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主旨句經濟方面,經濟利益及貿易所需是中、日關係發展的有利因素。 // 問題A的段落內容貿易能促進雙方的經濟發展,因此成為日本改善與中國關係的有利契機,例如儘管1950年代時中、日的關係交惡,但由於兩國必須互相進口生活必需品,故兩國也建立了民間的貿易關係,以各取所需,結果分別於1952年及1953年簽訂定了二次《中日民間貿易協定》,有助拉近兩國關係的距離。及後,隨著中國於1978年推行改革開放,中國對外開放國內市場,中、日更於1978年及1995年兩次簽訂了《中日長期貿易協定》,在促進貿易往來的同時,也大大推動了兩國關係的發展。 // 小結可見,經濟的利益及需要成為中、日兩國改善關係的契機,促使兩國建立互惠互利的合作關係。




主旨句 政治方面,領土的主權問題大大妨礙中、日關係的發展,為一不利因素。 // 問題B的段落內容領土上的糾紛嚴重破壞了中國與日本的關係,雖然日本於第二次世界大戰後需要歸還曾經侵略的所有領土,但基於複雜的歷史問題,中國與日本的邊界問題一直未能得到確定及解決,釣魚台的主權爭端就一直破壞兩國的關係。例如日本右翼極端份子於1996在釣魚台的其中一個島嶼興建燈塔,就導致了中國官方的強烈譴責及民間的大規模反日示威。更甚,尚未得到解決的領土爭議成為了21世紀損害亞洲地區和平及穩定的重要因素,使中國與日本關係緊張。 // 小結可見,領土的主權問題是中、日關係發展的重大障礙。




Discuss the factors working for and those working against the development of the Sino-Japanese relationship in the period 1949-2000.

Under the influences of the poor international situation during the early stage of Cold War, the Sino-Japanese relationship after two World Wars was continuously poor. It was true that their relationship gradually improved under the economic interest and trading needs, civil interests and favourable international circumstances of Cold War. However, territorial and historical problems continuously damaged the development of their relationship. These also hindered their building up of friendly relationship. Below, those favourable and unfavourable factors on development of relationship among China and Japan would be discussed in the political, economic, social and diplomatic aspects.

Economically, the economic benefits and demand for trade were one of the favourable factors contributing to the development of Sino-Japanese relationship. Trade could promote economic development of both sides, which provided Japan a chance to improve its relationship with other countries. For instance, the Sino-Japanese relationship was hostile in the 1950s. However, they must import daily necessities from each other and hence a non-official trading relationship was established. As a result, the two Sino Japanese Non-Official Trade Agreements中日民間貿易協定 were signed in 1952 and 1953, which brought the two countries closer. After that, China opened up her domestic market to the world with her the Reforming and Opening-Up in 1978. The Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship中日長期貿易協定 was signed in 1978 and 1995. It greatly improved the Sino-Japanese relationship together with the fostering of trade. This illustrated that with the economic interest and trading needs, a mutual beneficial cooperation relationship was built and their relationship was improved.

Socially, the civil interests of China and Japan facilitated the normalization of their relationship. Civil interests also fostered the development of Sino-Japanese relationship. For instance, as early as in the 1950s, although Sino-Japanese relations remained poor, cultural and artistic exchanges among the people favoured the development of their relations. Japan set up the Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association中日文化交流協會 in 1956 to promote cultural exchanges. For example, Chinese Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang梅蘭芳 led a delegation to visit Japan (1956) and an exhibition of Chinese postage stamps was held in Nagasaki (1958). Civil exchanges helped the establishment of semi-official and official contact between the Chinese and Japanese government and laid the foundation for the development of their relationship. This showed that although China and Japan lacked official contacts in the early stage, cultural exchanges among the people helped to break their tense relationship and was a favourable factor. This showed that although China and Japan did not have official contact at the early stage, the civil exchanges and contact could help to ease their tense relationship. It was hence one of the favourable factors.

Diplomatically, easing up of the tense international circumstance in the second half of the Cold War could help improving the Sino-Japanese relationship. In the early stage of Cold War, China and Japan belonged to the communist and capitalist regimes respectively. Therefore, Japan followed the foreign policies of the US and contained the communist China. As a result, the Sino-Japanese relationship became hostile. However, during détente of the Cold War in the 1970s, the US and China improved relations due to Ping Pong diplomacy乒乓外交(1972). Japan followed the US diplomacy and improved relations with China. Japan and China established official diplomatic relations in the same year, which was a significant move in their relationship. Later, as the peaceful atmosphere continued, members of the two blocs including the US and Soviet Union signed the ‘Helsinki Agreement’ 赫爾辛基協定which focused on mutual respect. Relationship of China and Japan was developed continuously under such situation. Treaty of Peace and Friendship中日和平友好條約 between Japan and China was signed in 1978 which promised clauses like mutual respect, mutual non-aggression and non-intervention to sovereignty. A huge progress was made in the Sino-Japanese relationship. This showed that although the international circumstance did not facilitate the development of Sino-Japanese relationship as a whole, its contribution to their normalization could not be neglected.

The above showed the factors that helped the development of Sino-Japanese relationship. However, their relationship was influenced by the unfavourable factors in the political, social and diplomatic aspects.

Politically, the problem on territorial sovereignty greatly hindered the development of Sino-Japanese relationship, and was one of the unfavourable factors. The territorial conflicts severely damaged the relationship between China and Japan. Although Japan had to return all the invaded land after World War Two, the boundaries of China and Japan were not defined and recognized due to the complex historical problems. Dispute on sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands釣魚台 continuously hindered their relationship. For instance, a Japanese rightist built a beacon in one of the Diaoyu Islands in 1996. It agitated the vigorous denounce of the Chinese government and large scale anti-Japanese protest in the folk. Worse still, the unsolved territorial disputes became a major factor which damaged the peace and stability of Asia in the 21st century. The Sino-Japanese relationship was thus tensed. This showed that the problem on territorial sovereignty was a major obstacle in the development of Sino-Japanese relationship.

Socially, the historical problems brought by the Two World Wars were stumbling stones in the improvement of Sino-Japanese relationship. Conflicts often occurred concerning the war guilt and the historical facts, and this directly damaged the development of their relationship. Some Japanese or associations denied the history of Japanese invasion to China. For instance, they claimed that the large number of casualties in Nanjing Massacre南京大屠殺 was a result of the vigorous resistance of Chinese. This sparked great discontent of China. Worse still, since 1982, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture文部省 allowed the above opinions to appear on textbooks. This resulted in condemnation and protest of China. Apart from that, the Japanese Prime Ministry believed that visiting the Yasukuni Shrine靖國神社 was a way to show respect to their ancestors and was alright. However, such act sparked the discontent of China as it was believed that such act was to approve the cruel acts during wartime. This harmed the feeling of Chinese citizens and the Sino-Japanese relationship often worsened. This showed that the historical problems left after the two world wars were the reasons for the poor relationship in the second half of the 20th century, and this continuously hindered their relationship.

Diplomatically, the poor situation during the early stage of Cold War was unfavourable to the development of Sino-Japanese relationship. The relationship of the communist blocs and capitalist blocs was continuously poor. It led to the hostility of Japan, which was a member of the capitalist bloc, and China, which was a member of the communist bloc. At that time, Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance中蘇友好同盟互助條約 was signed by China under the facilitation of Soviet Union. At the same time, the US and Japan had a close relationship. The US actively helped the reconstruction of Japanese economy and hoped to turn it to be an important shield to contain the spread of communism in Asia. These made the Sino-Japanese relationship to be continuously hostile. Also, after the Chinese Civil War, the Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan. However, Japan treated the Republic of China as the legitimate Chinese government and signed the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty中日和約(1952) with her. This treaty declared the ending of situation of war and this greatly sparked the discontent of the Chinese communist government. After that, Japan and Taiwan formed a closer relationship to contain the Communist Party of China. This made the Sino-Japanese relationship to be in a confronting position. This hindered the development of their relationship. This showed that the circumstance in the early stage of Cold War harmed the Sino-Japanese relationship and was an unfavourable factor.

To conclude, the Sino-Japanese relationship gradually improved in the second half of the 20th century, in which they resumed contact and officially establish diplomatic relations. However, they failed to obtain consensus and agreement in the territorial and historical problems. Hence, their relationship could not be improved further. Instead, conflicts occurred and this hindered the peace and stability in the Asia Pacific Zone.

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