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架構 基於一次大戰後所遺留下來的問題、德國人的復仇心態、經濟大蕭條的出現和綏靖政策的採取,第二次世界大戰的爆發根本是不可避免,成為了歷史發展的必然結果。 // 立場 毋庸置疑,題目所言確能成立。

主旨句 其一,一次大戰後所遺留下來的問題使二次大戰變得不可避免。 //段落內容 於一次大戰後,以英、美、法為首的三巨頭召開了巴黎和會以處理戰後的問題,但在和會上,由於戰勝國在制訂條約時存有不足及不公,使往後的二次大戰爆發變得不可避免。在不足方面,由於英、法在1915年倫敦會議中承諾給予阜姆及達爾馬西亞予意大利,但在和會中卻失信於意大利,導致了意大利的強烈不滿,成為了墨索里尼於1922年上台的重要氛圍。墨索里尼於上台後更積極發動侵略,例如1923年炮轟科孚島、1926年將阿爾巴尼亞成為其保護國,成為了往後二次大戰爆發的主要侵略國之一,大戰也因此而變得難以避免。此外,在不公方面,由於戰勝國在制訂條款時加入了「民族自決」的原則,允許捷克、波蘭等民族小國自治,然而,德國卻被排除在「民族自決」的原則外,包括禁止德國與奧地利合併等,令德國強烈不滿,而「民族自決」也成為了日後德國擴張的必然理由,例如在1938年以蘇台德區居住了300萬日耳曼人為由,要求取回,最終使大戰的爆發在德國的侵略下變得不可避免。 // 小結 可見,一次大戰後的意大利及民族自決問題使二次大戰的爆發變得無可避免。





‘The Second World War was inevitable.’ Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to the history of Europe in the period 1919-39.

Due to the problems bought by World War 1, revenge mentality of Germans, occurrence of the Great Depression and the adoption of appeasement policy, World War 2 was unavoidable. It became a definite result in the historical development. Undoubtedly, the statement was totally agreed.

Firstly, the problems left after WW1 made WW2 became unavoidable. After WW1, the Paris Peace Conference led by the Big Three, which consisted of Britain, the US and France, was held to deal with the post-war settlements. In the conference, the victorious nations did not impose enough and fair treaties which made the outbreak of WW2 became inevitable. In terms of the insufficiency, Britain and France promised to grant Italy with Fiume阜姆 and Dalmatia達爾馬西亞 in the London Conference倫敦會議 in 1915. However, in the conference, such promise was not fulfilled which sparked great discontent of Italians. It became an important circumstance which allowed Mussolini to rise to power in 1922. After his rose to power, he actively initiated aggressions. For instance, in 1923, Italy bombarded Corfu Island科孚島, and turned Albania阿爾巴尼亞 to be its protectorate in 1926. Italy thus became one of the major invaders during WW2 and the war became inevitable. Apart from that, in the unfairness of treaties, victorious nations implemented the Principle of National Self-Determination民族自決 which allowed nation states such as Czechoslovakia捷克 and Poland波蘭 to form their own countries. However, Germany was eliminated from the Principle of National Self-Determination. It was banned from merging with Austria奧地利 which sparked great discontent of Germans. Such principle later became a definite reason for expansion of Germany. For instance, in 1938, Germany used the principle as a pretext and demanded to get back Sudetenland蘇台德區 where lived 3 million Germans. Eventually, the outbreak of war became inevitable under the invasion of Germany. This showed that the problems of Italy and Principle of National Self-determination made the outbreak of WW2 became unavoidable.

Secondly, the revenge mentality of Germans made the outbreak of WW2 became inevitable. Germans thought that they were the most superior ethnic group in the world. Germany was defeated in WW1, and was forced to sign the humiliating Treaty of Versailles凡爾賽條約 which included clauses such as bearing all war responsibility, repaying an indemnity of USD$33 billion, and ceding more than 10% of land and population. This created discontent to the Germans who had great sense of national superiority. Their revenge mentality became a breeding ground for the rise of power of Hitler. After Hitler rose to power in 1933, he actively overthrew Treaty of Versailles and was determined to resume the status of Germany as a world power as well as to revenge the humiliation. After that, Hitler implemented his invasion plan step by step. For instance, in 1935, he reintroduced conscription徵兵制 and set up the navy. In 1936, he militarized Rhineland萊茵河區. After the preparation in the military aspect, Germany further drew his alliances together. For instance, the Berlin-Rome Axis柏林—羅馬軸心(1936) was signed with Italy which recognized the aggressions of each other. After establishing the alliance, Germany first annexed Austria奧地利 and Sudetenland蘇台德區 in 1938 and regained the places where lived Germans. After that, its aggression spread to non-German living areas, including his invasion to Czechoslovakia捷克 in March 1939 and assaulted Poland波蘭 in September of the same year. Britain and France were forced to sign an ultimatum最後通牒. With the strong determination of Germany to initiate wars, the world war broke out inevitably. This showed that under the revenge mentality of Germans, the outbreak of WW2 was unavoidable.

Thirdly, the occurrence of the Great Depression made the outbreak of war became inevitable. The collective security system was once effective in the 1920s. For instance, the League of Nations successfully deterred some international conflicts at that time, such a s stopping Greece from invading Bulgaria保加利亞 in 1925; the Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約 and Kellogg-Briand Pact凱格—白里安公約 formed the Honeymoon Period in the 1920s and peaceful atmosphere was shown. However, the Great Depression in 1929 shattered the peaceful atmosphere. As the economies of countries faced great damaged after crises, they had to focus on solving internal economic problems and reduced participation in the peacekeeping affairs. Effectiveness of the League of Nations in preserving peace reduced. Unemployment of Germany soared to 6 million after the Great Depression which assisted the rise of Hitler. He actively expanded externally with the goal of striving for ‘living space’ 生存空間. For instance, Germany invaded Czechoslovakia捷克 in 1939 so as to obtain more territories and resources; Italy stopped its expansion after turning Albania阿爾巴尼亞 into its protectorate after 1926. However, the Great Depression forced it to expand again in the hope of solving economic problems. For example, Italy invaded Albania in 1939 so as to strengthen the economic control. Under the poor economic environment, the world war became inevitable. This showed that the occurrence of Great Depression made the war became inevitable.

Fourthly, the adoption of the appeasement policy made WW2 became inevitable. Britain and France remained weak after WW1 due to the damage of Great Depression in 1929. They failed to straightly deter the invasion of aggressors. They adopted appeasement policy. However, the appeasement policy motivated the ambition of aggressors. For example, in the Munich Conference慕尼黑會議 in 1938, Britain and France gave Sudetenland蘇台德區 to Germany which allowed it to understand that they could not stop its expansion. As a result, it invaded Czechoslovakia捷克 in March 1939. After Germany annexing the whole of Czechoslovakia, the weaknesses of Britain and France further encouraged the expansion of invaders. Italy invaded Albania阿爾巴尼亞 in April of the same year, Germany even assaulted Poland波蘭 in September. The war thus became inevitable under the adoption of appeasement policy. On the other hand, the appeasement policy created doubts to Soviet Union and damaged the defensive alliance between France and Soviet Union. In 1935, they signed the Treaty of Mutual Assistance互助條約 so as to put Germany under control. However, in 1938, Britain and France gave Sudetenland to Germany in the Munich Conference. As a result, Soviet Union doubted that the intention of Britain and France was to ‘redirecting the troubles towards the east’ 禍水東引and use Germany to fight it. Soviet Union hence signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact互不侵犯條約 with Germany and this eliminated the concern of Germany for having enemies front and rear. As a result, Germany assaulted Poland without any worries and the outbreak of war became inevitable. This showed that the adoption of appeasement policy made the outbreak of WW2 became inevitable.

To sum up, the problems and situation between two world wars, including the post-WW1 problems, revenge mentality of Germans, the occurrence of Great Depression and the adoption of appeasement policy determined the inevitable result of the outbreak of war. Hence, the outbreak of WW2 was inevitable.

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