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【DSE-樣本試卷-Essay-07 】追溯並解釋德國和法國在20世紀期間的關係發展。






原題目題號:DSE-樣本試卷-Essay-07 (以德國和法國為例子)












Trace and explain the development of the relations between Germany and France in the 20th century.

The relations between Germany and France, changing from poor to friendly throughout the 20th century, experienced a number of obstacles and difficulties. The course of development can be divided into four broad stages characterized by antagonism (1900-18), relaxed relations (1919-32), resumed conflicts (1933-39) and improvement leading to friendliness (1945-99) respectively.

First of all, the years 1900-18 were recognized as the period of antagonism between the two nations, in which they did not only join rival alliances and be in military confrontation, but they also came into battles and conflicts. Their relations were extremely poor. Concerning alliances, the Triple Alliance三國同盟 formed by Germany and the Triple Entente三國協約 established by France were hostile towards each other. While in military aspect, Germany and France pre-assumed each other as foe and were poised to fight with the other as suggested by the Schlieffen Plan施里芬計劃 and Plan 17十七號計劃. Also, several conflicts arose between them in the early 20th century, including the two Moroccan Crises兩次摩洛哥危機 of 1905 and 1911. Germany even dispatched its gunboat Panther黑豹艦隊 during the Second Moroccan Crisis to deter France from further action. This reveals the tension between them. Furthermore, after the Sarajevo Incident塞拉耶佛危機 of 1914, France supported Russia against Germany and Austria, while Germany actualized the Schlieffen Plan施里芬計劃 and attacked France. Their relations were at a point that was bad enough for a war. These show that they were antagonistic to each other in the period 1900-18.

The German colonial factor and national enmity of France were the causes of their poor relations. Speaking about Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm II威廉二世 was eager to establish new colonies after his accession in 1890, especially in Morocco摩洛哥 in North Africa. But France had huge influence over his target and the dispute over it led to the two Moroccan Crises兩次摩洛哥危機. As for France, it was defeated by Germany in the Franco-Prussian War普法戰爭(1870-71) and was required to sign the Treaty of Frankfurt法蘭克福條約, which was so humiliating that it induced strong revanchism復仇主義 and the hope of retaliation among the French. As a result, France supported Russia in starting a war against Germany during the Sarajevo Incident塞拉耶佛危機 of 1914, causing direct armed conflict between them.

In the second stage (1919-32), their relations were improved and became more relaxed. There was still friction between the two, but their relationship was much better than it was earlier and peace treaties were signed to improve it. It is true that after WW1, the occupation of the German Ruhr valley魯爾區 by France and Belgium in 1923 created short-lived tension between the two countries. However, there was no significant crisis other than that during this period. Further, the two European countries signed the Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約 in 1925 to confirm the borders of Belgium and them, and the Kellogg-Briand Pact凱格—白里安公約 to renounce war as an instrument of diplomatic policy. They created the ‘honeymoon period for Europe’ 歐洲的蜜月期 collectively and this reflects the rather relaxed relations between them.

France’s economic factor and Germany’s diplomatic factor shaped the improvement of relationship in this period. Economic concerns influenced France’s foreign policy because the European country, suffering the destruction brought by WW1, had an ailing economy and needed to prevent conflicts with other countries so as to put full effort on economic recovery. But still, France took firm actions to defend its economic interests. For example, when Germany failed to pay the reparations declared by the Treaty of Versailles凡爾賽條約 in 1923, France invaded the Ruhr魯爾 together with Belgium. Therefore, sporadic conflicts could be observed at that time. As for Germany, it wanted to escape from diplomatic isolation that started after WW1 and thus eagerly improved its relationship with other countries. For instance, Germany itself proposed the Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約 to nail down its western border and ease suspicion of the neighbouring countries, improving its relations with France greatly.

The third stage (1933-45) was the period when they resumed poor relationship with each other illustrated by not only armament issues but also a war. Concerning armaments, Germany and France refused to make any concessions on disarmament and wanted the other to have arms control first in the Geneva Conference日內瓦會議 starting in 1932. The conference achieved nothing and Germany even withdrew in protest against it in 1933. France also expressed its strong disapproval of German reintroduction of conscription徵兵制 in 1935 and remilitarization of the Rhineland萊茵河軍事化 in 1936. These show that the two countries had repeated military disputes. Furthermore, in response to German incursion into Poland波蘭 in 1939, France together with Britain declared war on Germany and the two nations became belligerents again. The antagonism between them reached its peak. It is clear that they had a bad relationship with a recurrence of war.

Because of France’s military concerns and Hitler’s rise to power, their relations turned bad again. France had worried about the possible resurgence of German power that would lead to another war. Therefore, it took a hard line on Germany’s military arrangements. For example, in the Geneva Conference日內瓦會議, it stated clearly that Germany’s disarmament was needed for France to follow suit. They could not reach a consensus and the conference was spoiled with tension added to their relations. In Germany, Hitler希特拉 from the Nazi Party came to power in 1933 and he advocated the abolishment of the Versailles Treaty凡爾賽條約 and aggressive territorial expansion. This aroused France’s suspicion much. At last, Germany under Hitler’s leadership launched a sudden attack on Poland波蘭 in 1939 and that was exactly why France needed to work together with Britain to stop German aggression and declare war on it. The two nations were once again in belligerence.

Finally, the years 1946-99 were the period when their relations improved to be friendly. After the Second World War, their relations were improving with not only resumed friendliness but also cooperation in European integration. In terms of relationship building, the two nations signed the Elysee Treaty德法合作條約 in 1963 to establish a friendly relationship, and they founded the Franco-German Defense and Security Council安全及國防會議 in 1988 that extended their partnership in the military field. In European integration, they also proactively worked with each other. For example, they established the European Coal and Steel Community歐洲煤鋼共同體 in 1952 and were core members of organizations commenced afterwards like the European Economic Community歐洲經濟共同體(1958), European Community歐洲共同體(1967) and European Union歐盟(1993). Their partnership only went up and a close friendship was established by the end of the 20th century. It is Clear that France-German relations became more and more friendly in the period 1945-99.

The improvement in relationship was caused by the diplomatic and economic factors of France and Germany respectively. After WW2, the US enjoyed soaring influence over Europe and controlled Western Europe economically and militarily through the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃(1948) and NATO北約(1949). In order to get rid of its influence and stay away from the Cold War between the USSR and it, France looked for an economic union in Europe and established the ECSC歐洲煤鋼共同體 and EEC歐洲經濟共同體 with Germany and other Western European countries. This led to an increasingly close relationship between the two countries. As for Germany, its economy was wrecked during WW2 and it was split into the eastern and western parts after that. In the hope of economic recovery, West Germany wanted to strengthen its economic cooperation with other countries and thus set up several economic organizations with France. As a result, their relations improved greatly and became close and friendly by the end of the 20th century.

Overall, Franco-German relations were poor in the first half of the 20th century and they were belligerents in the two world wars. But after WW2, their relations improved gradually to a stable and friendly one by the late 20th century.

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