mutinies to strike a blow to the democratic government. For example, the Brotherhood of Blood League plotted the May 15th Incident五一五事件 in 1932 which Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi犬養毅 was assassinated and party politicians were not dared to challenge the military. After that, almost all Prime Ministers were generals or the Genro and this marked the end of party politics. Therefore, traditional extreme nationalism was also an important factor.

In military aspect, the excessive power of the military was also a reason for the rise of militarism. Traditionally, the military in Japan enjoyed huge political power. Before Emperor Meiji came to the throne, Japan politics were under the control of shogun of the shougunate幕府大將軍. After regaining ascendancy, the Emperor granted a huge power to the military because of the great contribution of the samurai from different domains in the Anti-Shougunate Movement倒幕運動. For example, the Meiji Constitution明治憲法 stated that the military had direct access to the Emperor and were answerable to him. In addition, the Cabinet was controlled by the military because as stated in the Military Ministers to be Active-Duty Officers Law軍部大臣現役武官制, a Cabinet could not be formed without the participation of the military as the Secretary of the Army and Navy. Although this requirement was cancelled once in 1913, the power enjoyed by the military was never weakened. The unauthorized assassination of Zhang Zhoulin張作霖by the Kwantung Army關東軍 in 1928 showed that the military was not influenced by the Cabinet. After the February 26th Incident二二六事變(1936), the Military Ministers to be Active-Duty Officers Law was restored and the military were able to manipulate the formation and operations of the Cabinet again. Since then, almost all cabinet members were from the military, which means that they controlled the Cabinet completely. It is apparent that the excessive power of the military paved the way for the rise of militarism in Japan.

In diplomatic aspect, Western discrimination against Japan was also an important factor. Japan had been building up its strength after the Meiji Restoration明治維新. Not only did it defeat China in the First Sino-Japanese War甲午戰爭(1894-95), but it also scored a victory over Russia, an European power, in the Russo-Japanese War日俄戰爭(1904-05). The Western powers could feel the growing threat of Japan and adopted racially exclusive policy against Japan. One example was the American Immigration Act排外法案 of 1924, which banned Asian immigrants, including Japanese ones, to the US. The powers even attempted to check its influence. For example, Japan was forced to return Shandong to China in the Washington Conference華盛頓會議 of 1921-22 and the ratio on heavy cruisers was set to be 10(US) : 10(Britain) : 6(Japan) to curb Japanese naval expansion in the London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議(1930). This induced anti-foreign sentiment among the Japanese and their support for territorial expansion by the military since the 1920s, which is exemplified by the September 18th Incident九一八事變(1931). They wanted to gain back national glory through foreign encroachment and the militarists successfully rose to power with their support. Therefore, Western discrimination against Japan also fostered the rise of militarism in Japan.

To conclude, political, economic, social, military, diplomatic and other factors combined to facilitate the rise of militarism in the 1930s. Unfortunately, the militarist takeover led to endless aggression of Japan and it drew Asia into wars. Japan made many enemies worldwide and paved the way for its defeat afterwards.

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