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定義 現代化指一國家或地區成功擺脫落後及封建,本質上達致先進、文明的狀況。 // 架構 儘管日本於19世紀初開始的明治維新後已經出現了重大的轉變,在教育及軍事方面已達致現代化,然而,在政治、經濟、社會及外交方面仍然未達到現代化的標準。 // 立場 因此,1920年代末的日本只在小程度上已現代化。

主旨句 政治方面,1920年代末的日本並不能達致真正的現代化。 // 標準政治現代化是指法治而非人治的政府,內閣應擁有箝制軍部的權力。 // 段落內容 雖然日本於1910年代末進入政黨政治時期,原敬於1918年成為了首位擁有政黨背景的首相,加上1925年《普通選舉法》的落實,允許年滿25歲的男性就擁有選舉權,使選民人口大幅提高至19%。然而,日本政治只是表面上的現代化。在政府方面,日本政治仍然是人治而非法治的政府,《明治憲法》賦予了天皇至高無上的權力,可以修改憲法、解散國會、控制軍隊,權力凌駕憲法。此外,在內閣權力方面,雖然左右內閣的成立的「軍部大臣現役武官制」於1913年被取消,但軍部仍然擁有超然的權力,直接覲見天皇,向天皇交代,不受內閣控制,例如1928年在中國的日本關東軍擅自策劃暗殺中國軍閥張作霖的事件,反映內閣權力有限,不能箝制軍部。 // 小結 可見,1920年代末的日本政治實未能達致現代化。








To what extent was Japan a modernized country? Limit your discussion up to the 1920s.

A modernized country or region must have got rid of backwardness and feudalism, being modern and civilized in nature. Although huge changes took place in Japan after the Meiji Restoration and it was modernized in educational and military aspects, it failed to satisfy the criteria for modernization in political, economic, social and diplomatic aspects. Therefore, Japan was modernized to a small extent by the end of the 1920s.

Politically, Japan did not achieve genuine modernization by the end of the 1920s. Political modernization refers to the adoption of rule of law法治 instead of rule of man人治 and presence of the Cabinet that is granted power to limit the military. Undoubtedly, Japan entered the era of party politics at the end of the 1910s. Hara Kei原敬 became the first Prime Minister affiliated with political party in 1918 and the electorate expanded to 19% of the population thanks to the promulgation of the General Election Law普通選舉法 in 1925, which gave all men aged 25 or above the right to vote. Nevertheless, Japan was politically modernized only on the surface. In terms of government, rule of man instead of rule of law was adopted there. Stated as the supreme ruler in the Meiji Constitution明治憲法, the Emperor had the rights to amend the Constitution, dissolve the lower house of Diet and control the military. He was in fact superior to the Constitution. In terms of power of the Cabinet, the military enjoyed enormous power despite the abolition of the Military Ministers to be Active-Duty Officers Law軍部大臣現役武官制 in 1913. They had direct access to the Emperor and were not influenced by the Cabinet. Examples like the unauthorized assassination of Zhang Zhoulin張作霖, a Chinese warlord, by the Kwantung Army關東軍 in 1928 reflected the limited power of the Cabinet and its failure to limit the military. It is clear that Japan was not modernized politically by the end of the 1920s.

Economically, Japan was not very modernized indeed by the late 1920s. An economically modernized country should have a balanced economic development and enough food and necessities for its people. Indubitably, Japan’s economy was booming in the early 20th century and the production was highly mechanized. In 1907, for example, 3700 out of some 8000 factories in Japan used machinery in their production. But it does not mean that Japan was modernized economically. In terms of balanced development, Japan’s economy was largely controlled by a small group of zaibatsu財閥. For example, the five biggest banks owned by the zaibatsu, including Mitsui三井, Mitsubishi三菱, Sumitomo住友, Yasuda安田 and Daiichi第一, held 34.5% of Japan’s deposits in 1929. Small and medium-sized enterprises were difficult to develop and survive, and the economy had an unbalanced development. In terms of people’s livelihood, the lives of people at grass-roots level remained poor. As early as 1918, the Rice Riots米騷動 erupted in Japan with unparalleled scale in recent centuries. The less privileged people looted rice and food out of hunger. In the 1920s, Japan even experienced a series of disasters, including the Kanto Great Earthquake關東大地震(1923) and the Bank Crisis銀行危機(1927). After the Great Depression經濟大蕭條 of 1929, the number of the unemployed hit 3 million. The low-income group lived in terrible conditions and might not be able to afford even a meal. Therefore, Japan was not yet modernized economically by the late 1920s.

In social aspect, the Japanese society at that time was full of constraints and not modernized. In a modernized society, people enjoy high degree of freedom and nationalism should never develop into radical extreme nationalism. It is true that the Meiji Constitution明治憲法 gave the Japanese freedom of speech, assembly and freedom and Japan was modernized superficially. But in fact, Japan’s society was not fundamentally modernized. In terms of freedom, it could be enjoyed only when it is ‘not prejudicial to peace and order’ 不損害和平的情況 and the government often took advantage of the vague word ‘peace’ to restrict people’s freedom and power. In 1925, the government even promulgated the Peace Preservation Law治安維持法, which was at first against the communist only but later turned into a tool to mute dissenting voices. People’s freedom was further restricted. In terms of nationalism, the traditional Bushido spirit武士道精神 and thoughts of loyalty to the Emperor and patriotism evolved into extreme nationalist ideas in the beginning of the 20th century. Its upholders supported radical methods to safeguard national interest and eliminate the corrupt politicians in Japan. For example, Prime Minister Osachi Hamaguchi濱口雄幸 was assaulted by members of the Aikokusha愛國社(established in 1928) in 1930. The ideas became the underlying cause of the rise of militarism afterwards. Therefore, the Japanese society was not yet modernized.

In diplomatic aspect, Japan did not achieve modernized by the late 1920s. A diplomatically modernized country should be treated fairly in international affairs, be respected and enjoy equal status. With no doubt, Japan rose as a power in the early 20th century and was one of the permanent members常任理事國 of the League of Nations in 1920. It enjoyed high international status on the surface. However, in terms of the way it was treated by foreign countries, Japan attracted suspicion from the Western powers and their worries about their world leadership being threatened by an Asian country because Japan, as a new influential country, had its national strength increased rapidly and played an active role in the international community. The powers hence took actions against Japan in international affairs and it was discriminated by the West. For example, the Japanese proposed the ‘racial equality clause’ 種族平等 in the Paris Peace Conference巴黎和會 of 1919 but the proposal was objected by British representatives. The request of the Japanese for equality with the West was directly denied. Besides, the US promulgated the American Immigration Act排外法案 in 1924 to ban Japanese immigrants to the States. This was an explicit discrimination against the Japanese and showed that Japan did not enjoy respect and equality. Therefore, Japan was discriminated by the powers diplomatically in the late 1920s and failed to fulfill the criteria for modernization.

Despite the fact that Japan was not modernized in political, economic, social and diplomatic aspects, one should not ignore its modernized aspects.

In educational aspect, Japan could be regarded as modernized because of its high educational standard. Educational modernization concerns high educational level and academic standard. In terms of educational level, Japan’s educational standard at that time was not only far ahead of the other Asian countries, but also on par with the Western countries. This was the result of the compulsory education policy implemented in the end of the 19th century. In 1907, the government further extended compulsory education from 4 to 6 years, raising the number of the educated and educational standard in Japan. National enrolment rate reached 97%, and further increased to 99% in 1920. These showed that Japan’s educational standard was not only far ahead of the other Asian countries, but also on par with the Western countries. The country could almost provide education for all. In terms of academic standard, with the ever-increasing educational standard, Japan’s academic standard also increased significantly. Rapid development could be seen in different fields, including Physics, Medicine and Astronomy. For example, Kitasato Shibasaburo北里柴三郎 and Hideyo Noguchi野口英世 were nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physiology / Medicine owing to their contributions to medicine. Also, Mori Ogai森鷗外 and Natsume Soseki夏目漱石 became leading writers in the world and were very famous outside Japan. Therefore, Japan’s high educational and academic standard showed its achievement in modernization.

In military aspect, Japan could also be regarded as modernized because of its great military strength. Military modernization refers to the possession of advanced armaments and capabilities to resolve internal disputes and defend the country against external threats. In terms of armaments, Japan possessed a modern and powerful army at the end of the 1920s. Since the late 19th century, Japan had started research and development of advanced warships. With the large sum of money invested, the development of naval technology was rapid. In 1922, Japan even finished the building of the world’s first standard aircraft carrier航空母艦 named Hosho鳳翔號. Its naval strength was on a par with that of the Western powers. In the Washington Conference華盛頓會議 of 1921-22, Japan was allowed to possess a number of warships that was only lower than that of Britain and the US, being the third largest naval power in the world. In terms of guaranteeing internal security and external defense, the modernized military force allowed Japan to resolve internal disputes, defend the country against external threats and even expand its territory. This can be exemplified by the September 18th Incident九一八事變 of 1931, in which Japan invaded the Northeast part of China. It is clear that Japan possessed a modern and powerful military force and achieved modernization by the end of the 1920s.

To conclude, Japan was modernized in educational and military aspects, but on a whole, Japan’s modernization in political, economic, social and diplomatic aspects was superficial. Not only did it fail to satisfy the criteria for modernization, it also became the excellent breeding ground for the rise of militarism in the 1930s. Therefore, Japan was modernized by the late 1920s to a small extent only.

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