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背景 在一次世界大戰後,由於美國實行孤立政策,而蘇聯就因共產主義的關係而被國際社會孤立,維持歐洲和平的重任便落到英、法身上。 // 架構 雖然英、法在1919-39年間嘗試透過和平會議、國聯、和平條約、裁軍會議、綏靖政策及互助條約等方式維持和平,但上述努力均以徹底失敗為告終。 // 立場 因此,題目所言確能成立。

主旨句 其一,英、法舉行巴黎和會試圖維持和平,但卻埋下另一次大戰爆發的種子,未能維持和平。 // 方法 在1919年,英、法與其他戰勝國召開了巴黎會議,試圖解決一次大戰後的問題,以維持和平。其中,英、法兩國的領導人作為「三巨頭」之二,對於和會有著舉足輕重的影響力,例如在制訂對德國的安排一事上,法國極力要求嚴懲德國,使德國在《凡爾賽條約》中被迫賠償達330億美元、承擔全部戰爭罪責;在給予意大利領土方面,英、法及美國最終給予提洛爾及伊斯特里亞予意大利。 // 成效 然而,由於英、法在和會中的安排失當,結果導致德、意兩國極為不滿,成為日後大戰爆發的伏線。例如在德國安排上,嚴苛的《凡爾賽條約》導致了德國人的強烈不滿,日後使希特拉打著推翻條約的旗幟而獲得人民支持,在1933年上台不斷發動侵略,例如1939年侵略捷克及突襲波蘭,使二次大戰爆發。此外,由於英、法失信於意大利,未有將阜姆及達爾馬西亞給予意大利,結果也令意人不滿,有助墨索里尼於1922年的上台,並且上台後積極擴張,例如1935年入侵阿比西尼亞,大大損害和平。 // 小結 可見,英、法主導的巴黎和會未能締結歐洲和平,更成為二次大戰爆發的遠因。







‘Britain and France’s efforts to maintain peace failed to bring about peace in Europe in the period 1919-39.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

After the First World War, the US adopted the isolationist policy and Soviet Union was being isolated by the international community due to the adoption of communism. The responsibility of preserving peace in Europe fell to Britain and France. Although Britain and France attempted to preserve peace through peace conferences, the League of Nations, peace treaties, disarmament conferences, the appeasement policy and Treaty of Mutual Assistance. However, the above ways were in total failure. Hence, the statement was valid.

Firstly, Britain and France organized the Paris Peace Conference in the hope of preserving peace, but it sowed seed to another war and failed to achieve the goal. In 1919, the victorious nations, Britain and France held the Paris Peace Conference巴黎會議, trying to solve the problems of First World War and preserve peace. Leaders of Britain and France, as members of the Big Three三巨頭, had immense influence to the conference. For instance, France suggested to punish Germany harshly in her arrangement. As a result, Germany had to pay an indemnity of USD$33 billion in the Treaty of Versailles凡爾賽條約, bear all war responsibility; in the territorial arrangement of Italy, Britain, France and the US eventually gave Tyrol提洛爾 and Istria伊斯特里亞 to her. However, due to the mistakes in the arrangement of Britain and France in the conference, Germany and Italy were greatly discontented. It became the underlying cause leading to the outbreak of another world war. For instance, in the arrangement to Germany, the harsh Treaty of Versailles sparked the discontent of Germans. Later, Hitler希特拉gained great support by advocating the overthrow of treaty. He initiated invasions after his rise of power in 1933, for instance, he invaded Czechoslovakia捷克 in 1939 and assaulted Poland波蘭, leading to the outbreak of Second World War. Apart from that, Britain and France disappointed Italy which they failed to provide her with Fiume阜姆 and Dalmatia達爾馬西亞. As a result, Italians were discontented as well. This facilitated the rise of Mussolini墨索里尼 in 1922 and he actively expanded after that. For instance, he invaded Abyssinia阿比西尼亞 in 1935 which greatly damaged peace. This showed that the British-French led Paris Peace Conference failed to create peace in Europe and even became an indirect cause leading to Second World War.

Secondly, the British-French led League of Nations could bring limited peace in 1919-39 and had insufficient effectiveness. Due to the opposition of the US Parliament, the US did not join the League of Nations from the beginning to end. The responsibility of sustaining the operation of the League fell to two permanent members常任理事國, Britain and France. This was a way for them to preserve peace in Europe. Under their guidance, the League could successfully solve the regional conflicts in the 1920s. It included deterring Italy in bombarding Greece Corfu Island希臘科孚島 in 1923 which preserved peace in the 1920s. However, with the Great Depression經濟大蕭條 in 1929, the national strength of Britain and France decreased and they had to focus on solving internal economic problems. As a result, the failed to fully devote on the peace-keeping affairs in the League of Nations. Hence, the League not only failed to deter invasions in the 1930s, it motivated the ambition of aggressors. For instance, the invasion of Italy in Abyssinia阿比西尼亞. Abyssinia located in Africa. Due to the British-French led League of Nations failed to stop Italian aggression, Italy neglected the economic sanction and quitted the league in 1937. In 1939, Italy invaded Albania阿爾巴尼亞 which was located in the Balkans. The League of Nations did not have an independent troops and relied on the military power of member states. However, Britain and France, as the permanent members, were weak and could not send troops to deter invasions. Aggressors thus ignored the League and peace could not be preserved. This showed that the British-French led League of Nations failed to preserve peace.

Thirdly, the peace treaties of international community led by Britain and France failed to preserve peace. During the two World Wars, under the guidance of Britain and France, the international community signed the Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約 and Kellogg-Briand Pact凱格—白里安公約 in 1925 and 1928 respectively. These created the Honeymoon Period蜜月期in the 1920s. In the Locarno Treaties, Britain was the guaranteed nation保證國 which had to ensure that Germany was following the arrangement of preserving the condition of boundaries of Germany, France and Belgium; in the Kellogg-Briand Pact, French foreign minister Briand白里安 asked the countries to stop the use of war in building diplomatic relationship. However, those peace treaties encouraged by Britain and France could not bring real peace. Although Britain was the guaranteed nation in the Locarno Treaties, when Germany remilitarized Rhineland萊茵河區 in 1936 and scrapped the treaty, Britain did not take any action. As a result, this increased the confidence of German expansion. Moreover, Britain and France did not consider comprehensively in enacting Locarno Treaties. They just determined the border of the West of Germany and failed to regulate that in the East. Germany thus expanded in the East later. For instance, the whole of Czechoslovakia捷克 was being invaded in 1939 and this showed that the treaty had great loophole. Furthermore, limitations existed when France persuaded countries to sign the Kellogg-Briand Pact. In the treaty, signatories were subjected to ‘legitimate self-defense’ 合法性的防衛權 which became a reason for invaders to invade and expand. For instance, in 1938, Germany used the protection of Germans as a pretext and demanded to retreat Sudetenland蘇台德區 where lived 3 million Germans. The treaty became a pretext for aggressors. This illustrated that the peace treaties encouraged by Britain and France failed to bring peace to Europe.

Fourthly, the participation of Britain and France in disarmament conferences failed to bring peace to Europe. In 1919-39, Britain and France participated and led three disarmament conferences, including the Washington Conference華盛頓會議 in 1921-22, London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議 in 1930 and the Geneva Conference日內瓦裁軍會議 in 1932-34. Britain and France asked countries to disarm in Washington Conference and Geneva Conference. As in London Naval Conference, Britain was the host of the conference leading its agenda. However, efforts of disarmament conferences paid by Britain and France could not bring long-term peace to Europe. In Washington Conference, Britain, France and other member countries only regulated the ratio of dreadnoughts in navy. However, disarmament of army and air force was not mentioned. In the London Naval Conference, France did not sign the Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament限制和削減海軍軍備條約, making the treaty only limited to Britain, the US and Japan. Due to the lack of participation of countries, Britain, the US and Japan signed the treaty which allowed that ‘if any country other than the signatories started to expand its navy, the signatories could follow suit’ 若簽署國以外一國擴張,簽署國亦可之. As a result, the effectiveness of disarmament conference was nearly zero. As in the Geneva Conference, France demanded Germany to disarm with her fear of German military force. Hence, Germany was greatly discontented and she quitted the conference. Other countries feared that Germany would reinitiate invasion and actively expanded their army. Disarmament conferences were in a total failure. This showed that the participation of Britain and France failed to effectively bring peace to Europe.

Fifthly, Britain and France preserved peace by adopting the appeasement policy but the effectiveness was limited and failed to create peace in Europe. National strength of Britain and France greatly reduced after the Great Depression in 1929 and they could not use a forceful way to deal with the actions of aggressors. Therefore, Britain and France adopted the appeasement policy which concede to satisfy the aggression of invaders, hoping that they would not reinitiate invasion. However, this way not only failed to satisfy the aggressors, they were being motivated and expanded radically. These led to the outbreak of Second World War. For instance, when Germany demanded to get Sudetenland蘇台德區 in 1938, Britain and France held an attitude of concession. They held the Munich Conference慕尼黑會議 and gave Sudetenland to Germany. As a result, Czechoslovakia lost this important place for national security and her ability to defense greatly reduced. She thus became the target of German invasion. In March of 1939, Germany occupied the whole of Czechoslovakia捷克 without much efforts and peace was greatly damaged. Later, Germany knew that Britain and France stopped her invasion, but she still assaulted Poland波蘭 in September 1939. Eventually, the Second World War broke out under several concessions of Britain and France. This showed that the appeasement policy adopted by Britain and France in preserving peace was a total failure.

Sixthly, France attempted to preserve peace in some regions of Europe by signing Treat of Mutual Assistance but ended in failure. In order to prevent the invasion of aggressors, France signed the Treaty of Mutual Assistance互助條約 with Poland波蘭 and Czechoslovakia捷克in 1925. It stated that when one was attacked, the other signatory had to offer assistance. Besides, after the reintroduction of German conscription in 1935, France signed the Treaty of Mutual Assistance with the USSR to enhance her defensive power and prevent invasion. However, the Treaty of Mutual Assistance signed by France and different countries ended in failure and failed to provide effective protection to signatories. These countries only focused on their own interests and the treaty could not function effectively. For instance, when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia in 1939, France did not provide any assistance as she afraid that she would be involving in the war. Similarly, as the USSR afraid that Germany would invade her, she signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact互不侵犯條約under German invitation in 1939. The Treaty of Mutual Assistance between France and Soviet Union thus lost its function. Later, Germany assaulted Poland in the same year. France followed the Treaty of Mutual Assistance and provided support to Poland. She then sent an ultimatum to Germany with Britain. However, as Germany was being tolerated many times before, Germany had great confidence in starting the war. Thus, she did not give in when facing the actions of Britain and France. This led to the outbreak of Second World War. This showed that the Treaty of Mutual Assistance provided by France failed to preserve peace.

To sum up, although Britain and France made different attempts in preserving peace in the inter-war period, these efforts had limited effectiveness. Eventually, the Second World War broke out after 20 years of the end of First World War.

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