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定義「根本性的轉變」即該轉變不單單出現於表面的層面,本質上也會產生改變,使情況變得徹底不同。 // 立場及架構雖然1911年的辛亥革命結束了維持兩千多年的帝制,但辛亥革命只在小程度上能為中國帶來根本性的轉變,因政治、經濟、社會及外交方面的本質仍然,只有民族方面的轉變能稱得上是根本性的。

主旨句 政治方面,辛亥革命並未改變中國政治的專制本質。 // 時期A(核心點前) 中國一向是一個政治專制的國家,皇帝是國家的決策者,所有臣民均聽令於皇帝。而且,即使晚清改革中曾有憲制改革,但專制本質仍然,例如1908年頒布的《欽定憲法大綱》仍然規定皇帝擁有絕對的權力。 // 時期B(核心點的影響及往後的情況) 雖然1911年的辛亥革命成功推翻了實行多達二千多年的帝制,希望落實「民權」思想。但事實上,專制的政治本質並未因此而改變,例如袁世凱成為大總統後隨即恢復專制統治,分別於1913年及1914年解散國民黨及國會,恢復獨裁統治,及後更於1915年復辟,使帝制再現,因此專制的本質並未有因辛亥革命而得到改變。此外,袁世凱死後,中國更陷入軍閥政治時期,各地軍閥割據,在屬地擁兵自立,專制的情況有增無減。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,從中國政治的本質而言,儘管辛亥革命推翻了實行二千多年的帝制,但中國政治的專制、獨裁的情況仍舊未有改變,所改變的只是表面上的體制,本質上的專制是卻根深柢固,不但沒有移除,更加於袁世凱死後陷入更黑暗、紛亂的局面,故並未為中國政治帶來根本性的轉變。







To what extent did the 1911 Revolution bring about fundamental changes in China? Explain your answer.

A fundamental change should not be superficial but alter the nature of the subject, making the situation completely different. The 1911 Revolution ended the 2000 years imperial rule, but it only brought fundamental changes in China to a small extent. The nature of China’s politics, economy, society and diplomacy remained unchanged. The only fundamental change was in national aspect.

Politically, the 1911 Revolution did not change the autocratic feature of China’s politics. China was an autocratic country and the emperor was the one who made all the decisions. All citizens were under the rule of the emperor. Although there were constitutional reforms in the 1911 Revolution, the autocratic feature remained unchanged. For instance, the Outline of Constitution欽定憲法大綱 was promulgated in 1908, which stated that the emperor holds the absolute power. Though the 1911 Revolution succeeded in abolishing the 2000-year monarchy and hoping to establish democracy民權, the autocratic nature of China’s politics remained the same. When Yuan ShiKai袁世凱 became the provisional president, he soon resumed the autocratic ruling. He even dismissed the Nationalist Party國民黨 and assembly國會 in 1913 and 1914 respectively. Autocracy was restored in 1915. The imperial system emerged again. The autocratic feature did not change due to the emergence of the 1911 Revolution. Besides, after Yuan’s death, there were lengthy warlordism and armed conflicts. The autocratic situation worsened rather than improved. Hence, though the 1911 Revolution ended the 2000-year monarchy, autocracy still remained and did not change. There were no fundamental changes. In comparison, in terms of the nature of China’s politics, although the 1911 Revolution ended the 2000-year monarchy, the autocracy and dictatorship remained unchanged. Only the seeming system changed while the autocratic nature remained unchanged and there was even a more chaotic situation after Yuan’s death. As a result, there was no fundamental change in China’s politics.

Economically, the 1911 Revolution did not change the poor economic situation of China. Before the 1911 Revolution, China’s economy was backward and over 80% of the population participated in agricultural activities. Yet, the mode of production was not advanced. Also, due to the mounting population, there was insufficient agricultural land. Moreover, the Western power monopolized China’s economy by dumping their products on China, which harmed the interests of local enterprises. Undoubtedly, a number of national enterprises were founded with the establishment of the Republic of China. Chinese who live overseas had great hope over having their enterprises in the new China so they decided to return. The development of national enterprises was therefore promoted. However, the 1911 Revolution did not change the poor economic condition in China thoroughly as the principle of People’s livelihood民生 and equal distribution of land平均地權 were not realized. Peasants and tenants remained poor. Besides, the Western monopolization in China’s economy did not change as sovereign rights like tariff關稅 and salt tax鹽稅 were held by foreign countries. A stable regime could not be built after the 1911 Revolution as well. China entered a chaotic warlord era and people suffered a lot as a result of armed conflicts and heavy taxes collected by the warlords. The agriculture failed to develop and the dumping of foreign goods on China still existed. The chaotic warlord era also worsened the economic condition of China. In comparison, in terms of citizens’ living and economic problems, the 1911 Revolution did not change the poor economic situation in China. The problem of rural poverty and foreign dumping remained unchanged. There was even a worsened economic situation due to the complicated political situation after the Revolution. Thus, there was no fundamental change.

Socially, the 1911 Revolution failed to bring fundamental changes to the Chinese society as China was still a feudal country. Before the 1911 Revolution, the Chinse society was feudal and the citizens generally valued men than women. Superstitions were prevalent. There were many social misbehaviours like foot binding纏足 and opium smoking吸食鴉片. The degree of social modernisation was low. It is true that the 1911 Revolution launched various policies and reforms which hoped to transform the Chinese society. For instance, pigtails, slavery, opium smoking and foot binding were banned. However, there were no fundamental changes in China as the reforms were not carried out thoroughly and were just on an encouraging basis. There was no punishment. Also, people still called ‘Da Yen’ and ‘Lao Ye’ as these address were still acceptable. Moreover, though there were laws for Chinese to abide by, some of the social misbehaviour could not be eliminated instantly like opium smoking. In addition, traditional thoughts like valuing men over women and superstitions were deep-rooted in the society. The 1911 Revolution failed to ‘destroy the old and establish the new’. A liberal atmosphere could not be shaped in China. Hence, the 1911 Revolution did not bring fundamental changes to China, not to mention to destroy the old and establish the new. The feudal nature, uncivilised thoughts, behaviours still remained and there were few changes in the society. In comparison, in terms of the feudal thoughts and social misbehaviors, the 1911 Revolution failed to ‘destroy the old and establish the new’ to the Chinese society. The feudal nature of the society remained unchanged, while the uncivilized thoughts and habits still existed. To a small extent, there was a change to the Chinese society, so there was no fundamental change brought by the Revolution.

Diplomatically, the 1911 Revolution did not bring changes to China’s unequal diplomacy. Before the 1911 Revolution, China’s status was unequal as it was defeated several times in foreign wars. Unequal treaties were signed by China such as the Treaty of Shimonoseki馬關條約 and the Boxer Protocol辛丑條約 in 1895 and 1901 respectively. The West also had numerous rights in China, including extraterritoriality, tariff and salt tax, which harmed the sovereign rights of China. Undeniably, the 1911 Revolution ended the Qing rule. Yet, the foreign countries were not willing to abolish the unequal treaties. The revolutionaries and Yuan Shikai were proactive in striving for the recognition of the West over the founding of the Republic of China. They dared not confront with the West. Thus, unequal treaties were not eradicated and China’s rights such as tariff and salt tax were controlled by the west. China’s internal affairs were intervened. Worse still, Yuan signed the Twenty One Demand廿一條款 with Japan in 1915, further jeopardising the sovereign rights as well as interests of Chinese. China had a low international status. Diplomatic equality could not be achieved. As a result, the 1911 Revolution did not change the unequal status of China. China was bound by unequal treaties and rights were controlled by western countries. In comparison, in terms of the diplomatic status and treatment, the 1911 Revolution did not change the diplomatic inequality of China. The unequal treaties that signed before still bound China, sovereignty was still in the hand of the powers. Hence, the 1911 Revolution failed to bring fundamental change to China.

It could be seen that the 1911 Revolution could not bring fundamental changes to China’s political, economic, social and diplomatic aspects. Yet, it could bring fundamental changes in racial aspect.

Racially, the 1911 Revolution changed the racial situation of China. Before the 1911 Revolution, China was ruled by Manzu. Han, despite accounting for a large proportion of the population, were suppressed. Only a small number of Han could be appointed as high ranking officials in the government. The Han was not satisfied with the ruling of Manzu. For example, when Dr. Sun founded the XingZhonghui, one of the slogans was ‘Expelling the Manchus驅除韃虜’, which hoped to wipe out the ruling of Manzu and replaced with Han. Nonetheless, after the 1911 Revolution, in the hope of gathering the wisdom and strength of different races, Sun changed Nationalism into the Republicanism of Five Nationalities五族共和, which actualized the harmony of the Han, Manzu, Hui, Mongols and the Tibetans. Racial equality was realized and united. Moreover, after the 1911 Revolution, the slogan of racial harmony民族融和 was widespread. Afterwards, Sun advocated the replacement of the Republicanism of Five Nationalities with Chinese race中華民族. The concept of Chinese gradually replaced Nationalism in the past. This helped achieve national unity. Thus, before the 1911 Revolution, China was mainly ruled by the Manzu, hatred existed among different races but after the 1911 Revolution, racial equality as well as racial unity were achieved. In comparison, in terms of racial equality and social inclusion, there was Han class struggle in China before the 1911 Revolution with hatred between races, while ethnic equality was promoted after the Revolution which promoted the solidarity of the races in the country. It was a drastic change in the history so there was a fundamental change.

Generally, the 1911 Revolution was the first revolution in China, initiating from the bottom to the top. It brought great significance to China. After closer examination, the 1911 Revolution could only bring fundamental changes in racial aspect in China. However, it failed to bring changes in political, economic, social and diplomatic aspects, which could not meet the target of ‘destroy the old and establish the new’. Therefore, the 1911 Revolution brought fundamental changes to China to a small extent.

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