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背景 晚清政府於1911年倒台後,中國經歷民國初期、袁世凱專政、軍閥混戰及北伐等時期。 // 立場及架構然而,至1928-37年南京政府執政期間,中國在政治、經濟、軍事及外交方面的狀況其實與晚清時期的分別不大,只有在社會上有明顯的轉變,故題目所言在小程度上成立。

主旨句 政治方面,南京政府時期與晚清時期的中國均十分專制,分別不大。// 晚清時期 晚清政府時期,中國實行君主專制政體,儘管嘗試推行憲制改革,但專制本質不變,例如1908年頒布《欽定憲法大綱》,但憲法中君主權力超然。而且,諮議局(1909年)的議員只由少數人民所選出,並非普遍性的選舉制度。更甚,內閣的官員更全由皇帝任命,皇族壟斷了內閣(13人當中有7人),只是鞏固皇權的工具,政治上十分專制。 // 南京政府時期至南京政府時期,雖然南京政府按孫中山的《建國大綱》逐步將中國由軍政的階段推至訓政及憲政。但憲政階段因中日戰爭(1937年)爆發而被推遲至1946年才正式通過,中國至1937年仍然停留於訓政階段,由國民黨一黨專政。此外,即使南京政府嘗試推行五權分立,但當時人民仍然缺乏選舉權,選舉制度並未能於中國確立,也缺乏民主成份。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,儘管晚清政府時期希望將中國打造成君主立憲政體,而南京政府時期則希望將中國變為共和立憲政體,但兩時期均改變不了專制的本質,中國政治仍然是人治而非法治,同時也缺乏普遍性的選舉,故兩段時期的中國分別不大。







To what extent was China in the Nanjing Decade (1928-37) different from how it had been in the Late Qing period (1901-11)?

After the fall of the Qing government in 1911, China went through several phases marked by the establishment of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai’s autocracy, the chaotic Warlord Era and the Northern Expedition respectively. However, during the Nanjing Decade between 1928 and 1937, China was not very different from what it had been in the Late Qing period from political, economic, military and diplomatic points of view, with only significant changes in social aspect. Therefore, the statement concerned is valid to a small extent only.

Politically speaking, China was profoundly autocratic in both periods with no marked changes. During the Late Qing period, China was an absolute monarchy and its autocratic nature persisted despite attempts at constitutional reform. For example, the Outline of Constitution欽定憲法大綱, promulgated in 1908, underlined the superior power of the emperor, and Provincial Assemblies諮議局(1909) were elected by a small electorate instead of universal suffrage. Worse still, the Cabinet內閣 had all its ministers appointed by the emperor and was dominated by royal families (7 out of 13 members), being merely an instrument for consolidating the royal power. The country was characterized by autocracy politically. As for the Nanjing Decade, it was true that the government followed Sun Yat-sen’s ‘Fundamentals of National Reconstruction建國大綱’ to proceed from military rule to political tutelage and to constitutional government, but the constitution was not adopted until 1946 due to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War (1937). In other words, China in 1937 was stuck in the phase of political tutelage訓政 and under Kuomintang’s one-party dictatorship. Also, notwithstanding attempts at five-power separation五權分立, China had no electoral systems選舉制度 established and lacked democratic elements in the absence of suffrage. Comparatively speaking, the Qing government wanted to make China a constitutional monarchy while the Nanjing government desired a constitutional republic, but in both periods the autocratic nature remained unchanged, and China still had rule by law instead of rule of law with no universal suffrage. Therefore, China differed little between the two periods.

Economically, China had poor economy in both periods with no significant differences. In the Late Qing period, the government set up the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce商部(1903), drafted commercial laws such as the Company Act公司章程, and developed rail networks in a bid to commercialize China. However, China, with more than 90% of its 400 million population as farmers, had out-of-date agricultural technology and low productivity. In addition, the Qing government was burdened with the indemnity of 450 million taels of silver after its defeat by the Eight-Nation Alliance八國聯軍, and to repay the debts it had to impose heavy taxes that caused hardship for the people. As for the Nanjing Decade, the government endeavoured to commercialize China with new economic regulations like the Exchange Act交易所法, but these were based on laws set up in the Late Qing period and made no big differences. Also, while the economy remained agricultural-based, agricultural mechanization still did not take place and productivity stayed low. Moreover, although there was financial and industrial development under reforms of the Nanjing government, it benefited mostly the rich people, particularly the “Big Four Families四大家族” holding a monopoly on the economy, while the lower class still lived in poverty. Comparatively speaking, there were attempts to commercialize China together with a series of economic regulations during both periods; however, as an agricultural-centric economy, China was still confronted with agricultural underdevelopment, poverty of the lower class and economic stagnation. There were no clear differences between the two periods economically.

In military aspect, China was short of military strength to counter with internal and external threats in both periods with no significant improvement. In the Late Qing period, although China raised the New Army of 270 thousand soldiers by 1911 with the establishment of the Bureau of Military Training練兵處(1903), the country was still weak in terms of military power. For example, it failed to stop the Russo-Japanese War日俄戰爭(1904-05) that took place in its territory and became a battleground for the powers. Also, the central government lacked military power to control local authorities and the New Army, being virtually the private army of Yuan Shikai袁世凱, was even used to force the Qing emperor to abdicate. They were evidence showing Qing China’s incompetent military power. As for the Nanjing Decade, China did not achieve military modernization despite related reforms including setting up the Whampoa Military Academy黃埔軍校 to provide trainings for soldiers and buying weapons from countries like the US and Britain. In terms of internal disputes, the Nanjing government failed to destroy the Communist Party剿共 and end the domestic warfare. Regarding external threats, it also failed to defend the country against Japanese invasion when Japan launched multiple invasions against China, including the September 18th Incident九一八事變(1931) and January 28th Incident一二八事變(1932), and started a full-scale invasion following the July 7th Incident七七事變 in 1937. Comparatively speaking, China was weak in military terms during both periods and did not at least guarantee internal security and external defense. With respect to the relentless internal revolts and foreign encroachment, China remained intrinsically incompetent in terms of military strength and made no big differences throughout the two periods.

Diplomatically speaking, China was on an unequal footing to other countries in both periods and differed little. Although the Qing Court replaced Zongli Yamen總理衙門 with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部 to improve its unequal international status, this did not redress the balance. Qing China had low international status and was bound by several unequal treaties such as the Treaty of Nanjing南京條約(1842) and Treaty of Shimonoseki馬關條約(1895). Also, its tariff and judicial systems were under foreign intervention and control, which means there was no self-determination for China. As for the Nanjing period, the government got back part of its sovereignty, including tariff autonomy關稅自主權 retrieved in 1930. But such inequality was not completely removed by 1937 since the above unequal treaties were still effective and some countries retained their extraterritorial rights治外法權 in China. Worse still, China not only failed to be independent and autonomous but also become a target for Japanese aggression. The full-scale invasion of China全面入侵中國 started in 1937 showed that China’s sovereignty was not respected. Comparatively speaking, the Nanjing government achieved higher diplomatic status compared to the Late Qing period, but the unequal treatment and disrespect to its sovereignty did not improve throughout the two periods. China was diplomatically constrained by the powers and did not have fundamental changes.

Although Qing China differed little from how the country had been during the Nanjing period in political, economic, military and diplomatic sense, there were still considerable differences in social aspect.

Socially speaking, China had transformed profoundly during the Nanjing decade compared to the Late Qing period and the differences were significant. In the Late Qing period, Chinese society remained feudalistic and backward. Despite social modernization attempts including a set of orders to ban foot binding纏足 and opium smoking吸食鴉片, they were not fully implemented and these problems had not been solved by the Qing’s downfall in 1911. Besides, the Manchu ruling class discriminated against other races, such as Han and Hui people漢族、回族, and mobility to the upper class was hardly possible for other ethnic groups with the serious racial discrimination. However, the society became more civilized and open during the Nanjing Decade. To be specific, evil social practices like foot binding纏足 and opium smoking鴉片 were effectively banned, and the People’s Rights Ordinance民權法規 was passed in 1929 to protect basic civil rights and overcome social backwardness. In addition, the Nationalist government had promoted the principle of ‘Five Races Under One Union五族共和’ since the fall of the Qing Dynasty. This helped achieve racial equality among the Han, the Manchus, the Mongols, the Hui and the Tibetans, as well as the national identity of ‘the Chinese中華民族’. Comparatively speaking, the feudalistic features and backwardness of Late Qing Chinese society were much improved during the Nanjing Decade with social evils eliminated, civil rights protected and racial inequality rectified. Therefore, there were considerably huge differences in China between the two periods in this regard.

In conclusion, although it was almost 30 years between the Qing’s downfall in 1911 and the establishment of the Nanjing government in 1928, China continued to be politically autocratic, economically underdeveloped, militarily weak and discriminated diplomatically with improvements only in social aspect, which suggests that China was intrinsically the same throughout the two periods and achieved transformation to a small extent only.

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