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定義 經濟現代化指工、農業得到均衡及蓬勃的發展,人民生活溫飽。 // 架構 在1949年中共建國後,中共隨即作出各項嘗試以達致經濟現代化,包括土地改革、一五計劃、大躍進及調整政策。 // 立場 其中,土地改革、一五計劃及調整政策均取得了令人滿意的成效,但大躍進卻帶來災難性的影響,成效乏善可陳。

主旨句 首先,中共實行土地改革以促進經濟現代化的努力取得了一定的成效。 // 標準 為達致人民生活溫飽、農業生產力提高的經濟現代化目標。 // 方法 中共在1949年建國後不久就推行土地改革(1950-52年),透過沒收地主、富農的土地,從而分配予佃農、貧農,實行農民的土地所有制,藉此提高農民的生產力,改善農業方面的產量。 // 成效 中共實施的土地改革取得了明顯的效果,土地改革使全國3億多佃農、貧農獲得了7億畝的土地,免除了過去每年向地主繳交的700億斤糧食的沉重地租,並且分得了耕畜、房屋、耕具等資源。結果,農民在獲得農地後,生產力大大得到提昇,中國糧食總產量在1952年較1949年增長達44.8%,棉花產量增長更高達193.4%,大大確保了人民的基本糧食需求,令中國經濟大大得到發展。 // 小結 可見,中共實行土地改革成功解放土地,提高了生產力,對於實現經濟現代化取得了一定的成效。





Assess the effectiveness of the efforts made by the People’s Republic of China to achieve economic modernization in the period 1949-1965.

Economic modernization means industries and agriculture are developed in a balanced and vigorous way, and people live at a subsistence level. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started different attempts to attain economic modernization after it established the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, which included the Land Reforms, the First Five Year Plan, the Great Leap Forward and the Readjustment. Among them, the Land Reform, the First Five Year Plan and the Readjustment achieved satisfying effectiveness, yet the Great Leap Forward brought disastrous effect, which had poor effectiveness.

First, the Land Reforms carried out by the CCP to facilitate economic modernization had significant effectiveness. In order to achieve targets aiming at economic modernization like people living at subsistence level and raising agricultural productivity, the CCP launched the Land Reforms推行土地改革(1950-52) after it established the PRC in 1949. Land was confiscated from landlords and kulaks and then distributed to tenant farmers佃農 and peasants. Land ownership was implemented in order to raise peasants’ productivity and improve agricultural production. The Land Reforms got significant effectiveness. Almost 0.3 billion tenant farmers and peasants benefited from it and were distributed 0.7 billion acres of land. 70 billion jin of grains which were handed in to landlords annually in the past were omitted since then. Resources like farm animals, houses and farming tools were shared among peasants. As a result, productivity increased rapidly after peasants got the land. Total grain production of China increased by 44.8% in 1952 comparing with 1949. The production growth of cotton even reached 193.4%, greatly ensuring people’s basic needs for food. Economy was greatly developed. Therefore, the CCP successfully liberated the land by launching the Land Reforms. Productivity was raised. The Land Reform was effective in achieving economic modernization.

Second, the First Five Year Plan carried out by the CCP to facilitate economic modernization had significant effectiveness. To realize industrial modernization, stimulate industrial production of China, raise productivity in agriculture and handicraft industries, and control prices so as to avoid people’s livelihood being affected by high prices, the CCP launched the First Five Year Plan in 1953. It set “one transformation and three changes一化三改造” as the target, hoping to actualize industrialization, as well as the socialist transformation in agriculture, handicraft industries and private industries and business. For industry, the CCP carried out more than 694 construction projects and invested 58% of the national expenses in industries, including iron and steel as well as machinery. At the same time, the CCP also set up Agricultural Producers’ Cooperatives生產合作社 and Handicraft Producers’ Cooperatives to raise level of collectivization集體化程度. It was hoped that production could be raised by cooperation. Moreover, the unified purchase and marketing system統購統銷制度 was implemented since 1953 so as to control the source and supply of food and prevent merchants from hoarding the food for speculation which could affect people’s livelihood. The First Five Year Plan achieved great effectiveness. The pace of industrialization was greatly pushed forward as the CCP put in abundant resources in industrial aspect. In 1957, the gross value of industrial output increased by 128.6% compared with that of 1952. The total output of heavy industries and that of light industries grew by 210.7% and 83.3% respectively. The figures reflected the explosive growth in industrial production. At the same time, productivity of agriculture and handicraft industry increased as well. The annual growth rate of gross national income during the First Five Year Plan reached 8.9%. Also, under the unified purchase and marketing system, prices were manipulated. The level of economic modernization was raised, and people’s livelihood was improved. Therefore, the implementation of the First Five Year Plan by the CCP to achieve economic modernization had certain effectiveness.

Besides, the CCP carried out the Great Leap Forward as a way to achieve economic modernization, yet it actually caused the economy to retrogress and impeded the economic modernization. In order to further raise production of industry and agriculture, narrow the gap between the rich and poor and create an economic status which was modernized and subsistent, the CCP launched the Great Leap Forward in 1958. The nationwide iron and steel production campaign全民大煉鋼 was carried out. Masses were called to join the steel production campaign while peasants were called to concentrate in agricultural production. Through collectivized cooperation as well as the introduction of new ways to farm and rear, it was hoped that agricultural production could be raised drastically. Furthermore, the People’s Communes人民公社 were set up to plan production and take care of people’s basic needs, such as food and medical treatment, etc. People’s livelihood was hoped to improve. However, the Great Leap Forward could not stimulate economic development, it even caused the economy to regress. For instance, for Great Leap Forward in industry, nearly 90 million people were mobilized to refine steel, but half of the steel production was not up to standard. Time was wasted and thing could not reach its goal. Manpower and resources were misused. For Great Leap Forward in agriculture, under the “equalitarianism平均主義” of the People’s Communes, working incentive was much lower. Plus, local government and peasants falsely reported the agricultural production in order to satisfy the unreachably high standard set by the government. As a result, localities did not have sufficient food supply after handing over the amount of food required by the state. Famine occurred in the early 1960s. The number of unnatural death reached 30 million people. Economy turned bad and fell into difficult situation, and negative growth (3.1%) was even recorded in the annual growth rate of gross national income. People’s lives were poor. Therefore, the CCP carried out the Great Leap Forward to achieve economic modernization, but the economy was even worse after its implementation. The Great Leap Forward backfired.

Lastly, the Readjustment carried out by the CCP to achieve economic modernization had significant effectiveness. After the Great Leap Forward, the economy of China fell into a difficult period. In order to turn over the economic doldrums, bring growths in industry and agriculture again, improve people’s livelihood and solve famine, the CCP leaders, headed by Liu Shaoqi, proposed the Readjustment in 1963. In agriculture, the party adopted the policy of ‘three freedoms and one fixed quota三自一包’ (i.e. plot free for private use, free markets, enterprises free to take responsibility for their own profits and losses and the fixed output quotas on the basis of individual households). Peasants got their own land and were allowed to sell the surplus in the markets after submitting a fixed quota to the government. For industry, the government no longer focused on the quantity only. It monitored the quality of the industrial products as well. At the same time, it closed a number of loss-making factories and enterprises. During 1961-62, about 43,000 factories and enterprises were shut down to improve the quality of the products and enterprises themselves, hoping to achieve economic modernization. In fact, the Readjustment carried by the CCP had satisfying results. The Readjustment not only corrected the concept of blindly pursuing rash advance, but it also drove the recovery and development of national economy gradually. For instance, in industry and agriculture aspect, after the readjustment, the annual growth rate of industry was 18% and that of agriculture was 12%. Industry and agriculture were developed again. Even more, the average growth rate of gross national income during the readjustment reached 14.7%, reflecting that people’s livelihood was improved greatly. Threats from famine were eliminated. Therefore, the Readjustment carried out by the CCP helped drive the progress of economic modernization. It was very effective.

To conclude, although the CCP made efforts to achieve economic modernization in China since 1949, in which the Land Reforms, the First Five Year Plan and the Readjustment got satisfying results, the foundation of economy in China was still backward. Plus, with the disastrous setback of the Great Leap Forward, economy of China still could not reach modernization in the late 1960s.

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