架構 持續近半世紀的冷戰為歐洲帶來了意義重大的影響,其雖然在經濟上帶來的好處較壞處多,但在政治、軍事及社會方面帶來了禍害則遠多於好處。// 立場仔細端詳之下,冷戰在小程度上為歐洲所帶來的好處比禍害多。
主旨句 經濟方面,冷戰阻礙了東、西歐國家的經濟往來,為一壞處。 // 項目A(禍害) 冷戰期間,由於兩大陣營的關係交惡,使雙方在經濟上不相往來。加上,共產主義國家認為自由貿易是助長資產階級建立的途徑,同時也怕資本主義的自由思想會隨著貿易而傳入,因此限制與資本主義國家的經濟接觸,使歐洲經濟一分為二。至冷戰於1990年代初結束後,東歐國家才陸續加強與西歐國家的經濟合作。// 小結可見,冷戰阻礙了兩大陣營的經濟合作,為一禍害。
主旨句 然而,冷戰下啟了歐洲國家的經濟統合,是福多於禍。 // 項目B(好處) 由於美國恐怕惡劣的經濟環境會助長共產主義在歐洲的擴散,因此於1948年推出了馬歇爾計劃,提供130億美元援助西歐資本主義國家。結果,西歐國家為了分配貸款而成立了「歐洲經濟合作組織」(1948年),日後歐洲國家更成立歐洲煤礦共同體(1952年)及歐洲經濟共同體(1958年)等組織,持續在經濟上進行統合。另一邊廂,為了避免東歐國家受馬歇爾計劃的吸引,蘇聯在馬歇爾計劃的討論階段就提出了莫洛托夫計劃(1947年),日後更於1949年成立經濟互助委員會,繼續促進東歐國家的合作,這也有助東歐在經濟上的統合。// 對比(~20%) 相比之下,就經濟發展而言,儘管冷戰妨害了兩大陣營在經濟上的往來,但卻開啟了東、西歐在經濟上的統合,揭開歐洲經濟史上嶄新的一頁,同時,該等合作也大大加快了歐洲經濟在二次大戰後的復甦,令歐洲再次繁盛起來,故實是好處多於壞處。
Do you agree that the Cold War brought more benefits than harms? Explain your answer with reference to European history in the period 1946-91.
The Cold War, which existed nearly a half century, brought significant impacts to Europe. Undoubtedly, the Cold War brought more benefits than harms in economic aspect. However, it brought more harms than benefits in political, military and social aspects. To a small extent, the Cold War brought more benefits than harms to Europe.
In economic aspect, the Cold War hindered the economic communication between the Eastern and Western European countries, which was one of the harms. During the Cold War, since the relationship of the two blocs was poor, they had no dealings with each other in economy. Moreover, communist countries thought that free trade promoted the existence of capitalist class and they were afraid of the inflow of capitalist thought on freedom through trade as well, thus limiting the economic communication with capitalist countries. Europe’s economy was divided into two. Until the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, Eastern European countries gradually strengthened the economic cooperation with Western European countries. It showed that the Cold War hindered the hindered the economic communication between the two blocs, which was one of the harms.
However, the Cold War facilitated the economic integration among European countries, which brought more benefits than harms. Since the US worried that the poor economic environment promoted the spread of communism in Europe, it implemented the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃(1948) offering a loan of 13 billion to assist Western European capitalist countries. As a result, Western European countries established the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) 歐洲經濟合作組織(1948) in order to distribute loans. Later, they established the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) 歐洲煤礦共同體(1952) and the European Economic Community (EEC) 歐洲經濟共同體(1958), carrying out economic integration continually. Besides, the USSR introduced the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃(1947) when the Marshall Plan was under discussion in order to prevent Eastern European countries from attracting by the Marshall Plan. The USSR later set up the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance經濟互助委員會(1949) to boost cooperation among Eastern European countries. In comparison, in terms of economic development, despite the fact that the Cold War hindered the economic communication between the two blocs, it facilitated the economic integration between the Eastern and Western Europe, opening a new chapter in the economic history of Europe. Meanwhile, their cooperation greatly accelerated the economic recovery in Europe after WW2, thus flourishing Europe again. It brought more benefits than harms.
Although the Cold War brought more benefits than harms to Europe, it brought more harms than benefits in political, military and social aspects.
In political aspect, the Cold War made the relationship among countries within the bloc closer respectively, which was one of the benefits. With the emergence of the Cold War, capitalist and communist countries became united respectively in order to confront opposing bloc. For example, regarding the capitalist bloc, Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg signed the Treaty of Brussels布魯塞爾條約(1948) so as to defend the USSR. Moreover, regarding communist bloc, the USSR guided other communist countries’ revolutions and policies through the Comintern共產國際. Thus, they strengthened cooperation of their own bloc because of the influence of the Cold War, which was one of the benefits.
However, the Cold War led to several crises between the two blocs, which brought more harms than benefits. Since capitalist and communist blocs both worried that the expansion and action of the other side would threatened them, it caused frictions and conflicts easily. For instance, when Britain, the US and France decided to unify their German occupied zones (1948) and carried out political and economic reforms, the USSR was dissatisfied with it and even blocked the West Berlin to protest, leading to the Berlin Crisis柏林危機(1948-49). Furthermore, the two blocs sent spies and reconnaissance planes to enemy countries in order to collect intelligence, leading to crises. For example, the USSR shot down a US U-2 reconnaissance plane偵察機 in Soviet airspace (1960), which resulted in the poor relations and failure of the second peace summit (1960). In comparison, in terms of its impact on the overall relationship, although the Cold War improved the internal relationship of the two blocs, it maintained hostile relationship for nearly a half century between the two blocs. They confronted towards others and led to several conflicts, bringing Europe to the brink of war and worsening the international situation. It brought more harms than benefits.
In military aspect, the Cold War encouraged the development of Europe’s military and space technology, which was one of the benefits. During the Cold War, every country actively invented military weapons to consolidate their military strength, preserving the safety of their countries. The US successfully invented atomic bomb原子彈 (1945) aroused the Soviet fear. The USSR therefore actively carried out research and development, testing atomic bomb successfully (1949) finally. In addition, the Cold War started the competition in space technology between the US and the USSR. The USSR was the first to launch artificial satellite人造衛星 into space, which opened a new chapter in the space technology. Besides, the US invited several Western European countries to join the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) 星戰計劃(1983), which invented the space interception technology. It showed that the Cold War brought benefits regarding the military and space technology of Europe.
However, the Cold War led to vicious armaments race and confrontation between military blocs, which brought more harms than benefits. Since every country hoped to gain military advantages, they actively expanded their armies and invented nuclear weapons, resulting in vicious armaments race. For instance, after the US had tested atomic bomb (1949), Britain英國 and France法國 also invented atomic bomb in 1952 and 1960 respectively. Europe was covered with a haze of nuclear war. Besides, the two blocs established military alliances respectively, including the NATO北約(1949) and the Warsaw Pact華約公約(1955), with a view to preserving the stability of their own bloc. These two hostile blocs confronted towards others. In comparison, concerning the severity of its consequence, although the Cold War encouraged the development of Europe’s military and space technology, it was originated in vicious armaments race. With regard to the establishment of the two military camps, if a nuclear war broke out, Europe would suffer a great damage. Thus, the Cold War brought more harms than benefits to Europe.
In social aspect, the Cold War stimulated the development of cultural creation, which was one of the benefits. The crises and espionage during the Cold War became a source of inspiration to artists. Many novels and films were revised according to the Cold War events; for example, the well-known novel “The Spy Who Came in from the Cold” 冷戰諜魂 and movie “007 collection” 007系列, which were representative examples of creative themes based on the espionage during the Cold War. It showed that the Cold War stimulated the development of cultural creation.
However, the Cold War blocked the cultural communication between Eastern and Western Europe, which brought more harms than benefits. Since communist Russia was afraid of the inflow of capitalist idea in Eastern European countries, which affected its ruling over Easter European satellite states, it blocked all the transportation, communication and trade. It greatly hindered the cultural communication between Eastern and Western Europe. Worse still, Eastern and Western Germany were belonged to capitalist and communist blocs respectively and had no contact. The construction of Berlin Wall柏林圍牆(1961) divided East and West Berlin, splitting up German culture. Moreover, the two blocs carried out boycott campaign to show their discontent towards others. For example, the US was dissatisfied with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan阿富汗(1979) and unified other Western countries boycotting the Moscow Olympic莫斯科奧運會(1980). Later, the USSR led other Eastern European countries to boycott the Los Angles Olympic Games洛杉磯奧運會(1984), hindering cultural communication. In comparison, in terms of cultural development, the Cold War stimulated the development of cultural creation. However, the culture of Eastern and Western Europe was split up. They had no contact and connection, hindering the spread of culture. Germany was forced to maintain a half-century splitting and then achieved national unity until the end of the Cold War in 1990. Thus, the Cold War brought more harms than benefits to Europe.
In conclusion, the Cold War brought more benefits than harms in economic aspect undoubtedly. However, it brought more harms than benefits in political, military and social aspects. Owing to the Cold War, Europe was under hostile situation for a half century. Eastern and Western Europe confronted towards others, guiding Europe to the brink of war. To a small extent, the Cold War brought more benefits than harms to Europe.