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定義 「蛻變」是指本質上的改變,由一種形態轉變至由一種形態,蛻變的前後有著顯著的差異。 // 立場清政府及南京政府於統治期間均嘗試使中國出現蛻變,然而,兩政權均未能革新中國的各個方面,中國並未經歷根本的轉變,故題目所言只能在部分程度上成立。 // 架構以下,將從政治、經濟、社會及外交方面討論。

主旨句 其一,清政府未能使中國政治上蛻變。 // 核心點前的情況中國政治向來專制,皇權至上,缺乏民主成份。// 核心點的影響及往後的情況 儘管清政府於1905年起推行憲政改革,例如於1908年頒布欽定憲法大綱,試圖革新中國政治。 然而,憲法中君主權力超然,皇權至上的特質未有改變。此外,諮議局(1909年)的議員只由少數地方士紳所選出,欠缺民選成份。更甚,資政院(1910年)及內閣(1911年)向皇帝而非人民負責,內閣的官員更全由皇帝任命,皇族壟斷了內閣(13人當中有7人),實欠缺人民代表性,只是鞏固皇權的工具,專制仍然。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,雖然清政府推行了憲制改革,但改革只為鞏固皇權,並非改變中國專制的政治本質,因此在晚清改革前、後仍然未有出現根本性的轉變,實未能為中國政治帶來蛻變。

主旨句 南京政府也不能為中國政治帶來蛻變。 // 核心點的影響及往後的情況雖然南京政府按孫中山的《建國大綱》逐步將中國由軍政的階段推至訓政及憲政。但憲政階段因中日戰爭(1937年)爆發而被推遲至1946年才正式通過,中國至1937年仍然停留於訓政階段,由國民黨一黨專政,加上,南京政府奉行以黨治國的方針,排除異己,不斷剿共,故專制本質仍然。此外,即使南京政府嘗試推行五權分立,但當時人民仍然缺乏選舉權,選舉制度並未能於中國確立,也缺乏民主成份。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,儘管帝制不在,但南京政府時期的中國政治仍然與其改革前的狀況相似,同樣專制、缺乏民主,因此只是表面上出現改變,但本質上並不能為中國政治帶來蛻變。








‘The Late Qing government failed to transform China in the period 1900-12, while the Nanjing government succeeded in the period 1927-37.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

“Transformation” means the change in the nature of subject. Obvious differences existed both before and after such transformation as the nature changes from one to another. Both the Qing and Nanjing governments transformed China during their regimes. However, both of them failed to transform all aspects and China could not experience a total transformation. Hence, the statement could only be agreed to a certain extent. Below, it would be discussed in the political, economic, social and diplomatic aspects.

Firstly, the Qing government could not transform the political aspect of China. The politics of China was autocratic all the time. The emperor had absolute power and democratic element was lacked. The Qing government had implemented a constitutional reform since 1905. For instance, in 1908, the Outline of Constitution欽定憲法大綱was issued, which attempted to transform the politics of China. However, the emperor’s power was still superior and the nature of such superiority was the same as before. Apart from that, members of Provincial assemblies諮議局(1909) were elected from gentries from a few places and electoral element was lacked. Worse still, the National Assembly資政院(1910) and cabinet內閣(1911) were responsible to the emperor but not the people. All ministers in the cabinet were appointed by the emperor and it was dominated by royal families皇族(7 out of 13). It was not representative of the people but was rendered an instrument for consolidating the royal power and autocracy remained. In comparison, although the Qing government implemented a constitutional reform, the objective of the reform was to consolidate the royal power instead of changing the nature of Chinese autocratic politics. Hence, the Late Qing Reform did not bring about a fundamental transformation and could not transform the political aspect of China.

The Nanjing government failed to transform the political aspect of China as well. Although the Nanjing government was to proceed from military Rule軍政 to political tutelage訓政 and to constitutional government憲政 according to the Sun’s ‘Fundamentals of National Reconstruction’ 建國大綱, China still remained in the political tutelage period due to the outbreak of Sino-Japanese War中日戰爭(1937). The Constitution was not adopted until 1946. In 1937, China remained at the state of political tutelage and one-party dictatorship一黨專政 was still practiced by Kuomintang. Also, one-party dictatorship was adopted which the government eliminated dissidents like purging the Communists. The nature of autocracy was still the same. Apart from that, the Nanjing government tried to adopt the five-power system五權分立. However, people at that time still did not have any voting rights and hence an election system was not established in China. Democratic element was missing. In comparison, although monarchy did not exist at that time, the politics of China during the era of Nanjing government was similar to the situation before the reform. They were both autocratic and undemocratic. Therefore, the change was superficial and no real transformation was made in the nature of China’s politics.

Secondly, the Qing government did not make any transformation in the economy of China. The economic situation of China before 1900 was poor, local enterprises faced difficulties in development and the productivity of average population was low. The Qing government attempted to make the country wealthy by establishing the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce商部(1903), drafting commercial laws (e.g. Articles of Association公司章程) and developing the railway network. Chinese companies started to develop and China passed some commercial laws that were rather modernised. Yet, the economic condition of China remained poor. Opium鴉片 still squeezed the assets of people. The Qing government even had to pay an indemnity of 450 million silver taels because of the defeat of the Eight-Power Allied Forces八國聯軍. Also, local industries could hardly develop with the harm done by foreign goods and it was hard to operate the companies. Furthermore, the Qing government did not actively promote the mechanization of agriculture. Hence, mode of small-scale agriculture still remained and the productivity was rather low. In comparison, the economic environment of China was backward and poor before 1900 in China. Although the Qing government tried to improve the economy by reforms, the effectiveness was limited and the economy of China was the same which the productivity was low. This reflected that the Qing government could not transform the economy of China.

Nanjing government could not transform the economy of China as well. The Nanjing government pushed forward economic reforms. It reformed the monetary system by replacing silver dollars銀元 with banknotes紙幣 in 1935. Economic regulations like Exchange Act交易所法 and Weights and Measures Act度量衡法 were passed to create a sound economic environment. Also, it assisted local industries and extended railways, which helped develop the industry. However, the economy of China did not experience any transformation as the economy was dominated by several plutocrats (especially the “Big Four Families” 四大家族), hindering the development of local small and medium enterprises. Besides, China was still an agricultural society that most people engaged in agricultural activities. But productivity remained low without introducing machines. Moreover, the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War中日戰爭 in 1937 halted commercial activities in many areas and the economic environment was still poor. In comparison, although the economy improved a bit after the reform of Nanjing government, the effectiveness should not be overestimated. The economic environment of China was still poor and the backward agricultural mode of production remained. These illustrated that the Chinese economy did not transform with the reform of Nanjing government.

Thirdly, socially, the Qing government did not transform China. There were a lot of social misbehaviour and feudal thoughts in China. In the Late Qing reform, the government imposed orders such as women were free from foot-binding纏足, opium-smoking吸食鴉片 was illegalised and slavery奴隸 was forbidden. These efforts were put in order to modernize the society. However, in fact, the above reforms failed to implement thoroughly. For instance, opium-smoking became an underground activity and was not totally eradicated. Moreover, thoughts including social classes社會階級 and inequality between men and women男女不平等 still existed. The traditional feudal thoughts were deeply rooted and such nature did not change because of the reform made by Qing government. In comparison, the society of China before 1900 was both feudal and backward. Although the Qing government implemented social reforms in attempt of improving the social condition, these reforms were meretricious. Feudal thoughts and uncivilized social misbehaviour still existed. No transformation was made in the society of China.

Nanjing government failed to actualize transformation in the Chinese society as well. Nanjing government actively implemented social reforms, including following the early republican practices to prohibit foot-binding and slave trade. Also, the New Life Movement新生活運動 was started in 1934 which promoted the Confucian virtues of “propriety, righteousness, honesty and the sense of shame” (li, yi, lian, chi禮﹑義﹑廉﹑恥). However, the Chinese society could not transform with the reforms made by Nanjing government. Although some social misbehaviours such as foot-binding and slave trade were halted, a lot of misbehaviours and feudal thoughts remained, such as corruption貪污, superstition迷信鬼神 and sexual inequality重男輕女. Some of these misbehaviours and thoughts even continued until now, showing its failure in bringing a total transformation. In comparison, although the Nanjing government scrapped some of the social misbehaviours, it could not totally reform the Chinese society and eradicate feudalism, uncivilized thoughts and behaviour. Therefore, in this period, the Chinese society did not have much differences in compared to the time before and no transformation was experienced.

Fourthly, the Qing government did not transform Chinese diplomacy. Since the defeat in Opium War鴉片戰爭 in 1842, China failed into an unequal diplomatic status. For instance, tariff autonomy關稅自主權and extraterritoriality治外法權 were lost. China’s sovereignty and independence were not being respected. Although the Qing government replaced Zongli Yamen總理衙門 with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部 in the hope of improving the unequal international status, China’s status remained low as the Ministry failed to arbitrate with foreign countries in world affairs. Unequal treaties including Nanjing Treaty南京條約(1842) and Shimonoseki Treaty馬關條約(1895) existed and they controlled the internal politics of China. As a result, China could not enjoy her autonomy and independence. Aspects like tariff關稅 and judiciary司法 were still being intervened and controlled by foreign countries. In comparison, China was being restrained by unequal treaties both before and after 1900. Also, the unequal diplomatic status of China still persisted. These reflected that the Qing government failed to transform China’s diplomacy.

The Nanjing government also failed to transform the diplomacy of China. The Nanjing government worked hard in improving the international status of China and scrapping the unequal treatment of foreign countries. For instance, it recovered British concessions at Hankou漢口 and Xiamen廈門 in 1926-30, and regained the tariff autonomy關稅自主權 in 1930 which improved the diplomatic status of China. However, the diplomacy of China was still in an unequal state as unequal treaties were still bounding China. Also, foreign countries had the extraterritoriality治外法權 of China. The unequal situation did not improve in 1937. Apart from that, China failed to maintain her independence and fell prey to Japan. Japan invaded the whole of China in 1937 and China’s sovereignty was not being respected. In comparison, until 1937, although China regained some sovereignty, her unequal diplomatic treatment did not totally change. The situation was the same with that before the Nanjing reform. Therefore, transformation did not exist in China at that time.

To sum up, the Qing government and Nanjing government contributed to the construction of China’s modernization in 1900-12 and 1927-37 respectively. However, the change did not achieve any transformation in nature. The nature of China in the two periods was still the same. Hence, both Qing and Nanjing governments failed to transform China.

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