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(a) 柏林危機(1948-49)


(c) 蘇聯入侵阿富汗(1979)

背景 柏林封鎖(1948-49年)是二次大戰後美、蘇首次直接衝突,古巴導彈危機(1962年)則是冷戰期間美、蘇最接近全面戰爭的一次危機。 // 架構 其中,前者未有導致兩國爆發直接戰爭的原因是基於自身利益問題、勢力均衡的局面及二次大戰的影響,至於對核戰的恐懼及聯合國的斡旋,亦同樣令古巴導彈危機未有演變成美、蘇直接交戰。以下將分別討論兩次危機未有觸發美、蘇直接戰爭的原因。

主旨句 其一,柏林封鎖未有直接損害美、蘇雙方的自身利益,故未有觸發直接戰爭。 // 問題A段落內容 柏林封鎖的出現是由美、英、法試圖合併三國在德國的佔領區,繼而推行貨幣改革促成:蘇聯擔心美、英、法的舉動會危害其德國佔領區(日後的東德)內的經濟穩定,於是封鎖通往西柏林的交通要道。然而,事件中蘇聯的利益並未受到直接損害,它仍能夠維持對東德的控制權,美國方面也未有因蘇聯的封鎖而受到國防威脅。因此,柏林危機並未有對美、蘇兩國造成直接及嚴重的損害,在此情況下,雙方均不願以直接交戰的方式解決衝突。 // 小結 可見,柏林封鎖對美、蘇的影響有限,令是次危機未有觸發兩個超級大國之間的直接戰爭。




主旨句 其一,對核戰的恐懼使美、蘇未有因古巴導彈危機爆發直接戰爭。 // 問題B段落內容 繼美國後,蘇聯亦於1949年成功研發原子彈,核武競賽令雙方擔心毀滅性戰爭的爆發,繼而願意作出讓步。因此,在古巴導彈危機期間,縱然美、蘇雙方已經調動軍隊,隨時作好開戰準備,但基於對核戰的恐懼,雙方最終同意退讓,達成和解,避免直接交戰。事後,兩個超級大國更針對核武問題展開裁軍會議,例如於1963年簽訂《禁止核試條約》,以限制核試驗的方式緩和核武競賽及冷戰緊張局勢,使美、蘇處於低谷的關係得以改善。 // 小結 可見,對核戰的恐懼使美、蘇雙方願意進行調解,古巴導彈危機得以避免發展成為一場全面戰爭。







Choose two of the following issues and examine why did they not cause a war between the US and the USSR:

(a) The Berlin Crisis (1948-49)

(b) The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

(c) The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (1979)

The Berlin Blockade (1948-49) was the first direct conflict between the US and the USSR after WW2. The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) brought the US and the USSR to the brink of full-scale war. The Berlin Blockade was not developed into a direct war because of their self-interests, the balance of power and impacts of WW2. The Cuban Missile Crisis was not developed into a direct war due to the fear of nuclear war and the mediation of the UN. This essay will discuss why these two crises did not trigger off a direct war between the US and the USSR.

Firstly, a direct war did not break out since the Berlin Blockade did not directly harm the interests of the US and the USSR. The US, Britain and France tried to unify their occupied zones in Germany and implement monetary reform貨幣改革, leading to the Berlin Blockade. The USSR worried that their actions would threaten the economic stability of its German occupied zone. Hence, the USSR blocked the routes of West Berlin. However, the interest of the USSR was not harmed. It could maintain its control over Eastern Germany. The US’s national defense was not threatened because of Soviet blockade as well. The Berlin Crisis did not harm the US and the USSR so they refused to settle problems through war. It showed that the Berlin Blockade had limited impacts on the US and the USSR and thus was not developed into direct war between them.

Secondly, the Berlin Blockade was not developed into a direct war because of the balance of power. After WW2, the power of the US and the USSR possessed of similar strength, shaping balance of power and confronting towards others. The US successfully invented atomic bomb原子彈(1945), which was the most destructive weapon at that time. However, the USSR possessed of 6 million soldiers, 50 thousand tanks坦克 and 20 thousand warplanes戰機, being comparable to the US. Under the balance of power, they were not confident enough to defeat the opposite side. Hence, they both took conservative attitudes and did not carry out any military action. Besides, the USSR controlled Eastern European satellite states after WW2, expanding its power. However, the USSR unified 11 countries such as Britain and France to from defensive military alliance, the NATO北約(1949). The USSR worried that war would bring about harmful impact on it, thus giving way. The USSR ended the blockade of West Berlin one month after the establishment of the NATO. Crisis came to an end. It showed that the US and the USSR did not develop the Berlin Blockade into a direct war because of the balance of power.

Thirdly, the Berlin Blockade was not developed into a direct war because of impacts of WW2. WW2 brought about catastrophic destruction. The number of deaths during WW2 was 70 million, which were unprecedented in history. As a result, countries became war-weary and did not want a war again in order to avoid casualties. The Berlin Blockade thus was not developed into a full-scale war. The US, Britain and France did not carry out any military action during the crisis forcing the USSR to unblock Berlin. On the contrary, it sent a lot of planes to provide people in West Berlin with goods and materials through “air corridors空中走廊”. Meanwhile, it adopted anti-blockade policy反封鎖政策, including cutting supplies of steel, coal and electricity to respond to the USSR. Thus, the Berlin Blockade worsened the US-USSR relations. Yet, they did not carry out force confrontation since they feared to break out war again. It showed that the US and the USSR were not willing to break out war again because of impacts of WW2. It prevented the Berlin Blockade from developing into direct war.

Because of the aforementioned reasons, the Berlin Blockade was not developed into direct war between the US and the USSR. Next, this essay will discuss why the Cuban Missile Crisis did not trigger off a war between the US and the USSR.

Firstly, the Cuban Missile Crisis was not developed into a direct war because of the fear of nuclear war. The USSR also successfully invented atomic bomb原子彈(1949) after the US. They feared that nuclear race would lead to destructive war, thus being willing to give way. For instance, in the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), the US and the USSR have mobilized armies and prepared for war already. Yet, because of the fear of nuclear war, they were willing to give way to reach reconciliation. A general war thus did not break out. After that, they even held disarmament conferences to settle nuclear weapons affairs. They signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty禁止核試條約(1963) in order to limit the mode of nuclear experiments, reduce nuclear armaments race and ease up hostile situation. It improved the US-USSR relations. It showed that because of the fear of nuclear war, they were willing to mediate. It prevented the Cuban Missile Crisis from developing into a general war.

Secondly, the Cuban Missile Crisis was not developed into a direct war because of the mediation of the UN. After WW2, the United Nations, which was an international peace keeping organization, was formed. It aimed at mediating conflicts among countries and preventing war from breaking out. For instance, the UN acted as a mediator in the Cuban Missile Crisis. It appealed to the US and the USSR for not adopting action which worsened the situation. It even ensured the safety of Cuba in exchange for the withdrawal of Soviet missiles, thus gaining the US and the USSR support. Later, the Secretary-General of the UN U Thant吳丹 lobbied the Cuba leader Castro卡斯特羅 for withdrawing the Soviet missiles and bombers. It was the turning point of improving the US-USSR relations. The US could get rid of the threat of Soviet missiles in Cuba while the USSR was promised not to invade Cuba by the US. They reached reconciliation under the UN mediation and did not break out war. It showed that the UN took an active role and mediated the conflict between the US and the USSR. A general war thus did not break out.

In conclusion, the Berlin Blockade and the Cuban Missile Crisis were major crises during the Cold War. Undoubtedly, these two crises worsened the US-USSR relations. However, owing to their self-interests, the balance of power, impacts of WW2, the fear of nuclear war and the mediation of the UN, a direct war did not break out and the situation of “Cold” could be maintained.

Appendix: (c) Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (1979)

Firstly, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan did not directly harm the interests of the US and thus it was not developed into a direct war. Since Afghanistan possessed of a huge amount of oil field resources and was near the USSR, the USSR actively intervened in its internal affairs since 1950s so as to gain interests. However, the US-Afghanistan relations were not close at all. Also, even if the USSR got the control over Afghanistan, it could not get “ice-free port不凍港” to expand its naval sphere of influence. The US could still maintain its dominant position in the oil region of Middle East. Thus, because the US did not suffer any interest loss or damage, the US refused to involve in conflict by force and only proclaimed the Carter Doctrine卡特主義, which emphasized the US would repel all foreign forces controlling the Persian Gulf波斯灣 by military force. Meanwhile, the US provided indirect assistance to anti-communist forces in Afghanistan. There was no war between the US and the USSR finally. It showed that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan did not directly harm the US interest. Thus, the US did not intervene in it comprehensively and declare war on the USSR.

Secondly, the US did not intervene in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan because of the fear of war, preventing direct war from breaking out. The Vietnam War越戰 was a painful lesson for the US. Over 58 thousand of US soldiers died in battle during the period of 1965-73 and the Vietnam War cost 100 billion. The US citizens appeared strong anti-war sentiment and doubted the policy of containing communism by force. The US government therefore avoided intervening local conflict again. Furthermore, after the US had invented the atomic bomb原子彈 in 1945, the USSR also successfully tested the atomic bomb in 1949. Until 1970s, the number of nuclear weapons of the USSR surpassed that of the US (the USSR possessed of 2,400 strategic missiles戰略導彈, which were 40% more than that of the US). With the rapid growth of nuclear weapons of the USSR, the US was suspicious of the military power of the USSR and worried for suffering destructive damage. Thus, the US did not intervene in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (1979). It only adopted some mild policies, including boycotting the Moscow Olympic莫斯科奧運會(1980) and providing assistance to anti-communist forces. Hence, no war broke out at that time. It showed that the US adopted non-violence method to respond to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan because of the fear of war, preventing direct war from breaking out.

Thirdly, 1970s was the period of détente低盪, reducing the chance of developing the Afghanistan problem into a war between the US and the USSR. Starting from the late 1960s, the US-USSR relations improved gradually. They held several official meetings, disarmament conferences and agreements, including the signing of the SALT I第一輪限制戰略武器條約(1972) and the Helsinki Agreement赫爾辛基協定(1975). They promised to respect each other’s sovereignty and settle disputes in a peaceful way. Their relations improved a lot in 1970s, shaping the period of détente. Thus, although the USSR invaded Afghanistan (1979), the US did not declare war on the USSR. After that, the USSR only strongly condemned the USSR, refused to verify the SALT II第二輪段限制戰略武器條約(1979) and also unified other Western countries to boycott the Moscow Olympic莫斯科奧運會, showing its discontent. It showed that since the US-USSR relations improved in 1970s, the US had a relatively mild reaction regarding the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, thus avoid the outbreak of a direct war.

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