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定義 民族主義指一群有共同背景的人居住於同一地域內,希望建立自己的民族國家,但當民族主義發展成偏激時,便會演變成極端民族主義,認為自身民族是最優越的民族,剝奪其他民族的資源以加強自身的國力及勢力。至於帝國主義則是為建立霸權,凌駕於其他國家之上而侵略別國的領土及奴役別國的人民。 // 立場民族主義及帝國主義對於塑造1907-1914年間三國同盟及三國協約的關係而言均極具重要性,但民族主義的重要性較帝國主義為大。 // 架構以下將從衝突、戰爭及緩和方面比較。

主旨句 對於1907-1913年間三國同盟與三國協約之間的衝突而言,民族主義及帝國主義各有重要性。 // 主項A重要性民族主義方面,同盟國及協約國為爭取民族光榮及壯大民族勢力而積極擴張,導致衝突頻生,例如德國為擴大其泛日耳曼主義的勢力,於1908年支持同族的奧匈吞併波黑,導致俄國的不滿,使波斯尼亞危機的出現,使兩大陣營關係交惡。 // 主項B重要性另一方面,帝國主義也導致此時期的衝突,因列強積極擴張以建立其帝國,最終因競爭而導致危機發生,例如1911年德、法因爭奪摩洛哥的利益的導致第二次摩洛哥危機,德、奧一方面與英、法、俄對抗,使兩大陣營對立,關係惡化。

主旨句 對於1907-1913年兩大陣營的衝突而言,民族主義較帝國主義更為重要。 // 駁論在因果關係而言,帝國主義是由民族主義發展至極端時,加上國家經濟實力膨脹所促使,利用強大的國力以剝削其他國家,達致霸權的建立,彰顯自身民族的強大及優越。而且,就影響列強的行動而言,民族主義亦較帝國主義重要,例如1908年的波斯尼亞危機中,德國強硬支持奧匈是基於相近的民族背景,奧匈的母語是德語,而且日耳曼人是佔了最高的比例,故德國希望透過支持奧匈以擴大泛日耳曼人的勢力,相反,德國對於奧匈的支持與帝國主義並無太大關連,因是次危機無助於德國從中取得直接利益。 // 小結可見,民族主義對於兩大陣營的衝突出現而言,重要性大於帝國主義。






Discuss the relative importance of nationalism and imperialism in affecting the relations between the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente in the period 1907-1914.

Nationalism is that a group of people, who share similar background and live in the same region, hopes to establish their own country. However, when nationalism turns radical, extreme nationalism is evolved, which regards their race as supreme, exploits the resources of other races, to strengthen their own national power and influence. Imperialism hopes to set up hegemony, surpass and invade other countries, to exploits people in other countries. Nationalism and imperialism both had significance in affecting the relations between the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente in 1907-1914. However, nationalism was more important than imperialism. This essay will make comparison with regard to conflict, war and détente.

Nationalism and imperialism both had significance in causing conflicts between the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente in 1907-1913. In terms of nationalism, the Triple Alliance and the Allies actively expanded their territories in order to gain national glory and strengthen their own races power, leading to conflicts. For example, Germany supported Austria-Hungary to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina (1908) so as to expand Pan-Germanism, which aroused discontent of Russia. The Bosnian Crisis波斯尼亞危機 thus broke out, worsening the two blocs’ relationship. On the other hand, imperialism led to conflicts as well. Since powers actively expanded their territories to establish their empires, conflicts occurred because of competition in the end. For instance, Germany hoped to gain Moroccan interest and competed with France, leading to the Second Moroccan Crisis第二次摩洛哥危機(1911). Germany and Austria-Hungary were confronted with Britain, France and Russia. The two camps were in opposing situation, worsening their relationship.

In comparison, nationalism was more important than imperialism in causing conflicts between the two camps in 1907-1913. In terms of cause-effect relationship, imperialism occurred when nationalism turned to radical and national economic power was expanded. They hoped to exploit other countries through powerful national strength in order to set up hegemony and show off their races superiority. Besides, nationalism was more important than imperialism in affecting powers’ actions. For example, Germany supported Austria-Hungary owing to their same race in the Bosnian Crisis波斯尼亞危機(1908). The mother tongue of Austria-Hungary was German. Germans accounted for the highest population ratio in Austria-Hungary. Thus, Germany supported Austria-Hungary in order to expand Pan-Germanism. In contrast, since Germany could not gain any direct interest through this crisis, Germany supported Austria-Hungary which did not related to imperialism. It showed that nationalism was more important than imperialism in causing conflicts.

Nationalism and imperialism both had significance in causing wars between the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente. Nationalism contributed to the emergence of the Sarajevo Incident塞拉耶佛危機(1914). Austria-Hungary expanded in the Balkans in order to gain national glory. Meanwhile, the extreme nationalism of Serbia was discontent with Austria-Hungary’s parade in Serbia, thus resulting in the Austrian crown prince assassination. Besides, Germany and Russia supported Austria-Hungary and Serbia respectively because of nationalism after the Sarajevo Incident. This incident was developed into war between the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente, worsening their relationship. Moreover, France supported Russia due to revanchism復仇主義 against Germany. It hoped to get rid of the humiliation of the Franco-Prussian War. France thus involved in it, leading to wars. In terms of imperialism, imperialism had significance in causing crisis. Since Austria-Hungary hoped to gain more territories in the Balkans, expanding its power. It aroused Serbia discontent, thus leading to the Sarajevo Incident塞拉耶佛危機 and worsening their relationship.

In comparison, nationalism was more important than imperialism in causing wars between the two camps. With regard to cause, nationalism was more important. The Sarajevo Incident was caused by assassination which held by extreme nationalist極端民族主義分子 in Serbia rather than struggle among countries in establishing imperial hegemony. Moreover, regarding expansion, because of nationalism, Germany sent “blank cheque空白支票” to support Austria-Hungary while Russia carried out General Mobilization to support Serbia. France also involved in it owing to revanchism. On the other hand, Germany and Russia supported Austria-Hungary and Serbia respectively which did not related to their empires’ interest. Furthermore, France would be collapsed if the Allies were defeated. It showed that nationalism was more important than imperialism in causing wars and affecting the relations between the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente.

Undoubtedly, nationalism had a greater influence in causing conflicts and wars. However, imperialism was more important in easing up the two camps relationship. Since imperialism promoted expansion and gain economic interest to establish hegemony, economic interest was the first consideration. Thus, countries would give way because of interest. For example, in the Second Moroccan Crisis第二次摩洛哥危機(1911), Germany lost its influence. France agreed to give part of the Congo’s interest剛果利益 to Germany in exchange for recognition of the interests of France in Morocco. In the end, Germany gave way which avoided war and eased up hostile international situation. In terms of nationalism, the national independent movement of Balkan states led to the First Balkan War第一次巴爾幹戰爭(1912-13). Since the Triple Alliance and the Allies worried that war would sustained and worsened the Balkan’s situation, Britain, Russia and Austria agreed to cooperate and hold the London Conference倫敦會議. Thus, the national independent movement of Balkan states facilitated the cooperation between the two camps.

In comparison, imperialism was more important than nationalism in easing up two camps’ relationship. Powers tried to improve opposing relationship because of interest. For example, although Italy was a member of the Triple Alliance, it signed Franco-Italian Entente法意諒解(1900) with France owing to colonial interest. Italy deviated from the Triple Alliance gradually and was getting on for the Allies. In the end, Italy did not support Germany and Austria in the Sarajevo Incident. The relationship between Italy and Britain, France, Russia improved. However, since the Triple Alliance and the Allies did not have national correlation, it was difficult to improve relationship through nationalism. Furthermore, nationalism worsened the relationship between the two camps because there were competitions between Pan-Germanic泛日耳曼主義 Germany and the Pan-Slavic泛斯拉夫主義Russia in the Balkans. French Revanchism復仇主義 tried to took revenge on Germany. Thus, it was difficult for nationalism to improve the two camps relationship. It showed that imperialism was more important than nationalism in easing up two camps’ relationship.

In conclusion, nationalism and imperialism both had significance in affecting the relations between the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente in 1907-1914. Undoubtedly, imperialism had a greater influence in easing up the two camps relationship. However, nationalism worsened their relationship and developed it into war. It was more important than imperialism.

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