定義 經濟現代化指自由的營商環境、生產方面的機械化投入及均衡的經濟發展等。 // 架構 為了達致經濟上的現代化,中共不但大力改革農業及工商業,直接推動經濟現代化,同時,其亦從教育、社會及軍事方面作出努力,以間接促進經濟現代化的進程。 // 立場 雖然上述的努力取得了頗大的成效,但中共仍然面對經濟發展失衡的問題,故中國經濟現代化的程度仍然尚未全面。
主旨句 農業方面,中共在實現經濟現代化一事上取得了相當的成效。 // 標準 農業經濟現代化指農業採用機械化或科學化生產,而且農業生產達致自給自足,甚至能出口海外市場。 // 方法及成效 在生產模式方面,於改革開放,中共視農業為「四個現代化」之一,積極推動農業科技的研究,加上引進了外國耕種技術及機械,中國農業的科技水平不斷提高,播種機、收割機等的機械投入十分廣泛,而且亦使用高產量及抗旱的基因改造種子耕作,例如「雜交水稻種子」,反映中國農業已採取機械化及科學化生產。在農業產量方面,也正正由於生產模式的轉變,加上中共於1978年起推行「家庭聯產承包制」,放棄集體化生產,規定農民上繳指定的農產量後,可以將剩餘的收成收歸己有或在市場出售,結果令中國農產量與日俱增,其中糧食產量在1996年就達到5億噸的歷史新高,農產品供給實現了由長期短缺到供求基本平衡,甚至豐年有餘的歷史性轉變。 // 小結 可見,中共在實現農業經濟現代化上取得了顯著的成效。
Assess the effectiveness of the efforts made by the People’s Republic of China to achieve economic modernization in the period 1978-2000.
Economic modernization means free business environment, investment in mechanization in production and balanced economic development, etc. In order to reach economic modernization, the Chinese Communist government not only greatly reformed agricultural industry and industry and commerce, which directly promoted economic modernization, but the government also put effort into educational, social and military aspects, indirectly promoted economic development. Although the efforts mentioned above were quite effective, the Chinese communist government still faced the problem of imbalanced economic development. Therefore, the level of economic modernization was not thorough in China.
In agricultural aspect, the effort of the Chinese Communist government in achieving economic modernization was rather effective. Agricultural economy modernization means adopting mechanization and scientific ways to produce in agricultural industry. Also, agricultural production can reach self-sufficient, even export to overseas market. In terms of production mode, in Reform and Opening-up, agriculture was perceived as one of the ‘Four Modernization四個現代化’ by the Chinese Communist government. The government actively promoted investigation and research in agricultural technology and introduced foreign farming techniques and machines. The level of agricultural technology in China continuously increased. The input of machines such as planter播種機 and harvesters收割機 was high. GM crops which were high-yield and drought-resistant were used, such as hybrid rice seeds雜交水稻種子, reflecting that agricultural industry in China already adopted mechanization and scientific ways to produce. In terms of the agricultural productivity, owing to the change of production mode, as well as the implementation of the Household Responsibility System in 1978 by the Chinese communist government, which gave up those collectivized programs and required peasants to hand over the designated agricultural production amount to the state, the agricultural production in China increased day by day. Under the Household Responsibility System家庭聯產承包制, food grew beyond the targets belonged to the peasants and they could eat it or sell the surplus in the open market. Agricultural production increased rapidly, among them, grain yield reached 0.5 billion tons in 1996, which was the highest in history. Supply of agricultural products changed from long-term shortage to balanced supply and demand, surplus was even noted, which was a historical change. Therefore, the Chinese Communist government achieved notable significance in achieving agricultural economy modernization.
In industry and commerce, the effort of the Chinese Communist government in achieving economic modernization was rather effective. Modernization of industry and commerce means that there is free economic environment, and economy is developed vigorously that the quality of life of citizens is satisfactory. After 1978, the Chinese Communist government abandoned the principle of having highly planned economy, and turned to introduce market economy市場經濟 which was capitalist, raising the freedom of business environment. For instance, the unified purchase and marketing system統購統銷制度 was also abolished in 1985. Prices of commodities were then regulated by market. State-owned enterprises were reformed in the 1980s. They were then fully responsible for their decisions and self-financing, making business environment become freer. Moreover, along with the Reform and Opening, China gradually opened up the coastal cities, for instance, Special Economic Zones經濟特區(SEZs) were set up in Shenzhen and Zhuhai in 1980. In 1992, more than 30 border cities along the Yangtze River were opened up. Trade between China and foreign countries became frequent and the economic environment had an increasing level of freedom. In terms of people’s quality of life, with the rapid commercial development after Reform and Opening Up, there was improved quality of life for the citizens. The GNP of China was growing at an average annual rate of 9.6% during 1979-99, which was one of the highest among all countries. The GDP per capita also increased from 379 yuan in 1978 to 7,159 yuan in 1999. The economic figures reflected that the economy flourished in China. Therefore, the effort of the Chinese Communist government in achieving modernization of industry and commerce was certainly effective.
In educational aspect, the effort of the Chinese Communist government in achieving economic modernization was effective. Education was an important way to push forward economic modernization, as high-quality labour force could raise economic efficiency and increase technology level in economic aspect, including the development of mechanization and high-tech industry. In fact, educational reform carried out by the Chinese Communist government helped promote the implementation of economic modernization greatly. In basic education aspect, the Compulsory Education Law義務教育法 was introduced in 1986, which required students to receive 9-year mandatory and free education. This raised overall educational level of students. For tertiary education, the party also reactivated key universities and 28 universities were added to the list of key universities. As a result, education in China developed at surprising speed. In 1999, the enrolment rate for children of school age reached 99% and there were 1071 universities in China. The development of education had remarkable effectiveness. With the increase of educational level, China got unprecedented development in various aspects in economic technology, including biotechnology and energy technology, etc., which helped promote development of agricultural industry and industrial modernization in China. So, the effort in education by the Chinese Communist government in achieving economic modernization was effective.
In social and military aspect, the effort of the Chinese Communist government in achieving economic modernization was effective. Overly high social and military expenses would impede capital investment on promoting economic development. Therefore, in order to reach economic modernization, the Chinese Communist government actively reduced social and military expenses. In 1978, Deng Xiaoping came into power again and he carried out harsher population policy. In social aspect, the party implemented the One-child Policy一孩政策 which allowed each couple living in urban areas to have one child only in 1979 in order to reduce pressure on resources and welfare by lowering the birth rate. As a result, the policy caused great decline in birth rate. Approximately 250 million births were prevented during 1979-2000. Resources could be reallocated and concentrated on economic development. The alternative use of resources helped China to achieve higher economic goals. In military aspect, the Chinese Communist government actively reduced the scale of army. In 1985, the size of the PLA was reduced by a million so as to reduce the military expenses greatly and then reallocate resources for alternative use, such as agricultural industry and education, etc. The pace of economic modernization could be facilitated. Therefore, the effort in social and military aspects by the Chinese Communist government in achieving economic modernization was effective certainly.
However, for regional economy aspect, the effort of the Chinese Communist government in achieving economic modernization was not effective. One of the important standards of economic modernization is balanced economic development, including balanced development in rural area and cities, as well as the balanced development in all regions in China. Although the Chinese Communist government actively promoted the progress of economic modernization, it could not reach balanced economic development. For example, the Chinese Communist government laid over-emphasis on the development of industry and commerce in mid and late 1980s. Economy of rural areas was ignored. Plus, under inflation, Three Rural Issues三農問題 were deteriorated. Economy of rural areas was far behind economy of cities. In the late 20th century, 200 million out of 9000 million peasants in China were unemployed or underemployed, showing how serious the Three Rural Issues were. Moreover, the Chinese Communist government proposed the Three-Step Development Strategy in order to push forward the trade development. Coastal regions were opened up first so as to push forward the development of central regions. Western regions were the last to develop. Yet, this policy caused the economic development of central and western regions far lagged behind than that of the eastern region. As a result, wealth gap was widened. Many people in western provinces like Tibet and Guizhou lived below the poverty threshold and the living standard was poor. Therefore, the effort by the Chinese Communist government on regional economy was ineffective.
To conclude, although the Chinese Communist government made efforts in achieving economic modernization during 1979-2000 and effectiveness was seen in various aspects, the level of economic modernization in China was not thorough as there was still great difference in regional economic development, which lowered the level of economic modernization in China.