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背景 經過了一個半世紀英國的殖民地管治,香港於1997回歸中國。 // 立場及架構 在1980-2000年間,中國因素成為了塑造香港政治發展的最主要因素,因中國因素左右了香港代議政制、政黨政治、公務員本地化的發展,其重要性大於英國因素和香港因素。因此,題目所言確能成立。

主旨句 其一,中國因素在1980-2000年間接及直接影響了香港代議政制的發展。 // 主項重要性 在間接影響方面,由於中國與英國於1984年簽訂了《中英聯合聲明》,確定香港將會於1997年回歸中國。為了避免香港回歸到中國後會受到中國的專制管治,英國政府加快香港代議政制的發展,希望將民主植根於香港,例如在1985年分別於立法局進行首次間接選舉及在區議會取消了全部的官守議席,提高立法局及區議會的人民代表性。及後,港督彭定康更於1992年推出政改方案,大幅改革立法局,全部60個議席均改由選舉產生。至於直接影響方面,中國政府對於急進的政改方案十分不滿,指責方案有違《中英聯合聲明》及《基本法》,另籌「臨時立法會」,並於1997年回歸後取締了1995年所選出的立法局議員,導致該批議員被迫「下車」,直接改變了香港政治歷史的發展。 // 小結 可見,中國因素間接及直接影響了香港代議政制的發展,意義非凡。




主旨句 英國因素也是塑造香港政治發展的成因之一。 // 他項重要性 於1997年香港回歸前,英國政府對於香港的發展有著全部的決策權,直接影響了香港政治的發展,例如在1980年代前,英國政府無意提高香港的民主成份,故當時未有出現大規模的代議政制改革,但至1980年代,英國政府推動代議政制改革,才使立法局能夠引入選舉,至1992年英國政府更准許港督彭定康革新立法局,把1995年立法局全數60席改由選舉產生,大大提高了立法局的代表性。 // 小結 可見,英國政府對於香港政治發展有著直接的影響力。

主旨句 然而,中國因素較英國因素更加重要。// 駁論 就因果關係而言,中國因素導致了英國政府進行代議政制改革。過往英國並不希望下放權力予華人,因英國政府恐懼會影響到其殖民統治,故未有在立法局引入選舉。然而,至香港即將回歸到中國的管治,英國政府為了提高香港的民主程度,以免香港回歸後受到中國的專制管治,故大力推動代議政制改革,甚至准許彭定康1992年的政改方案,將全部立法局議席改由選舉產生。 // 小結 因此,中國因素是導致英國政府改革香港政治的主因,也是塑造香港政治發展的最重要因素。




‘The China factor was the main factor that shaped the political development of Hong Kong in the period 1980-2000.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

After one and a half century of British colonial rule, Hong Kong was finally handed over to China in 1997. From 1980 through 2000, the China factor had been the most important factor that shaped Hong Kong’s political development. It influenced the development of representative government, party politics and localization of civil servants in Hong Kong, having greater importance than the Britain factor and Hong Kong factor. Therefore, the statement is valid.

First of all, the China factor directly and indirectly impacted upon the development of a representative government in Hong Kong in the period concerned. With respect to indirect impact, it all started with the Sino-British Joint Declaration中英聯合聲明 of 1984, which stated that the sovereignty of Hong Kong would be returned to China in 1997. In order to prevent Hong Kong from falling prey to Chinese autocratic rule after the handover, the British government sped up the process of establishing a representative government in Hong Kong and pushed hard for a firmly established democracy in this city. For instance, the first indirect election of the Legislative Council was held and all official seats in the District Council abolished in 1985 with the aim of raising the representative of the two councils. After that, Governor Chris Patten implemented his plan for political reform in 1992. He restructured the Legislative Council and changed all 60 seats into elected seats. As for direct impact, the Chinese government was unhappy with the radical political reform and criticized it for violating the Joint Declaration聯合聲明 and Hong Kong Basic Law基本法. The Chinese government set up the Provisional Legislative Council臨時立法會 instead, whose members replaced those elected in 1995 after the handover of 1997. They were forced to ‘get off the train下車’ and the incident directly changed the political development of Hong Kong. Therefore, the China factor was of special significance as it directly and indirectly affected the development of a representative government in Hong Kong.

Secondly, the China factor shaped the development of party politics in Hong Kong. The scheduled handover of Hong Kong motivated the Hong Kong British government to start a reform directed to build a representative government. The requirements for voters were relaxed to introduce more democratic elements to Hong Kong. As a result, many people and organizations were attracted to form political parties so as to stand for elections of the Legislative and District Councils. Examples are the Democratic Party民主黨, DAB民建聯 and HKFTU工聯會. This was a decisive factor that led to the emergence of party politics in Hong Kong. In addition, the China factor indirectly built Hongkongers’ support for pro-democracy parties. The bloody crackdown on the 1989 Democracy Movement八九民運 induced fear of the forthcoming Chinese rule among Hong Kong people. For that reason, they supported the pan-democratic camp more and hoped the democrats would fight for higher degree of democracy in Hong Kong to prevent possible autocratic administration after the handover. As a result, in the Legislative Council Election of 1991 as much as 14 of the 18 elected members were democrats. Furthermore, the China factor directly influenced the development of political parties. Parties in the pro-establishment camp, exemplified by the DAB民建聯 and HKFTU工聯會, were strongly backed by the Chinese government. In the Provision Legislative Council臨時立法會 organized by China in 1996, the majority of legislators were pro-Beijing and all of them became the original members of the Legislative Council after the handover. Therefore, the China factor influenced the development of Hong Kong party politics and played an important in shaping the city’s political development.

Thirdly, the China factor facilitated the localization of civil servants in Hong Kong and had great influence over Hong Kong’s political development. Regarding the prospect of Hong Kong, China and Britain confirmed the principle of ‘Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong港人治港’. The Hong Kong British government found it necessary to accelerate the localization of civil service for a smooth transition to ‘Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong’ in the future. Therefore, the government increased the number and subsequently the proportion of Chinese civil servants. This was manifested through the increase in the number of Chinese civil servants from 124,950 in 1980 to 188,393 in 1990 and in the percentage of them from 97.61% to 98.68% in 1990. As a result, more Chinese people took part in the governance of Hong Kong. As for senior officials, the changes were even more significant. No secretaries were Chinese before 1980; however, after the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration中英聯合聲明 in 1984, the Hong Kong British government gradually appointed Chinese officials as secretaries. For instance, Anson Chan陳方安生 and Donald Tsang曾蔭權 took up the posts as Chief Secretary and Financial Secretary in 1993 and 1995 respectively. In the post-colonial period, Tung Chee-hwa董建華, who is native Chinese, became the first Chief Executive of Hong Kong and all secretaries were Chinese. It is quite obvious that the China factor played a decisive role in facilitating the localization of civil services in Hong Kong.

The Britain factor and Hong Kong factor also affected Hong Kong’s political development, but they were less important than the China factor.

The Britain factor was also involved in shaping Hong Kong’s political development. Before the handover of 1997, the British government held absolute decision-making power over Hong Kong and directly influenced its political development. For example, the British had no intention of adding democratic elements into Hong Kong’s political system before the 1980s and there was no extensive reform introducing a representative government. It was not until the 1980s when the British started the reform and launched Legislative Council elections. In 1992, the British government permitted Governor Chris Patten彭定康 to transform the Legislative Council and to change all the 60 seats into elected ones in 1995, boosting the representativeness of the Council. Therefore, the British government had direct influence upon Hong Kong’s political development.

But the China factor was more important than the Britain one. In terms of cause-result relationship, the China factor led to the British government’s attempts at representative government. In the past, the British were reluctant to grant power to the Chinese as they worried that this would work against its colonial administration. There was thus no election for the Legislative Council. However, when the handover of Hong Kong to China was scheduled, the British government pushed forward the reform of Hong Kong’s political system in order to make Hong Kong a more democratic city and prevent it from coming under Chinese autocratic rule. The British even accepted the political reform proposal suggested by Chris Patten in 1992 and changed all seats of the Legislative Council into elected seats. Therefore, the China factor was the determinant of British attempts at political reform and it was the most important factor in shaping the city’s political development.

The Hong Kong factor also affected Hong Kong’s political development. Economic prosperity and further educational development after the Second World War led to the emergence of the middle class They were politically conscious and demanded more political rights after the improvement in living standard. They became a new force in Hong Kong’s politics. Also, Hong Kong people longed for the implementation of ‘Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong港人治港’. They enthusiastically formed political parties starting from the 1980s, including the Meeting Point匯點(1983) and the United Democrats of Hong Kong港同盟(1990), with the aim of entering the Legislative Council and standing for the District Council elections. This led to the proliferation of political parties after 1980. Therefore, the local factor was also an important motivational force for Hong Kong’s political development.

However, the China factor was more important than the Hong Kong one. In terms of causality, the China factor was the main reason for Hongkongers’ full political participation. It was China that established the principle of ‘Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong港人治港’ with Britain and motivated British reform in political system. These fueled the enthusiasm of Hong Kong people who were inspired to form political parties and to stand for elections. The China factor was therefore the fundamental factor that affected Hong Kong’s political development. In addition, in terms of impact, the China factor gave much stronger impact when compared to the Hong Kong factor because China was able to intervene in the political development of Hong Kong directly. For example, China was unhappy with the list of legislators elected in 1995 and it formed another council named the Provisional Legislative Council臨時立法會, whose members replaced those elected in 1995 after the handover. The Chinese influence was in fact much greater than the impact the local factor could make. Therefore, the China factor was the chief factor that shaped Hong Kong’s political development.

In conclusion, although the Britain factor and Hong Kong factor also shaped Hong Kong’s political development, they were far less important than the China factor. After the handover of 1997, China even had absolute power over the decision-making process involved in Hong Kong’s politics, exerting significant effect on the city’s political development.

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