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定義 「人禍」即由人為所造成的禍害,包括戰爭、人為政策失誤所造成的飢荒等。日本在1937年侵略中國,挑起亞洲戰線的爆發,及後於1941年突襲美國珍珠港,四處樹敵,使其最終以戰敗收場。 // 架構此「人禍」對日本帶來翻天覆地的轉變,在政治、經濟、教育、外交等方面均導致了新的政策及發展。

主旨句 政治方面,人禍促使日本出現新的政策。 // 舊的政策二戰戰敗前,日本在政治上實行《明治憲法》,規定天皇權力至高無上。而且,軍人在政策上獲得優厚待遇,例如軍部大臣可以直接覲見天皇,而且1936年重新恢復的「軍部大臣現役武官制」也規定內閣的成立必須獲得軍部支持才能成立,反映政策上是有利於天皇及軍人。 // 人禍及新的政策然而,隨著日本在二次大戰的戰敗,以美國為首的盟總佔領日本,令日本失去自主權。然而,此人禍卻令日本政治政策出現新的轉變,因盟總政府為日本實行新的政策,包括頒布《昭和憲法》以取替《明治憲法》,廢除天皇權力,並且亦取消了「軍部大臣現役武官制」及軍人的覲見制,軍人不再獲得超然的待遇。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,《昭和憲法》革新了日本原有的憲法,加上政策上廢除了軍人的特權,令到日本政治政策在二次大戰的戰敗後煥然一新,出現了蛻變,可見人禍導致了新的政策。

主旨句上述的新政策也導致日本政治發展由專制走向民主。 // 舊的發展二戰戰敗前,日本的政治是專制的,天皇擁有至高無上的權力,軍國主義者更操控了日本政治,同時日本政府的民選成份有限。 // 人禍及新的發展然而,二次大戰的戰敗反令日本政治發展由專制走向民主。因盟總在佔領期間為日本推行民主化改革,如於1947年為日本頒布《昭和憲法》,廢除天皇權力及允許所有成年男、女有投票權,同時也為日本剷除軍國主義勢力,如召開遠東國際軍事法庭,審判約6000名軍人及整肅超過20萬與日本擴張政策有關的人士,使軍國主義勢力受到剷除。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,二次大戰的戰敗使日本政治發展走專制走向民主,也將軍國主義徹底剷除,令日本政治不再受到天皇或軍人的束縛,真正走向民主,可見人禍促使了新的政治發展出現。








Elaborate on the statement ‘Human-made disasters usually lead to new policies and developments’ with reference to Japan.

Human-made disaster refers to any hazard caused by people, including wars and famine due to human errors. Japan started the invasion against China in 1937 that provoked conflicts in the Asian theater, and this was followed by its sudden attack on the American Pearl Harbour in 1941. By making enemies around the world, Japan ended up in a crushing defeat. This 'human-made disaster' had brought Japan sweeping changes that led to new policies and developments in political, economic, educational, diplomatic and other aspects.

Politically speaking, the human-made disaster led to new policies in Japan. Before its defeat in WWII, Japan's political structure was established in the Meiji Constitution明治憲法, under which the Emperor shall enjoy supreme power. The military were also treated preferentially. For example, military ministers had direct access to the Emperor and their support was essential to cabinet formation according to the Military Ministers to be Active-Duty Officers Law軍部大臣現役武官制 restored in 1936. These policies were clearly favourable to the Emperor and the military. However, with its defeat in WWII, Japan was under the US-led SCAP occupation and lost its autonomy. But this human-made disaster brought new changes to Japan's political policies. The SCAP government adopted new policies for Japan, including replacing the Meiji Constitution with the Showa Constitution昭和憲法, depriving the Emperor of his authority, and stamping out the Military Ministers to be Active-Duty Officers Law and the direct access rights覲見制 of the military, who had since stopped getting preferential treatment. Comparatively speaking, the Showa Constitution revolutionized the constitutional structure of Japan. In addition to the deprivation of special rights of the military, Japan's politics had undergone a profound transformation as to its political policies. It is therefore understood that a human-made disaster can lead to new policies.

The above new policy also redirected Japan's political development that was then characterized by democracy instead of autocracy. Before its defeat in WWII, Japan was an autocratic country in which the Emperor enjoyed supreme power and the militarists dominated its politics. Also, the Japanese government lacked electoral elements. However, the defeat turned Japan's once autocratically-featured political development into the one towards democracy. During its occupation, the SCAP government implemented democratic reforms in Japan. For instance, it promulgated the Showa Constitution for Japan in 1947, deprived the Emperor of his power and granted suffrage to all adult men and women. It also removed militarist influence in Japan by setting up the International Military Tribunal for the Far East遠東國際軍事法庭 put around 6,000 personnel on trial and to purge over 200,000 people affiliated with Japan's expansionist policy. As a result, the militarist influence was eradicated. Comparatively speaking, Japan's defeat in WWII guided its political development from autocracy to democracy and completely removed militarism there. Japan's politics were thus no longer restrained by the Emperor or the military and went towards genuine democracy. It is clear that a human-made disaster can bring about new political developments.

In economic aspect, the human-made disaster also brought about new policies in Japan. Before its defeat in WWII, Japan adopted the National Mobilization Law國家總動員法 in 1938 to support its war effort. The ratio of military spending to national budget was then raised to 70% and it further increased to 99% by 1944. However, the defeat led to new economic policies of Japan despite its harm to the country. In order to prevent Japan from starting another war, the SCAP government promulgated the Showa Constitution昭和憲法 in 1947, according to which the military spending of Japan shall not exceed 1% of its gross national expenditure. The old National Mobilization Law was abolished and replaced by the 'less than one percent' policy. Comparatively speaking, where Japan adopted the National Mobilization Law before its defeat, this policy was abolished after Japan lost the war and a new policy of keeping military expenditure below 1% of the total was established, despite the fact that Japan was under the SCAP occupation and lost its autonomy temporarily. It is therefore understood that a human-made disaster can bring about new policies.

The defeat also guided Japan's economic development from devastation to restoration. The 99% on military spending' policy totally overwhelmed Japan's economic development. The ratio of national debt to GDP for Japan increased from 133% in 1943 to 204% in 1944. The economy was on the brink of collapse. In addition, as the wartime Japanese government relied on the zaibatsu to provide capital and military supplies, their domination over Japan's economy continued. Indubitably, the defeat in WWII made Japan's economic condition even worse because the country was war-torn after destruction like the two atomic bombings targeted at Nagasaki長崎 and Hiroshima廣島, and the returning veterans faced unemployment problem. However, the defeat actually gave Japan a chance of restoration. In order to make Japan a barrier against communism expansion in Asia, the US actively assisted in its reforms, including the Land Reform Act土地改革法(1946) releasing agricultural land to boost productivity. In addition, the Anti-Monopoly Act禁止壟斷法(1947) was promulgated to dissolve the zaibatsu and bring the economic development of Japan to a new phrase. Comparatively speaking, the defeat, contrary to expectations, caused Japan's economy to thrive in the post-war period and led to an 'economic miracle經濟奇蹟'. Also, the domination of the zaibatsu over the economy ceased to exist. It is thus reasonable to conclude that the human-made disaster brought Japan new developments.

In educational aspect, the human-made disaster led to new policies in Japan. Before its defeat in WWII, Japan issued the Imperial Rescript on Education教育敕語(1890) that enforced indoctrination of ideas about loyalty and patriotism to schoolchildren. Also, there were only 6 years of compulsory education and only the elementary one was free of charge. However, the defeat led to educational reforms in Japan despite its temporary loss of autonomy. After occupying Japan, the SCAP government implemented new policies for Japan, including the Basic Education Law教育基本法 in 1947 in which education was stated as all-round development of schoolchild personality instead of indoctrination. In addition, in the same year the School Education Law學校教育法 was implemented to extend free education from six years to nine years, allowing further development of compulsory education. Comparatively speaking, the defeat led to transformation of Japan's educational policies - the guiding policy changed from the Imperial Rescript on Education to the Basic Education Law, and the compulsory education policy had its period extended from six years to nine. Therefore, the human-made disaster did contribute to new policies.

The defeat also guided the development of Japan's education from indoctrination to initiation and extended it from elementary level to tertiary level. Before the defeat, Japan's education focused on indoctrination of ideas about loyalty and patriotism, and its educational development was limited to elementary level. Even though the primary school enrolment rate of Japan exceeded 99% by 1920, the secondary and higher educational institutes there were still underdeveloped and it remained difficult for the impoverished rural population to receive such education. However, after the defeat, the education reforms by the SCAP government not only changed the objective of education to whole person development but also furthered the development of secondary and tertiary education. After its retreat, the Japanese government continued to set up many institutes of higher or further education. As a result, Japan's education developed rapidly at tertiary level and in the 1970s every one out of seven Japanese people was university graduate. The tertiary education standard of Japan became the highest in Asia and also on par with that of Western countries. Comparatively speaking, Japan's educational development changed its feature from indoctrination to all-round development, and its development focus also extended from elementary education to higher education. It is therefore understood that the human-made disaster led to new developments.

In diplomatic aspect, the human-made disaster led to a new Japanese diplomatic policy. Before the defeat in WWII, Japan adopted an aggressive diplomatic policy manifested in invasions like the July 7th Incident七七事變 of 1937 that marked the start of its full scale invasion of China. Also, as for Southeast Asia, Japan set up the 'Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere大東亞共榮圈' as a pretext for military aggression. However, the defeat caused changes in Japan's diplomatic policy despite making it one of the defeated countries. After WWII, Japan was under the SCAP occupation and not able to adopt aggressive diplomatic policy. Also, with substantial assistance provide by the US for its reforms, Japan became an ally of America and followed its diplomatic policy by playing the role of an important barrier against the spread of communism in Asia. Relatively speaking, Japan had an aggressive diplomatic policy before its defeat, while it adopted a peaceful one under significant American influence after that. Therefore, the human-made disaster led to a new diplomatic policy.

Japan's defeat also changed the development of its diplomatic relationship with neighbouring countries from worsening to improving. Before its defeat, Japan had a hostile relationship with its neighbours. Due to its aggressive behaviour, Japan attracted hostility from neighbouring countries like China and Korea and had continual wars with them. Their relationships were extremely strained. Although Japan's defeat in WWII was surely harmful to the country, this helped improve its relationship with neighbouring countries. After the defeat, since the US intended to use Japan to check the spread of communism in Asia, it actively helped Japan improve its relationship with other Asian countries. For example, under American coordination, Japan signed the Treaty of San Francisco三藩市條約(1952) with SE Asian countries for indemnity and the Treaty of Taipei日台和約(1952) with Taiwan to formally mark an end to their war. These gradually improved Japan's relationship with them. Comparatively speaking, the development of Japan's diplomatic relationship was worsening before the defeat and losing the war helped Japan improve its relationship with neighbouring countries and make it normal again. The country was then no longer involved in enduring warfare. Therefore, the human-made disaster brought about new developments.

In short, although human-made disaster can bring about considerable destruction and losses, it often leads to new policies and developments. The above example of Japan has proved the statement quoted in the essay question valid.

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