背景 軍國主義於1930年代在日本上台,終結了政黨政治時期,更引領日本走向第二次世界大戰。 // 立場探究其取得上台的原因,國外因素較國內因素更為重要,是導致軍國主義上台的主因,故題目所言確能成立。 // 架構以下將從西方對日本的針對及排拆、中國的局勢變動和同期極權主義的發展三方面先探討國外因素如何導致軍國主義上台。
主旨句 西方對日本的針對及排拆是導致日本軍國主義上台的主因。 // 主項重要性二十世紀初,「黃禍」的思想於歐、美地區彌漫,認為黃種人有威脅歐美帝國霸權的潛力,因此作為黃種人的日本也受到西方的針對及疏離,如美國於1924年通過《排外法案》,禁止日本在內的黃種人移民到美國。此外,在華盛頓會議(1921-22年)及倫敦海軍會議(1930年)中,列強更壓抑日本的勢力,如華盛頓會議中迫使日本交代原本在中國山東的勢力範圍;倫敦會議中限制日本的大型巡洋艦與美、英的比例至10:10:6,因此令日人於1920年代起產生強烈的仇外情緒,更支持軍方的對外擴張行動,如九一八事變(1931年)等,希望藉對外擴張而挽回民族光榮,致使軍國主義者在取得人民支持下上台。 // 小結可見,西方對日本的針對有助日本軍國主義的上台。
主旨句 其一,政黨政治的腐敗對於軍國主義者得以上台的重要性不及國外因素。 // 他項重要性政黨政治執政時期過於貪腐,經常勾結財閥,藉此取得選舉經費以取得選舉勝利。同時,在經濟及外交議題上過於軟弱及無能,如未能有效解決銀行危機(1927年)及經濟大蕭條(1929年)等經濟危機,而且在華盛頓會議(1921-22年)及倫敦海軍會議(1930年)時也未能滿足日人及軍方的要求,因此令日人支持強硬的軍國主義者,使軍國主義於1930年代日本盛行及受到歡迎。 // 駁論然而,國外因素較政黨政治的腐敗更為重要。就因果關係而言,國外因素揭示了政黨政治的腐敗。因美、英等國在中國市場與日本的競爭,再加上經濟大蕭條所造成的重大打擊,令日本經濟陷入谷底,失業人數高達300萬人,成為政黨政府難以解決的難題。而且,政黨政府在華盛頓會議及倫敦會議中的弱勢表現因受到多國的壓抑所致,如英、美兩國在倫敦會議中共同限制日本大型巡洋艦的數量,才使政黨政府無力招架。 // 小結可見,國外因素才是導致軍國主義者上台的主因。
‘External factors were the most important reasons for the military takeover of the Japanese government in the 1930s.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.
Militarism rose in Japan in 1930, ending the party politics. Militarism even brought Japan to the WW2. To explore the reasons for the rise of militarism, external factors were more important than internal factors and external factors were even the primary factor. Hence, the statement is true. Discrimination from the west, changing circumstance of China and the development of totalitarianism in the same period were some external factors leading to the rise of militarism.
First, the discrimination of western countries against Japan was also a main factor leading to the rise of militarism in Japan in the 1930s. In the early 20th century, the idea of ‘yellow peril黃禍’ was so prevalent and widespread that the US, as well as the European countries, isolated and discriminated against the Japanese. For instance, the US passed the immigration act排外法案 in 1924, prohibiting Japanese from immigrating to the US. Moreover, during the Washington Conference華盛頓會議(1921-22) and the London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議(1930), the West suppressed the Japanese by pressing them to return Shandong to china and limiting the heavy cruisers ration to US (10): Britain (10): Japan (6). A strong sense of dissatisfaction towards the west was thus developed, people therefore turned to the militarists in order that they might regain their national glory by supporting the foreign expansion such as the September 18th Incident九一八事變(1931). Thus, the discrimination from the west accounted for the rise of militarists in the 1930s.
Second, the changing situation of China also led to the rise of militarism in the 1930s. With the northern expedition of China in 1926, China embarked on the journey of the unification of China. This jeopardized the interests of Japan in China. On one hand, it stimulated the military actions of Japan’s militarists; on the other, it prompted the militarists to take actions on their own initiative rather than following the instructions of the party government, making it possible for the takeover of militarists. For example, in 1928, Zhang Zuolin張作霖, a military leader in China, was killed by the Kwan Tung Army in China. Japan thus expanded into the China. Furthermore, due to the weak attitude of the party towards China, like the Prime Minister, Inukai Tsuyoshi犬養毅. He objected to the proposal of Manchuria滿洲國, arousing discontent of some extreme militarists. At last, he was assassinated in the May 15th Incident五一五事件. Since then, party politics dwindled, militarists rose. Thus, it could be seen that the changing situation of China was the reason for the takeover of militarists in the 1930s.
Third, the development of totalitarianism in the same period in Italy and Germany stimulated militarism in the 1930s. After the WW1, totalitarianism soon developed with poor economic and social situation. Fascist Mussolini墨索里尼 and Nazi Hitler希特拉 even rose to the power in 1922 and 1933 respectively. These totalitarian regimes strengthened and consolidated their power once they rose to power, placing emphasis on one-party dictatorship一黨專政 and eventually, they became a role model for Japan’s militarists. After the February 26th Incident二二六事變 in 1936, Japan even restored the Military ministers to be Active Duty Officers Law軍部大臣現役武官制. The cabinet was controlled by the militarists again. Moreover, in 1940, Japan even set up the Imperial Rule Assistance Association大政翼贊會(IRAA) to replace other political parties. They even copied Italy and Germany to adopt one-party dictatorship. Militarism in Japan became a dominant power. Thus, the rise of totalitarianism in the same period in Italy and Germany led to the takeover of militarists in the 1930s.
There were also some other factors like the incompetence of the party government and the rise of extreme nationalism giving rise to militarism, but they were not as important as external factors. These factors were not the main factors.
First, the incompetence of the party government also led to the rise of the militarists but it was less important than the external factors. During the period of party politics, corruption of zaibatsu was common and widespread. The political parties colluded with the zaibatsu so as to gain the political donations and win the elections. Meanwhile, the inability to address the economic and diplomatic issues revealed and exposed the government’s weaknesses. For instance, it failed to solve the Bank Crisis銀行危機(1927) and the Great Depression經濟大蕭條(1929) and even succumbed to the west in Washington Conference華盛頓會議(1921-22) and the London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議(1930), which resulted in the opposition of Japanese. Japanese supported the militarists as a result. However, external factors were more important. In terms of causality, the external factors revealed the corruption of party politics. Since it was the US and Britain which competed with Japan for the market in China, together with the Great Depression, the number of unemployed reached 3 million. This became the problem that the government failed to solve. In addition, the government showed its weaknesses in the London Naval Conference by accepting the limitations of Japan’s warships. Party government thus failed. Hence, external factor was the main factor for the rise of militarism.
Second, the rise of extreme nationalism also led to the rise of the militarists. Yet, it was less important than the external factors. Internally, Japan emphasized the ascendancy of the Yamato people and inculcated nationalism into Japanese. Externally, Japan put emphasis on national glory. Gradually, this ideology evolved into an extreme nationalism, contributing to the formation of some extreme nationalistic organizations like the Black Dragon Society黑龍會 and the Brotherhood Blood League血盟團. These organizations planned a number of assassinations, like the May 15th Incident五一五事件 by the Brotherhood Blood League in 1932, leading to the rise of militarists in 1930s. However, the external factors were more important since they led to the spread of extreme nationalism. Since extreme nationalism once weakened in the 1910s with the entry of party politics (Hara Kei原敬 became the first civilian appointed as the Prime Minister), it was the suppressing and discriminating policy from the west that caused the discontent of Japanese. Extreme nationalism rose with the dissatisfaction of Japanese. Japanese supported militarists who carried out foreign expansions. Thus, external factors were more important than the rise of extreme nationalism when it comes to the rise of militarism.
In conclusion, in contributing to the development of militarism, external factors were more important. Therefore, the statement is true and external factors were the most important factor.