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‘There was increasing political participation by the Chinese in Hong Kong.’ Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to period 1960-97.

Since 1960, the political participation on the part of the Chinese in Hong Kong was increasing gradually. Eventually, they became the backbones of society which determined the future of Hong Kong after the handover to China in 1997. Hence, the above view was agreed. Below, the increasing political participation on the part of the Chinese in Hong Kong would be reflected in few aspects: Executive, Legislative and Urban Councils; Senior civil servants; Administrative Officers; Overall civil servants; Chinese groups and the general public.

The change in Urban, Legislative and Executive Councils reflected the increasing political participation on the part of Chinese in Hong Kong. The British colonial government started to appoint Chinese to enter the Legislative and Executive Councils since the late 19th century. Also, electoral elements were added in the Urban Council in 1936. However, in the 1960s, the proportion of Chinese in the Urban, Executive and Legislative Councils was small. For instance, in 1962, only 5, 3 and 11 members were Chinese. As the British colonial government gave out more power later, more local Chinese elites were given the opportunity to help ruling Hong Kong by entering the government. More Chinese could thus work in the Urban, Legislative and Executive Councils. For instance, the number of Chinese members increased to 23, 6 and 19 in 1978. After that, the British colonial government greatly increased the number of Chinese Executive Council members to 9 (1996) due to the fact that Hong Kong would be returned to China in 1997. It accounted for 75% of the total members. Such arrangement was to prepare for the transition period. This allowed the participation of Chinese in policy formulation to greatly increase. This showed that the participation of Chinese in the Legislative, Executive and Urban Councils increased continuously.

The change in senior civil servants illustrated that there was increasing political participation on the part of the Chinese in Hong Kong. In the mid of the 20th century, no Chinese could take up the positions of senior civil servants. Senior positions such as officials at the rank of Secretaries of Departments and directors were taken up by foreigners. However, after the signing of Sino-British Joint Declaration中英聯合聲明 in 1984, the British colonial government gradually appoint Chinese as senior civil servants in the hope of implementing the Principle of Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong港人治港 and nurture rulers after the handover. For instance, in the level of directors處長, Li Kwan-ha李君夏 was appointed as the Commissioner of Police in 1989 and he was the first Chinese playing this role. After that, the localization of senior civil servants was more extensive. In the 1990s, more and more Chinese were appointed as Secretaries司長of Departments. For instance, Anson Chan陳方安生 and Donald Tsang曾蔭權 were elected as the Chief Secretary and Financial Secretary in 1993 and 1995. This shattered the tradition of these positions being monopolized by foreigners. Until before the handover in 1997, most of the Secretaries of Departments were Chinese apart from the Governor港督 and Commander British Forces英軍司令. This showed that the participation of Chinese in senior civil servant increased gradually and became the rulers of Hong Kong after the handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997.

The increasing political participation on the part of the Chinese in Hong Kong could be reflected from the Administrative Officer. It was a tradition that the Administrative Officers were seen as the future elites taking up the positions of senior officers. Therefore, most Administrative Officers were foreigners. Until 1948, Paul Tsui Ka-cheung徐家祥 was the first Chinese Administrative Officer. In the 1960s, just a small portion of Chinese could take up this position. For instance, in 1962, the number of Chinese and Foreign Administrative Officers was 12 and 66 respectively. The proportion as about 1:5.5. This reflected that the participation of Chinese was low. However, with the increasing economic development and educational level, more and more Chinese could move to the upper class of society. The number of Chinese Administrative Officers thus rose to 40 in 1970. Later, the amount rose to 91 in 1978. The proportion of that of Chinese and Foreigner narrowed to 1:1.25. The participation of Chinese in the issues of Hong Kong greatly increased. This showed that the participation of Chinese as Administrative Officers increased greatly.

The situation in the overall civil servants reflected that there was increasing participation on the part of the Chinese in Hong Long. The number of Chinese occupied for a large proportion of the overall civil servants, that was 96.4% (48,277) in 1962. Along with the increasing population and administration organizations, the British colonial government needed to recruit more Chinese civil servants to help in ruling Hong Kong. In 1972, the number of Chinese civil servants rose to 88,121 and this occupied for 97.88% of the overall civil servants. After that, the percentage soared to 98.68% in 1990 and the amount rose to 188,393. They became an important force in supporting and sustaining the operations of the Hong Kong government. This showed that the increasing political participation of Chinese in Hong Kong was proved by their growth in number and proportion.

Chinese groups and political parties showed that there was increasing political participation on the part of the Chinese in Hong Kong. In the 1960s, Chinese groups mainly provided welfare benefits, such as Tung Wah Group of Hospitals東華三院 and Po Leung Kuk保良局 organized schools and hospitals. Apart from that, Heung Yee Kuk鄉議局 facilitated the British colonial government in communicating with the local residence in the New Territories and helped in the implementation of local policies. However, Heung Yee Kuk did not directly influence governmental policies. It was just playing the roles of consultant顧問 and facilitator輔助者. However, the British colonial government greatly implement the reform of Representative Government in the 1980s. It gradually allowed citizens to choose the District and Legislative Councilors of their own areas. This provided chances for Hong Kong people to participate politically by organizing political parties. As a result, a lot of political parties formed such as United Democrats of Hong Kong港同盟(1990) and DAB民建聯(1992). These political parties helped in the ruling of local and central through District Council and Legislative Council Elections. The decision-making of Hong Kong was being affected. This showed that the development of Chinese groups could reflect that there was increasing political participation on the part of the Chinese in Hong Kong.

Participation of ordinary residents reflected that there was increasing political participation on the part of the Chinese in Hong Kong. In the early 1960s, the government seldom consulted the Chinese in formulating policies. The Hong Kong 1967 riots六七暴動 reflected that local people were greatly discontented with the ruling of the British colonial government. Therefore, after the riot, the government reformed and consulted the opinions of Chinese. For instance, City District Officer Scheme民政主任計劃 was implemented in 1968. It divided Hong Kong Island and Kowloon into 10 district and set up City District Offices in the districts to collect public opinions. After that, the District Council Election區議會選舉 was carried out in 1982. Permanent residents who aged 21 or above and lived in Hong Kong for more than 7 years had the voting right. The number of registered voters was about 0.9 million. After that, the local Chinese actively supported the way of affecting the development of Hong Kong politics by casting their votes. Also, the age of voters reduced to 18 in 1994 and the number of registered voters further increased to 3.8 million. More Chinese could affect the politics of Hong Kong by voting. This showed that there was increasing political participation on the part of the ordinary Chinese in Hong Kong.

To sum up, Executive, Legislative and Urban Councils; Senior civil servants; Administrative Officers; Overall civil servants; Chinese groups and the general public reflected that there was increasing political participation on the part of the ordinary Chinese in Hong Kong in 1960-97. After the Handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997, the Chinese had an even comprehensive command on the politics of Hong Kong. Therefore, the view was agreed.

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