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背景 第二次世界大戰對世界歷史產生了極大的意義,更加是現代西方政治、經濟、軍事等方面歷史的轉捩點。 // 架構以下,將會從領導地位、冷戰的出現、法西斯主義的發展、經濟統合、軍事科技的革新去討論二次大戰如何成為現代西方歷史的轉捩點。

主旨句 其一,政治方面,二次大戰使美、蘇取締英、法成為了國際事務的主導國,為一轉捩點。 // 時期A(核心點前) 二次世界大戰前,美國基於實行孤立政策而盡量避免接觸國際事務,而蘇聯就因為是共產主義而受到西方國家的孤立,此時期的國際事務由英、法主導,例如國聯主要由英、法兩國維持運作等。 // 時期B(核心點的影響及往後的情況) 然而,二次大戰使美、蘇取替了英、法的地位。由於英、法受戰爭破壞,國力衰退,相反,美國本土未有直接受到戰火攻擊,加上戰時大量借貸予歐洲國家,成為全球最大的債權國,同時,蘇聯於戰爭期間大肆擴張共產主義勢力,赤化了多個東歐國家,勢力割據一方。最終,美、蘇兩國崛起並取代了英、法的主導地位,例如美國和蘇聯分別推出馬歇爾計劃(1948年)及莫洛托夫計劃(1947年)以支援西歐及東歐的經濟重建,成為手執牛耳的強級大國。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,就國際事務的主導國而言,二次大戰前的國際事務由英、法所主導,但二次大戰改變了此一狀況,隨著英、法的衰弱,美、蘇進一步崛起成為兩大陣營的首領,奠定了美、蘇主導國際事務的新秩序,可見是西方歷史的轉捩點。






In what ways was the Second World War a turning point in Western history in the period 1900-69?

The Second World War (WWII) brought great significance to the world history, western history in particular. It was even a turning point of western history in terms of political, economic and military aspects. In the following essay, the world leadership, the emergence of Cold War, the development of Fascism, economic cooperation and the breakthrough of military science will be discussed, all of which will account for how the WWII became the turning point of western history.

First, politically, the WWII replaced the world leadership of Britain and France with the US and the USSR. It was the US and USSR who led the world affairs after the WWII so it was indeed a turning point for world history. Before the WWII, the US adopted the isolationist policy孤立政策 so as not to interfere with international affairs. As for the USSR, due to her adoption of communism, she was isolated from the west. At this period, Britain and France dominated the world affairs. The most obvious example was the running of the League of Nations (the League) by Britain and France. However, the WWII took away the leadership of Britain and France as it brought great destructions to them, which weakened their power. On the contrary, the US had not been under attack on her territories during the WWII, together with the huge loans granted for the western countries, making her the biggest creditor after the WWII. Meanwhile, the USSR was proactive in spreading communism during the WWII, Sovietizing many Eastern European countries, which enabled her to become another power. Their rise replaced the leadership of Britain and France as the world leaders. For example, the US and USSR implemented the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃(1948) and the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃(1947) respectively, which helped the recovery of western and Eastern European countries after the war. This in turn allowed the US and USSR to become superpowers. Comparatively speaking, in terms of countries taking the lead in global affairs, such affairs before WWII were dominated by Britain and France. While WWII altered the situation, with the decline of Britain and France, the US and USSR further became the leader of 2 blocs. This laid a solid foundation for the US and USSR to be in charge of international affairs. Hence, WWII was a turning point of western history.

Second, in political aspect, the WWII gave rise to the emergence of the Cold War, which was a turning point in western history. Before the WWII, there was no Cold War. Since the USSR was under the containment of European countries, Soviet international revolution共產主義國際革命 still did not take place. However, during the WWII, the USSR spread communism when she was counterattacking Nazi Germany. Many Soviet satellites such as Poland波蘭 and Czechoslovakia捷克 thus emerged, which strengthened the power of the USSR. Eventually, after the WWII, the US and other Western European countries were eager to stop the spread of communism. For instance, the Truman Doctrine杜魯門主義(1947) introduced provided US$ 400 million for Greece希臘 and Turkey土耳其 to counterbalance the Soviet. Afterwards, the US even set up the North Atlantic Treaty Organization北約(1949) during the Berlin Crisis柏林危機, treating the Soviet as her enemy in order to prevent her counterparts from being sovietized. Regarding the USSR, she also set up the Warsaw Pact華沙公約 in 1955, unifying the Eastern European countries to counteract, creating a confrontation among the capitalist and communist bloc. Comparatively speaking, concerning the emergence of the Cold War, the development of communism was restricted before WWII. With the rising power of the USSR during the WWII, she gradually became a threat to the US and Western European countries. A confrontation among the capitalist and communist bloc was thus created, causing the emergence of Cold War. Hence, WWII was a turning point of western history.

Third, politically, the WWII was a turning point for the development of Fascism. Before the WWII, the growth of Fascism法西斯主義 was not restricted and it even spread across Europe. For instance, in Italy, Benito Mussolini rose to power in 1922 while in Germany, Nazi Hitler gained power in 1933. During this period, western countries feared communism more than Fascism. Therefore, they did not try their utmost to stop the rise of Fascism. However, owing to the fact that the WWII was initiated by Fascist Italy as well as Germany. With a view to preventing the outbreak of war created by Fascist countries, the US and Western European countries were enthusiastic about eliminating Fascism through wartime meetings in the latter period. Take the Potsdam Agreement波茨坦協定(1945) as an example. The agreement stated that democracy should be built and that Nazism should be removed. Besides, for the defeated countries like Italy and Finland芬蘭, their post-war settlements stated the cancellation and dissolution of Fascist-related organizations and people. This laid a foundation for anti-Fascist international order. Eventually, Fascism was disappeared after WWII as exemplified by West Germany and Italy that became democractic and East Germany that turned communist. Comparatively speaking, in terms of development of Fascism, the West did not suppress the growth of Fascism before WWII. Yet, for the US and the west, WWII was a war against Fascism. Hence, they were eager to eliminate Fascism after WWII, creating an anti-fascist international order. Hence, WWII was a turning point of Western history.

Fourth, economically, the WWII started the economic cooperation in Europe, being a turning point of western history. Before the WWII, there was no large-scale economic cooperation in Europe. There were only some small countries cooperate to boost the economy. For example, the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union比盧經濟聯盟(1921) formed by the Belgium比利時 and Luxembourg盧森堡. Worse still, after the Great Depression經濟大蕭條(1929), every country enforced protectionism, building trade barrier in an attempt to protect the industry of their countries. They were not passionate about economic cooperation. However, the WWII seriously destructed the economy of the European countries, allowing the rise and spread of communism. Afterwards, in a bid to counteract the spread of communism that developed rapidly under poor economic situation, the US soon launched the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃 in 1948, beginning the economic cooperation in Europe. To distribute the aid given by the US evenly, the Organization for European Economic Cooperation歐洲經濟合作組織 was established by the Western European countries. Moreover, the European Coal and Steel Community歐洲煤鋼共同體 and the European Economic Community歐洲經濟共同體 were founded in 1952 and 1958 respectively to promote further economic cooperation. In the meantime, the USSR, launched the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃 in 1947 so as to prevent her satellite states from being lured by the Marshall Plan. They even set up the COMECON經濟互相委員會 in 1949 to distribute the loan evenly, strengthening the economic cooperation among Eastern Europe. Comparatively speaking, in terms of European economic cooperation, the West was not willing to carry out economic cooperation before WWII. Yet, the WWII changed the situation as the US feared Western countries from being sovietized and introduced the Marshall Plan. This began the economic cooperation in the west, at the same time prompting that in Eastern Europe. Hence, WWII was a turning point of western history.

Fifth, in military aspect, the WWII contributed to the development of military science, which was a turning point in the west. Before the WWII, the west put great emphasis on the army and navy. For instance, the London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議 in 1930 was a naval disarmament conference among the US, Britain and Japan. At that period of time, air force and nuclear weapons were not widely employed in the west. However, the WWII was a turning point in the west. Since both sides hoped to gain victory, they set great store by making destructive weapons, including the involvement of air force and the use of atomic bombs原子彈. The US even ended the Pacific War by dropping two atomic bombs. After the war, the USSR, for fear that the US would use damaging weapons against her, was enthusiastic about making powerful weapons. In 1949, she succeeded in making atomic bombs. Later, Britain and France also succeeded in making nuclear weapons in 1952 and 1960, becoming the third and the fourth country possessing nuclear weapons. Hence, armaments race began among them. Comparatively speaking, in terms of development of military technology, air force was not widely used and nuclear weapons were absent before WWII. Yet, the world war sped up the military development including the adoption of air force and nuclear weapons, which caused the armament race. Hence, WWII was a turning point of western history.

All in all, the WWII brought huge impacts on the west, being a turning point in various aspects, among which the changes in world leadership, emergence of Cold War, the development of Fascism, the beginning of economic cooperation as well as the development of military science were mostly obvious.

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