定義 集體安全體系指列強為維持和平所建立的集體合作機制,於兩次大戰期間,其包括成立國際聯盟(國聯)、簽署國際公約及舉行一系列裁軍會議。 // 架構 然而,基於參與國數目過少、過度依賴英、法兩國、缺乏有效罰則、自身存有漏洞及合作範疇過於狹隘,使集體安全體系從一開始已注定失敗。 // 立場 因此,題目所言確能成立。
主旨句 其一,兩次大戰期間集體安全體系的參與國數目過少,使其注定失敗。 // 段落內文 集體安全體系的成效取決於參與國的數目及參與程度,雖然此機制於一次大戰後得以確立,但卻未能形成高代表性及緊密合作,如國聯只有42個創始會員國,即使後來有更多國家加入,但高峰時亦只有58國。更甚,多個大國並未能同時成為會員,甚或沒有參與在內,倡議國美國便是顯例,結果使國聯未有足夠的權威及能力處理國際衝突。此外,華盛頓會議(1921-22年)及倫敦海軍會議(1930年)中參與裁軍的國家更少,前者只有5國參與,後者則更只有3國,結果未能有效消除國際間的擴軍氣氛,注定裁軍無法取得重大成效。 // 小結 可見,參與國的數目局限兩次大戰期間集體安全體系的效用,使之由一開始已注定失敗。
‘The collective security system during the inter-war period was doomed to fail from the very beginning.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.
Collective security refers to the security system established to maintain international peace by powers during the Second World War, including the establishment of the League of Nations, signing of international treaties and a series of disarmament conferences. However, the collective security system was doomed to be a failure because of the limited participating nations, over-reliance on France and Britain, lack of effective punishment, own loopholes and narrow scope of cooperation. Therefore, the statement is valid.
Firstly, the collective security system was doomed to be a failure because there were limited nations participating in it during the two world wars. The effectiveness of the collective security system depended on the number of nations participating in it and their level of participation. Although the system was established since the First World War, there was absence of high representativeness and close cooperation among countries. For example, the League國聯had only 42 founding members. The peak of its membership was only 58 countries. Worse still, many big powers did not become its member at the same period, or even did not join it. One obvious example was the US, who was the initiator of the League, refused to be a member of the League. The League was then lack of adequate power, authority and capability to deal with the international crises. Plus, the number of nations joining the Washington Conference華盛頓會議(1921-22) and the London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議(1930) was even fewer, the former had 5 while the latter one had only 3 participating countries. They could not help to solve the armament problems and relieve international arms expansion. Disarmament was destined to have limited effectiveness. Hence, the collective security system was doomed to be a failure during the two world wars because the limited participating countries confined its effectiveness.
Secondly, the collective security system was doomed to be a failure due to the over-reliance on Britain and France during the two world wars. Along with Germany being weakened much by the Treaty of Versailles, the disintegration of Austria-Hungary, the isolationist policy introduced by the US again and the USSR being isolated by the western countries, the responsibility of keeping world peace was fallen to France and Britain. For instance, the important affairs of the League國聯 were mainly managed by Britain and France. Added to this point, the volunteering work which aimed to assist the nations being invaded was also borne by Britain since Britain was the guarantee nation保證國 in the Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約(1925). Yet, Britain and France were also battered in the First World War, making the collective security tottered at the initial stage. Britain and France were further weakened because of the outbreak of the Great Depression (1929) and they needed to concentrate on solving the national economic crises first, which weakened the collective security system a lot. For instance, during Germany’s aggression, like when Germany violated the Treaty of Versailles and rearmed in 1935 to the annexation of the Czechoslovakia捷克 in March 1939, Britain and France adopted the appeasement policy to deal with the issue, making the collective security useless. As we can see, the collective security system was doomed to be a failure due to its over-reliance on Britain and France with shrinking national power at the initial stage.
Thirdly, the collective security system was doomed to be a failure due to the lack of effective punishment. During the two world wars, the collective security system did not have a set of useful punishment measures to cope with countries violating the treaties. For example, the League國聯 could restrict the aggressor by moral condemnation, economic sanctions and collective military operation. However, first, the moral condemnation had no actual effectiveness. Second, the League lacked power to enforce members in imposing economic sanctions. Third, the League did not have an independent army, making collective military operation impossible. Without the effective punishment measures, the League could not be a powerful punisher. Also, the disarmament conferences and peace treaties proposed during the two world wars also lacked punishment measures. For example, the Washington Conference華盛頓會議(1921-1922) did not list the punishment for signatory powers violating the treaty. The Kellogg-Briand Pact凱格—白里安公約(1928) just called on every country to abandon war in order to solve disputes but not setting a system to punish the signatory violating the treaty, making the treaty useless. The aforementioned doomed the failure of different attempts. Thus, the collective security system was doomed to be a failure due to the lack of effective punishment.
Fourthly, the collective security system was doomed to be a failure because of its own loopholes. For the League國聯, because of the adoption of unanimous vote一致同意, if any of the member states opposed the motion, it could not be passed. This loophole produced chance for aggressor to oppose the decision and action of the League, limiting the effectiveness of its peace-keeping force. For instance, after the September 18th Incident九一八事變(1931), the voting result of the League was 13(for):1(against) (Japan), but Japan claimed that the motion could not be passed unanimously and she refused to withdraw her army. Moreover, the peace treaties and the disarmament conferences had their own loopholes as well. For example, the Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約(1925) only stopped Germany from expanding west but failed to affirm her eastern boundaries, this enabled Germany to expand to the east afterwards. The ‘legitimate self-defense’ clause in the Kellogg-Briand Pact凱格—白里安條約(1928) was a pretext used by Germany to annex the Sudetenland蘇台德區(1938), in the name of protecting the Germanic people. Also, the London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議(1930) had only three signatories, which were the US, Britain and Japan. In order to avoid inferiority when other country expanded the army, it stated ‘‘if any country other than the signatories started to expand its navy, the signatories could follow suit.’’, weakening the effectiveness. Therefore, the collective security system was doomed to be a failure because of its own loopholes.
Fifthly, the narrow scope of cooperation made the League of Nations doomed to fail. The main objective of the League國聯 was to arbitrate conflicts among members, yet it put too much emphasis on dealing with international conflicts and failed to facilitate the international cooperation in social, cultural and economic aspects. Ultimately, it was difficult for members to build up tight cooperation and relationships with mutual benefit, making the League with loose organization. It was doomed to have limited effectiveness. Plus, the scope of disarmament aspects was too narrow in the disarmament conferences. For instance, there was only naval disarmament in Washington Conference華盛頓會議(1921-22) and the London Naval Conference倫敦會議(1930), without dealing with the army and air force, undoubtedly weakening the effectiveness of disarmament. Although the Geneva Conference日內瓦會議(1932-34) was a general disarmament conference, every country just protected their own interest. Germany even withdrew after the request of unanimous disarmament for every country was rejected, making the disarmament conference failed. Ultimately, the two disarmament conferences held during the two world wars only limited the tonnage of warship. Disarmament did not progress significantly. Thus, the narrow scope of cooperation made the League of Nations doomed to fail.
All in all, the collective security system which was established during the two world wars had several obvious weaknesses at the very beginning. These weaknesses indeed impaired the effectiveness of collective security system, making it became useless gradually. Finally, it failed to stop the totalitarian countries from invading others in the 1930s, the world war hence became inevitable.