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架構 香港政治於20世紀下半葉至1997年期間出現了顯著的轉變,仔細端詳,1950-97年間的香港政治主要可分為三個階段,分別是有限度的改革時期(1950-67年)、全面的行政改革時期(1967-84年)、代議政制發展時期(1984-97年),以下將逐一描述並解釋。

主旨句 第一階段是香港政治有限度的改革時期(1950-67年)。// 概括部分此時期,香港政治的發展主要圍繞著行政機構的擴展及公務員本地化,但在行政、立法等方面則未有革新性的改革。 // 歸納範疇一在行政機構方面,政府於1950年末起設立了大量的行政機構,例如社會福利署(1958年)、新聞處(1959年)等,提供更多的官方服務及訊息。 // 歸納範疇二 此外,在公務員本地化方面,愈來愈多的華人獲聘請為公務員,由1952年時的22,900人劇增至1962年時的48,277人,其中,雖然港府於1948年才開始委任首位華人作為政務官,但至1967年,就有多達20%的政務官為華人,反映公務員本地化的進展迅速。 // 歸納範疇三不過,行政及立法兩局在此時期的轉變未算明顯,官守議員的數目仍然多於非官守議員,政府未有下放更多的權力予行政、立法兩局。 // 小結可見,此階段香港政治只出現有限度的改革,而改革只是著重於行政機構及公務員本地化方面。

主旨句 人口的劇增及英國的顧忌塑造了第一階段香港政治出現有限度的改革。 // 論點一二次大戰後,戰後的嬰兒潮及難民潮使香港人口劇增,1950年的香港人口已超過200萬。人口的劇增使港英政府需要成立更多行政機構及聘請更多公務員,以協助管治香港。因此,1950年代起大量行政機構湧現,同時也聘請大量華人任職公務員,令華人公務員人數倍增。 // 論點二與此同時,英國不願大規模改革立法、行政兩局,原因在於1949年共產中國的建立使港英政府恐懼共產主義勢力會滲入政府,故不願在兩局引入選舉,只是在1952年恢復了日治時期廢除的市政局選舉,並將選舉產生的議員數目增至8名。 // 小結可見,人口的劇增及英國的顧忌使香港政治出現了有限度的改革。






Trace and explain the political development of Hong Kong in the period 1950-97.

The political development in Hong Kong had significant changes in the second half of the 20th century. After thorough examination, Hong Kong's political development from 1950 to 1999 can be divided into 3 stages, namely the limited reform period (1950-67), the comprehensive reform period (1967-84) and the representative democracy development period (1984-97) respectively. The distinctive characteristics of each period will be discussed.

The first stage was the limited reform period (1950-67). In this period, Hong Kong's political development revolved around the expansion of government agencies and public bodies and the localization of civil servants. However, there were no innovative reforms on executive, legislative councils. In terms of the expansion of government agencies, the government began to set up them in the late 1950s such as the Social Welfare Department社會福利署(1958) and the Information Services Department新聞處(1959), providing the local citizens with more information and services. In terms of the localiztion of civil servants, the number of Chinese civil servants increased continuously. In 1952, there were 22900 Chinese civil servants. In 1962, there were 48277 in total. Although the government began to appoint the first local Adminstrative Officer in 1948, in 1967, there were already 20% of Administrative Officers being Chinese, showing a rapid localization of civil servants. However, regarding the changes of executive and legislative councils, they were not obvious. Official members官守議員 were still more than unofficial members. The government did not give more powers to these 2 councils. Thus, in this period, Hong Kong's political development was limited, confining to the expansion of government agencies and public bodies and the localization of civil servants.

The rapid population growth and the fear of Britain were the factors accounting for the limited reform in Hong Kong's political development in this period (1950-67). The post-war baby boom嬰兒潮 and the influx of immigrants難民潮 after the Second World War caused rapid population growth in Hong Kong. In 1950, the population of Hong Kong exceeded 2 million. The government had to set up new departments and recruit more civil servants to cope with the needs of the society. Thus, a number of public bodies and government agencies. More civil servants were recruited, thus giving rise to rapid growth of local civil servants. At the same time, Britain was not willing to carry out large-scale reforms on the Executive and Legislative councils as the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949 made Britain worried that Communism would spread to the Hong Kong government. Hence, Britain was reluctant in introducing elections into these 2 councils. Britain only revived the elections in the Urban Council市政局 in 1952. The number of elected seats of the Urban Council even increased from 4 to 8. Therefore, the rapid population growth and the fear of Britain were the factors accounting for the limited reform in Hong Kong's political development.

The second stage was the comprehensive reform period (1967-84). In this stage, there were an increasing number of revolutionary political changes at local level in Hong Kong, and a more comprehensive policy concerning people’s livelihood was introduced to expand the reform. As for reform at local level, the government put forward the City District Officers Scheme in 1968 to divide Hong Kong Island and Kowloon into 10 districts and set up a City District Office in each of them to collect public opinion. Afterwards, it further divided Hong Kong into 18 districts and held the first ever District Council Election in 1982 that gave Hong Kong permanent residents who were above 21 and had resided in the city for more than 7 years the right to vote. These demonstrated a sweeping change in local politics. As for policy concerning people’s livelihood, the government implemented the Ten-Year Housing Program十年建屋計劃 (1973), Public Assistance Scheme公共援助計劃 (1973) and a nine-year compulsory education scheme九年免費教育(1978) with similar policies mushrooming. Therefore, during this stage, all-round administrative reform took place in Hong Kong and the changes were significant.

The emergence of Riots and the substantial growth in population were the factors for the comprehensive reforms introduced in this period (1967-84). The 1967 Riots六七暴動 were caused by the discontent of Hong Kong people towards Britain's administration. This made the British government realize reforms were needed to absorb more Chinese to the government, which set up a channel for communication between the government and the public. For instance, the City District Officer Scheme民政主任計劃 in 1968 divided Hong Kong Island and Kowloon into 10 district and set up City District Offices to collect public opinions. Besides, in order to settle the discontent of people at the grass roots level, the government launched a lot more policies which improved people's livelihood in social welfare, education and housing aspects, being the turning point of Hong Kong government in improving people's livelihood by means of policies. Meanwhile, population continued to grow, reaching 3.7 million in 1965. The increase in population led to an increasing demand for social welfare, education as well as housing. Therefore, the government was willing to carry out a more comprehensive reform to cope with the needs of the society. Therefore, the emergence of Riots and the substantial growth in population were the factors for the comprehensive reforms introduced in this period (1967-84).

The third stage was the rapid representative democracy development period (1984-97). Representative democracy developed rapidly at this stage, including both district and central level. At the same time, the constitutional principle ' Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong' was confirmed. In terms of district level, the official seats in District Councils were cancelled in 1985 and all appointed seats were abolished in 1994. The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18. This facilitated the development of geographical constituencies as well as broadened the base of voters. Meanwhile, the first indirect election of Legislative Council was held in 1985, with 24 out of 56 seats elected by electoral colleges and functional constituencies. All 60 seats were elected in 1995. This promoted representative democracy and sped up democratization in Hong Kong. In addition, the constitutional principle of 'Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong港人治港' was also actualized as reflected by Hong Kong people becoming the senior officials. Anson Chan陳方安生 became the first Chinese Chief Secretary in 1993 and Donald Tsang曾蔭權 became the first Chinese Financial Secretary in 1995. Chinese began to occupy some high-ranking posts. Thus, this was the rapid representative democracy development period (1984-97). The representativeness of the government enhanced and more Chinese became high-ranking officials.

The fact that Hong Kong would be returned to China in 1997 was the main factor contributing to the political development in this period. Hong Kong would be returned to China in 1997 in accordance with the Sino-British Joint Declaration中英聯合聲明 signed in 1984. The constitutional principle of 'one country, two systems一國兩制' and 'Hong Kong People Ruling Hong Kong港人治港' were confirmed so the British government hoped to speed up the democratiztion so as to lay a sound foundation of democracy in Hong Kong by introducing representative democracy. Since Britain feared Hong Kong would be affected by the autocratic ruling style in China, the British carried out large-scale reforms in not only district level, but also central level. In 1995, all the appointed seats in the Legislative Council were abolished, replaced by elections. Moreover, with a view to ensuring that ' Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong港人治港' would run smoothly, the British government allowed more local Chinese to become high-ranking officials. Before the transfer of sovereignty, only the governor and the Commander of British Troops were occupied by British, other senior or top positions were occupied by Chinese. Therefore, it was the fact that Hong Kong would be returned to China in 1997 that prompted the political development in this period, which was the rapid representative democracy development period (1984-97).

In conclusion, Hong Kong's political development from 1950 to 1999 was divided into 3 stages, namely the limited reform period (1950-67), the comprehensive reform period (1967-84) and the representative democracy development period (1984-97). The last period even sped up democratizaiton in Hong Kong, which made Hong Kong enjoy a high degree of democracy before 1997.

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