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架構 美﹑蘇兩國於冷戰期間的鬥爭雖然導致了國際間於外交及軍事方面的衝突,但也締造了經濟﹑軍事等方面的合作。 // 立場因此,美﹑蘇兩國不但導致了衝突的出現,同時也帶來了合作,故題目所言只能在部分程度上成立。

主旨句 其一,美﹑蘇兩國的鬥爭導致了外交上的衝突出現。 // 內文美﹑蘇兩國互相猜忌﹑互相抗衡,終致一連串外交衝突的出現,如1948年蘇聯恐懼英﹑法﹑美三國合併西德及於西德進行政治及貨幣改革,因而對西柏林進行封鎖,終令美國為首的西方國家強烈不滿,導致「柏林危機」的出現。此外,兩國的鬥爭於1962年再進一步惡化,因蘇聯試圖於古巴建立導彈基地,令美國認為其國土受到嚴重的威脅,雙方更因「古巴導彈危機」而進入備戰狀態,戰事幾乎一觸即發。雖然於冷戰期間,雙方並未有爆發直接的戰事,但卻導致了多次外交風波及衝突的出現,惡化了國際局勢。 // 小結可見,美﹑蘇兩國導致了外交衝突的出現。







‘During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union brought about international conflicts rather than cooperation.’ Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to the period 1945-91.

During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union brought about international diplomatic and military conflicts. However, they also brought about economic and military cooperation. Thus, the US and USSR brought about international conflicts as well as cooperation. To a certain extent, this statement is valid.

Firstly, the US and USSR brought about diplomatic conflicts. Mutual distrust and confrontation between the US and USSR led to several diplomatic conflicts. For example, Britain, France and the US tried to integrate West Germany and impose political and monetary reforms in West Germany. The USSR then blocked West Berlin because of fear. It led to Western countries’ discontent, thus resulting in Berlin Crisis柏林危機. Moreover, the US-USSR relationship worsened in 1962. Since the USSR attempted to set up nuclear missile bases in Cuba, it threatened the US. The US and USSR prepared for war owing to the Cuban Missile Crisis古巴導彈危機. A war was nearly broke out. Undoubtedly, there was no direct war between the US and USSR during the Cold War. However, several diplomatic conflicts worsened the international situation. It showed that the US and USSR led to diplomatic conflicts.

Secondly, the US and USSR supported different ideological blocs, thus resulting in military conflicts. Since the US and USSR tried to expand and protect their blocs’ interest, they supported other countries of their own bloc respectively. For example, the US supported KMT in China, South Korea and South Vietnam. On the other hand, the USSR supported CPC in China, North Korea and North Vietnam. Moreover, they even provided military aids which internationalized military conflicts. For example, the USSR seized Japanese military weapons during WW2, and gave CPC before the Chinese Civil War國共內戰. On the other hand, the US assisted KMT in order to counter communism. It catalyzed conflicts between KMT and CPC, thus resulting in Chinese Civil War. Furthermore, the US sent troops to support South Vietnam in 1965 in order to confront North Vietnam in the Vietnam War越戰. It was developed from a local war to an international conflict. It showed that the US and USSR caused military conflicts.

Undoubtedly, the US and USSR brought about international diplomatic and military conflicts. However, they also brought about cooperation.

Firstly, the US and USSR provided assistance which facilitated the emergence of international economic cooperation. Since the US feared the spread of communism under poor economic situation, she actively supported the reconstruction of European economy. For instance, the US implemented the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃, which offered a loan of 13 billion to assist European countries, in 1948. In a bid to allocate the Marshall Plan’s economic aid effectively, European countries formed the Organization for European Economic Co-operation(OEEC)歐洲經濟合作組織(1948). It marked the beginning of European economic integration and facilitated the emergence of economic cooperation. On the other hand, the USSR imposed the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃(1947) and established the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance(COMECONE)經濟互助委員會(1949) in order to counter the US’s economic aid. It provided more assistance to Eastern European countries, thus resulting in economic cooperation. It showed that conflicts between the US and USSR facilitated the emergence of international economic cooperation.

Secondly, conflicts between the US and USSR facilitated the emergence of international military organizations which enhanced blocs’ cooperation respectively. They had great military strength so that they suspicioned each other. They were afraid that they would lose advantages in case of war. Consequently, the US and USSR actively formed alliances with other countries respectively. It led to the formation of military alliances. For example, the US formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)北大西洋公約組織 after the Berlin Crisis柏林危機(1948-1949) in order to enhance military cooperation between the US and other Western European countries. Later, when West Germany joined the NATO in 1955, the USSR established the Warsaw Pact華沙公約組織 with Eastern European countries. It consolidated communist bloc so as to confront the NATO. It was doubtless that the confrontation between the NATO and the Warsaw Pact made situation become hostility. Yet, the formation of military organizations enhanced cooperation of their own bloc. For example, the US introduced the Strategic Defense Initiative(SDI)星戰計劃 in 1983; NATO members united to do research on space interception technology. It facilitated military cooperation. It showed that the US and USSR facilitated military cooperation of their own bloc and formed military alliances.

Thirdly, the US and USSR brought about military cooperation. As France and China tested nuclear weapons in 1960 and 1964 respectively, the US and USSR worried that they would lose military advantages when more countries possessed of nuclear weapons. Thus, they called secret meetings in 1966 and signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty不擴散核武器條約(1968) with other 59 countries. It marked the beginning of international cooperation toward nuclear weapons disarmament. Furthermore, with a view to facilitating disarmament cooperation, the US and USSR held SALTs限制戰略武器會議 since 1969. As the USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979, SALT II第二期限制戰略武器會議 thus ended without making any achievement. However, it was doubtless that the US-USSR military cooperation has reached. Moreover, during the détente (1970s), they held the American-Soviet Joint Space Mission太空聯合任務(1975). Spaceships of both countries jointed and proceeded experiments. It was the first cooperation program in space. It shows that there were military and space technological cooperation between the US and USSR. Although cooperation existed limitations, achievements should not been neglected.

In conclusion, the United States and the Soviet Union brought about international conflicts. They brought about cooperation as well. Thus, to a certain extent, this statement is valid.

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