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原題目題號:DSE-2019-Essay-04-Version 2


定義 納粹侵略指的是納粹希特拉在1933年於德國上台後所採取的一連串侵略行動;綏靖政策則是指英法以安撫、退讓的態度與侵略者談判,試圖藉滿足侵略國的野心而使其停止擴張。 // 立場儘管兩者均對大戰爆發有著至關重要的責任,但納粹侵略的重要性明顯較綏靖政策更為重要。 // 架構以下,將會從大戰爆發的導火線、締造侵略同盟的形成、破壞集體安全體系方面比較。

主旨句 就大戰爆發的導火線而言,綏靖政策具有一定的重要性。 // 項目A英法的綏靖政策對德國的侵略行動百般容忍,一步一步將德國的侵略野心推高。例如1935年德國違反《凡爾賽條約》重新實行徵兵制時,英國不但縱容德國重新徵召軍隊,更與德國簽訂《英德海軍協定》,允許德國重新擴建海軍,使德國能夠加強軍隊,進一步發動侵略。至1938年德國再次違反《凡爾賽條約》與奧地利合併時,英、法同樣噤若寒蟬,使德國野心更大,進一步不惜以戰爭作為要脅,要取回蘇台德區。結果,英法在慕尼黑會議將蘇台德區割讓予德國,令德國更加有信心進一步於1939年3月侵佔捷克,並於9月突襲波蘭,加快了大戰的來臨。

主旨句 然而,納粹侵略在大戰爆發的導火線上明顯較綏靖政策重要。 // 項目B 自1933年希特拉上台,其積極密謀推翻《凡爾賽條約》,恢復德國的強國地位,頻頻對外擴張。例如其先於1935年重新實行徵兵制,重建軍事力量。及後,於1938年迫使奧地制與之合併及向捷克發出最後通牒,威迫利誘下取得蘇台德區。至1939年,更先於3月吞併捷克全境,再於9月1日突襲波蘭,成為大戰爆發的導火線。納粹的侵略肆無忌憚,令歐洲各國聞之喪膽,最終大戰無可避免在納粹的侵略計劃下觸發。 // 對比相比之下,就目的而言,納粹侵略的目的是藉透過擴張領土及挑起戰爭的方式,以恢復德國的強國地位,但綏靖政策目的是透過退讓的方式以避免戰爭爆發,維持和平。再者,就行動的性質而言,納粹侵略的行動是主動性,德國主動實行徵兵及擴張,然而,英法的綏靖政策只是因應德國的行動而作出被動的回應。因此,納粹德國的侵略行動才是導致大戰爆發的根本性因素,而非綏靖政策。






‘The appeasement policy was a more important factor than Nazi aggression in causing the Second World War.’ Do you agree?

Nazi aggression means a series of aggressive actions taken by Nazi Hitler after he rose to power in Germany in 1933, while appeasement policy refers to the appeasing attitude and concessions adopted by Britain and France to negotiate with aggressors, in an attempt to stop the aggression by satisfying their ambition. Although both Nazi aggression and the appeasement policy had decisive significance in causing the Second World War (WWII), the importance of Nazi aggression was greater than the appeasement policy. We will compare the importance of the two factors in terms of triggering off the Second World War (WWII), bringing about the formation of the Axis powers, and also damaging collective security system as follows.

In terms of triggering off the WWII, the appeasement policy had certain importance. Appeasement policy adopted by Britain and France was so tolerant to Germany that it heightened the ambition of Germany step by step. For instance, Britain not only appeased Germany to rearm when Germany violated the Treaty of Versailles凡爾賽條約 and reintroduced conscription in 1935, but it also signed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement英德海軍協定 with Germany, allowing Germany to rebuild its navy. This made Germany strengthen its military force, enabling it to launch further invasion. Until 1938, when Germany violated the Treaty of Versailles again and integrated with Austria, Britain and France did not speak up despite their worries, resulting in stronger ambition of Germany. Germany even threatened to start a war unless it could take Sudetenland. As a result, Britain and France ceded Sudetenland蘇台德區 to Germany in Munich Conference慕尼黑會議, which increased Germany’s confidence to invade Czechoslovakia in March 1939 and launch sudden attack on Poland in September in the same year, accelerating the coming of the WWII.

However, Nazi aggression was obviously more important than the appeasement policy in terms of triggering off the WWII. Since Nazi Hitler rose to power in 1933, he actively planned to overthrow the Treaty of Versailles. To resume the status of Germany as a superpower, Nazi Hitler frequently led Germany to expand its territory. For instance, Germany reintroduced conscription徵兵制 in 1935 to rebuild military strength first. Later, he forced Austria to integrate with Germany and sent an ultimatum最後通牒 to Czechoslovakia in 1938, and annexed Sudetenland with the carrot and stick approach. Until 1939, Nazi Hitler annexed the rest of Czechoslovakia in March, and launched a sudden attack on Poland波蘭 on 1st September, which triggered off the WWII. Nazi aggression was so unscrupulous that it horrified the European countries. WWII was triggered inevitably under the Nazi aggression plans. By compassion, in terms of purpose目的, the purpose of Nazi aggression was to resume Germany’s status as a superpower by expanding territories and provoking war. Yet, the purpose of the appeasement policy was to prevent war and maintain peace by making concessions for the aggressor. Besides, in terms of nature of action行動的性質, the invasive behavior of Nazi aggression was active, which could be proved by Germany taking initiative to reintroduce conscription and expand territories. Yet, the appeasement policy adopted by Britain and France was just a passive response to the actions of Germany. Therefore, Nazi aggression was the root cause in causing the WWII, but not the appeasement policy.

In terms of bringing about the formation of the Axis powers to cause WWII, the appeasement policy had its significance. In order to solve national economic problems, Britain and France paid no attention to the Spanish Civil War西班牙內戰 (1936-39), and adopted appeasing attitude towards the Fascist Francisco Franco 佛朗哥who threatened the democratic government. Even worse, they did not stop Italy and Germany to provide military aids to Francisco Franco. Ultimately, the Spanish Civil War became a great opportunity to draw Germany and Italy closer. Germany and Italy formed the Berlin-Rome Axis柏林—羅馬軸心 in 1936, laying the foundation of the Axis powers. Besides, the appeasement policy adopted by Britain and France aroused the USSR’s suspicion, since the USSR thought that the act of Britain and France to cede Sudetenland to Germany in Munich Conference慕尼黑會議 was an attempt to redirect the troubles towards the east禍水東引. At last, the USSR and Germany signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact互不侵犯條約 in 1939, and craved up Poland together. Germany then launched sudden attack on Poland without any hesitation and concern, which caused the outbreak of the WWII.

However, the importance of Nazi aggression was greater. In order to lower possible resistance during invasion and make it easier to carry out aggression, Nazi Hitler actively formed the Axis powers. For example, Berlin-Rome Axis was formed in 1936 with Italy, and the Anti-Comintern Pact反共產國際協定 was signed with Japan, as a way to bring the ambitious countries together. Later, with the effort of Nazi Germany to rope in Italy and Japan, Italy and Japan gradually drew closer, and the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis柏林—羅馬—東京軸心was formed in 1937. The formation of the Axis powers increased ambition of the three countries to carry out expansionist policy. Among the three countries, Japan launched the July 7th Incident七七事變to fully invade China after the Axis had been formed, triggering off the war in Asia. Until 1939, to prepare for the start of the WWII, Germany and Italy signed the Pact of Steel鋼鐵條約, which guaranteed mutual support during war, making Germany become more confident in starting off the war. Germany launched a sudden attack on Poland波蘭 in the same year, causing the WWII. By comparison, in terms of role角色, in order to carry out invasion, Nazi Germany took up the direct leading role, and it roped in Italy and Japan to form alliance, creating the Axis powers. The WWII became inevitable under the invasion and aggression of the Axis powers. On the contrary, the appeasement policy adopted by Britain and France was only having an indirect role in the formation of the Axis powers. Britain and France even felt afraid and opposed the formation of the Axis by Germany, therefore the formation of the Axis was not the wish of the appeasement policy. Therefore, in terms of bringing about the formation of the Axis powers to cause WWII, Nazi aggression undoubtedly had greater importance than the appeasement policy.

In terms of damaging collective security system to cause the WWII, the appeasement policy had its importance. For the League of Nations, Britain and France, as the permanent members常任理事國 of the League, appeased the invasion and aggression of totalitarian countries in the 1930s. For example, the League carried out economic sanctions經濟制裁 against Italy when Italy invaded Abyssinia阿比西尼亞in 1935. Yet, since Britain and France secretly negotiated with Italy, Italy ignored economic sanctions of the League, and it annexed the whole Abyssinia in 1936, showing the complete failure of the League. As for peace treaties, Britain, as the guarantor of the Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約, had great responsibility in ensuring its implementation. Yet, Britain adopted the appeasement policy towards Germany. It did not stop Germany from remilitarizing Rhineland萊茵河區 in 1936, making the Treaties a paper tiger. At last, with the invalid collective security system, the WWII broke out.

Yet, Nazi aggression had greater importance. For the League, after Nazi Hitler rose to power in 1933, Germany withdrew from the League and Geneva Disarmament Conference 日內瓦裁軍會議 in the same year. Since Germany was not a member of the League, the League basically became useless in face of Nazi aggression, and unable to stop its aggressive actions. The WWII ultimately broke out under the incompetence and powerlessness of the League. For peace treaties, Germany broke the Locarno Treaties羅加諾公約 in 1936, and remilitarized Rhineland; later it damaged the Kellogg-Briand Pact凱格—白里安公約 which renounced war and advocated non-war means as diplomatic policy, and invaded Czechoslovakia in March 1939 and launched sudden attack on Poland in September in the same year, leading to the collapse of collective security system. Ignoring the collective security system, Germany also encouraged expansion of other totalitarian countries indirectly. For instance, international society did not stop Germany from annexing Czechoslovakia in March 1939, and this made Italy become confident in invading Albania阿爾巴尼亞 in April. 1939 was the year of the rampant behavior of aggressive nations and the outbreak of the WWII. By comparison, in terms of the League國聯, national power of Britain and France decreased a lot after the Great Depression in 1929, and the failure to fully support the actions of the League was not something they hoped for. In fact, Nazi Germany needed to bear a greater responsibility since its rowdy and violent behavior brought about the collapse of the League’s authority. In terms of peace treaties和平條約, the appeasement policy of Britain caused the invalidity of the Locarno Treaties, and Britain was to bear responsibility on the issue. Yet Nazi Germany was the real culprit to damage international treaties. Therefore it is unwise to put all the blame on the appeasement policy adopted by Britain. As we can see, Nazi aggression was more important than the appeasement policy in terms of damaging collective security system to cause the WWII.

To conclude, the appeasement policy was obviously a response to the aggression of totalitarian countries, with the purpose to maintain peace and prevent war. On the contrary, Nazi Germany was the core member of the Axis powers. Germany, actively launched aggression, was the culprit pushing the world to the start of the WWII. Therefore, Nazi aggression had greater importance than the appeasement policy in causing WWII.

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