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背景 於二次大戰後,隨著新中國的成立、香港人口劇增及世界非殖民地化浪潮的發展,英國改變過往在香港的高壓統治,使政治上的管治特徵出現轉變。 // 架構大體而言,代議政制的擴展、華人地位的不斷提高、公務員本地化的持續、政黨發展愈趨成熟、市民參與度的提昇、公共服務的全面發展就是1945年後港英政府統治香港的主要政治特徵。

主旨句其一,代議政制的擴展是1945年後英國在香港統治的特徵。 // 段落內容 港英政府在1945年後逐步取消市政局、區議會及立法局的官守和委任議席,並不斷增加民選的議席及比例。例如,在市政局方面,1973年已經取消所有官守議席,改為全部的民選議席。此外,1982年舉行了首次的區議會選舉,及後更先後於1985及1994年取消全部官守議席及委任議席,使區議會議員完全由人民投票所選出。再者,立法局方面的議席轉變更加能夠顯示出代議政制的發展,因立法會是政府的核心機構之一,但至《中英聯合聲明》(1984年)簽訂後,民選議席的數目和比例大幅提高,至1995年立法局的全部60席議席更改由直選產生,使政府的人民代表性大大得到提高。 // 小結可見,代議政制的擴展是二次大戰後香港政治的特徵之一。







Examine the main political features of British rule in Hong Kong after 1945.

With the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, rapid increase in population of Hong Kong and the trend of decolonization over the world after the Second World War, Britain changed its rule of coercion towards Hong Kong, which caused changes in political ruling features of Britain in Hong Kong. Generally speaking, the expansion of representative government, the continuous rising status of Chinese, the continuous localization of civil servants, the more mature development of political parties, the increase in political participation of citizens and the thorough development of public service were the main political features of British rule in Hong Kong after 1945.

Firstly, the expansion of representative government was one of the main political features of British rule in Hong Kong after 1945. The British government in Hong Kong gradually abolished the official seats and appointed seats in the Urban Council, the District Council and the Legislative Council since 1945, and continuously increased the number of elected seats and its ratio. For example, all official seats in the Urban Council市政局 were abolished in 1973 and they were all substituted by elected seats. Plus, first direct election was introduced to the District Board區議會in 1982. All official seats and appointed seats were abolished in 1985 and 1994 respectively, so that all members of the District Board were directly elected and chosen by people. Also, the change of seats in the Legislative Council立法局 could show the development of representative government even more, as it was one of the core government agencies. After the signing of Sino-British Joint Declaration中英聯合聲明(1984), the number of elected seats and its ratio greatly increased in the Legislative Council. Starting from 1995, all the 60 seats in the Legislative Council were directly elected, greatly raising the representativeness of the government. Therefore, the expansion of representative government was one of the political features of British rule in Hong Kong after the Second World War.

Secondly, the continuous rising status of Chinese was also one of the main political features of British rule in Hong Kong. The number of Chinese participating in politics and their level of participation increased continuously. Both the Legislative Council and the Executive Council absorbed more Chinese. For instance, the number of Chinese members in the Legislative Council立法局 increased from 10 to 23 in 1966-74; the number of Chinese members in the Executive Council also increased from 11 to 29 in the same period. It showed that the level of political participation of Chinese was increased. What’s more, there were Chinese being appointed as senior officials in the late 20th century. For example, Anson Chan陳方安生(1993) and Donald Tsang曾蔭權(1995) became the first Chinese Colonial Secretary and first Chinese Financial Secretary respectively. Until 1997, most of the senior officials in government, except governor and the Commander of British troops, were Chinese and they were taking up the ruling positions in the government. So, we can see that both the Chinese participation in politics and their status increased constantly.

Thirdly, the continuous localization of civil servants was one of the main political features of British rule in Hong Kong after the Second World War. The ratio and the number of Chinese civil servants constantly increased after the Second World War. Although the number of local civil servants reached 22,900 people in 1952, which accounted for 95.56% of the total number of civil servants, the British government continue to hire more Chinese civil servants because of the increase in both the population and administrative bodies. So the number of Chinese civil servants increased constantly. Until 1990, the number of Chinese civil servants reached 188,393 (accounted for 98.68% of the total), reflecting the continuous expansion of localization of civil servants. Also, the same situation applied for the Chinese administrative officers (AO). The number of Chinese AO and foreign AO was 12 and 66 respectively in 1962, in a ratio of 1:5.5. But until 1970, the number of Chinese AO reached 40, and it continued to increase to 91 in 1978. The aforementioned ratio narrowed to 1:1.25. It reflected that more and more Chinese became administrative officers (AO). Therefore, the continuous localization of civil servants was another political features of British rule in Hong Kong after 1945.

Fourthly, the more mature development of political parties was the political feature of British rule in Hong Kong. With the signing Sino-British Joint Declaration中英聯合聲明(1984) and the development of representative government, some Chinese elites stated to organize political parties, such as the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB) 民建聯(1992) and the Liberal Party自由黨(1993), etc., to join the elections in the District Board and Legislative Council. Plus, there were even political parties integrating together so as to unite and strengthen its camp and power. For instance, the Meeting Point匯點 and the United Democrats of Hong Kong香港民主同盟 merged in 1994 to form the Democratic Party民主黨 so as to converge the democratic power. Furthermore, trade unions and organizations also participated in politics and turned into political parties in order to fight for labor rights, such as the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (HKFTU) 工聯會 and Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) 職工盟, etc., making the development of political parties in Hong Kong enter the vivid and competitive era. Therefore, the more mature development of political parties in the late 20th century was the political feature of British rule in Hong Kong.

Fifthly, the increase in political participation of citizens was another political feature of British rule in Hong Kong. The level of political participation of citizens was limited before the Second World War, only the Urban Council had limited electoral elements. However, since 1960s, the British government set up advisory bodies broadly. For example, the City District Officer Scheme民政處計劃 was implemented in 1968. It divided Hong Kong Island and Kowloon into 10 districts, City District Offices were set up to collect public opinions. Also, the British government amended the Official Languages Ordinance法定語文條例 in 1974, which recognized Chinese as an official language. Citizens could therefore express their views to the government more conveniently and thus, encouraging the political participation of citizens. What’s more, citizens’ right to vote raised significantly after the establishment of the District Board區議會 and the innovation of the Urban Council and the Legislative Council, so the level of political participation of citizens increased drastically. Therefore, the increase in political participation of citizens was one of the political features of British rule in Hong Kong.

Sixthly, thorough development of public service was also the political feature of British rule in Hong Kong. With the rapid increase of population in Hong Kong after the Second World War, the British government needed to provide more public service in order to satisfy the needs of the population. Therefore, lots of statuory public bodies法定公營機構 were set up, including the Consumer Council消費者委員會(1974), the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation九廣鐵路公司(1982), etc., so as to provide different services to citizens. Moreover, the British government devoted to improve social services and welfare after the riot of 1967六七暴動. For instance, the Public Assistance Scheme公共援助計劃 was introduced in 1973. Later it was further changed to the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance綜合社會保障援助計劃 in 1993 to help low-income groups. Furthermore, the British government also made endeavors to improve education and housing welfare. For instance, the Nine-year Compulsory Education Scheme九年免費教育 was carried out in 1978, and Ten-year Housing Programme十年建屋計劃 was launched in 1972, improving the public service in Hong Kong. Therefore, the thorough development of public service after the Second World War was the political feature of British rule in Hong Kong.

To conclude, the British rule in Hong Kong started to change after 1945, making the political affairs of Hong Kong become more open. Moreover, the main principles “one country, two systems” and “Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong” were implemented after the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997.

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