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定義「侵略性」指的是一種主動進攻的欲望,希望侵佔別國的領土及資源,甚至迫害其他民族。 // 立場德國於一次大戰前及1930年代均具侵略性,但仔細端詳,不難發現1930年代的德國遠較其於一次大戰前更具侵略性,故題目所言確能成立。 // 架構以下,將從擴軍、擴張、同盟、對集體安全體系的破壞及民族主義方面比較。

主旨句 其一,德國在1930年代的擴軍遠較其在一次大戰前更具侵略性。 // 項目B 德國在一次大戰前雖然大肆擴軍,包括在陸軍方面擴至1914年可動員人數達450萬人;在海軍方面擴建無畏艦,由1910年的5艘增建至1914年的22艘。但一次大戰前的德國的擴張並未有受任何公約所約束,因此具有擴軍的自主權。 // 項目A 然而,至1930年代,當時德國的軍隊數目被《凡爾賽條約》所約束至10萬人,並且限制擴建海軍及空軍。但德國卻於1935年撕毀條約,重新實行徵兵制,並且建造海軍及空軍,明目張膽破壞了條約精神,及後於1936年再次公然違反《羅加諾條約》,重新將萊茵河區軍事化,此等均反映德國的擴軍行動極具侵略性。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,就國際規範而言,一次大戰前儘管德國有擴軍的行動,但未有違反任何公約,但1930年代的德國則多次打破條約規定而擴軍,故1930年代的德國的確較其在一次大戰前更具侵略性。






Do you agree that Germany was more aggressive in the 1930s than it was before the First World War? Justify your view.

The word ‘aggressive’ refers to the desire to initiate invasion, getting the territories and resources of other countries, and even suppressed other nations. Germany was aggressive in both before WW1 and in the 1930s. However, the extent of German aggressiveness in the 1930s was more than that before WW1. Thus, the statement was valid. The stance would be analyzed in the aspects of military expansion, territorial expansion, alliances formed, damage to the collective security system and German nationalism.

Firstly, the military expansion showed that Germany was more aggressive in the 1930s than it was before the First World War. Germany greatly expanded her army before WW1. For instance, the size of mobilized army increased to 4.5 million soldiers in 1914; as for navy, Germany continued building dreadnoughts無畏艦 which the number rose from 5 in 1910 to 22 in 1914. But as German expansion was not restricted by any treaties, she had the autonomy to expand militarily. However, as in the 1930s, the number of soldiers was restricted to 100 thousands according to the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty also restricted her expansion of navy and air force. In 1935, Germany destroyed the treaty and reintroduced conscription徵兵制. Worse still, she reorganized army and navy which destroyed the treaty in an obvious way. Later in 1936, she openly violated the Locarno Treaties羅加諾條約 such as the remilitarization of Rhineland萊茵河區. Such actions implied that German military expansion was extremely aggressive. In comparison, in terms of international regulations, although Germany did expand its army before WW1, it did not violate any treaty. However, in the 1930s, Germany violated numerous treaties and expanded militarily. Therefore, Germany was more aggressive in the 1930s than she was before WW1.

Secondly, expansion of Germany in the 1930s was more aggressive than she was before WW1. Before WW1, the expansion of Germany mainly focused on overseas colonies. For instance, she tried to fight against France and get the benefits of Morocco摩洛哥in North Africa (1905 and 1911). At that time, Germany did not directly expand into Europe. Instead, she just supported Austria-Hungary, which was her ally, to expand into the Balkan巴爾幹. However, in the 1930s, Germany actively planned and expanded in Europe. She gradually invaded the nearby countries. At first, she annexed Austria奧地利 in 1938, then demanded getting the Sudetenland蘇台德區 where lived 3 million Germans in the same year. After that, Germany was more aggressive and seized land where lived non-Germans. She invaded Czechoslovakia捷克斯洛伐克 in March 1939 and assaulted Poland波蘭 in September. Eventually, WW2 broke out with a series of invasions of Germany. In comparison, in terms of invasion targets. the targets of German expansion were mainly focused on overseas colonies before WW1. Under the influence of imperialism at that time, such act was normal for great powers. However, in the 1930s, Germany targeted on European countries and this greatly damaged the balance of power in Europe. She challenged the bottom line of the international community and eventually led to the WW2 with her invasion. This showed that Germany was more aggressive in the 1930s.

Thirdly, the alliances formed by Germany in the 1930s were more aggressive than those formed before WW1. Before WW1, the alliances formed by Germany were defensive in nature. German Prime Minister Bismarck俾斯麥 formed the Triple Alliance三國同盟(1882) in order to prevent France and Russia from attacking her. The clauses would valid only when the ally was being attacked by other countries and hence was not aggressive. However, in the 1930s, the alliances formed was aggressive in nature. For instance, Germany formed the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis柏林—羅馬—東京軸心 with Italy and Japan in 1937. They recognized each other’s’ military action in their respective continent and this greatly boosted their ambition. After that, Germany signed the Pact of Steel鋼鐵條約 with Italy in 1939. It demanded any side of the signees to provide assistance to each other when other was in war. The clause was valid no matter the signee was the one being attacked or started the attack. This implied that the treaty was aggressive in nature and was unlike the Triple Alliance that clauses would be valid only when she was being attacked. In comparison, in terms of nature, the alliances formed before WW1 was defensive in nature. The goal of such liaison was to protect the national safety. However, in the 1930s, alliances formed with Germany were aggressive in nature which targeted on invasion. This showed that Germany was more aggressive in the 1930s than she was before WW1.

Fourthly, damage to the collective security system in the 1930s reflected that Germany was more aggressive at that time than before WW1. Before WW1, the uncooperative attitude of Germany hindered the effectiveness of collective security. For instance, in the Second Hague Conference第二次海牙會議 held in 1907, Germany refused to reduce her navy size and this led to the failure of conference in reaching concrete disarmament. However, Germany still participated and followed the peace agreement. In contrast, in the 1930s, Germany numerously damaged the collective security system. For instance, she quitted the Geneva Conference日內瓦會議 in 1933 and led to its failure. In the same year, she quitted the League of Nations and refused to maintain peace by cooperating with the international community. Worse still, Germany numerously infringed the international treaties. For example, Germany violated the regulations in the Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約 in 1936 and remilitarized Rhineland萊茵河區; she also violated the Kellogg-Briand Pact凱格—白里安條約 in 1939 which denounced the use of war as the national policy. Germany invaded places like Czechoslovakia捷克 and Poland波蘭 which arbitrarily violated peace treaties and destroyed the collective security system. In comparison, in terms of participation, Germany still participated in the collective security system before WW1. However, in the 1930s, not only did she refused to participate in the peace-keeping work, she destroyed the collective security system continuously. Worse still, she ignored the international treaties. These reflected that Germany was more aggressive in the 1930s.

Fifthly, the German nationalism in the 1930s was more aggressive than it was before WW1. Before WW1, German nationalism was expansive in nature擴張性. For instance, Germany encouraged Austria-Hungary, where lived 1/3 Germans, to expand to the Balkans巴爾幹 so as to increase the influence of Germans. At the same time, German nationalism was exclusive in nature排他性. They thought that the Jews猶太人 were exploiting the resources of society and boycotted them. However, the German nationalism was even more aggressive in the 1930s. In terms of expansion, as Hitler thought that the Germanic people was the most superior of all. He also believed that Germans should rule the world, and hence, he actively expanded the army and initiated invasions. Apart from that, in terms of exclusivity, Hitler advocated extreme Antisemitism. Jews were being exploited continuously. For instance, the citizenship and rights of Jews were taken away after the passing of Nuremberg Laws紐倫堡法規 in 1935. After that, Jews were treated in an inhumane way as they were being suppressed and imprisoned. In comparison, in terms of ferocity, the German nationalism were expansive and exclusive in nature. However, under the ruling of Hitler in the 1930s, nationalism was very extreme. Jews were being slaughtered in the later stage and they were being suppressed in an unprecedented way. This showed that Germany was more aggressive in the 1930s than she was before WW1.

To sum up, Germany was more aggressive in the 1930s than she was before WW1 as reflected in the military expansion, territorial expansion, alliances formed, damage to the collective security system and German nationalism. Worse still, Germany was very aggressive in the 1930s as she expanded arbitrary and destroyed peace. Eventually, German invasion made WW2 became inevitable.

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