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背景 1949年新中國成立後,毛澤東時代和後毛澤東時代(鄧小平時代)均為了中國現代化作為了積極了努力。 // 架構 然而,在政治、經濟自由度、經濟區域發展、教育及外交方面的比較之下,足見兩時代努力的特徵有著截然不同的特徵。

主旨句 政治方面,毛澤東時期為現代化努力的特徵是強調階級鬥爭,但鄧小平時代則強調階級團結。 // 項目A 為了達致政治安穩的現代化特徵,毛澤東提出「以階級鬥爭為綱」的方針,剷除貪腐及反動勢力,例如在1951-52年推行三反五反運動,打擊貪污、盜竊國家經濟情報等分子。此外,毛澤東更於1966年發動了文化大革命,號召群眾打倒以劉少奇為首的「走資派」,從而實現政治安穩。 // 項目B 相反,鄧小平時期是透過強調階級團結以達致政治安穩。鄧小平在1978年第十一屆三中全會中摒棄了「以階級鬥爭為綱」的方針,轉而團結全國官民,將重心投放於經濟建設,以實現政治安穩,避免再出現文革般的鬥爭以損害政治穩定。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,毛澤東時期不斷號召人民進行階級鬥爭,剷除反對勢力以達致政治安穩,但鄧小平時期則背道而馳,反透過呼籲人民階級團結以發展經濟,從而實現政治穩定,可見兩時代的特徵迥然不同。






Compare the features of China’s modernization efforts in the Maoist and Dengist periods.

After the new China established in 1949, the Maoist and post Mao periods (the era of Deng Xiaoping) worked a lot in achieving the modernization of China. However, in comparison of the aspects of political, freedom of economy, development of economic areas, educational and diplomatic, it was clear that the features of the two periods had great differences.

Politically, the feature of China’s modernization efforts in the Maoist period was the focus on class struggle, but that of post-Mao period focused on class unity. In order to achieve the feature of modernization of achieving political stability政治安穩, Mao suggested the strategy of ‘taking class struggle as the key link以階級鬥爭為綱’ which eliminated the corrupted and anti forces in Three-anti and Five-anti Campaigns三反五反運動(1951-52). For instance, Mao initiated the Cultural Revolution文化大革命 in 1966 and called the public to fight against the ‘capitalist roaders走資派’ led by Liu Shaoqi so as to actualize political stability. In opposite, the era of Deng achieved political stability by stressing on class unity. Deng scrapped the direction of ‘taking class struggle as the key link’ in the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist第十一屆三中全會. Instead, he united people in the entire country and put the focus on constructing the economy so as to achieve political stability. At the same time, it could avoid the occurrence of disputes which harmed the political stability like what the Cultural Revolution did. In comparison, the Maoist period kept asking people to carry out class struggle and eliminate the opposing forces so as to achieve political stability. But the period of Deng was just the opposite. Through asking people to unite different classes, the economy was developed and political stability was achieved. This showed that the features of China’s modernization efforts in the Maoist and post-Mao periods were extremely different.

In the aspect of economic freedom, the feature in Maoist period was that it had relatively less freedom while the Deng period had relatively more freedom. In order to foster the economic development and achieve modernization, the Communist Party of China (CPC) in the Maoist period started numerous 5-year plans which highly planned the economic development. For instance, in 1958, all people were asked to refine steel煉鋼. More than 90 million people joined in and refined steel. At the same time, the Maoist period focused on collective production. People joined into People’s Commune人民公社 and produced mutually by the distribution of position of the commune. Freedom enjoyed was relatively less. In opposite, the period of Deng enjoyed more freedom. Although Deng continued using planned economy, he at the same time used the concept of market economy in capitalism and gave more freedom to people. For instance, the Household Contract Responsibility System家庭聯產承包制 was implemented since 1978 and broke down the People’s Commune. Peasants were allowed to produce freely and gave up collective production. Apart from that, the Chinese enterprises were revolted. In 1985, Contract Responsibility System責任制 and shareholding system「股份制 were introduced. Chinese enterprises could operate with autonomy and they enjoyed much greater freedom. In comparison, China used the planned economy in these two periods. However, in the Maoist period, the economic development was greatly controlled by the government and had low level of freedom. But the government reduced the span of control in economy during the Deng period, higher level of freedom was enjoyed.

In the areas of economic development, a feature that was made in achieving modernization during the Maoist period was that it focused on the even development in the entire country, the Deng period focused on the development stage by stage in different areas. In order to increase the standard of living of people and achieve a moderately prosperous society, Mao advocated the even development of country and initiated revolution regardless of different areas. For instance, the Land Reform土地改革 in 1950-52 was launched in the entire state. Land was confiscated from the rich peasants and distributed to tenant-peasants and poor peasants; the Agricultural Great Leap Forward農業大躍進 in 1958 was another revolt item involving the entire nation which happened at the same time. However, the efforts on modernization during the period of Deng were regional. He divided China into the East, Central and West. He first developed the coastal areas so as to promote the development of inner areas. For instance, in 1980, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen were set as Special Economic Zones經濟特區. Trade were opened. In 1992, more than 30 border cities along the Yangtze River were opened up so as to develop the central area. Until 1997, China Western Development西部大開發 was suggested so as to attract the enterprises to develop in the West. In comparison, the feature of modernization in the Maoist period was that it involved the entire country and implemented reform uniformly in the hope of achieving mutual wealth. However, in the era of Deng, divergence among different areas existed. He first developed the Eastern area, and gradually promoted the development in the Central and Western areas. This illustrated that the two periods demonstrated a very different feature.

In the educational aspect, the feature of Maoist period in modernization was that it neglected education, while the Deng period put a lot of stress on it. In order to push the country so as to achieve modernization, Mao suppressed the development in education as he believed that modernization was promoted by the unity of proletariats (workers and peasants). Education would on the other hand lead to the social disunion社會分化 as the intellectuals were mostly belonged to the petty bourgeoisie class. As the result, people were scornful of education. During the Cultural Revolution文革, students even purged teachers and intellectuals. Slogans like ‘studying is useless, the more you study the more stupid you will be讀書無用、愈讀愈蠢’ spread all over the country. It reflected that the period of Mao neglected education. In opposite, the feature in the period of Deng was that it focused a lot on education. He thought that education was the foundation achieving the ‘Four Modernizations四個現代化’ and hence listed it as the major reform item. For instance, in the aspect of basic education, the Compulsory Education Law義務教育法 was implemented in 1986 and 9-year free education was provided to students aged 6. Moreover, in the tertiary education, 60 key secondary schools were set up and 28 high school were added as National Key Universities. He hoped that education and technology could push the development of China’s modernization. In comparison, the Maoist period neglected education and thought that it did not facilitate production. But the Deng period put a lot of focus on the development of education. Education was seen as the foundation of actualizing modernization. This illustrated that the features of these two periods had immense difference.

Diplomatically, a feature of modernization in the Maoist period was that China leaned one-sided on the communist countries and had a great difference with the multilateral diplomacy during the period of Deng. In order to improve the international status and achieve diplomatic modernization, Mao Zedong implemented the foreign policy of lean on one-side一邊倒. He actively supported the communist countries so as to counterbalance the capitalist states. For instance, China supported North Korea and North Vietnam in the Korean War韓戰(1950-53) and Vietnam War越戰(1961-75) respectively. It aimed at consolidating his leading role in the international communist movements. Also, it was a mean to improve the international status. In opposite, Deng achieved the same goal by developing multilateral diplomacy多邊外交. He gave up the foreign policy of lean on one side of the communist countries. Instead, he actively developed the relationship with different countries. For instance, after the implementation of Reform and Opening-Up in 1978, China formed relationship with the US美國, India印度 and South Korea南韓 again. Apart from that, China actively developed the relationship with South East Asian and African countries. This made China to be active in the international stage again and had a great increase in the international status. In comparison, Mao used a more radical lean on one side policy to improve the international status of China. However, Deng used a relatively mild policy and developed multi-lateral diplomacy which helped to increase China’s diplomatic status. This showed that the efforts of modernization on diplomacy was greatly different.

To conclude, the main features of China’s modernization efforts in the Maoist and post-Mao periods were entirely different. They are explained in different aspects like political, economic, educational and diplomatic.

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