立場 辛亥革命對中國而言是體制上的革命;五四運動則是思想上的革命,從廣義而言更結合了新文化運動。 // 架構 兩場運動對中國政治、經濟、社會、教育、民族及外交方面帶來了翻天覆地的影響,但仔細端詳,兩者的影響有顯著的差別,以下將逐一比較。
主旨句 政治方面,辛亥革命有助結束中國舊政治,五四運動則有助引入新政治。 // 項目A 1911年的辛亥革命成功誘發了中國全國的省份相繼獨立,迫使清帝退位,結束了維持長達2000年的帝制。雖然往後建立的共和政體並不穩固,例如袁世凱和張勳分別於1915年及1917年曾試圖復辟,但辛亥革命已經奠定了帝制在中國結束的事實,往後任何人即使想再次復辟,最終也敵不過歷史的洪流,以失敗告終。 // 項目B 反之,五四運動則是揭開了中國政治的新一頁,因中國作為一次大戰的戰勝國參與巴黎和會,但卻遭到資本主義列強的無理剝削,將德國在中國的利益轉交日本,結果令中國知識分子摒棄資本主義,轉而研究共產主義,埋下了日後中國共產黨在1921年成立及發展的種子。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,辛亥革命雖然結束了帝制,但卻未能成功開啟中國的新政治;五四運動儘管未有結束中國的舊政治,但卻引入了共產主義,大大影響日後中國政治的發展,可見兩次運動的影響雖有不同,但均意義深遠。
Compare the impact of the May Fourth Movement and that of the 1911 Revolution on China.
The 1911 Revolution was a revolution in the system of China; the May Fourth Movement was a revolution in ideology and it included the New Cultural Movement in a broader sense. The two movements led to a lot of impacts in Chinese political, economic, social, educational, national and diplomatic aspects. In viewing the two movements in detailed, huge differences existed in their impacts. They would be compared in below.
Politically, the 1911 Revolution helped ending the old politics of China, the May Fourth Movement on the other hand started new politics. The 1911 Revolution in 1911 successfully caused the provinces of China to declare independence one after another. It forced the Qing emperor to abdicate and ended the monarchy帝制 which lasted for 2000 years. The republic established later was unstable, for instance, Yuan Shikai袁世凱 and Zhang Xun張勳 tried to restore monarchy in 1915 and 1917 respectively. However, the 1911 Revolution consolidated the fact that monarchy was ended in China. People who tried to restore monarchy after that failed and could not stop the current of history. In opposite, the May Fourth Movement opened a new page in Chinese politics. As one of the victorious nations participating in the Paris Peace Conference巴黎和會, China was being exploited unreasonably by the great capitalist powers. The interests of Germany in China were transferred to Japan. As a result, the Chinese intellects abandoned capitalism and turned to research on communism. This sowed seed to the establishment and development of the Communist Party of China中國共產黨 in 1921. In comparison, the 1911 Revolution ended the monarchy, but it failed to introduce China into new political system; the May Fourth Movement could bring in communism which greatly affected the development of Chinese politics despite of the fact that it failed to end the old politics of China. This implied that although the effects of both movements were different, they both brought a long-lasting impact to China.
Economically, the 1911 Revolution and May Fourth Movement facilitated the development of domestic enterprises, however, the 1911 Revolution at the same time brought some negative impacts. The 1911 Revolution helped the development of domestic enterprises. After the revolution, both Chinese living in China and those abroad had high hopes on the new country. Hence, they started up new businesses and the domestic enterprises established like bamboo shoots after a spring rain after the revolution. However, at the same time, the 1911 Revolution did not bring upon a stable regime after overthrowing the late Qing government. Thus, China got into a period of long-term wars. It began with war conducted by Sun Yat-sen to against Yuan Shikai孫中山的討伐戰爭, and Warlordism軍閥混戰 after the death of Yuan. The development of Chinese economy faced great barriers. In opposite, the May Fourth Movement brought positive impacts to the economy of China. During the May-Fourth Movement, the citizens supported local goods and boycotted the foreign ones. For instance, in 1915, the Society for the Use of National Goods勸用國貨會 was set up in Shanghai. This facilitated the development of domestic enterprises and had positive impacts to Chinese economy. In comparison, both the 1911 Revolution and May Fourth Movement facilitated the development of Chinese domestic enterprises. However, the chaotic situation after 1911 Revolution created huge barriers to the economic development; and the May Fourth Movement did not bring the negative impacts like the 1911 Revolution did.
Socially, the impacts of 1911 Revolution in changing the society were less than that of May Fourth Movement. After overthrowing the Qing government in 1911 Revolution, the newly established national government announced a series of orders. It included removing pigtails髮辮 and banning slave trade奴隸買賣. It aimed at transforming the society and removing the social misbehaviors before. However, the reform was introduced by the government from top to bottom which lacked the consciousness of citizens. Hence, the effectiveness was limited. It failed to change the customs and habits, and revolt the society. However, in the period of May Fourth Movement, the movement was motivated and joined by people automatically. Apart from protesting against the unequal treatment received in Paris Peace Conference巴黎和會 in 1919, many other protests happened such as those against of prostitution and exploitation by factories. These protests and demonstrations drove the revolution in society from bottom to top and hence had more effectiveness. Worse still, the May Fourth Movement became a model of the Chinese societal movements later. For instance, the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests八九民運 was transcending the May Fourth Movement. It showed that the May Fourth Movement had great significance in reforming thoughts. In comparison, although both 1911 Revolution and May Fourth Movement helped driving the modernization of society, the 1911 Revolution was a societal revolution from top to bottom and the initiative of people was rather low. Its effectiveness was much less than the May Fourth Movement which was carried out from bottom to top.
In the educational aspect, the 1911 Revolution did not create an immense impact to its development, but the May Fourth Movement was a milestone in the development of education in China. After the 1911 Revolution, the republic once enacted law to motivate the development in education. For instance, women were permitted to receive education准許女性接受教育. However, the school system was still the same as that in Late Qing, and the political situation was unstable after the revolution. Also, the long-term Warloadism made some reforms during the republic failed to implement. Therefore, the 1911 Revolution did not bring a significant effect in the educational aspect of China. However, the May Fourth Movement was a turning point in the development of education in China. During the May Fourth Movement, the intellectuals actively learnt the foreign thoughts in the hope of saving the country. A lot of foreign ideologies spread to China, such as liberty自由主義, communism共產主義, democracy民主 and science科學. These ideologies grew in China. Apart from that, people were encouraged to actively express their ideas. In the New Cultural Movement新文化運動 during May Fourth Movement, old literature was opposed and vernacular language was encouraged. This consolidated the main writing style in the future with such new style. In comparison, the impacts of 1911 Revolution was limited, however, the May Fourth Movement could help the foreign ideologies to be growing in China. Also, the writing style was reformed and hence had a long-lasting significance. Therefore, the May Fourth Movement had greater impacts on the development of education in China.
In the national aspect, the 1911 Revolution facilitated national amalgamation, while May Fourth Movement helped the awakening of national consciousness. 1911 Revolution ended the ruling of Manchu Chinese. After the revolution, in order to gather the wisdom and force of different ethnicities, Sun Yat-sen changed the Principle of ‘nationalism’ into “five-group harmony” 五族共和. Five-group harmony was actualized in Han, Man, Hui, Meng and Zang. Moreover, Sun advocated that the five-group was belonged to the Chinese nation中華民族and such belief replaced the unilateral nationalism before. It helped the actualization of national unity. May Fourth Movement was a patriotic campaign. All people in China had a high national sentiment in which they took the initiative to protest on streets so as to show their discontent towards the powers due to their treatment in Paris Peace Conference巴黎和會 and the incapability of warlord government. Apart from that, they initiated campaign to boycotted foreign goods and supported local ones. This greatly stimulated the national sentiment and was the climax of the development of nationalism. In comparison, the ‘five-group harmony’ put forward in the 1911 Revolution could help facilitating national amalgamation. It also consolidated the Principle of nationalism of the country. On the other hand, the May Fourth Movement was a catalyst of Chinese nationalism which could help awakening the ethnicity. This reflected that although the two movements had different impacts to the national aspect, they shared the same significance.
In the diplomatic aspect, the 1911 Revolution could not improve the diplomatic treatment received by China, the May Fourth Movement could on the other hand regained some interest of China. 1911 Revolution ended the ruling of Manchu Chinese. However, the revolutionists and Yuan Shikai afraid that the foreign powers would intervene the achievement of the revolution. Therefore, they recognized the unequal treaties signed by the Qing government before. It included the Nanjing Treaty南京條約 and Boxer Protocol辛丑條約. It did not improve the diplomatic treatment of China. Worse still, Yuan Shikai played the role of President after the revolution. He signed the Twenty-One Demands廿一條 with Japan in 1915 in the hope of restoring monarchy by gaining Japan’s support. The interests of China were once again betrayed and the status was even poorer. In opposite, the May Fourth Movement could successfully regain part of the interest of China. The May Fourth Movement opposed the unequal treatment of the foreign powers in the Paris Peace Conference巴黎和會, in which the interest of Germany in China were transferred to Japan. Protests and demonstrations sparked off in China. As a result, in the Washington Conference華盛頓會議 in 1921-22, the powers demanded Japan to hand in the interest in Shandong and part of the interests were regained. In comparison, the May Fourth Movement brought more positive impacts than 1911 Revolution in the diplomatic aspect. The government recognized the previous unequal treaties after 1911 Revolution in order to gain support from powers. However, the May Fourth Movement was solely initiated by people. They protested against the unequal treatment of powers and could successfully get back some of the interest from Japan in China.
To sum up, the 1911 Revolution and May Fourth Movement brought long-lasting impacts to China. In an overall view, the 1911 Revolution was a revolution in the system of China, and May Fourth Movement was a transformation in ideologies.
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