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架構 雖然日本於第二次大戰世界大戰中戰敗,但卻為政治、經濟、教育及軍事等方面帶來好處,故戰敗對日本而言反是因禍得福。然而,在外交方面則未有因戰敗而得到好處。 // 立場因此,題目所言只能在大程度上成立。

主旨句 政治方面,戰敗反使民主能植根於日本,實因禍得福。 // 戰敗前日本政治於1945年前被軍國主義者操控,缺乏民主,如「大政翼贊會」於1940年成立,取締了各個政黨,日本陷入獨裁統治的時代。而且,戰前日本的政變﹑刺殺頻繁,如五一五事件(1932年)及二二六事件(1936年)均使日本政壇波動,動盪不穩。 // 戰敗後然而,至1945年戰敗,雖然戰敗令日本被盟總政府統治。但戰後,以美國為首的盟總政府為日本實行了非軍事化及民主化的措施,如非軍事化方面,召開了遠東戰爭法庭,審判了6,000名軍人及整肅了20萬右翼分子,有助剷除軍國主義思想。此外,在民主化方面,盟總政府為日本頒布了《昭和憲法》(1947年),廢除天皇權力﹑提高下議院權力,並開展全民選舉的年代。因此,多虧美國的措施,軍國主義及獨裁統治不再出現於日本,民主也得以真正開始在日本萌芽。 // 小結可見,政治上,日本實因戰敗而得福,成功確立民主。







‘The defeat of Japan in 1945 was a loss that turned out to be a gain.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

Although Japan was being defeated in the WW2, her defeat brought about benefits in political, economic, educational and military aspects. However, there was no benefits gained in diplomatic aspect due to the defeat. Hence, to a large extent the statement is valid.

In political aspect, the defeat in WW2 brought about democracy in Japan, thus having more gains than loss. In 1945, Japan’s politics was controlled by militarists and hence lack in democracy. For instance, the Imperial Rule Assistance Association (IRAA)大政翼贊會 founded in 1940 replaced all the political parties. Japan fell into an era of autocratic rule. Besides, there were frequent assassinations in pre-war Japan such as the May 15th Incident五一五事件 and the February 26th Incident二二六事件. All these coups created instability in Japanese politics. Yet, it is true that Japan was defeated in 1945 and she was occupied by the SCAP government but after the war, the US-led SCAP government carried out demilitarization and democratization in Japan. In terms of demilitarization, the US convened the Military Tribunal戰爭法庭 for the Far East, during which 6000 soldiers were sentenced and over 200 thousand people supporting Japan’s expansionist policy were purged. These prevented militarism from reviving again. In terms of democratization, when the SCAP government launched the Showa Constitution昭和憲法 in 1947, the power of Emperor was eliminated and the power of lower house was enhanced. The era of universal suffrage also began. Therefore, with policies by the US, militarism and autocratic rule no longer existed in Japan. As a result, politically, Japan’s defeat in 1945 was a loss that turned out to be a gain.

In economic aspect, the defeat of Japan in 1945 boosted her economy. Before the war, the economy of Japan was monopolized by the zaibatsu such as Mitsui三井, Mitsubishi三菱, Sumitomo住友, which held 63.3% and 63.8% of the country’s mining and transportation industry. Medium and small-sized enterprises failed to develop. Besides, suffered from a number of economic crises in 1920s, like the Great Kanto Earthquake關東大地震(1923), the Bank Crisis銀行危機(1927) and the Great Depression世界經濟大蕭條(1929), the economy of Japan was collapsed. However, although Japan lost all the colonies after her defeat in WW2, and she had to make reparation, her economy got a chance to revive. With the enthusiasm of the US to help rebuild Japan’s economy, like promulgating the Anti-Monopoly Act禁止壟斷法(1947) to prevent the zaibatsu from monopolizing the economy; the Land Reform Act土地改革法(1946) to release the farmland. Besides, the US even helped Japan to get into the international market. For example, the Treaty of San Francisco三藩市條約(1952) allowed the reparations of Japan to be paid in kind and labor services, which helped Japan to get into the Southeast Asian market. Therefore, not only did Japan’s economy recover in a fast pace after 1945, but it also stepped into the Golden period in 1960-1970. Her GNP even exceeded that of West Germany in 1973, becoming the second largest economy in the world. As a result, Japan’s defeat in 1945 was a loss that turned out to be a gain.

In educational aspect, the defeat of Japan liberated the educational values of Japan. Before 1945, Japan’s education was strictly controlled in terms of thoughts and values. For instance, the Imperial Rescript on Education教育敕語(1890) put great emphasis on loyalty and patriotism, which was of a strict standard. Between 1930 and 1940, it was the militarists who controlled Japan’s education. All anti-rightist teachers and books were banned and education became the tool for controlling and thoughts of children. With the defeat of Japan in 1945, despite the occupation by the SCAP government, it was a loss that turned out to be a gain. The US, in an attempt to completely remove militarism, attached much importance to education by deleting the contents which praised militarism in textbooks. In 1947, the US even introduced the Basic Education Law教育基本法, which guaranteed and cultivated students with all-round development. Meanwhile, compulsory education was increased from 6 years to 9 years. Therefore, Japan’s education became more liberal and the education level became higher as a result of the defeat in 1945. This favored the tertiary education later. As a result, Japan’s defeat in 1945 was a loss that turned out to be a gain as her education became more liberal.

In military aspect, Japan’s defeat was also a loss that turned out to be a gain as her defeat created a suitable environment, which was favorable for military development. Before 1945, owing to the needs of waging a war, Japan’s military expenditure was so high that it reached 99% in 1944. The huge military expenditure led to an abnormal development of economy that brought her to the brink of collapse. However, after her defeat, the SCAP government exercised tough control over Japan’s possession of army as well as weapons. This was rather beneficial to Japan’s military development. For fear that militarism would revive again in Japan, the US prohibited Japan from keeping army and the US even signed the Mutual Security Pact日美安全保障條約 in 1952, which stated that the US would protect Japan. Thus, the military expenses of Japan greatly decreased and only accounted for 1% of the GNP. This was favorable to Japan’s economic recovery. Although this measure weakened Japan’s military power, the protection offered by the US could replace this weakness. In later period, the prosperous economy of Japan allowed her to redevelop her army and her military expenses even reached the second in the world in 1983. At the end of the 20th century, the naval power of Japan became one of the top powers in the world, which indicated the strong military power of Japan. Therefore, despite that the defeat was unfavorable to Japan’s military development in the short term, the overall, as well as the military development were balanced in the long term.

Though Japan was a loss that turned out to be a gain in political, economic, education, military aspects. In diplomatic aspect, it was a loss that turned out to be a loss.

In diplomatic aspect, Japan’s defeat did not bring her a gain as the impact of war caused dissatisfaction between her and other neighboring countries. Before 1945, Japan had poor relations with some Asian countries such as China中國, Korea朝鮮, and Indonesia印尼 as a result of aggression carried out by Japan. Undoubtedly, Japan had to return the territories invaded before, but, from Japan’s perspective, no matter she won or lost, it did not help to mend the relations among them. Worse still, some war-related problems haven’t settled today. For example, complaints made against Japan of their evil behaviors during the WW2. The Japanese court even rejected the accusations made by Asians, causing discontent. This hindered Japan from establishing a friendly relations with other Asian countries. Moreover, the post-war territorial problems haven’t settled, either. For example, Japan constantly quarrel over the territorial problems, especially the dispute with China over Diaoyu Islands釣魚台 and with South Korea over Dokdo獨島, which caused damage to peace in Asia region. Their relations even intensified. Therefore, diplomatically, Japan’s defeat in 1945 did not bring her a gain.

All in all, as post-war Japan was controlled by militarists, her defeat in 1945 liberalized Japan in political, economic, educational and military aspects, which could be seen as transformation. Therefore, to a large extent the statement is valid.

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