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原題目題號:DSE-2013-Essay-07 (以日本作為例子)


架構 自日本於19世紀末崛起成為強國後,對20世紀上半葉的亞洲在政治、經濟、社會及軍事等方面帶來了意義深遠的影響。以下,將分負面和正面方面以討論日本對亞洲造成的各方面影響。

主旨句 政治方面,日本大大損害了各國的主權。 // 段落內容 日本自19世紀末明治維新成功後,隨即積極侵略亞洲各國,例如其於1910年已經迫使朝鮮簽訂了《日韓合併條約》,吞併了朝鮮,使朝鮮失去自主權。此外,日本多次介入中國內政,例如在1915年威迫利誘要求袁世凱簽訂《廿一條》,希望把中國成為日本的保護國。及後,日本又於1932年扶植溥儀復辟,建立「偽滿洲國」,藉傀儡政權以干預中國內政,加強日本在華的影響力。再者,日本同樣地介入東南亞內政,其於1940年宣佈建立「大東亞共榮圈」,表面是驅逐西方列強出亞洲,但實際大肆侵略,在東南亞各國建立親日政權,結果嚴重損害了亞洲各國的主權。 // 小結 可見,日本損害了各國的主權,為一負面影響。








Select one country and discuss its impact on the continent to which it belonged in the period 1900-49.

Since Japan rose as a power in the late 19th century, it had brought enduring impact on Asia in political, economic, social, military and other aspects in the first half of the 20th century. The essay is going to discuss both positive and negative impact of Japan on Asia in different aspects.

Politically, Japan greatly infringed the sovereignty of many countries. After the successful Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century, Japan displayed its aggression against other Asian countries. For example, it forced Korea to sign the Japan–Korea Annexation Treaty日韓合併條約 in 1910, depriving it of autonomy. Besides, Japan made several attempts to meddle in China’s internal affairs. For instance, it intimidated and lured Yuan Shikai袁世凱 into signing the Twenty-One Demands廿一條 in 1915 in order to make China a protectorate of Japan. After that, it put Puyi溥儀 on the throne and established a puppet regime called Manzhouguo偽滿洲國 to intervene in China’s domestic affairs and strengthen its influence there. Moreover, Japan also interfered in the internal affairs of Southeast Asian countries. It announced the policy of setting up the ‘Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere’ 大東亞共榮圈. Japan superficially aimed at driving out the western countries, but it started invasions relentlessly and established pro-Japanese regimes around Southeast Asia. This resulted in blatant violation of sovereignty of other Asian countries, which was apparently a negative impact.

In political aspect, Japanese aggression also stimulated the rise of communism in Asia. In the first half of the 20th century, Japan relentlessly invaded other Asian countries, including China in 1937 and Southeast Asian countries in 1940. The original political situation was changed completely and the communists took the chance to promote their ideology. The aggression became the indirect factor facilitating the spread of communism in Asia. With respect to China, after the KMT’s several encirclement campaigns against the CCP, there left only 4 thousand communists in 1937 before Japan’s full-scale attack on China. However, the July 7th Incident七七事變 staged by Japan in 1937 gave the KMT no choice but to give up its policy of ‘stabilizing the country before resisting foreign invasion’ 攘外必先安內 and offered the CCP a window of opportunity. The communists made an effort to extend their influence when the KMT was busy resisting Japanese aggression and they managed to turn the tables at the closing stage of the war. Similar situation appeared in Korea朝鮮 and Vietnam越南 as well, and communist regimes were then unavoidably installed in these countries. Japanese aggression provided a breeding ground for communism, whose influence increased greatly after the war. It is clear that Japanese invasions assisted in the rapid spread of communism in Asia.

Economically, Japan greatly hindered economic development in Asia. In order to stimulate domestic economic development, Japan ceaselessly started invasions to get their resources. Many Asian countries became the prey of Japan and their economic resources were drained by it. For example, by virtue of the Twenty-One Demands廿一條(1915) signed with China, Japan was granted the right of mining in South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia, being able to seize resources from China. As for Southeast Asia, Japan announced the New Order in East Asia東亞新秩序 in 1938 and expressed interest in Southeast Asian countries. It surely depleted resources there and took away economic interests from them. More importantly, Japan brought about even greater economic devastation to Asia during WW2. The prolonged war led to shutdown of factories, damages to farmland and economic stagnation. The losses were catastrophic. For China alone, Japan had caused direct losses of US$100 billion and indirect losses of US$500 billion. It did great harm to other Asian countries and gave rise to their ailing economy. Therefore, Asian economy suffered much from Japan.

In military aspect, Japan drew Asia into wars. Japan was eager to expand its territory in the first half of the 20th century for economic interests and status as a power. It thus started invasions and wars, drawing the continent into wars. For example, as early as 1904 it launched a sudden attack on Russian army in Lushun旅順 and sparked the Russo-Japanese War日俄戰爭, in which Northeast China turned into battlefield of the powers and became war-torn. The September 18th Incident九一八事變(1931) and January 28th Incident一二八事變(1932) caused wars and suffering in the Northeast part of China and the Shanghai area respectively. Japan’s full-scale invasion against China starting from 1937 even dragged it into the eight-year war of resistance. After that, Japan further invaded other parts of Asia. Starting from 1940, it invaded Southeast Asian countries on the pretext of driving out Western imperialism. It also invaded Hong Kong香港 in 1941 and these caused ceaseless warfare and countless deaths. More than 18 million casualties were caused in China only. It is true that Japan exerted irreversible and catastrophic impact on Asia. Therefore, Japan caused prolonged wars in Asia and harmed the continent greatly.

Despite its catastrophic impact on Asia, it cannot escape notice that Japan also brought some positive impact.

Politically, Japanese aggression indirectly promoted decolonization in Asia. It is true that Japan relentlessly invaded Asian countries on the pretext of establishing the ‘Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere’ 大東亞共榮圈 and liberating Asian countries by driving out Western imperialistic countries. Nevertheless, Japan defeated the Asian colonial governments established by Western countries like Britain and France and proved that even an Asian country was able to kick the Western powers out of Asia. This encouraged other Asian countries to overthrow colonial rule and gain independence, leading to a trend of decolonization. For example, Indonesian印尼 armed groups adopted guerrilla warfare against Dutch rule and the pressure made the Netherlands recognize its independence in 1949. Vietnam越南 also chose the method of war against France and gained independence in 1954 as well. Eventually, the trend of decolonization swept across Southeast Asia and most Asian countries became independent successively in the post-war period. Therefore, Japanese aggression indirectly led to decolonization and gave positive impact.

In social aspect, Japanese aggression promoted unity among people within their own countries. Japan started a number of invasions in the first half of the 20th century and caused disturbance to other countries. Therefore, people were all united in different countries against Japan and this favoured national unity. The most typical example was the KMT and CCP from China. The two parties had their relationship broken in the 1920s and the former launched five encirclement campaigns against the latter in the early 1930s. However, Japanese aggression intensified constantly with events like the September 18th Incident九一八事變(1931) and January 28th Incident一二八事變(1932). The two parties consequently put down their ideological differences. The CCP made the August 1 Declaration八一宣言 in 1935 to call for national unity and end of civil war so as to resist Japanese invasion jointly. After the July 7th Incident七七事變 in 1937, the KMT gave up the policy of ‘stabilizing the country before resisting foreign invasion’ 攘外必先安內 and formed the Second United Front with the CCP for resistance against Japan. These showed that Japanese aggression facilitated national unity in Asia.

To conclude, in political, economic, social, military and other aspects, Japan brought about profound impact on Asia, which was mostly negative and made Japan difficult to develop a peaceful and sincere relationship with the neighbouring countries.

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