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How effective were the attempts to maintain peace in Europe by the international community in the period 1919-39?

After the First World War, there were different international attempts to maintain peace in Europe with a view to preventing another world war, including peacekeeping organization, peace treaties, disarmament conferences, peace conferences, appeasement policy, treaties of mutual assistance and non-aggression pacts. However, these attempts mostly ended up failing, creating short-lived peace in the 1920s but failing to prevent the next world war in the long run.

Through the collective security system, the international community maintained short-lived peace in Europe in the 1920s. These countries established the League of Nations, signed peace treaties and held disarmament conferences to create a honeymoon period for Europe in the 1920s. As for the League, it solved certain disputes between some countries, including the Italian bombardment of the Greek Corfu Island科孚島 in 1923 and the Greek希臘 invasion of Bulgaria保加利亞 in 1925, playing a role in settling conflicts. As for peace treaties, the Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約 guaranteed the borders of Belgium, France and Germany, and the signatories of the Kellogg-Briand Pact凱格—白里安公約 agreed to maintain world peace and renounce war as an instrument of national policy. These treaties created a favourable environment for peace. As for disarmament conferences, the Washington Conference華盛頓會議 stipulated a 5:5:3:1.75:1.75 ratio of tonnage for capital ships with respect to Britain, the United States, Japan, France and Italy respectively, and the London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議stipulated a 5:5:3 ratio of tonnage for heavy cruisers with respect to Britain, the United States and Japan respectively. These ratios limited the quantities of armament possessed by the signatories. Clearly, the collective security system contributed to the peaceful atmosphere and honeymoon period in the 1920s.

However, when these attempts by the international community are examined carefully one by one, one can notice that they failed to bring about permanent peace.

First of all, the peacekeeping organization failed to maintain peace in Europe. At the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, US President Wilson proposed the Fourteen Points和平十四點, one of which was to establish a world organization named the League of Nations. When dealing with aggressors, the League would first issue a condemnation, then impose economic sanctions when condemnation did not work, and finally take military actions when sanctions did not work. Nevertheless, the League had no armed forces and relied on the powers for financial and military support. Its vulnerability was shown once countries such as Britain and France were in decline. In addition, some powers such as the US and the USSR did not join the League at that same time. The lack of their support contributed to the League’s incapability that promoted the ambition of the aggressors. For instance, for the Italian invasion of Abyssinia阿比西尼亞 in 1935, the League failed to stop the aggression and Italy even left the organization in 1937. Unrestrained, the aggressor started another invasion against Albania阿爾巴尼亞 in 1939. Therefore, the impotence of the League of Nations promoted the ambition of the aggressors and demonstrated the ineffectiveness of this peacekeeping attempt.

Secondly, peace treaties also failed to maintain peace in Europe. For the sake of peace, Western countries signed two peace treaties in the 1920s in order to prevent territorial disputes and support non-military means for settling conflicts. They were the Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約 of 1925 and the Kellogg-Briand Pact凱格—白里安公約 of 1928. However, these treaties were effective to a very small extent only since they entailed no punishment and the signatories could choose not to follow the terms. The Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約 did not guarantee the eastern borders of Germany that were shared by various newly-established nation states, promoting German eastwards expansion as exemplified by the invasion of Czechoslovakia捷克in 1939. Also, the Kellogg-Briand Pact contained a clause of ‘legitimate self-defense合法的防衛’ that was abused as an excuse by the aggressors. For example, in 1938, Germany requested the annexation of the Sudetenland蘇台德區 on the pretext of protecting the ethnic Germans there. Therefore, peace treaties were ineffective in keeping the aggressors in check.

Thirdly, the international attempts at disarmament were rather ineffective. In order to slow down the arms race and prevent wars, the powers organized three disarmament conferences, namely the Washington Conference華盛頓會議(1921-22), the London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議(1930) and the Geneva Disarmament Conference日內瓦裁軍會議(1932-34). Nevertheless, the Washington Conference only led to the limitations on capital ships主力艦 and aircraft carriers航空母艦 with no consensus reached on other naval armaments. As for the London Naval Conference, the number of signatories was very limited. There were only three countries signing the treaty, namely the US, Britain and Japan. Also, both the Washington Conference and the London Naval Conference focused only on naval build-up and there was no mention of land or air forces. It was true that the Geneva Conference was a more comprehensive disarmament conference. Nevertheless, Germany considered it a must for other countries to disarm since the country already made disarmament efforts under the Treaty of Versailles凡爾賽條約, or else Germany would have the right to rearm itself. The lack of consensus on disarmament and the withdrawal of Germany from the conference aroused worries about the military revival of Germany and prompted the participating countries to start their military build-up. Therefore, such disarmament efforts had many limitations and their effectiveness should not be overestimated.

Fourthly, the attempts at keeping peace in Europe through conferences failed and even paved the way for the Second World War. The powers held peace conferences in the inter-war period to solve conflicts and reach post-war settlements. For example, after the First World War, they had the Paris Peace Conference to formulate the Treaty of Versailles凡爾賽條約 for Germany and the Treaty of St. Germain聖澤門條約 for Austria-Hungary. However, conference was not an effective way of solving problems. The Paris Peace Conference ended with heavy punishments for Germany, including US$33 billion in reparations and sole responsibility for its war guilt. This greatly upset the Germans and contributed to the rise of Hitler希特拉 and Nazism in 1933. In addition, Britain and France failed to keep their promise at the London Conference of 1915 and did not give Italy Fiume and Dalmatia. This greatly disturbed the Italians and contributed to the rise of Mussolini墨索里尼 and Fascism in 1922. Meanwhile, the principle of national self-determination民族自決 was proposed at the conference but it did not apply to the ethnic Germans, serving as an excuse for Germany to start invasions. For instance, in 1938, it demanded the return of the Sudetenland蘇台德區 with an ethnic German population of 3 million. Apparently, conferences did not bring about peace but caused various after-effects.

Fifthly, Britain and France’s appeasement policy綏靖政策 also failed to create peace. Plunged by the legacy of the First World War and the Great Depression into economic recession, the two countries were incapable of stopping aggression and adopted the appeasement policy as an attempt to satisfy the aggressors. For instance, when Germany reintroduced conscription徵兵制 in 1935, Britain and France did nothing to stop it, and the former even concluded the Anglo-German Naval Agreement英德海軍協定 with Germany that allowed the total tonnage of the German navy to be 35% of the total tonnage of the British Royal Navy. However, the appeasement policy only encouraged the appetites of the aggressors and led to more invasions. For example, Britain and France did not stop the German reintroduction of conscription in 1935 and remilitarization of the Rhineland萊茵河 in 1936, encouraging Germany to target Austria奧地利 with an ethnic German population of 6 million and forcibly annex the country. Later at the Munich Conference慕尼黑會議 of 1938, Britain and France sacrificed Czechoslovakia捷克斯洛伐克 and gave the Sudetenland to Germany, but this only encouraged the Germans to annex the rest of Czechoslovakia and launch a sudden attack on Poland波蘭 in 1939, after which the two countries found it necessary to abandon appeasement and declare war on Germany. It was clear that the policy of appeasement ended in complete failure.

Sixthly, treaties of mutual assistance were signed to maintain peace but proven to be ineffective. To prevent being attacked by aggressors, some countries chose to form defensive alliances. For example, France signed treaties of mutual assistance互助條約 with Poland波蘭 and Czechoslovakia捷克斯洛伐克respectively in 1925 that guaranteed mutual assistance in case of foreign aggression. In addition, after the German reintroduction of conscription in 1935, France signed the Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance with the Soviet Union to enhance their defense capabilities and deter foreign aggression. However, these treaties were not as effective as they were intended to be since the signatories’ sole concern was to protect their own interests. For instance, France did not provide Czechoslovakia with assistance when it was invaded by Germany in 1939 for fear of being embroiled in war. Also, the Soviet Union signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact互不侵犯條約 with Germany in 1939 out of fear for German aggression. The signing of a new treaty voided the Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance, and the Soviets actually did not support France at the beginning of the war. It can therefore be concluded that these treaties of mutual assistance did not serve their intended purposes and were largely ineffective.

Last but not least, the Soviet Union’s attempt at self-preservation with a non-aggression pact also ended up failing. Worrying that German territorial expansion would eventually get the Soviets involved in war, the USSR accepted Germany’s invitation and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact in August 1939. They agreed to take no military action against each other and remain peaceful for the next 10 years. Despite the 10-year non-aggression pledge, Germany adopted Operation Barbarossa巴巴羅薩作戰計劃 and launched a surprise attack on the Soviet Union in 1941 for fear that the strong Soviet presence would eventually be a threat to its national security. A war between Germany and the Soviet Union broke out only 2 years after the non-aggression pact was signed. Therefore, the Soviet attempt to maintain peace between Germany and the USSR with a non-aggression pact was also a complete failure.

In conclusion, the international community did create a honeymoon period in Europe in the 1920s; however, due to the flaws and limitations of its peacekeeping attempts, it did not create permanent peace and stability but caused the Second World War to happen only 20 years after the First World War. Therefore, the international attempts at peacekeeping in the period 1919-39 were mostly failed.

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