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定義 現代化指一國家或地區成功擺脫落後及封建,本質上達致先進﹑文明的狀況。 // 架構 雖然南京政府積極推動中國現代化的建設,但至1930年代中葉,中國在政治﹑經濟﹑教育、司法及外交方面均未能達致現代化,僅在社會上存有現代化的特徵。 // 立場 因此,1930年代的中國只在小程度上可被視為是一個現代化國家。

主旨句 政治方面,1930年代中葉的中國並未達致現代化。 // 標準 現代化政體應具備民選的性質,並容許其他政黨的存在。 // 段落內容 然而,於1930年代中葉的中國,此等特徵並未有出現。雖然南京政府按孫中山的《建國大綱》逐步將中國由軍政的階段推至訓政及憲政。但憲政階段因中日戰爭(1937)爆發而被推遲至1946年才正式通過,中國當時仍然停留於訓政階段,即使嘗試推行五權分立,但人民仍然缺乏選舉權,選舉制度並未能於中國確立。加上,南京政府奉行以黨治國的方針,實行一黨專政,排除異己,不斷進行剿共的行動,實缺乏現代化多黨制的特徵。 // 小結 可見,1930年代中葉的中國政體並未出現民選的性質,而且存在一黨專政的專制統治特徵,故並未達致現代化。








To what extent was China modernized by the mid-1930s?

A country or region that is modernized has gotten rid of backwardness and feudalism and is essentially modern and civilized. Despite various attempts at modernization by the Nanjing government, China was not modernized in political, economic, educational, judicial and diplomatic aspects by the mid-1930s and showed features of modernization in social aspect only. Therefore, China was modernized in the period concerned to a small extent only.

Politically, China did not achieve modernization by the mid-1930s. A modern form of government should be elected and allow the existence of political parties. Yet, these characteristics were not found in China in the mid-1930s. True, the Nanjing government progressed from the stage of military rule to political tutelage and finally became constitutional in accordance with Sun’s ‘Fundamentals of National Reconstruction’. Nevertheless, the establishment of constitutional government was postponed until 1946 due to the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937), which means that China was still in the period of political tutelage at that time. Notwithstanding the attempt of separation of powers, suffrage was not granted and election system was missing. Also, it adopted one-party dictatorship and eliminated dissidents by purging the communists. Multi-party system, a characteristic of modernization, was absent there. These show that the Chinese government in the mid-1930s lacked electoral elements and displayed signs of one-party dictatorship. Therefore, the nation was not modernized.

Economically, China’s economic condition was far beyond the standard of modernisation. Economic modernisation does not only mean high productivity but also balanced economic development. The Nanjing government implemented economic reforms in the monetary system by replacing silver dollars with banknotes in 1935. Economic regulations like Exchange Act and Weights and Measures Act were passed to create a sound economic environment. Also, it assisted the local industries and extended railways like the Guangdong-Hankou Railway opened in 1936, which helped develop the industry. Yet, China’s economy was not really modernised as it was dominated by plutocrats (especially the “Big Four Families”), hindering the development of small and medium enterprises. Besides, China was still an agricultural society that most people engaged in agricultural activities. Yet, productivity remained low without introducing machines. Moreover, the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937 halted commercial activities in many areas. Thus, China did not really achieve economic modernisation. In the 1930s, China’s economy was modernised to a small extent.

Educationally, China in the mid-1930s failed to achieve modernization. Educational modernisation is that the school system should be sound and most people have the right to receive education. The Nanjing government built many secondary and primary schools and passed the Law of Compulsory Education in 1932 which aimed to provide people with free elementary education to allow more people to be educated. Later, regulations for primary, secondary education and overseas study were issued in 1933. The education system in China became more mature. Yet, China was educationally modernised to a small extent only. In the mid-1930s, the problem of illiteracy was still serious as most rural population were deprived of the chance to receive education. Also, the Law of Compulsory Education was not actualised thoroughly due to limited capital. Thus, although the education system in China became more mature, most people did not receive education. Educational modernisation in China was still in the beginning stage. Therefore, although the education system was becoming modernised, with serious illiteracy, China was modernised to a small extent.

Judicially, China’s judiciary condition was not modernized. Judicial modernisation means there should be a sound and independent judicial system and trials should be fair, just and open. Although the Nanjing government set up the Judicial Yuan and passed new laws such as Company Law and Bankruptcy Act, China did not have a modernised legal system. As extraterritoriality and unequal treaties were not abolished in the mid-1930s, China did not have a complete, independent and autonomous judicial system. Also, the judicial system could not guarantee fairness due to serious corruption among Chinese officials. Worse still, Kuomintang’s anti-communist acts were against judicial modernisation. It caught and privately purged the communists, which was against the feature of justice and openness in a modernised judicial system. Therefore, the judicial system in China became more modernised but it was actually not modernised in nature. China was judicially modernised to a small extent..

Diplomatically, China’s diplomacy in the mid-1930s could not be regarded as modernized. Diplomatic modernisation means the country should have equal international status with foreign countries and should be respected by others. The Nanjing government endeavoured to enhance China’s international status and abolish unequal treaties with foreign countries. During 1926-30, it recovered British concessions at Hankou and Xiamen; tariff autonomy was recognised in 1930, boosting China’s diplomatic status. Yet, China’s diplomacy still suffered from inequality. China was still bound by unequal treaties and foreign countries retained extraterritoriality in China. Such unequal situation did not end in the mid-1930s. Besides, China could not maintain autonomy and become Japan’s target. Japan invaded the whole China in 1937. China’s independence was not respected. Therefore, there was improvement in China’s international status but not equal diplomacy. China was diplomatically modernised to a small extent.

Although China in the mid-1930s did not actualize modernizations in different aspects, it did have a modernized feature in social aspect.

Socially, China in the mid-1930s was basically a modernized society. Social modernisation is that civil responsibility, freedom and equality are emphasised and basic human rights are protected. In fact, the Nanjing government had carried out reforms early in the 1920s to promote social modernisation. The People’s Rights Ordinance was passed to protect civil rights in 1929. Besides, to promote the ideas of equality and freedom, the government followed the early republican practices to prohibit foot-binding, slave trade and change koutou to nods and the addresses of “Da Ren” and “Lao Ye” to “Mister”. This liberalised and equalised the society. Moreover, the government started the New Life Movement in 1934 which promoted the Confucian virtues of “li, yi, lian, chi”, arousing mass consciousness, the spirit of cooperation and civil awareness. At the same time, this helped improve hygiene thus the Chinese society became healthier. Thus, the Chinese society was generally modernised in the 1930s.

Generally speaking, China in the mid-1930s was progressing to modernization. Although it gradually realized a modernized system, some traditional thoughts still existed. Therefore, to a small extent it was a modernized country.

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