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Assume you were living in the 1960s in a country or region that is within this course’s curriculum, and had a strong hope to migrate to another country or region which is in a different regime. State the country or region that you were staying and the country or region that you would like to migrate. Then explain the difficulties that you were facing in the current country or region and the attractions or the new country or region.

Assume I was living in China in the 1960s, I would have a strong urge to migrate to Japan with democracy. I would explain the problems of China at that time in terms of political, economic, social and diplomatic. Also, I would explain the attractions of Japan.

In political aspect, China was politically authoritarian and there were numerous struggles which made me wish to migrate. In the 1960s, China was a communist and autocratic state with one-party dictatorship upheld. The communist party was the only legitimate political party. Establishment of other political parties were not allowed. The people generally did not have the right to vote and they were not able to vote for the future of their country. There was no democracy and can be said as a country with extreme autocracy. In addition, although China was under the ruling of Liu Shaoqi in the early 1960s which stabilized China’s politics, Mao Zedong launched the “revolution” in 1966 to called on the people to criticize and to overthrow the "capitalist-roaders走資派" such as Liu Shao-chih劉少奇 and Deng Xiaoping鄧小平. As a result, China’s politics fell into long term political struggles. In January 1967, there was even a "January storm一月風暴" in Shanghai. There was unstable situation in China and citizens’ lives were at risk. It can show that there was autocracy in China with political instability. Thus it was not an ideal political environment.

In contrast, there was democracy and stability in Japan’s politics which attracted me to migrate to Japan. After the introduction of Showa Constitution昭和憲法 in 1947, Japan became a country with true democracy. Emperor’s power was abolished officially while there was right to vote for all adults over 20 years old. They could elect the Parliament’s members and even affect the leader of the country by their votes. Furthermore, the political environment of Japan was stable. Japan was a country was diversified political parties but the party struggle was not serious. Since Japan entered the period with 1955 System五五體制 since 1955, which the Liberal Democratic Party was the biggest political party while the Socialist Party was the second in the country. With citizen’s vote, the Liberal Democratic Party became a long term and stabilized ruling party. With the stability in Japan’s politics, Japan got a desirable environment to develop its economy and education, which is beneficial to Japan’s long term development. Hence, there was not only democracy in Japan’s politics, but also stability so it was a desirable place to migrate.

In economic aspect, there was a poor economy in China which brought hard times to citizens. In the beginning of the 1960s, China just experienced the failure of the Great Leap Forward and entered a difficult three-year period三年困難時期. The number of abnormal death reached 30 million. Although the economy started to recover under Liu Shaoqi’s readjustment policy, Mao Zedong launched the Cultural Revolution文化大革命 in 1966. People actively participated in criticism and neglected economic production. The national economy growth slowed down again. The growth rate of national income dropped drastically from 14.7% in the adjustment period調整時期(1963-65) to that in the third Five-Year Plan period’s (1966-70) 8.3%. There was declining economic development, especially in agriculture aspect. The popular agriculture only got a growth rate of 3% which was an unsatisfactory development. It can show that there was a poor economic environment in China which was not an ideal country.

In contrary, there was a rapid economic growth in Japan which was an excellent development. With the Japanese government actively carrying out economic reforms after the war, the economy of Japan entered a golden age in the 1960s. Japan's GNP had surpassed the West Germany in 1968 and had become the second largest economy in the world. Furthermore, the living environment in Japan flourished. For example, in the 1950s, the “Big Three三大件” owed by the wealthy families were bicycles, sewing machines and radios. However, by the early 1960s, the "Big Three" was redefined as black-and-white television sets, washing machines and refrigerators. They were owned by many families. By 1966, the "Big Three" had become "3C appliances", including Car, Cooler and Colour TV. The material life of the Japanese people had reached an affluent level. It can show that the Japanese economy grew rapidly and citizens’ life was more affluent, making it an ideal place to migrate.

In social aspect, China's moral ethics collapsed, with monoculture and single entertainment. There was also poor education. After the launch of the Cultural Revolution in 1966, Mao Zedong called on people to expose and criticize their parents and teachers. The social morality and ethics collapsed at that time and it was not a harmonious society. In addition, there was limited cultural and recreational development in the 1960s, especially during the period of the Cultural Revolution. People could only watch the model films that advocated revolutionary ideas and could not watch foreign films, music and cultural entertainment under the strict control of the Chinese government. There were limited personal choices. Furthermore, there was poor education at that time. The enrollment rate of primary education was only 57% in 1963. It was difficult for children to improve their future by knowledge. At the same time, there were 16 million youth that need to participate in the “Up to the Mountains and Down to the Countryside Movement上山下鄉運動”. They abandoned their studies to promote the development of rural areas which greatly restricted the development of education. It can show that there were many serious social problems in China in the 1960s so it was not an ideal living environment.

On the contrary, there was harmony in the Japanese society. Not only there was diversity in culture and entertainment, the education level was also very high. In the 1960s, there was no large-scale social struggles and chaos in Japan and the social environment was very harmonious. In addition, the life and entertainment in Japan were diversified. Foreign films and music were imported to Japan. At the time, the animation development in Japan was flourished with freedom to create without the restrictions from the country. There were a few famous animations in Japan. For example, the Astro Boy小飛俠阿童木(1951), Doraemon多啦A夢(1969), etc. People could easily find their favorite hobbies and works. Furthermore, Japan's education level in the 1960s was comparable to that in the West. The enrollment rate in junior high schools reached as high as 99%, and there were many internationally renowned universities, such as the Tokyo University東京大學 and the Kyoto University京都大學. Education was liberalized rather than to instill patriotic messages. It can show that Japan had a desirable social environment and it was ideal to migrate there.

In diplomatic aspect, China was not a desirable country to stay because of its tensed relationship with other countries. In the 1960s, China had poor relationships with foreign countries as China was a communist country that confronted with the capitalist countries. There were no diplomatic ties with the United States, South Korea and other countries. Furthermore, during the Cultural Revolution, many Red Guards attacked foreign consulates. China got poor relationship with other countries and isolated herself. In addition, there were conflicts broke out between China and its neighboring countries from time to time. For example, there was a war broke out between China and India in 1962 and conflicts broke out between China and the Soviet Union in 1969. Due to the poor relationship between China and other foreign countries, it would be difficult to travel abroad with limited options. Hence, the poor relationship between China and other foreign countries shows that China was not an ideal country.

On the contrary, the relationship between Japan and foreign countries were more harmonious and diversified so Japan was a better country. Since the Second World War, Japan had actively improved its relationship with neighboring countries. For example, the Treaty of San Francisco三藩市條約 was signed in 1952 to rebuild the relationship with Southeast Asian countries. In 1965, Japan resumed diplomatic relationship with South Korea in order to diversify its diplomacy with Japan. Japan also got good relationship with other countries not only with Southeast Asian countries, but also Western countries. They got close contacts in terms of economic and cultural. More importantly, there were no massive conflict or war with other countries in the 1960s in Japan. Therefore, migrate to Japan would be a good choice because of its secure environment and the easy access to foreign countries with a large variety of choices. Therefore, the good diplomatic relationship of Japan with other countries made Japan an ideal country to migrate.

In conclusion, due to the various problems in China in the 1960s regarding political, economic, social and diplomatic aspect, as well as the ideal situation of Japan in the above aspects at the same time, I would like to migrate to Japan to seek for a better living environment.

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