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背景 毛澤東是20世紀期間對中國發展有著舉足輕重影響力的人物,雖然其成功帶領共產黨擊敗國民黨,建立中華人民共和國。 // 立場 雖然其對中國的發展有著重大的貢獻,然而,相比其所造成的負面影響,實弊多於利。 // 架構 以下,將從政治、經濟、社會、教育及外交方面比較。

主旨句 政治方面,毛澤東雖然有助新中國的建立,但卻使中國陷入專制及政治鬥爭,是弊多於利。 // 項目A(利處) 雖然毛澤東成功帶領共產黨於第二次國共內戰(1946-49年)中擊敗國民黨,建立了新中國。並且,於新中國建立後積極建設社會主義,成功於1956年宣佈中國進入社會主義國家。 // 項目B(弊處)然而,其帶來的弊處更多。因其帶領下建立的新中國是實行一黨專制的體制,使中國未能有效發展民主。此外,毛澤東個人心胸狹窄,貪戀權力,於大躍進失敗而被迫退居二線後,其一直伺機奪回權力,最終發動了文化大革命,煽動紅衛兵打倒「走資派」,結果使中國陷入十年浩劫,政黨機構癱瘓,人才盡失,其中前國家主席劉少奇就於文革的放逐及拘禁期間病逝。同時,長期的政治鬥爭也導致人民對黨﹑馬列主義和政府失去信心,造成「三信」危機,遺禍甚深。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,雖然毛澤東有助新中國的建立及社會主義的建設,但卻使中國無法發展民主,專制本質維持至今,更導致政治鬥爭不斷,令人民對政府失去信心,造成政治危機,妨礙了中國的發展,故實是弊多於利。






Do you agree that Mao Zedong’s impact on the development of China was more positive than negative?

Mao was an influential person who affected the development of China a lot. Though he succeeded in leading the CCP to defeat the KMT and founded the People’s Republic of China, having many contributions to China. When compared to the negative impact created by him, negative impact was more than positive impact. Political, economic, social, educational and diplomatic aspects are to be discussed.

In political aspect, although Mao established a new China, the People’s Republic of China, he dragged China into autocracy as well as political struggles. Thus, negative impact was more than positive impact. True, Mao led the CCP to defeat the KMT during the Chinese Civil War國共內戰(1946-49) and built the new china. Plus, Mao was eager to build socialism in China and he even announced China stepping into a socialist state社會主義國家 in 1956. However, there were more negative impact. Since the leadership under Mao was one-party dictatorship一黨專制, China was thus failed to develop democracy. Besides, Mao was narrow-minded, craving for more powers. When he failed during the Great Leap Forward and he was forced to retreat to the second line, he was determined to reclaim the power. Eventually, he initiated the Cultural Revolution文化大革命, which advocated mass mobilization. Red guards were gathered together to fight against the ‘capitalist roaders’ and ‘revisionists’. China was then plunged into 10-year dark period. Not only did the party paralyze, but capable leaders were also lost, including Liu Xiaoqi劉少奇, who died during the Cultural Revolution. Meanwhile, the long-lasting political struggles also made people lose faith and confidence towards the PRC, Marxism-Leninism and the government, which in turn contributed to the ‘San Xin Weiji’ 三信危機, jeopardizing China. Comparatively speaking, even though Mao helped establish the new China and socialism, he did not help China develop democracy and autocracy even remained today. Political struggles were frequent and people lost confidence on the government, giving rise to the challenges in governance, which hampered the development of China. Hence, negative impact was more than positive impact.

In economic aspect, though Mao did have contributions to China’s economy, negative impact outweighed positive impact. Mao carried out the Land Reform土地改革(1950-52), which expropriated large area of land from landlords and rich peasants, redistributing to peasants who had no land. This boosted the productivity. On top of that, the First Five Year Plan一五計劃 led by Mao achieved impressive results. In 1957, the gross value of industrial output increased by 128.6% when compared with that of 1952, laying a solid foundation for China’s industrialization. However, negative impact was more than positive impact. After achieving a significant result during the First Five Year Plan, Mao became so idealistic that he launched the Great Leap Forward大躍進(1958-60). Owing to backward production as well as the poor quality of iron, the quality of the resulting steel was extremely poor. In spite of the 11.08 million tons of steel produced, half of which were below standard. To make matters worse, about 1/4 could not be used at all. Many of the manpower and resources were wasted. The failure of steel production, together with the fabrication of the production figures in agricultural produce, dragged China into difficult three-year period (1960-62). 15-30 million people died because of massive famines. Afterwards, Mao, in order to reclaim the power, started the Cultural Revolution文革 (1966-76), during which people were busy criticizing each other, halting economic production. It is estimated that the ten years of the revolution cost China 500 billion yuan of national income. Economic development was obstructed. Comparatively speaking, it is true that Mao made impressive results in economy during the earlier period, which was the 1950s. However, the catastrophic Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution started by Mao seriously hindered China’s economic development. What he had achieved in earlier period was covered by his mistakes made in these two events. Plus, the period of 1950-1970s was the golden period of economic development around the world. China failed to grab this great opportunity. Her economy remained poor. Hence, negative impact was more than positive impact.

In social aspect, in terms of preserving China’s traditional cultures and moral, Mao undoubtedly brought more negative impact than positive impact. Mao made an attempt to enhance the status of women, and encouraged women to take part in the Great Leap Forward大躍進 as well as the Cultural Revolution文革. Apart from enhancing women’s status, he also urged the masses to ‘destroy the Four Olds’ 破四舊. This favored Chinese to get rid of the traditional culture and customs. However, negative impact was more than positive impact as Mao started the Cultural Revolution to destroy the traditional values of China that had lasted for a few thousand years. For example, during the ‘destroy the Four Olds’ 破四舊, many valuable antiques and monuments were damaged at the same time. Confucianism was also criticized unreasonably. This seriously distorted the traditional cultures of China. Moreover, Mao mobilized the masses to criticize, making many teenagers at that time believed that ‘parents may love me, but not as much as Chairman Mao爹親娘親不及毛主席親.’ They supported Mao rather than their parents and teachers. Bo Xilai薄熙來, who purged his father, was a typical example. The society was divided and moral decline resulted. Comparatively speaking, Mao undeniably enhanced women’s status and helped get rid of some feudal values, he also destructed many traditional values, one of which was Confucianism, leading to moral decline, which was irreversible. Hence, negative impact was more than positive impact.

In educational aspect, Mao seriously impeded the educational development in China. Negative impact was thus more than positive impact. Despite the fact that Mao implemented the ‘Up to the Mountains and down to the countryside movement上山下鄉運動 in 1968, sending 16 million ‘sent-down youth’, who set up schools in rural areas and became teachers. This facilitated the development of basic education. Due to the efforts made by the knowledgeable youngsters, the primary school enrolment rate increased from 57% in 1963 to 96% in 1976. Their contribution to basic education in China was significant. However, generally speaking, Mao hampered the educational development of China as he placed emphasis on ‘redness’ at the expense of ‘expertise’ 重紅不重專, turning a blind eye to knowledge and technology. For instance, during the Great Leap Forward大躍進, he attached much importance to industrial production, frowning upon learning and education. Worse still, during the Cultural Revolution文革, Mao mobilized the masses to criticize the intellectuals and professionals. Education was regarded as unproductive and worthless. People believed that ‘the more knowledge, the more reactionary’ 知識愈多愈反動 and ‘the more you study, the more foolish you become讀書無用﹑愈讀愈蠢.’ This created a generation lacking education. In 1982, more than 200 million people were illiterate and semiliterate. Comparatively speaking, although the ‘Up to the Mountains and down to the countryside movement’ made a positive influence on China’s basic education, the neglect and overlook on education generated a generation lacking in knowledge. Hence, negative impact was more than positive impact.

In diplomatic aspect, Mao brought more negative impact than positive impact. Though Mao succeeded in enhancing the status of China as a communist country in communist bloc such as participating in the Korean War韓戰(1950-53), helping North Korea to confront South Korea as well as the US, playing an important role in communist bloc. However, there was more negative impact. Since Mao intervened in the Korean War, the United Nations thus enforced embargo禁運 on China, together with the poor relations with the west, diplomacy only maintained with communist countries. In the late 1950s, Mao openly criticized Khrustchev赫魯曉夫 as ‘capitalist roader走資派’, aggravating the relations between China and the USSR. The Soviet even called back the professionals in China, isolating China. To make things worse, during the Cultural Revolution文革, strong anti-foreign feelings emerged. The Red Guards attacked foreign legations and assaulted ambassadors inside. The worsened the relations with the west. Though China used Ping Pong Diplomacy乒乓外交(1971) to improve relations with the US, what Mao did during the Cultural Revolution brought China to a more serious isolation. Comparatively speaking, though Mao hoped to enhance China’s status in the communist bloc, he lopsided China’s diplomacy. China’s relations with the Western countries nearly broke off during the Cultural Revolution, hindering the interaction with other countries. Hence, negative impact was more than positive impact.

In conclusion, though Mao played a significant role and brought great influence on China during the earlier period, he became ambitious, aggressive and idealistic later. Eventually, he brought irreversible negative impact to China. Hence, negative impact was more than positive impact.

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