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經濟方面,產業多元化的特徵也能反映香港經濟現代化的方面。現代化的經濟為各產業均衡發展,並非僅集中於發展單一產業。於1970年代起,香港經濟發展慢慢由工業發展轉型至多元產業的發展,例如在1978年中國推行改革開放政策後,香港重新成為中國與外國進行貿易的重要中轉站,香港機場的貨運量在1990年代保持於世界前列。與此同時, 香港的金融業也得到了重大的發展,與紐約和倫敦連成24小時不停運作的國際金融中心,成為了全球第三大金融中心。此外,香港的旅遊業、零售業也蓬勃發展,有「購物天堂」的美譽,是支撐香港整體經濟發展的重要支柱之一。雖然工業開始於香港沒落,但製造業仍在本地生產總值中佔有一定的百分比,令香港形成了貿易﹑工業﹑金融﹑零售及旅遊業等多元產業發展的經濟模式。可見,產業均衡及蓬勃發展反映了香港經濟達致了現代化。





To what extent was Hong Kong modernized politically and economically by the year 2000? Explain your answer with reference to Hong Kong’s history from the 1970s to 1990s.

Modernization refers to a country or region which successfully get away from lagging behind and feudalism. The nature of society reaches the level of advancement and civilization. To a large extent, Hong Kong was modernized in 1970s-1990s. Politically, the electoral element increased, adoption of Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong and the economic structure with diverse industries reflected that Hong Kong was modernized. In the following, the modernization of Hong Kong would be discussed first.

Politically, the increasing electoral element of government organizations reflected that Hong Kong achieved modernization. One of the benchmarks for political modernization is universal suffrage for the people, and Hong Kong during the 1970s-1990s could fulfill such requirement. For instance, in the Urban Council市政局, half of the members were elected by people after the restructuring in 1973. Until 1995, the rule of all members being voted by people was implemented. Hence, it had a high representativeness. Apart from that, in the District Council區議會, residents who aged 21 or above and lived in Hong Kong for more than 7 years could vote for their district councilors (1982). Until 1994, the government abolished all appointed seats and reduced the age of voters from 21 to 18. The representativeness of the District Council thus became more comprehensive. Moreover, in the Legislative Council立法局, it implemented direct and indirect elections in 1985. In 1995, it confirmed that all Legislative councilors were to be elected by the public. People could choose the councilors to represent them by casting votes. This showed that Hong Kong has achieved political modernization by people’s right to vote and the representativeness of government.

Politically, the characteristic of Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong reflected that Hong Kong has achieved modernization. One of the important criteria of achieving modernization is that the local residents can participate and get involve in the local politics當地居民能夠參與及管治本地的政治. All senior positions in Hong Kong were monopolized by foreigners and the local citizens could hardly play an important role in the government. However, the British colonial government gradually put the principle of Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong港人治港 into practice after the signing of Sino-British Joint Declaration of China中英聯合聲明 and Britain in 1984. Local Chinese were allowed to take up important positions in the government. For instance, in the level of commissioner, Li Kwan Ha李君夏 was appointed as the Commissioner of Police in 1989. He was the first Chinese Commissioner of Police. After that, there were gradually more and more Chinese being appointed as senior officers. For instance, Anson Chan陳方安生 and Donald Tsang曾蔭權 were being appointed as the Chief Secretary and Financial Secretary in 1993 and 1995. This shattered the tradition of these positions being monopolized by foreigners. After the handover in 1997, all senior officers in the government were Chinese. Tung Chee-Hwa董建華, a Chinese, was appointed as the first Chief Executive in Hong Kong and this could directly show the implementation of Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong. This implied that the local residents could take part and get involve in the local politics and this could reflect the characteristic of modernization in Hong Kong.

Economically, the diverse industries could reflect the modernization of Hong Kong. A modernized economy refers to that which industries had a balance development各產業均衡發展 and not solely focus on developing a unitary industry. Since the 1970s, the development of Hong Kong economy transformed from manufacturing to a diversified economy. For instance, China implemented the Reform and Opening Up policies in 1978. Hong Kong thus became an important hub中轉站 for the trades of China and other foreign countries. In the 1990s, the Cargo Carrying Capacity of Hong Kong International Airport ranked high in the globe. At the same time, the finance sector had developed a lot. An International Finance Centre with a 24-hour coverage was formed with New York and London. Hong Kong became the third largest international finance center全球第三大金融中心. Apart from that, the tourism and retail industry of Hong Kong had a rapid development. She was being recognized as a ‘Shopping Paradise購物天堂’ and the retail industry was an important pillar supporting the overall economic development of Hong Kong. Although the industry started to reduce its importance, the manufacturing industry occupied for a certain percentage in the Gross Domestic Products. These all contributed to the diversified economic mode of Hong Kong with trades, manufacture, finance, retail and tourism. This implied that the economy of Hong Kong achieved modernization by the balance industries and their rapid development.

Although Hong Kong was to a large extent actualized modernization in 1970-90, the parts that modernization was not achieved should not be neglected.

Politically, the appointment and power given to Governor reflected that the Hong Kong politics was to a small extent not yet modernized. One of the criteria of political modernization is that the major government officials are accountable to the people主要官員向人民負責 and their power is being restricted權力受到箝制. However, Hong Kong did not meet such criterion politically in the late 20th century. Firstly, the major government officials were accountable to either Britain or China. According to the Letters Patent英皇制誥 and Royal Instructions皇室訓令, the Governor was appointed by the Queen and no electoral element was involved. Governor had to go to Britain and report on his work regularly. This reflected that the Governor was held accountable only to the British government but not the people. After the handover in 1997, the Chief Executive was responsible to the Chinese government instead of the people and had to pay a duty visit to Beijing every year. Secondly, in terms of authority, the governor had supreme power which he was the head of Executive and Legislative Councils行政、立法兩局主席. He had the power to appoint and resign members. Apart from that, he enjoyed the privileges of pardoning赦免權 and waiving fine免除罰款, showing that there was limited restrictions on the power of Governor. After the handover in 1997, the Chief Executive was elected by the Election Committee推選委員會 and same electoral element was involved. However, the Election Committee only consisted of 400 people and had limited representativeness. Apart from that, the Chief Executive was also only responsible to the Chinese government. He had to go to Beijing and report his work. He did not have to respond to the citizens. This showed that Hong Kong was not modernized by the appointment and power given to Governor.

Economically, the huge disparity between the rich and the poor reflected the limitation of Hong Kong’s economic modernization. An economically modernized country should have a balanced development in every class各階級均衡發展 and prevent getting into the situation of huge disparity between the rich and poor貧富懸殊. The British colonial government implemented the Public Assistance Scheme公共援助計劃(1973) and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance綜合社會保障援助計劃(1993) in 1970s-1990s. However, the problem of wealth disparity was still very serious and it even worsened. The Gini Coefficient堅尼系數 in 1971 was as high as 0.43. Later, the statistic soared to 0.518 in 1996. Hong Kong became one of the areas in the world with the most severe wealth disparity problem. However, the poorest 20% of the household in Hong Kong which had 4.6% of the total household income in 1981 fell to 3.7% in 1996. Oppositely, the household income of the richest 20% increased from 50.4% to 56.3%. This illustrated the increasing seriousness of wealth disparity. In 1999, 1.04 million people (16% of total population) in Hong Kong were living below the international poverty line and their monthly income could not afford the daily expenses. This showed that although Hong Kong had a rapid economic development, problem of wealth disparity existed and hindered the extent of economic modernization.

To sum up, the power of Governor and the problem of wealth disparity limited the modernization of Hong Kong. However, in an overall view, the politics of Hong Kong had a high representativeness and the principle of Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong was implemented. Together with the diversified economic industries and its rapid development, Hong Kong achieved modernization to a large extent.

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