架構 歐洲國家於二次大戰後開始在經濟上進行統合。大致上,歐洲經濟統合可分為四個階段,分別是開端期(1948-51年)、延伸期(1952-64年)、成型期(1965-90年)及成熟期(1991-2000年)。
主旨句 第一階段是歐洲經濟統合的開端期(1948-51年)。 // 概括部分 二次大戰後,東、西歐各自開展了經濟上的合作,但此時期的合作不論在組織、措施上都較為鬆散,並不完善。 // 範疇一 在西歐方面,英、法、西德等18個資本主義國家於1948年成立了歐洲經濟合作組織,分配美國馬歇爾計劃(1948年)所得的貸款。另外,比、荷、盧三個小國也建立了比荷盧聯盟(1948年),促進會員國間的商品、資源流動性。 // 範疇二 在東歐方面,蘇聯、波蘭、匈牙利等合共6個東歐國家也組織了經濟互助委員會(1949年),開展東歐的經濟合作。值得注意的是,此時期的經濟組織功能較小,例如歐洲經濟合作組織的功能主要只是分配美國馬歇爾計劃的130億貸款,未有建立緊密的合作。 // 小結 可見,1948-51年間是歐洲經濟統合的開端期。
主旨句 強國的援助和小國的不足是導致歐洲國家開展合作的原因。 // 原因一歐洲國家受二次大戰的破壞而使經濟百業蕭條,美國和蘇聯兩國超級強國分別援助西歐和東歐各國,結果促成了西歐和東歐各自的經濟合作出現,例如西歐國家為分配美國馬歇爾計劃的130億貸款而成立了歐洲經濟合作組織;蘇聯與東歐國家成立了經濟互助委員會以承接莫洛托夫計劃(1947年),繼續進行經濟合作。 // 原因二 此外,由於比、荷、盧是小國,他們在美國馬歇爾計劃所得到的援助金額較小,加上本身的國土較小、資源有限。為了彌補這些不足,三小國成立了比荷盧聯盟以促進三國的資源調配,推動經濟復甦,使局部性的地區合作出現。
Trace and explain the development of economic integration in Europe in the period 1948-2000.
European countries, after the Second World War, started their economic integration that can be divided broadly into four stages: the infant period (1948-51), the period of expansion (1952-64), the period of consolidation (1965-90) and the mature period (1991-2000)
The first stage of European economic integration (1948-51) was the infant period. After the Second World War, Eastern and Western Europe embarked on economic cooperation independently, which was rather loose and not ideal with respect to the organizations and policies established. As for Western Europe, 18 capitalist countries, including Britain, France and West Germany, set up the OEEC歐洲經濟合作組織 in 1948 to distribute the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃 aid (1948) from America. Also, Belgium, the Netherland and Luxembourg formed the Benelux Union比荷盧聯盟 in the same year to encouraged free flow of goods and resources between participating states. In Eastern Europe, the USSR, Poland, Hungary and other three countries established the COMECON經濟互助委員會(1949) and economic cooperation began there. What worth our attention is that economic organizations at this stage had less significant functions. For instance, the OEEC only attained its prime objective of allocating the American Marshall aids totaling US$13 billion without building close partnership among member states. These show that the period concerned was the infant period of European economic integration.
Aid from superpowers and limitations of small states were the reasons for cooperation. European countries suffered serious destruction during WW2 and their economies were flagging. The two superpowers, the US and the USSR, provided assistance to Western and Eastern Europe respectively and facilitated their economic cooperation separately. For example, Western European countries set up the OEEC歐洲經濟合作組織 in order to distribute the US$13 billion loans provided by the American Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃, while the USSR and Eastern European nations established the COMECON經濟互助委員會 that was responsible for the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃(1947) to continue their economic cooperation. Additionally, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg were small states and they got proportionally less assistance from the American loan plan. They were small in size and had limited resources. In order to overcome these shortcomings, the three nations established the Benelux Union to facilitate resource usage coordination and economic reconstruction. It led to local cooperation with limited scope.
The second stage (1952-64) was the period of expansion of European economic integration. During this period, the Inner Six內六國 and Outer Seven外七國established economic cooperation separately with France and Britain as leaders respectively. They aimed at not only economic reconstruction but also better coordination in the use of resources資源運用 and lower tariffs降低關稅. In terms of resource allocation, the Inner Six set up the European Coal and Steel Community(ECSC)歐洲煤鋼共同體(1952) and the European Atomic Energy Community(EURATOM)歐洲原子能共同體(1958), having cooperation on technology and resources for coal, iron, steel and atomic energy. As for reducing tariffs, the Inner Six established the European Economic Community(EEC)歐洲經濟共同體 in 1958, while the Outer Seven started another organization called the European Free Trade Association(EFTA)歐洲自由貿易聯盟 in 1960 to reduce trade barriers among its members. The difference was that the former also imposed unified tariffs on all foreign trade, but the latter did not. It is clear that the Inner Six and Outer Seven operated in parallel with each other and further economic cooperation was achieved.
With the France factor and the Britain factor, the integration progressed to the second stage. In the light of the remarkable achievement of the Benelux Union比荷盧聯盟, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman舒曼 wanted to enlarge the scale of cooperation by establishing a new organization. For example, France set up the ECSC歐洲煤鋼共同體 in 1952 to share and fully utilize resources like iron from France and coal from Germany, facilitating economic recovery among member states and cooperation between the Inner Six. As for Britain, it worried that close economic cooperation would infringe national sovereignty, and it thus refused to join the cooperation among the Inner Six. Instead, it started a new organization, known as the EFTA歐洲自由貿易聯盟, in order to stimulate its economic development by cooperating with other countries alongside preserving its autonomy. What resulted was the division between the Inner Six and Outer Seven.
The third stage (1965-90) was the period of consolidation. At this stage, the two Europes remained divided economically, but countries in the west has started combining economic cooperation organizations and markets. Their economic integration was almost shaped up. With respect to the organizations, the Inner Six signed the Treaty of Brussels布魯塞爾條約 in 1965 to merge the ECSC歐洲煤鋼共同體, EURATOM歐洲原子能共同體 and EEC into the European Community(EC)歐洲共同體, which later granted membership to the Outer Seven one after another after 1972. Western European economic cooperation was unified and came under the EC. For the common market, after the EC was established, it planned to create the European single market. The Single European Act單一歐洲法案 was enforced in 1987 with the aim of maximizing the fluidity of goods, resources and manpower among member states. These show that the separation between the two Europes remained, but economic integration in the west took shape and there was a tendency towards a single market.
The success of cooperation among the Inner Six and the limited effectiveness of that of the Outer Seven shaped the economic integration at this stage. The Inner Six’s early economic cooperation had great achievement. For instance, the ECSC歐洲煤鋼共同體 facilitated coordination in the use of resources like coal and steel among its participants, leading to a 58% increase in their total industrial production. Therefore, the Inner Six were willing to further their economic cooperation and formed the EC to not only extend the scope of cooperation but also prevent the inconvenience caused by the overlapping duties of the ECSC, EURATOM and EEC. On the other hand, the cooperation among the Outer Seven was not as effective as that of the Inner Six. The total GNP of members of the EFTA歐洲自由貿易聯盟 was only two-thirds of that of the EC. As a result, the Outer Seven joined the EC one after another, which led to the extension and consolidation of European economic integration.
The fourth stage (1991-2000) was the mature period of European economic integration. During the period, Western European countries developed strong ties through economic integration and Eastern European nations began to take part in their cooperation. The former established the European Union(EU) 歐盟 in 1993 to replace the EC歐洲共同體 and to further encouraged integration of Europe. Concerning labour and capital flows, the Schengen Agreement申根公約, coming into effect in 1995, abolished border checks at the signatories’ common border. Afterwards, the European Central Bank歐洲中央銀行 was established and the euro歐羅 introduced as the single currency amongst most of the members in 1999. A unified monetary system, that greatly helped the building of a common market, was set up. Also, Eastern Europe participated in economic integration of its western neighbour. Many countries there, including Poland and Hungary, signed agreements with the EC individually after 1991 and became waitlist候補資格 to join the economic integration. This paved the way for economic integration of the two Europes. All of these show that Eastern European countries started assimilating into economic integration of their Western counterparts and systems of the EU were well-developed, proving that it was the mature period.
The cooperative attitude of Western European countries and democratic movements東歐變天 in their eastern counterparts led European economic integration to maturity. With the previous success of cooperation among Western European countries, members of the EC wanted to further enlarge the scale of cooperation and create a single market. Therefore, they replaced the EC with the EU, abolished border checks as stated in the Schengen Agreement申根公約(1995) and introduced the euro歐羅 as the single currency in order to achieve more thorough economic integration. In addition, the communist bloc collapsed amid the democratic movements in Eastern Europe. The COMECON經濟互助委員會 was subsequently disbanded in July, 1991. After getting out of Soviet control, the former communist countries sought cooperation with Western Europe to stimulate economic growth. Thus, they signed agreements with the EC and became potential members of it (or the EU, its successor). After that, the two Europes were more integrated economically.
In conclusion, European economic integration started after WW2 and became sophisticated and highly effective by the end of the 20th century. Not only did it guide Europe from devastation to prosperity, but it also made the European Union the world’s second largest economy after the United States in 1999.