立場及架構 冷戰的出現主要由三個因素所導致,包括意識形態的差異、美蘇的勢力膨脹及戰後問題的分歧,其中,意識形態的差異是最重要的因素,戰後問題的分歧次之,最次要的是美、蘇的勢力膨脹。以下,將逐一就上述因素討論其重要性,並將各個因素相互比較重要性。
主旨句 首先,意識形態的差異是導致冷戰出現的最重要因素。 // 主項A重要性由於美國奉行資本主義,提倡自由、民主及人權等思想,故對蘇聯的專制統治感到不滿。同時,奉行共產主義的蘇聯也認為資本主義是資本階級剝削無產階級的制度,因此反對資本主義。基於意識形態的差異,使美、蘇雙方互相批評、猜忌,使兩國未能建立正常關係。更甚,意識形態的分歧更使雙方希望擴大自己的勢力,以保障己方的安穩,如美國及蘇聯於國共內戰(1946-49年)中分別支持國民黨及共產黨作戰,使美、蘇形成敵對狀況,關係惡劣,形成冷戰的出現。 // 小結可見,意識形態的差異對於冷戰出現極具重要性。
主旨句 相對於意識形態的差異,戰後問題的分歧對於冷戰出現的重要性較次要。 // 駁論就因果關係而言,意識形態的差異導致雙方於處理戰後問題上出現分歧。因資本主義的美、英等國恐懼蘇聯共產主義的擴張,而蘇聯則希望藉此擴大勢力,故於處理戰後問題時,雙方出現分歧,如討論曾被納粹德國統治過的國家時,美、英主張以自由選舉的民主方式選出新政府,但蘇聯則反對自由選舉,以避免共產黨失勢,終導致雙方於處理戰後問題上出現分歧。 // 小結因此,意識形態的差異對於冷戰出現的重要性大於戰後問題的分歧。
Assess the relative importance of the major factors that contributed to the Cold War.
The Cold War was mainly caused by three factors, including ideological differences, power expansion of the US and USSR, and disagreements on the post-war settlement. The factor of ideological differences was the most important. The factor of disagreements on the post-war settlement was less important. The factor of power expansion of the US and USSR was the least important. This essay will assess the relative importance of the above-mentioned factors.
Firstly, ideological difference was the most important factor in causing the Cold War. Since the US adopted capitalism and emphasized freedom, democracy, human rights, it was discontented with the USSR dictatorship. On the other hand, capitalism was regarded as a system which capitalist exploited proletariat by the Communist Russia. Thus, the communist countries opposed capitalism. Owing to ideological difference, the US and USSR criticized and was suspicious of each other. The US-USSR relations worsened. Worse still, ideological differences made the two blocs want to extend their influence to maintain the stability of their blocs. For example, in the Chinese Civil War國共內戰(1946-49), the US supported the KMT while the USSR supported CPC, which shaped the confrontation between the two blocs and led to the Cold War. It showed that ideological difference was the most important factor in causing the Cold War.
In comparison, disagreements on the post-war settlement were less important in causing the Cold War. In terms of causality, such disagreements originated from ideological differences. As the capitalist US and Britain dreaded the expansion of Communist Russia and the USSR hoped to extend its influence through the post-war settlements, disagreements resulted. When discussing the future of countries once ruled by the Nazi Germany納粹德國, the US and Britain hoped to elect a new government through free elections democratically but the USSR objected for fear that communism would lose influence, leading to disagreements between the two sides regarding post-war settlements. It showed that the factor of ideological differences was more important than disagreements on the post-war settlement in causing the Cold War.
In comparison, the factor of power expansion of the US and USSR was less important in causing the Cold War. Regarding extensiveness, the Cold War was not only the confrontation between the US and USSR but the capitalist and communist blocs. The two blocs were divided according to ideology. The communist bloc included the USSR, China and the like. On the other hand, the capitalist bloc included the US, Britain, Japan and so on. It showed that the factor of ideological differences was the main factor in causing the Cold War.
Secondly, the factor of disagreements on the post-war settlement was less important than the ideological difference. However, it had significance as well.
The factor of disagreements on the post-war settlement was important in causing the Cold War. In the later stage of the Second World War, the US, Britain, France and the USSR had disagreements on post-war arrangements as both sides hoped to gain more interests from the settlement. Regarding Germany德國, Western countries hoped to unify Germany to foster trade and economic development; the USSR opposed as the unified and strong Germany would threaten the western boundary of USSR. The problem of Germany was difficult to solve, thus leading to the Berlin Crisis柏林危機(1948-1949). It facilitated the emergence of conflicts. Besides, concerning the occupation of Japan日本, the USSR wanted to expand its influence in the Far East but the US and Britain dreaded the Soviet expansion thus strongly opposed. Therefore, disagreements on the post-war settlement acted as a catalyst for the deteriorating relations of the two blocs, contributing to the Cold War. It showed that the factor of disagreements on the post-war settlement was important in causing the Cold War.
In comparison, the factor of power expansion of the US and USSR was less important in causing the Cold War. In terms of causal relationship, the distribution of post-war interests directly affected their power expansion. With regard to Poland波蘭, the US supported free elections in Poland so as to increase the capitalist influence in Eastern Europe but the USSR opposed as the communist Poland would become its satellite state, extending the Soviet influence. It worsened the US-USSR relations, thus leading to the Cold War. Furthermore, disagreements on the post-war settlement enlarged conflicts between the US and USSR. Regarding post-war problem, Britain, France and the US shared similar viewpoint which aimed at counteracting and suppressing the Soviet expansion. It worsened their relationship. It showed that disagreements on the post-war settlement was more important than the power expansion of the US and USSR in causing the Cold War.
Thirdly, the factor of power expansion of the US and USSR was the least important in causing the Cold War.
Although the power expansion of the US and USSR contributed to the emergence of the Cold War, it had a number of limitations. Thus, it was the least important. After WW2, both the US and USSR rose. The US had powerful economic and military strength. On the other hand, the USSR also possessed of 6 million soldiers, 50 thousand tanks and 20 thousand warplanes, being comparable to the US. They thought the opposite side intended to control the world, thus being suspicious to each other. They competed with each other in political, military and economic aspects in order to become the most powerful country in the world, leading to the Cold War. However, the Cold War was a worldwide conflict between the capitalist and communist blocs but not confined to just the US and USSR. For example, the Chinese Civil War中國內戰(1946-49) broke out due to the power struggle between KMT and CPC but not directly incited by the expansion of forces of the US and USSR. Thus, although the power expansion of the US and USSR contributed to the emergence of the Cold War, it was the least important.
In conclusion, the Cold War was a conflict between the capitalist bloc and communist bloc. The factor of ideological differences was the most important. The factor of disagreements on the post-war settlement was less important. The factor of power expansion of the US and USSR was the least important.