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架構 香港經濟在20世紀下半葉的發展與中國因素有著密不可分的關係。中國的政治、經濟及社會因素不但影響著香港經濟的轉型,也左右了香港經濟的盛衰。 // 立場 因此,題目所言確能成立。

主旨句 首先,中國政治因素塑造了香港的經濟發展。 // 主項重要性 中國的政策及政局大大影響著香港經濟的發展,例如在政策方面,中共於1960年明確提出了對港澳地區實行「長期打算,充分運用」的方針,出口一些廉價的原材料及日常生活用品予香港,包括於1965年供東江水到港,解決了香港缺水的問題,有助穩定及推動香港的經濟發展。但與此同時,中國的局勢也有危害了香港經濟的發展。在1966年中國文化大革命出現後,受中國動盪局勢的影響,1966-69年間雙方的貿易均呈倒退和停滯的狀態,加上文革誘發了香港的六七暴動,結果減低了投資者對香港的信心,在60年代後期在港的投資率急劇下跌至不足國內生產總值的20%,減慢了香港經濟在1960年代中後期的發展。 // 小結 可見,中國的政策及政局左右著香港經濟的發展,影響香港經濟的盛衰。




主旨句 國際因素也影響著香港經濟發展,但重要性不及中國因素。 // 他項重要性 由於二次大戰後香港附近的國家處於政局動盪的局面,例如東南亞國家正進行非殖民地運動,而香港穩定的營商環境大大有助吸引外國在港投資,使香港輕工業發展起來。至1970年代時,兩次石油危機的出現也對香港工業造成一定打擊,使香港需要轉而發展其他行業,包括服務業、金融業等,令香港經濟多元發展。 // 駁論 然而,中國因素較國際因素重要。就因果關係而言,基於中國在1952年被禁運,香港才被迫轉型至工業發展,而國際因素只是有助而非驅使香港經濟在1950年代轉型的要因。此外,中國因素較國際因素更影響著香港經濟的盛衰,香港儘管經歷兩次石油危機,但由於中國為香港提供較廉價的石油類產品,結果有助減低石油危機對香港所帶來的衝擊,使香港經濟仍然能於兩次危機時穩健發展。 // 小結 因此,中國因素才是塑造香港經濟發展的最重要因素。




‘The China factor was the main factor in shaping the economic development of Hong Kong in the second half of the 20th century.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

The economic development of Hong Kong in the late 20th century had an inseparable relationship with the China factosr. The political, economic and social factors of China not only affected the restructuring of Hong Kong economy, they affected its prosperity and decline. Therefore, the statement was valid.

Firstly, the political factor of China shaped the Hong Kong economic development. The policies and political situation greatly affected the development of Hong Kong economy. For instance, in policies implementation, a policy of ‘long-term arrangement and full utilization長期打算,充分運用’ was adopted towards Hong Kong and Macau by the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 1960. Raw materials and daily necessities with low prices were supplied to Hong Kong. For instance, Hong Kong faced a problem of water shortage and Dongjiang water東江水was supplied to her in 1965. This helped stabilizing and motivating the development of Hong Kong economy. However, at the same time, the political situation of China hindered the economic development of China. After the occurrence of Cultural Revolution文化大革命 in 1966, trade between them recessed and stopped in 1966-69 under the influence of the unstable situation of China. The revolution also facilitated the happening of Hong Kong 1967 riots六七暴動. As a result, the confidence of investors to Hong Kong reduced. The investment rate of the late 60s in Hong Kong fell to less than 20% of the Gross Domestic Product. This slowed down the development of Hong Kong economy in the mid and later stage of 1960s. This illustrated that the policies and political situation of China affected the development of Hong Kong economy and influenced its prosperity and decline.

Secondly, the economic factor of China was the most important factor influencing the Hong Kong economy. The Chinese economic situation had a close relationship with the development of Hong Kong economy and directly affected its development. For instance, an embargo禁運 was adopted to China by the United Nations due to her participation in the Korean War韓戰. An embargo was imposed to her in 1952. As a result, the Hong Kong re-export business which relied on the trade of China was greatly damaged and collapsed. Hong Kong was forced to restructure her business from re-export trade轉口貿易 to developing light industry輕工業. It became the major reason for the economic restructuring of Hong Kong in the 1950s. Apart from that, at the end of 1970s, China implemented the Reform and Opening Up改革開放 policies and redeveloped her trade with foreign countries. As a result, the re-export trade of Hong Kong thrived again and became the entrepot of China and foreign trade. Apart from that, after the Reform and Opening up, factories of Hong Kong were prompted to move northward北移 with the low prices of land and labour. Therefore, the industries of Hong Kong became smaller and smaller in scale. However, at the same time, the Chinese enterprises hoped to finance through Hong Kong so as to absorb foreign capital. As a result, it motivated the development of Hong Kong financial industry and this shaped the multilateral economic development of Hong Kong in the late 20s. This implied that the Chinese economic factors had a close relationship with the prosperity and decline of all industries of Hong Kong.

Moreover, the Chinese social factor was another most important factor shaping the economic development of Hong Kong. Waves of immigrations移民潮 happened in China. In the early 1950s, with the establishment of a republic by the Communist Party of China中共建國 in 1949, a lot of capitalists feared that their assets would be exploited by the party. They then escaped to Hong Kong and brought in knowledge, technology and capital. They also set up factories to produce in Hong Kong and pushed the industrial development. It was the most important factor leading to the industrial development of Hong Kong. At the same time, not only did the capitalists came to Hong Kong, a lot of refugees escaped there too. It provided major working population and contributed a lot to the industry of Hong Kong. It helped the restructuring of Hong Kong economy to light industry in the 1950s. after that, the immigrants from Hong Kong continued to come to Hong Kong. Only in the period of Cultural Revolution文革, it was estimated that 180,000 Chinese arrived in Hong Kong. With the abundant human resources in the Hong Kong manufacture industries, it had a great development. This showed that the Chinese waves of immigration was an extremely important factor to the industry in Hong Kong.

Although the international factor, Hong Kong government, and the geographical factor also shaped the development of Hong Kong economy, they had a relatively low importance than the Chinese factors.

The international factor also affected the Hong Kong economic development, but it had a relative less importance than the China factor. After the Second World War, countries surrounding Hong Kong were in a state of political instability. For instance, the Southeast Asian countries were starting their decolonization movements非殖民地運動. The stable business environment of Hong Kong greatly attracted foreign countries to invest in Hong Kong. The light industry of Hong Kong thus thrived. In the 1970s, the two oil crises石油危機 damaged the industry of Hong Kong. As a result, Hong Kong had to restructure their economy to other industries, such as the service and financial industries. This made the Hong Kong economy became more and more diversified. However, the China factors were more important than the international factor. In terms of the casual relationship, as an embargo禁運 was imposed to China in 1952, Hong Kong was forced to restructure to the manufacture industry. International factors only facilitated but was not the major reason fostering such restructure. Apart from that, the China factors were more influential to the prosperity and decline of Hong Kong economy than that of the international factor. Although Hong Kong has experienced two oil crises石油危機, China provided cheap oil products in which it could reduce the damage done to Hong Kong in these crises. The economy of Hong Kong could develop stability in the face of such challenges. Therefore, the China factor was the major factor shaping the economy of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong government was another factor motivating the development of Hong Kong economy, but it had less importance than the China factors. Hong Kong government actively motivated the industrial development in the 1950s. For instance, the establishment of Federation of Hong Kong Industries香港工業總會(1959) and Hong Kong Trade Development Council香港貿易發展局(1966). These could help research on and develop industries. After that, in the 1970s, in order to improve human resources, the government implemented the nine-year compulsory education九年強制教育 in 1978. In 1981, the tertiary education was expended so as to facilitate the development of the financial industries. This prompted the economy of Hong Kong to be developed in a diversify way. However, the China factors were more important than the Hong Kong government. In comparing the economic restructuring of Hong Kong, local government usually implemented the strategy of ‘Big market, small government大市場、小政府’ and just pushed the economic development. It was not the major force that led to an economic restructuring of Hong Kong. In opposite, the embargo禁運 of China and Reform and Opening Up改革開放 in 1950s and 1970s were the two fuses that caused the two economic restructures. It had great significance. Therefore, the China factors were more important than the Hong Kong government in shaping its economic development.

The geographical factor was another reason shaping the Hong Kong economic development, however, it was less important than China factor. Hong Kong locates on the south of China and was the Southern gate南大門 of foreign merchantman in entering China. As a result, Hong Kong once again became the entrepot in the trade between China and other foreign countries. This facilitated the development of the re-export industry. Apart from that, the time zone時區 of Hong Kong was between New York and London. As a result, Hong Kong could form a 24 hours financial market with these two countries. This facilitated the development of the financial industry. However, in the casual relationship, China factor was the foundation that made the geographical location of Hong Kong in such an advantageous position. After an embargo禁運 was imposed to China in 1952, the re-export trade of Hong Kong deteriorated with such damage. After the Reform and Opening Up in 1978 of China, Hong Kong once again became the Southern gate of China and the re-export trade could thrive. Apart from that, after the Reform and Opening Up改革開放, the Chinese enterprise had to utilize Hong Kong as a finance market. Therefore, the financial industry of Hong Kong thrived and formed the financial market that operated 24 hours a day with New York and London. Hence, China factor was more important than the geographical factor of Hong Kong.

To sum up, China factor had a close relationship with the development of Hong Kong economy. It was the most important factor shaping the prosperity, decline and restructuring of Hong Kong economy.

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