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定義 「衝突」指爭吵、摩擦的情況,甚至有可能動用武力,以致處於戰爭的狀態;「合作」指聯合起來做共同的項目。 // 立場 在冷戰期間,儘管美、蘇兩國為歐洲帶來了若干的衝突,但事實上,兩國的對立為歐洲帶來了大量防守性的合作,因此形成了歐洲長期處於對抗,卻未有爆發大戰的冷戰局面,故題目所言確能成立。 // 架構 以下,將從政治、經濟、軍事方面討論。

主旨句 政治方面,美、蘇的對立使多次衝突及危機的出現。 // 項目B(衝突) 美﹑蘇兩國互相猜忌﹑互相抗衡,終致一連串衝突的出現,如1948年蘇聯恐懼英﹑法﹑美三國合併西德及於西德進行政治及貨幣改革,因而對西柏林進行封鎖,終令美國為首的西方國家強烈不滿,導致「柏林危機」的出現。此外,美國為了取得蘇聯的情報,不斷派偵察機到蘇聯領空,卻釀成了美國偵察機被蘇聯擊落的「U-2擊墜事件」(1960年),使原定於同年舉行的第二次和平高峰會告終,令兩大陣營再次進入緊張的關係。 // 小結 可見,兩國的對立引致了多次衝突的出現。

主旨句 然而,兩國的對立帶來了更多的政治合作,促成的合作多於衝突。// 項目A(合作) 美、蘇兩國為了抗衡對方的勢力,分別拉攏歐洲的資本主義和共產主義國家建立同盟,例如美國於1949年成立北約,以團結起北大西洋附近的資本主義國家。往後,當西德於1955年加入北約時,蘇聯亦與東歐多國建立華沙公約組織,以進一步團結東歐的共產主義勢力,抗衡美國為首的北約,結果令東、西歐分別建立了同盟關係,促成了政治合作。除了各自陣營的合作外,歐洲國家恐懼美、蘇的對立會令其捲入兩國間的衝突,因此也在1975年召開了歐洲安全與合作會議,東、西歐的大多國家均有參與在內,希望藉此建立溝通及合作的關係,避免歐洲出現戰爭。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,美、蘇兩國為歐洲帶來的衝突主要集中在冷戰的早期,但至1960年代中後期起,兩國已經鮮有導致歐洲的政治危機和衝突出現。相反,兩國的對立不但分別開啟了東、西歐間的政治合作,也驅使了歐洲安全與合作會議的出現,使歐洲的政治合作日趨頻繁,故帶來的合作實多於衝突。






‘During the Cold War, the US and the USSR brought more cooperation than conflicts to Europe.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

'Conflict' refers to the situation with disputes and disapprovals. It is also possible that violence is involved and war is resulted; 'Cooperation' refers to the events done cooperatively. During the Cold War, although the US and USSR brought numerous conflicts in Europe, they actually brought a lot of cooperation for defence. This resulted in a situation of Cold War in which long term confrontation was resulted in Europe and no wars was involved in the process. Hence, the statement was totally valid. Below, the essay would be discussed in the political, economic and military aspects.

Politically, the confrontation of the US and USSR created numerous conflicts and incidents. The US and USSR were suspicious and counterbalanced the power of each other. This resulted in a series of conflicts. For instance, the USSR feared that West Germany, which was occupied by Britain, France and the US, would adopt the political and currency reforms in East Germany. Therefore, she blocked West Berlin and ended in huge discontent of the US-led Western countries. Berlin Crisis柏林危機 thus occurred. Apart from that, in order to obtain information from the USSR, the US sent U-2 spy planes to the air territory of USSR. This ended up in the 'U-2 Incident U-2擊墜事件' which the US U-2 spy plane was crushed by USSR (1960). The second peace conference第二次和平高峰會 which was originally held in the same year was cancelled. Both blocs had a tense relationship. This showed that their confrontation led to numerous conflicts.

However, the confrontation of the two countries brought upon more political cooperation than conflicts. In order to counterbalance the influence of each other, the US and USSR formed alliances with capitalist and communist countries respectively. For instance, the US formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation北約(NATO) in 1949 so as to unite the capitalist states near the North Atlantic. Later, when West Germany joined NATO in 1955, the USSR and some Eastern European countries formed the Warsaw Pact華沙公約組織 so as to further unite the communist power and counterbalance the power of the US-led NATO. As a result, alliances were formed in the Eastern and Western Europe respectively and this facilitated political cooperation. Apart from the cooperation within blocs, countries organised the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe歐洲安全與合作會議 in 1975 with their fear of getting involved in the confrontation of the US and USSR. Most countries of Eastern and Western Europe were involved in the hope of preventing wars through establishing communication and cooperation. In comparison, the US and USSR mainly brought conflicts in Europe during the early stage of Cold War. However, in the mid and late 1960s, they only led to limited political crises and conflicts in Europe. In opposite, the opposition of the two countries not only led to the political cooperation of Eastern and Western Europe, it paved the way to the occurrence of conferences on safety and cooperation in Europe. It increased their political cooperation and hence, the US and the USSR brought more cooperation than conflicts to Europe.

Economically, the confrontation of the US and USSR did not bring great conflicts to the economy of Europe. During the Cold War, the US and USSR only led to the counterbalance of economies of Eastern and Western Europe but no conflicts was resulted. As the US feared that communism would spread rapidly with the poor economy, she actively helped the European countries to restructure their economies. She implemented the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃 in 1948 and provided financial assistance of USD$13 billion to Western European states. In order to counterbalance the US Marshall Plan, the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃(1947) was launched during the discussion period of the former plan. As a result, Eastern and Western Europe were divided into a situation with economic counterbalance. This showed that the confrontation of the two countries only led to economic confrontation of Europe but did not result in conflicts.

However, the confrontation of the US and USSR brought more cooperation than conflicts to the economy of Europe. As the US and USSR were in a hostile relationship, they supported the economic development of Eastern and Western Europe respectively. It resulted in cooperation. For instance, the Eastern European countries established the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation歐洲經濟合作組織(1948) for dividing the economic assistance amounting to USD$13 billion from the US. This led to the economic integration of Europe. Later, they established organisations like the European Coal and Steel Community歐洲煤鋼共同體(1952), European Economic Community歐洲經濟共同體(1958), and even the European Community歐洲共同體(1967) so as to sustain their economic cooperation. At the same time, the USSR would like to counterbalance the economic assistance from the US to Western European countries and thus launched the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃(1947). After that, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance was formed in 1949 to continue the Molotov Plan. These established the economic cooperation of Eastern European countries. In comparison, the US and USSR only led to the confrontation of Eastern and Western European countries in the economic aspect. It did not lead to any economic conflict. However, these two countries had immense impact to European economy. These paved ways to the occurrence of economic integration of Western and Eastern Europe. It led to European economic cooperation in the largest scale in forever. Hence, these two countries brought more cooperation than conflicts to the economy of Europe.

Militarily, the confrontation of the US and USSR led to military conflicts. The US and USSR were confronted and as a result, they provided military assistance to the regional wars in Europe in the hope of counterbalancing the expansion of others. For instance, 'Truman Doctrine杜魯門主義' was introduced by the US in 1947, providing USD$0.4 billion to support Greece and Turkey in fighting the local communist parties. As a result, the civil war of Greece希臘內戰 became more and more radical and conflicts were worsen. Moreover, the USSR used her military strength to suppress the Eastern European states in order to prevent the US force from getting into these countries. For instance, when Czechoslovakia attempted to carry out democratic reforms in 1968, the USSR thought that she was moving in a rightist direction and sent troops of Warsaw Pact to attack her. This act created internal conflict in the communist bloc. This showed that the confrontation of these states led to the occurrence and worsened the military conflicts.

However, the confrontation of the two countries led to more military cooperation which was more than the conflicts caused. During the Cold War, the US and USSR counterbalanced each other and established military cooperation. For instance, the US set up missile bases in Italy意大利 and Turkey土耳其 which targeted on the USSR. These three countries formed a military cooperation relationship. Apart from that, in 1983, the US and other NATO members investigate on 'Strategic Defense Initiative星戰計劃'(SDI). They developed missile defense systems which targeted on the USSR. The US and many Western European countries established cooperation in the universe. On the other hand, in order to counterbalance the power of US-led NATO, the USSR conducted military deployment with Eastern European states. For instance, a lot of troops from Warsaw Pact were rooted in East Germany東德 and Poland波蘭, a defensive military relationship was formed. In comparison, the US and USSR caused a long term military confrontation in Europe. However, in fact, the military conflicts caused by these two countries were rare. This was the result of the defensive military projects led by them in the Western and Eastern European countries. Balance of power was achieved which both sides were hesitated in initiating wars. It shaped a 'cold’ situation in Cold War. Hence, the confrontation of the US and USSR brought more military cooperation than conflicts to Europe.

To sum up, the confrontation of US and USSR brought numerous political, economic and military cooperation. These united Eastern and Western European states respectively. Due to their unity, balance of power was achieved and both sides would not take action arbitrarily. Hence, the confrontation brought limited conflicts. In opposite, more cooperation were brought.

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