架構 港英政府1950-60年代大量中國內地民眾移居香港及1980-90年代的前途議題時用上了不同的方法應對,其中在解決內地移民所帶來的問題時,則透過成立更多行政機構、推行更全面的民生政策、推廣節育及實行人口政策以應對;在處理香港前途議題所帶來的問題時,則透過推動代議政制、落實港人治港的方針以解決,以下將從上述各個論點討論。
主旨句 港府成立更多行政機構以處理中國內地民眾移居香港所帶來的問題。 // 問題A的段落內容 二次大戰後,內地大量民眾移居到香港,使香港人口劇增。但人口的持續增長對政府各項服務的需求構成壓力,同時,原有政府機構的職能也未能專責應對因人口持續上升而產生的問題,例如入境犯罪活動的增加等,故對政府的管治造成挑戰。因此,政府於1950年代末起設立了大量的行政機構,包括於1958年改組社會局為社會福利署,為有需要市民提供緊急的實物援助;成立入境處(1961年)執行海、空兩路的出入境管制及打擊出入境犯罪活動等,以應對大量民眾移居到香港所產生的問題。 // 小結 可見,港府增設大量行政機構以處理內地移民潮來到香港所帶來的問題。
主旨句 港府推動代議政制的改革以處理香港前途議題所帶來的問題。 // 問題A的段落內容 隨著1984年《中英聯合聲明》的簽訂,香港將會於1997年回歸中國。然而,英國政府擔心香港回歸中國後會受到共產主義的管治而變得專制,失去民主。加上,不少港人對於回歸共產主義的中國感到恐懼,引發90年代的移民潮。因此,在此問題上,英國政府授權港府積極進行代議政制的改革,為香港奠定民主,同時加強港人對香港前途的信心,如逐步取消立法局、區議會、市政局的官守和委任議席,並且增加民選議席。此外,港督彭定康更於1992年推出政改方案,大幅改動立法局的組成方式,於 1995年,立法局全部60席均改由選舉產生,使立法局的民主成份大大提高,以奠定民主基礎,減少回歸後香港政治受到中國的專制模式所影響。 // 小結 可見,港府積極推動代議政制以應對香港前途議題所帶來的問題。
Examine how the Hong Kong government tackled the problems arising from the influx of Chinese immigrants in the 1950s and 60s, and the question of Hong Kong’s future in the 1980s and 90s.
The British colonial government used different methods to deal with the large amount of immigrants from Mainland China in the 1950s-1960s and the issue on future of Hong Kong in 1980s-1990s. In dealing with the former problem, the government established more government agencies, implemented a more comprehensive policies concerning people’s livelihood, promoted contraception and implemented population policies. In coping the problems brought by the future of Hong Kong, the government advocated the establishment of representative government, as well as actualized the Principle of Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong. The above points would be discussed in the essay.
The British colonial government established more government agencies to deal with the problems brought by the large amount of immigrants from Mainland to Hong Kong. After the second world war, large amount of Mainlanders migrated to Hong Kong and led to a great increase in population size. However, it created pressure to the provision of different government service. At the same time, the original government agency failed to solve the problems brought by the rise in population. For instance, the increase of crimes along with immigration. Hence, there was a great challenge to the governance. Therefore, the government set up a lot of government agencies in the late 1950s. It includes the reorganization of Social Affairs Bureau into Social Welfare Department社會福利署 in 1958. It provides concrete material assistance to people who in need urgently; Immigration Department入境處(1961) is established to carry out restrictions in immigration and emigration by sea and land, and combated illegal activities. Such action was to deal with the problems brought by large amount of people moving to Hong Kong. This showed that the British colonial government established a lot of government agencies to deal with the problems brought by great amount of migration of Chinese to Hong Kong.
The government implemented a more comprehensive policies concerning people’s livelihood, so as to deal with the problems brought by large amount of Mainland immigrants living in Hong Kong. In the wave of mass migrations from Mainland to Hong Kong in 50s-60s, most of the migrants were from the lower class and had a relatively poorer economic conditions. They lived in poor environment such as cage home籠屋and area with wooden houses木屋區. Also, their offsprings lacked the opportunity to receive education due to their financial difficulties. The above situation easily bred the discontent of Mainland migrants to government and shook its governance. The 1967 riots六七暴動 was launched by the grassroots to express discontent to government. Therefore, the government implemented policies concerning people’s livelihood in the late 60s. For instance, as for social welfare, Comprehensive Social Security Assistance公共援助計劃(1973) was implemented so as to provide assistance to the needy; as for housing, Ten-year Housing Program十年建屋計劃(1972) was launched to build public housings to 1.8 million citizens; as for education, 6-year Compulsory Education六年免費教育(1971) was implemented to provide basic education to children aged 6-12 so as to alleviate the discontent of grassroots and stabilized the governance. This showed that the government implemented a more comprehensive policies concerning people’s livelihood so as to deal with the problem brought by large amount of Mainland migrants.
The British colonial government promoted contraception and implemented population policies in dealing with the problems brought by Mainlanders migration to Hong Kong. With the large number of Mainland residents moving to Hong Kong in the 50s-60s, the population of Hong Kong increased tremendously. It rose from 1.97 million in 1950 to 3.07 million in 1960. As the Chinese was being affected by the traditional family concepts, the fertility rate was usually higher and the population expanded continuously. As a result, pressure was created to the societal resources and welfare. Therefore, the government actively promoted contraception. It utilized the great amount of promotion of the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong to advocate idea of ‘Two is enough兩個夠晒數’ and tried to correct the traditional value of big family. Apart from that, the government gradually took charge of the Birth Control Clinics in the 32 Family Health Service in Family Planning Association家計會 of Hong Kong in 1970s. It provided services included trans abdominal tubal ligation and termination of pregnancy so as to halt the rapid population growth. Also, in order to prevent the Mainland migrants flowed into Hong Kong, the Touch Base Policy抵壘政策 was established in 1974 so as to reduce the number of Mainlanders living in Hong Kong. This showed that the government actively promoted contraception and implemented population policy so as to deal with the problems brought by large amount of Mainlanders moving to Hong Kong.
The above showed the ways that the government deal with the problems brought by large amount of Mainlanders migrating to Hong Kong. In the following, it would discuss the ways that the government deal with the problems brought by the issue of the future of Hong Kong.
The British colonial government advocated the reform of representative government to deal with the future of Hong Kong. With the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration中英聯合聲明 in 1984, Hong Kong would be returned to China in 1997. However, the British government afraid that the handover would make the ruling of Hong Kong became autocratic with the influence of communism and lost democracy. Also, a lot of Hong Kong people were fear of the handover and led to the waves of mass migrations移民潮 from Hong Kong in the 90s. Therefore, the British government authorized Hong Kong government to actively reform the representative government so as to establish democracy and built the confidence of people towards the future of Hong Kong. For instance, the official官守 and appointed委任 seats of Legislative Council, District Council and Urban Council were cancelled. Also, number of elected seats increased. Apart from that, Chris Patten彭定康, the governor, carried out the constitution package in 1992 and greatly changed the formation of Legislative Council. In 1995, all 60 seats in the Legislative Council were voted by people. The democratic elements of the Legislative Council increased tremendously and the foundation of democracy was established. Such move was to reduce the autocracy of Hong Kong under the influence of China. This showed that the Hong Kong government greatly advocated the representative government in respond to the problems brought by the issue of future of Hong Kong.
Hong Kong government actualized the Principle of Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong so as to deal with the problem in the handover of Hong Kong. China would resume her sovereignty on Hong Kong in 1997, the British colonial government hence faced the problem on handing over of rulers. Before, the senior positions were monopolized by foreigners, local Chinese could hardly work in a senior position. If the situation continued, huge challenge was resulted to the formation of ruling party after the handover. Therefore, the Hong Kong government actively implemented the Principle of Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong港人治港 after the signing of Sino-British Joint Declaration中英聯合聲明. More and more local Chinese were appointed as senior civil servants. For instance, Anson Chan陳方安生 was appointed as the first Chinese Chief Secretary in 1993. Later, Donald Tsang曾蔭權 was appointed as the first Financial Secretary. In 1996, apart from the Governor港督 and Commander British Forces英軍司令., all major officials were occupied by Chinese. Such act was to nurture rulers which could help ruling Hong Kong after the handover. This showed that the Hong Kong government implemented Principle of Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong so as to deal with the problems brought by the handover of Hong Kong.
To sum up, the Hong Kong government practiced different ways to deal with the large amount of Mainlanders migrating to Hong Kong in 1950s-60s as well as the problems brought by the issue of future of Hong Kong in 1980s-90s. Effectiveness was reached by these ways and the problems could be handled.