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定義 「國際秩序」指各國在處理國際事務中所運行的準則和行為規範,繼而形成的世界格局。列強於一次大戰後舉行了巴黎和會,制訂對戰敗國的懲罰,包括對德國的《凡爾賽條約》、對奧地利的《聖澤門條約》、對土耳其的《賽佛爾條約》、對匈牙利的《特里亞農條約》及對保加利亞的《納伊條約》,合稱巴黎和約。 // 架構 這些條約對國際秩序起了破舊立新的作用,在政治、民族、經濟、軍事、外交等方面均確立了新的國際秩序。

主旨句 政治方面,巴黎和約確立了英、法主持國際事務的新秩序。 // 項目B(舊的國際秩序) 於巴黎和約前,由於三國同盟及三國協約互相對峙,未有一方可以取得壓倒性的主導權,因此國際事務由雙方互相協調而解決,例如第二次摩洛哥危機(1911年)就由德、法兩國談判所解決。 // 項目A(新的國際秩序) 然而,由於同盟國於一次大戰中戰敗,被迫簽訂了極為嚴苛的條約,例如《凡爾賽條約》使德國喪失了約10%的土地和人口,以及限制軍隊人數至10萬人;《聖澤門條約》將奧匈帝國分裂為奧地利與匈牙利,使德、奧的勢力大減。結果,弱勢的德、奧不能再與英、法一爭長短,加上美國於戰後繼續採取孤立政策,主持國際事務的重任就落於英、法身上,例如英國於1925年《羅加諾公約》中作為保證國;英、法於1938年慕尼黑會議中作為主事國,負責處理德國與捷克斯洛伐克之間的糾紛。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,在主事國方面,巴黎和約大大削弱了德國及奧匈帝國的國力,打破了過往三國同盟與三國協約互相協調以處理國際事務的模式,從而確立出英、法主持國際事務的新秩序。






Analyse how the Paris Peace Settlements (1919-23) established a new international order.

‘International order’ refers to a global landscape of rules and standards followed by all countries when dealing with international affairs. The powers held the Paris Peace Conference after WW1 so as to impose punishments to the defeated nations. It included the Treaty of Versailles凡爾賽條約 to Germany, Treaty of St. Germain聖澤門條約 to Austria, Treaty of Sèvres賽佛爾條約 to Turkey, Treaty of Trianon特里亞農條約 to Hungary and Treaty de Neuilly納伊條約 to Bulgaria. These treaties were called the Paris Peace Treaties. These treaties changed the political landscape by establishing a new international order in political, national, economic, military and diplomatic aspects.

In political aspect, the Paris Peace Treaties formed the new order with Britain and France as the leaders in international affairs. Before the Paris Peace Conference, the Triple Alliance三國同盟 counterbalanced Triple Entente三國協約 and neither side could get the dominating power. Therefore, international affairs were solved by negotiation of both sides. For instance, the Second Moroccan Crisis第二次摩洛哥危機(1911) was solved by the negotiation between Germany and France. However, as the Triple Alliance was defeated in WW1, the allies were forced to sign a harsh treaty. For instance, the Treaty of Versailles凡爾賽條約 forced Germany to forgo 10% land and population, restricted the size of army to 100 thousands soldiers; Treaty of St. Germain聖澤門條約 divided Austria-Hungary into Austria奧地利 and Hungary匈牙利, their national strength were greatly reduced. As a result, the weak Germany and Austria could not counterbalance with Britain and France. For instance, Britain was the guaranteed country in Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約 in 1925; Britain and France were the major countries in the Munich Conference慕尼黑會議 in 1938 and were responsible for dealing with the conflicts between Germany and Czechoslovakia. Upon comparison, in terms of leadership, the Paris Peace Treaties greatly reduced the national strength of Germany and Austria-Hungary. It replaced the coordination between the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente with the new order with Britain and France as the leaders in international affairs.

In national aspect, the Paris Peace Treaties established the new international order of solving problems using the Principle of National Self-determination民族自決. Before the Paris Peace Treaties, the powers did not utilize the Principle of National Self-determination to deal with problems. For instance, in the London Conference倫敦會議(1913) held to deal with the First Balkan War第一次巴爾幹戰爭, the powers did not implement such principle and allowed Serbia塞爾維亞 and Bulgaria保加利亞 to mutually rule Macedonia馬其頓. However, in the Paris Peace Conference, the US President Wilson would like to avoid countries from having conflicts and wars due to the ethnic problem. Therefore, he advocated the Principle of National Self-determination. For instance, in the Treaty of St. Germain聖澤門條約, nation states like Czechoslovakia捷克斯洛伐克 and Yugoslavia南斯拉夫 were created. These nationalities did not have to be ruled under other powerful countries. After that, such principle became the major way for the international community to deal with problems. For instance, the major aim of the United Nations聯合國 was to develop the right of people to self-determine the development of countries. Upon comparison, in terms of national principles, national self-determination was not a common method for resolving disputes in the international community before the Paris Peace Treaties, but its emergence as a peace treaty based on national self-determination led to the prevalence of such principle in international affairs, which constituted a new international order.

In economic aspect, the Paris Peace Treaties created a new international order of a US-led economic system. Before WW1, Europe was the core of the world economy. However, WW1 created huge damage to the European countries. Countries including Britain and France had to face economic difficulties after the war and this reduced their domination in world’s economy. In the Paris Peace Conference, treaties like the Treaty of Versailles凡爾賽條約 and Treaty of St. Germain聖澤門條約 totally reduced the national strength of the defeated nations. Germany was forced to repay an indemnity of USD 3.3 billion and her economy was extremely poor. At the same time, the Paris Peace Treaties recognized the US as a world power. The US was one of the Big Three三巨頭 in enacting treaty. It made her relationship with Europe even closer. After the conference, the US granted a lot of loans to European countries. For instance, the US became the biggest creditor nation債權國 by providing loans like the Dawes Plan道茲計劃(1924) and the Young Plan楊格計劃(1929). Upon comparison, in terms of economic order, the Paris Peace Treaties destroyed the old international order of Europe being the centre of world economy. A new international order of European countries had to rely on the loans of the US to rejuvenate their internal economy was formed.

In military aspect, the Paris Peace Conference formed a new international system of military powers. Before the Paris Peace Treaties, the system of military powers mainly focused on five powers in Europe - Britain, France, Germany, Soviet Union and Austria. Other countries were treated as military powers which were inferior to them. For instance, Japan and the US were respectively the powers in Asia and the America only. However, the Paris Peace Treaties greatly reduced the military power of Germany and Austria-Hungary. For instance, the Treaty of Versailles凡爾賽條約 limited the number of soldiers of Germany to 100 thousand people; Treaty of St. Germain聖澤門條約 divided Austria-Hungary into two parts, and her national strength was greatly reduced. So, Germany and Austria-Hungary could no longer became two military powers. At the same time, the US and Japan participated in the Paris Peace Conference as two victorious nations. Also, these two countries had great military power. Therefore, the system of military powers changed a lot after the Paris Peace Treaties. After the implementation of the Paris Peace Treaties, the US and Japan were recognized as world great military powers. For instance, in the Washington Conference華盛頓會議 in 1921-22 and the London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議 in 1930, the ratio in Navy size of the US and Britain was the same. Japan was ranked just after these two countries. This showed that a new system of military powers which extended from Europe to the world was formed. Upon comparison, in terms of military order, the Paris Peace Conference upset the existing military landscape of the five main European military powers. With the fall of Germany and Austria-Hungary as well as the rise of the US and Japan, a new international military order was established.

In diplomatic aspect, the Paris Peace Treaties established a new international order of forming an international organization to foster peace and cooperation. Before the signing of the Paris Peace Treaties, international community put less effort in foster peace and cooperation. They just relied on the related countries to solve conflicts on themselves. For instance, in the First Moroccan Crisis第一次摩洛哥危機(1905), countries like Germany and France held the Algeciras Conference阿爾及西勒會議 to solve the conflict in Morocco. However, after WW1, the powers hoped to foster peace and cooperation by setting up an international organization. Therefore, the League of Nations was established in the Paris Peace Conference. The League of Nations國際聯盟 was formed in 1920. A new order of solving problems and fostering cooperation through an international organization was formed. For instance, in 1921, the League of Nations mediated the territorial conflict between Germany and Poland in obtaining Upper Silesia上西里西亞. Also, the League of Nations successfully fostered the cooperation among countries on the spread of infectious diseases傳染病的傳播 and the international drug trafficking problem販毒問題. These were the new attempts in international cooperation. After that, the United Nations聯合國(1945), which was modified and improved based on the functions of the League of Nations, was formed. Upon comparison, in terms of peace-keeping organizations, there were no peacekeeping organizations devoted to maintaining peace before the Paris Peace Treaties, but the signing of these treaties contributed to the founding of the League of Nations that established the new international order to bring about peace and cooperation through international organizations. Such order has been maintained even until now, having an epoch-making impact on the world order.

To sum up, the Paris Peace Treaties scattered the old international orders in political, national, economic, military and diplomatic aspects. Also, a new international order was formed and the international circumstances had huge changes with the implementation of treaty.

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