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架構 美、蘇於1943-91年的關係曲折複雜,其中1943-62年是交惡期、1962-79年是緩和期、1979-85年是再次交惡時期、1985-91年是緩和及友好期。以下將逐一追溯並解釋。

主旨句 1943-62年是美、蘇關係的交惡期。 // 概括範疇 此時期,美、蘇兩國在經濟、軍事方面有對抗,而且有外交上時有矛盾及衝突,關係惡劣。 // 範疇一 在經濟方面,美、蘇分別推出了馬歇爾計劃(1948年)及莫洛托夫計劃(1947年)援助西歐和東歐的國家,在經濟上互相抗衡。 // 範疇二 此外,在軍事方面,美、蘇兩國更成立北約(1949年)和華沙公約(1955年)以作對抗。// 範疇三 再者,在外交方面,縱使1943-45年間美、蘇是同盟國的關係,但雙方卻在多次戰時會議中出現矛盾,例如在雅爾達會議(1945年)上,美國要求波蘭在戰後進行民主選舉,但蘇聯則反對,反映磨擦不時存在於兩國之中。 // 範疇四 更甚,兩國在此時期爆發了柏林危機(1948-49年)及古巴導彈危機(1962年),雙方在古巴導彈危機時更幾乎爆發戰爭,關係極為惡劣。 // 小結 可見,此時期是美、蘇關係的衝突期。

主旨句 意識形態差異及戰後問題的分歧使雙方關係交惡。 // 原因一 意識形態方面,由於美國奉行資本主義,提倡自由、民主及人權等思想,故對蘇聯的專制統治感到不滿。同時,奉行共產主義的蘇聯也認為資本主義是資本階級剝削無產階級的制度,因此反對資本主義。基於意識形態的差異,使美、蘇雙方互相批評、猜忌,並且作出對抗的行為,以保障己方的安穩,如美國及蘇聯於國共內戰(1946-49年)中分別支持國民黨及共產黨作戰,使美、蘇形成敵對狀況,關係惡劣。 // 原因二 此外,戰後問題的分歧亦使雙方關係疏離,如於討論德國的議題上,美國希望保持德國的統一,以有利貿易及經濟的發展,但蘇聯則認為強大和統一的德國對蘇聯西邊構成威脅,故反對,終使兩國往後因德國問題而出現多次衝突,關係交惡。








Trace and explain the relationship between the US and the USSR during the period 1943-91.

The relationship of the US and USSR was very complicated in 1943-91. They had poor relations in 1943-62, seemingly improved relations in 1962-79, worsened again in 1979-85 and the improved and friendly relations in 1985-91. Below, they would be traced and explained one by one.

The US and USSR had poor relations in 1943-62. In this period, the US and USSR counterbalanced each other in the economic and military aspects. Contradiction and conflicts occurred in diplomacy as well and all these led to their poor relationship. In the economic aspect, the US and USSR implemented the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃(1948) and the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃(1947) respectively to assist the Western and Eastern European countries. Economic contradiction was resulted. Apart from that, in the military aspect, the US and USSR formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization北約(1949) and Warsaw Pact華沙公約(1955) which contradicted each other. Furthermore, in the diplomatic aspect, despite of their relationship as allies in 1943-45, contradictions existed in numerous wartime conferences. For instance, in the Yalta Conference雅爾達會議(1945), the US demanded Poland to conduct democratic election after war; however, the USSR rejected it. It reflected that conflicts happened among these countries. Worse still, the Berlin Crisis柏林危機(1948-49) and Cuban Missile Crisis古巴導彈危機(1962) broke out among these two countries in this period. Wars nearly broke out during the Cuban Missile Crisis. This showed that their relationship was extremely poor. This reflected that it was the period of conflict of US-USSR relationship.

The ideological divergence and post-war problems worsened the relationship of the US and USSR. In the aspect of ideological divergence, the US advocated capitalism which promoted ideas like liberty, democracy and human rights自由、民主及人權. Hence, it was discontented towards the autocratic rule of USSR. At the same time, communist USSR believed that capitalism was a system which was utilized by capitalists to exploit the proletariats資本階級剝削無產階級. Therefore, it disagreed with capitalism. Due to the ideological divergence, the US and USSR criticized, distrust and even contradicted each other so as to protect the stability of their own side. For instance, the US and USSR supported Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China respectively in the Chinese Civil War國共內戰(1946-49). A conflicting position was formed and their relationship worsened. Apart from that, the divergence in post-war settlements distanced their relationship. For instance, in the issue of Germany德國, the US hoped to preserve its integrity so as to facilitate the development of trade and economy. However, the USSR thought that the powerful and unified Germany would impose threat to its Western border, and thus rejected such proposal. Eventually, numerous conflicts happened with the issue of Germany and they thus had a poor relationship.

US and USSR had improved relations in 1962-79. Their relationship had improvement again in this period. Not only did they sign treaties which limited armament, they also exchanged official visits and implemented peace treaties. These all showed the relieve of tense relationship. In the aspect of disarmament, both countries signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty禁止核試條約(1963) which restricted the nuclear test and the Strategic Arms Limitation Talk Agreement(SALT I) 限制戰略武器條約 (1972) for restrictions on missile systems and nuclear weapons. Also, the US and USSR heads of state exchanged official visits. For instance, US President Nixon尼克遜 visited the USSR and also China in 1972; the Soviet leader Brezhnev布里茲尼夫 visited Washington, which showed the improvement of their relations. Besides, the US and USSR signed peace treaties and made concessions. For example, the US recognised the post-war boundaries of Eastern Europe in the Helsinki Agreement赫爾辛基協定 (1975); the USSR promised its people basic human rights and freedom, which reflected détente between the two countries. It was clear that their relations improved in this stage.

Nuclear problem improved the US-USSR relationship. Cuban Missile Crisis broke out in 1962 among the US and USSR. This made war to be very likely. As both sides feared that the occurrence of nuclear war would destroy their own countries, they were willing to give in during the Cuban Missile Crisis. After the Crisis, Nuclear Test Ban Treaty禁止核試條約 (1963) was signed which alleviated the armament race of nuclear weapons. In the same year, a hotline熱線 was established to foster communication and prevent the outbreak of nuclear war. Apart from that, owing to the heavy financial burden caused by the arms race such as the capital invested in research and production of nuclear weapons, the economies of the US and USSR were heavily pressurized. Thus, they hoped to improve their relations so as to reduce military expenditures; for example, they held SALTs限制戰略武器會議 since 1969 to restrict the quantities of armaments, resulting in better relations.

In 1979-85, the relations between the US and USSR worsened again. The poor relation was more obvious in the military and social aspects. In the military aspect, the US greatly condemned the USSR invasion to Afghanistan阿富汗 in 1980. It scrapped SALT II第二回合限制戰略武器條約 and was not willing to improve relationship with USSR. Worse still, in 1983, the US launched the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) 星戰計劃 which regarded the USSR as its imaginary enemy. It reflected that they counterbalance each other again at that time. Apart from that, in the social aspect, the US and USSR boycotted the Olympic Games of each other. For instance, the US boycotted the Moscow Olympic Games莫斯科奧運會 in 1980 together with the Western European countries. Later, the USSR led the Eastern European countries and boycotted the Los Angeles Olympic Games洛杉磯奧運會 which was held by the US. This showed the poor relationship of the two. It was clear that their relationship worsened again after 1979.

Invasion of the USSR and the space race worsened the relationship of countries in this period. The Soviet invasion prompted confrontation between the two nations. As the USSR invaded Afghanistan阿富汗in 1979, the US was absolutely discontented, thus boycotted the Olympic Games held in Moscow莫斯科奧運會 in 1980 and abolished the SALT II《第二回合限制戰略武器條約》. To counteract, the USSR also called on other Eastern European countries to boycott the Los Angles Olympic Games in 1984, resulting in a state of deadlock. Also, the US strengthened its strategic deployment in space in the 1980s. For example, it introduced the Strategic Defense Initiative(SDI) 星戰計劃 in 1983; NATO members united to do research on space interception technology and saw the USSR as its imaginary enemy. This not only aroused the Soviet suspicion but also stimulated military competition in space between the US and USSR, leading to deterioration of their relations.

US and USSR had an improved and friendly relations in 1985-91. After 1985, the interflow and cooperation of the US and USSR in the diplomatic and military aspects increased. Moreover, they announced the end of Cold War, proving the great improvement of their relationship. In the diplomatic aspect, there was again exchange of visits by leaders of the US and the USSR. For instance, Gorbachev戈巴卓夫 met with US President Reagan列根 and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher戴卓爾夫人 in 1985, and Reagan paid a visit to Moscow in 1988. The mutual visits demonstrated communication among the leaders. In the military aspect, the US and the USSR reached even more disarmament agreements such as the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treat(INF)中程導彈裁撤條約(1987), which exemplify further improvement in their relationship. Most importantly, they dropped a hint of the end of the Cold War in the Malta Conference馬爾他首腦會議(1989)-they were no longer hostile but inclined towards friendliness. These show improvements in their relationship at the final stage.

The rise of Gorbachev greatly increased the relationship of the US and USSR. As Gorbachev became the General Secretary of the USSR, its enlightened and mild policies contributed to the improvement of relations with the US. For example, he met with US President Reagan列根and Margaret Thatcher戴卓爾夫人, Prime Minister of Britain in 1985 and asked the US to discuss disarmament agreements together. Besides, Gorbachev withdrew the Soviet troops from Afghanistan阿富汗 in 1988 and relaxed the Soviet control over Eastern Europe step by step, giving the US a better impression, which was the real factor in the improvement of the US-USSR relations.

To sum up, the US-USSR dominated the development of international relationship in the Cold War. The worsening of relationship between the two countries worsened the circumstance of Cold War. Eventually, the improvement of their relationship in the late 20th century facilitated the end of Cold War.

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