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Compare the Late Qing Reform and the 1911 Revolution as ways to promote China’s transformation.

Transformation refers to a fundamental change that leads to a transition from one state to another with significant differences in the situations before and after. Both revolution and reform serve the purpose of replacing the old with the new, but their difference lies in the fact that a revolution brings about changes in a bottom-up movement while a reform is implemented by the one in power in a top-down manner. Both the Late Qing Reform and the 1911 Revolution were intended to bring about groundbreaking changes in China, and the following essay is going to compare them from political, economic, educational and diplomatic perspectives.

In political aspect, the Late Qing Reform was an attempt at constitutional monarchy while the 1911 Revolution was the more effective one with constitutional republic as its goal. The Late Qing Reform was an attempt to transform China into a country with constitutional monarchy with reforms implemented accordingly. For example, the Outline of Constitution欽定憲法大綱 by Imperial Order was promulgated in 1908 as an announcement of a 9-year programme of constitutional preparation. Provisional assemblies諮議局(1909), the National Assembly資政院(1910) and the Cabinet內閣(1911) were also established to build up a constitutional regime step by step. In contrast, the 1911 Revolution was to overthrow the existing regime by revolutionary means and establish a constitutional republic elected by the people as an embodiment of ‘democracy民權’. As the starting point of the revolution, the Wuchang Uprising武昌起義 was staged by the New Army under the influence of Sun Yat-sen’s revolutionary ideas. As a result, there was a wave of independence among different provinces of the country and the Qing Emperor was forced to abdicate with the Republic of China中華民國 established as an attempt to build a constitutional republic. To compare the two efforts in terms of their ideologies, the Qing Reform attempted to introduce a constitution while retaining the monarchical system, but the 1911 Revolution was intended to abolish monarchy and build a constitutional republic. Also, in terms of effectiveness, the Late Qing Reform failed to replace the old with the new and even attracted criticisms for its goal of consolidating the imperial office, leading to the downfall of the Qing Dynasty; meanwhile, the 1911 Revolution ended the 2000-year monarchy despite the fact that no new system in the form of constitutional republic was established right after. Achieving the goal of replacing the old, it had greater effectiveness than the Late Qing Reform.

In economic aspect, the Late Qing Reform revolutionized China’s economy by boosting industrial and commercial development while the 1911 Revolution improved people’s livelihood by distributing land equally, and the Late Qing Reform was more effective than the other. The Late Qing Reform greatly promoted industrial and commercial development through laws and regulations promulgated by the central government. These efforts included different commercial laws such as the Company Act公司律 and the Articles of Association公司章程 for a more business-friendly environment, and the establishment of the banking system for greater support for small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, the Reform entailed the plan of railway development as a way to promote economic growth and the railway nationalization attempt in 1911. It was clear that the Late Qing Reform came with great emphasis on industrial and commercial development. In contrast, the economic emphasis of the 1911 Revolution was placed on agriculture. Given that most of the Chinese population engaged in agricultural activities, the revolutionaries proposed the principle of ‘people’s livelihood民生’ in order to improve peasants’ livelihood and enlist their support. They aimed at stimulating agricultural development through equalization of land rights with land from rich landlords distributed to poor and tenant peasants佃農. To compare the two efforts in terms of their scopes, the Late Qing Reform aimed at making China’s economy strong through industrial and commercial development, but the 1911 Revolution put most efforts into agriculture that was related to most of the population, demonstrating clear differences in their strategies. Also, in terms of effectiveness, both efforts were inadequately effective in boosting economic development, but the Late Qing Reform at least revolutionized China’s commercial legislation that was followed by the Nanjing government, while the 1911 Revolution failed to fulfill the goal of ‘people’s livelihood’ by distributing land equally and even created political instability that worked against economic development, Therefore, economically speaking, the Late Qing Reform brought about economic transformation more than the 1911 Revolution did.

In social aspect, the Late Qing Reform tried to transform China in a top-down manner while the 1911 Revolution was a more effective attempt to transform the country in a bottom-up manner. In the early 20th century, the Qing Court as the one in power promulgated nationwide social reforms such as freeing women from foot-binding纏足, allowing Manzu-Han intermarriage滿漢通婚, illegalizing opium-smoking吸食鴉片, abolishing the salary system of Qing Bannermen清旗人俸祿 and forbidding slavery奴隸 in an effort to modernize Chinese society. In contrast, the 1911 Revolution was started by Sun Yat-sen among the people. As early as 1895, he put forward the nationalist slogan of ‘expel the Northern barbarians’ when establishing the Xingzhonghui興中會. The success of the Revolution marked the rises up in revolt against the existing authorities, followed by proactive efforts to abolish social evil practices such as removing pigtails剪辮 among men. In addition, Sun advocated five-group harmony五族共和 during the Revolution and received enthusiastic support from different races oppressed by the Qing rulers, contributing to racial equality in society. To compare the two efforts in terms of form, the top-down Late Qing Reform with low spontaneity contrasted with the bottom-up 1911 Revolution with high spontaneity. Also, in terms of extent, the Late Qing Reform was not supported by the people wholeheartedly with their low spontaneity and many of the reform measures were ineffective, including the ban on slavery and opium-smoking. On the contrary, as for the 1911 Revolution, people were more involved in social reforms and, as a result, more open to foreign things and ideas. With the changes in social customs, the Revolution replaced the old with the new to a certain extent and was more effective than the Late Qing Reform.

In diplomatic aspect, the Late Qing Reform and the 1911 Revolution were ineffective attempts to change China’s international status through negotiations. As for the Late Qing Reform, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部 was established in 1901 to replace Zongli Yamen總理衙門 as a specialized agency to deal with China’s foreign affairs in an attempt to rectify China’s unfair treatment through communication. In addition, before the Russo-Japanese War日俄戰爭 broke out on Chinese soil in 1904, China sent officials to mediate between them in a neutral position to prevent a war in China, intending to deal with the problem through communication. As for the 1911 Revolution, before its success, Sun Yat-sen had already travelled to many countries to ask for support; and after that, the revolutionaries革命黨and Yuan Shikai袁世凱 also requested the powers to maintain their neutrality and their status quo in China with respect to China’s internal affairs by not invading when the country was off guard. To compare the two efforts in terms of their approaches, only peaceful negotiations were adopted in both attempts as a means to change China’s unfair treatment. However, in terms of effectiveness, both of them were inadequately effective. As for the Late Qing Reform, China remained treated unfairly as a sub-colony. Meanwhile, after the 1911 Revolution, the revolutionaries and Yuan did not struggle hard against unequal treaties in a bid for foreign recognition of the Republic with tariffs and extraterritorial rights controlled by the powers. Japan even strengthened its control over China later by forcing it to sign the Twenty-One Demands. China remained treated unfairly by foreign countries. Therefore, both peaceful attempts with concessions and negotiations failed to bring diplomatic transformation to China.

In conclusion, both the Late Qing Reform and the 1911 Revolution were attempts to bring about groundbreaking changes and modernization in China, but different approaches were adopted and their effectiveness in transforming the country varied in different aspects. In the end, China remained autocratic, feudalistic and backwardness after the two efforts.

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