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‘National interest leads to war as well as cooperation.’ Elaborate this statement.

National interest refers to money, life or power, things that can satisfy the demand and desire of countries. National interest has a significantly high influence in shaping the international situation. Not only would it lead to war, but also contributing to mutual cooperation. Below, this essay will illustrate this statement by showing how national interest led to the outbreak of the Second World War, and fostered European countries in reaching economic cooperation after the WWII.

National interest led to the outbreak of the WWII in the European warfront. After the First World War, under the harsh terms of the Versailles Treaty凡爾賽條約, Germany was forced to pay an indemnity of USD 330 billion, lose 10% of territory and population. Her interest was sharply hindered. At the same time, despite Britain and France’s promise of ceding the territories of Fiume阜姆 and Dalmatia達爾馬西亞 to Italy in the London Conference倫敦會議 of 1915 in the hope of luring Italy to betray her German ally, Italy only received the land of Tyrol提洛爾 and Istria伊斯特尼亞. This also greatly harmed the national interest of Italy. Germany and Italy respectively suffered from the loss of national interest to a different extent. As such, the widespread of national discontent became the best hotbed that paved to the rise of Nazi Hitler and Fascist Mussolini. As both of them rose to power, they actively adopted an expansionist policy to regain their national interest. In terms of Italy, it coerced Yugoslavia南斯拉夫 to cede the port of Fiume and attacked Albania阿爾巴尼亞 in 1939, gaining substantive territorial interest. In terms of Germany, Hitler actively seek for “living space生存空間”, and greatly expanded its territory, as exemplified by the reunification of Germany and Austria奧地利 in 1938, and the occupation of the whole of Czechoslovakia捷克 in 1939. Eventually, the Second World War broke out as Germany launched a sudden attack on Poland波蘭. Meanwhile, Britain and France suffered from economic turmoil after the WWI and the Great Depression. In avoidance of getting into another war which would harm their national interest, the two countries adopted the appeasement policy綏靖政策 against the aggressors. For example, in the Munich Conference慕尼黑會議 of 1938, they agreed to cede the area of Sudetenland蘇台德區 to Germany, which ultimately boosted the ambition of the aggressors. The WWI broke out as a result of the unlimited concession made by the appeasement policy. This reflected that national interest led to the outbreak of war in Europe.

National interest also led to the outbreak of war in the Asian war-front. After the Great Depression經濟大蕭條 in 1929, most countries in the world adopted protectionism in trade, raising tariff and forming trade barriers. The export volume of Japan was subsequently affected and plummeted, leading to the closure of many factories. By early 1930s, the unemployment population rose to a stunning number of 3 million in Japan. Due to economic devastation, Japan militants proposed to obtain interest from neighbor countries by expansion in the hope of revitalizing the nation. Therefore, since early 1930s, Japan had frequently attacked other countries, for example, in 1931, it launched the September 18th Incident九一八事變in assault of the Chinese Northeastern region, and initiated the January 28th incident一二八事變 in 1932 in assault of Shanghai. Furthermore, it put forward the July 7th Incident七七事變 in 1937, planning to occupy the whole of China to gain access to the huge territory, resource, human capital and market initially owned by China. This ignited the fire of war in Asia as the Sino-Japanese War broke out. Apart from China, Japan further extended her ambition to other countries in Southeast Asia. In 1940, she proposed the idea of establishing the “Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere大東南共榮圈”. Despite the pretext of liberating Southeast Asian countries from the Western powers, Japan hoped to invade Southeast Asia, seeing it as a resource zone that could facilitate Japan’s national development. Japan exploited the interest of Southeast Asian countries over petroleum and plastics to strengthen itself. As a result, war spread all of over the region, engulfing India印度, Myanmar緬甸 and Thailand泰國 into the fire of war. The Asian war-front further extended . This showed that Japan provoked the Asian warfront of the WWII because of national interest, leading to the outbreak of war.

National interest also drew the US and USSR into war, provoking multiple conflicts. In terms of the Soviet Union, back in August, 1939, fearing that the Soviet would subject to Nazi German attack, while intending to obtain part of the Polish territory, the USSR reached the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact互不侵犯條約 with Germany. While Soviet hoped to preserve her national interest, her behavior has facilitated Germany to launch a sudden assault on Poland波蘭 by easing German concern of being subjected to a two-front war. It was true that the USSR was preserved in the early phase of war, which prevented any harm of her own national interest. However, Hitler soon observed that the USSR’s national strength was incrementally rising, and the danger posed by the Soviet was increasing. By weighing the pros and cons, Hitler believed that the rising Soviet Union would become a perspective opponent to Germany. As such, in 1941, he put forward the Operation Barbarossa巴巴羅薩作戰計劃, assaulting the Soviet Union. Since the USSR posed a threat to Nazi Germany’s national interest, the war between Germany and the Soviet Union consequently broke out. The USSR, thus, could no longer be neutral in times of war. In terms of the US, US adopted an isolationist policy based on her national interest. However, as US continuously offered loaned and military assistance to the allied powers, coupled with the fact US imposed a petroleum embargo on Japan alongside with the Soviet Union, Japanese national interest was fatally harmed-Petroleum was a major resource that enabled Japan to fight in long term. In the hope of protecting her national interest and hoping to secure a final victory, Japan launched a sudden attack on the US Pearl Harbour珍珠港 in December, 1941. Consequently, the US was also drawn into war, leading to the outbreak of the Pacific War. This reflected that national interest led to more conflicts during the Second World War, drawing more and more countries to reluctantly participate in the war.

From the above argument, it is observed that national interest led to the outbreak of the Second World War. This essay would further illustrate how national interest fostered mutual cooperation between European countries economically below.

National interest encouraged Western European countries to engage in economic cooperation. After the Second World War, economic devastation became a hotbed for the emergence of communism. The spread of communism would potentially communise more countries, resulting in a contraction of free trade market自由貿易市場 under the principle of capitalism, which ultimately pose a grave danger to the interest of capitalist Western European countries. Therefore, in the hope of curbing the spread of communism and revive the economy, Western European countries successfully obtained USD 130 Billion from the US under the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃. The Organisation for European Economic Cooperation歐洲經濟合作組織(1948) was established to allocate the loan between member states, laying the foundation for economic cooperation in Western Europe. Besides, Belgium, Netherland and Luxembourg established the Benelux Union比荷盧聯盟 in 1948 so to stimulate economic development by lowering tariff, encouraging free flow of resource. The success of the Benelux Union enlightened France. Introducing a similar model, and expanding the scale of economic cooperation, France, along with Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Western Germany and Italy established the Inner Six內六國 to stimulate regional economic development. They set up the European Coal and Steel Community歐洲煤鐵共同體(1952), the European Economic Community歐洲經濟共同體(1958) and the European Community歐洲共同體(1967), which allowed them to continuously cooperate with each other. On top of that, though the UK established the European Free Trade Association歐洲自由貿易聯盟 with Austria and Switzerland in 1960, which was later known as the Outer Seven外七國, the effectiveness of Outer Seven cooperation was far below than that of the EEC. As a result, member states of the Outer Seven respectively joined the EEC. Afterwards, Western European countries further expanded the scale of cooperation. In 1993, the European Union歐盟, which became the second largest economy in the world, second only to the US, was set up. This showed that national interest encouraged Western European Countries to engage in economic cooperation.

National interest also encouraged economic cooperation between Eastern European countries, and urged them to part in Western Europe’s integration effort. Following the proposal of the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃 in 1947 by the US, which aimed to aid Western European countries in against to communism, the USSR feared that Marshall Plan would be attractive to Eastern European countries, and ultimately affected Soviet control of the Eastern European nations, harming her interest. In response to the Marshall Plan, while contributing to mutual economic development, the USSR put forward the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃 in 1947, and signed a series of trade and economic agreement with Eastern European countries. For example. It offered 6 million USD of loan aid to Albania阿爾巴尼亞 for purchase of agricultural and light industry machineries; USSR provided resources like cotton, steel mine, petroleum products to Poland波蘭, while Poland provided textiles products, coal to the USSR. All of these efforts effectively stimulated economic development. Afterwards, in order to further strengthen economic cooperation in Eastern Europe so as to bring about more interest, the USSR formed the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) 經濟互助委員會 in 1949 with other Eastern European countries. This greatly strengthened the bonding of countries within Eastern Europe. Afterwards, as Eastern Europe gradually got rid of the grip of USSR in 1980s, Eastern European countries realised their economy were not on par with that of the West. Therefore, in the hope of obtaining more economic interest, such as foreign investment in the region, boosting trade volume and fostering the development of tourism, Eastern European countries also started participating in economic integration with the West. Several Eastern European countries respectively reached agreements with the European Community, such as the Europe Agreement between EC and Poland波蘭, and EC and Hungary匈牙利 respectively. They became eligible候補資格 to join the economic integration effort initiated by Western Europe. Economic interaction increased, paving way to economic integration between the entire Western and Eastern Europe. This clearly suggests that national interest became the basis of economic cooperation between Eastern European countries, and facilitated the unification of European economy.

In conclusion, water is a boon in the desert, but the drowning man curses it. On the one hand, national interest propelled countries going into war with each other on a global level. On the other hand, it was also national interest that facilitated mutual cooperation between nations, constructing partnership between different states.

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