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「衝突」指爭吵、摩擦的情況,甚至有可能動用武力,以致處於戰爭的狀態;「合作」指聯合起來做共同的項目。 在20世紀期間,儘管發生了多次的國際衝突,但事實上,國際合作的意識迅速提高,更令國際社會在不同方面均開始了史無前例的大規模合作關係,故題目所言確能成立。以下,將從政治、經濟、社會方面討論。




經濟方面,20世紀期間存在不同形式的經濟衝突。經濟發展是國家利益的重中之重,各國對經濟利益均十分重視,因而會觸發不少危機或衝突。例如在20世紀初,列強為了爭奪殖民地利益而屢生衝突,包括德法為爭奪北非摩洛哥而導致的兩次摩洛哥危機(1905年;1911年)。一次大戰後,儘管殖民地爭奪已經放緩,但經濟爭端已經不斷,例如法國及比利時基於德國未能償還《凡爾賽條約》的賠款而派軍進佔德國魯爾區,使魯爾危機(1923年)出現。往後,雖然因經濟問題而出現的實質衝突減少,但衝突就演變成新的形勢鬥爭 – 貿易戰。其中,在1929年經濟大蕭條後,各國大幅提高關稅,掀起了近代最大規模的貿易戰,國際關係在1929年後急劇惡化。二次大戰後,最顯著的貿易戰就是1980-90年代的美日貿易戰。隨著美日之間的貿易逆差不斷擴大,美日在經濟問題上的磨擦不斷,美國更在1980年代對日本的汽車、電子產品徵收高達100%的懲罰性關稅。可見,20世紀期間亦有頗多經濟衝突。







Do you agree that international cooperation being more prominent than international conflict was a characteristic of the 20th century? Explain your view.

‘Conflict’ refers to argument and friction that often involve violence and lead to wars while ‘cooperation’ refers to concerted efforts made jointly by different countries. In the 20th century, there were indeed several international conflicts, but the international community shared increasing awareness of cooperation and embarked on large-scale joint efforts in various fields. Therefore, what the question suggests is valid and this essay is going to examine it from political, economic and social perspectives.

Politically speaking, there were various crises and wars of different scales in the 20th century. Shortly into the 20th century, there was already high tension among the international community due to nationalism, colonial rivalry and other factors. In 1914, the Sarajevo Incident塞拉耶佛危機, in which the heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary was assassinated by a Serbian extreme nationalist, triggered the First World War and the mankind experienced the first global war. In the post-WW1 period, there were the rise of totalitarianism and acts of aggression by Germany, Italy and Japan, which were also known as the Axis Powers. For example, Japan launched its full-scale invasion of China中國 in 1937, Germany started a sudden attack on Poland波蘭 in 1939 and Italy invaded Albania阿爾巴尼亞 in 1939. As a result, the mankind experienced another global war merely 20 years after the first one. After the Second World War, there was no more global war by the end of the 20th century but sporadic conflicts and armed battles continued to take place, including the Berlin Crisis柏林危機(1948-49), the Cuban Missile Crisis古巴導彈危機(1962), the Korean War韓戰(1950-53) and the Vietnam War越戰(1961-75). They shaped the confrontation between capitalist countries and their communist counterparts in the Cold War. It was clear that there were continued international conflicts in the 20th century.

However, there was in fact more international cooperation in the 20th century. In order to prevent the recurrence of war, various countries across the world were committed to create the balance of power as well as a peaceful and friendly climate. In the early 20th century, the powers established defensive cooperation through alliance system to protect themselves against hostile powers, as exemplified by the Triple Alliance三國同盟(1882) between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, as well as the Triple Entente三國協約(1907) between Britain, France and Russia. Although the First World War proved that the alliance system was a failure, the League of Nations國際聯盟 proposed by US President Woodrow Wilson after the war was the first international peacekeeping organization in human history with as many as 63 member states. After the Second World War, to replace the League, the international community also established the United Nations聯合國 whose membership covered most countries in the world. With as many as 193 member states now, it has become the largest peacekeeping organization in human history. The United Nations maintained peace through different ways of cooperation such as economic sanctions and military actions. For example, during the Korean War韓戰(1950-53), the United Nations imposed an embargo禁運 on China and assisted South Korea in resisting the invasion by its northern neighbor with military support by its member states. Apart from the United Nations, capitalist countries and their communist counterparts also established defensive alliances in the second half of the 20th century, namely the NATO北約 (1949) and the Warsaw Pact華沙公約(1955), to protect themselves against the hostile bloc. Some members of the NATO also launched the Strategic Defense Initiative星戰計劃 in 1983 to protect themselves from Soviet missile threats with strategic defensive cooperation. It was clear that international cooperation was ongoing throughout the period concerned.

In comparison, international cooperation was more prominent than conflict. In terms of trend, there were indeed continued international conflicts in the first half of the 20th century and even two world wars, but such trend was bucked after the Second World War as the capitalist and communist blocs confronted each other under the context of the Cold War with no large-scale hot wars but only sporadic regional crises and armed battles. This trend became increasingly weak over time as major crises rarely happened in the 1970s and the Cold War ended amid reduced tensions in the mid-late 1980s. In contrast, the trend of international cooperation was ever-increasing as the international community developed the alliance system into an international peacekeeping organization and established sizeable cooperation under the United Nations after learning lessons from the League of Nations. In the second half of the 20th century, international conflict became rarer and was replaced by close cooperation. Therefore, international cooperation being more prominent than conflict was a characteristic of the 20th century.

Economically speaking, there were indeed different kinds of economic conflicts in the 20th century. Economic development is crucial to national interest and most countries care a lot about economic interests, which often sparked crises and conflicts. For example, in the early 20th century, the powers had frequent conflicts due to colonial rivalry, including the two Moroccan Crises兩次摩洛哥危機(1905 and 1911) in which Germany and France competed for Morocco in North Africa. After the First World War, economic conflicts continued to arise despite the decline of colonial rivalry. For example, as Germany failed to pay the reparations required by the Treaty of Versailles, France and Belgium occupied the Rhur region of Germany and caused the Rhur Crisis魯爾危機(1923). Later on, physical conflicts arising from economic issues became less common but trade war貿易戰 emerged as a new form of conflict. After the Great Depression of 1929, many countries raised their tariffs and led to one of the largest trade wars in modern history, which marked the rapid deterioration of international relations after 1929. After the Second World War, the US-Japan trade war was the most prominent trade war in the 1980s and 90s. Due to the ever-increasing trade deficit of the US with Japan, the two nations had frequent conflicts over economic issues and the US eventually imposed punitive tariffs懲罰性關稅 of 100% on Japanese cars and electronic products in the 1980s. It was clear that there was a considerable number of economic conflicts in the 20th century.

However, international cooperation was still more prominent. It was true that the concept of international economic cooperation was not prevalent in the early 20th century as most countries were more inclined to facilitate their economic development by means of colonial interests or relationship with their colonies. For example, the Commonwealth nations signed the Ottawa Agreements渥太華協議 in 1932 that reduced tariffs between Britain and its colonies to remove trade barriers and promote trade. After the Second World War, economic stagnation across Europe and the spread of communism under poor economic circumstances prompted Western European countries to take the initiative and started economic cooperation. For example, the Inner Six such as Germany, France and Italy established the European Coal and Steel Community歐洲煤礦共同體(1952) to pool resources such as coal and iron among the member states. They also established other organizations such as the European Economic Community歐洲經濟共同體(1958) to continue their cooperation. Meanwhile, the Outer Seven with Britain as the leader also established the European Free Trade Association in 1960 to promote trade among its member states. As for Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries also set up the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance經濟互助委員會(1949) to strengthen their economic ties. The success of European economic cooperation encouraged other countries to follow suit. For example, Southeast Asian countries established the ASEAN東盟 in 1967 to strengthen regional economic ties and the United Nations set up the World Trade Organization世貿 in 1995 to cement trade ties between its member states. It was clear that international cooperation was flourishing.

In comparison, international cooperation was more prominent than conflict. In terms of form and scale, economic conflicts de-escalated from actual armed conflicts in the early 20th century to trade wars of less severity, while international cooperation quickly gained popularity after the Second World War and replaced economic confrontation as the mainstream concept. There were various regional cooperative organizations across the world with the goal of promoting economic development and the diversity of these economic organizations marked the period with most economic cooperation in human history. Towards the end of the 20th century, due to the easing of Cold War tensions and eventually the end of the Cold War, Eastern European countries were gradually incorporated into the economic integration of Western Europe. In addition to the establishment of the World Trade Organization, economic globalization became increasingly entrenched. It was therefore clear that economic cooperation was more prominent than conflict.

Socially speaking, there were indeed some international conflicts in the 20th century. In terms of human rights, the principle of ‘national self-determination民族自決’ was proposed at the Paris Peace Conference (1919) and provided the foundation for the establishment of nation states such as Poland and Czechoslovakia, while Germany was rejected from national self-determination under the Treaty of Versailles. For this reason, Germany issued an ultimatum to Czechoslovakia in 1938 on the basis of ‘national self-determination’ to demand the return of the Sudetenland蘇台德區. This served as an example of the major conflicts over human rights issues in the period concerned. In addition, in terms of environmental issues, developed countries such as America and Australia had major conflicts over interests with developing countries such as China and India when negotiating the Kyoto Protocol京都議定書. In the end, America and Australia refused to sign the protocol as it was not compulsory for developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This exemplified the conflicts over environmental issues. It was clear that there were international conflicts in the 20th century.

Meanwhile, international cooperation emerged at an unprecedented rate in the period concerned. As early as the first half of the 20th century, many countries started cooperation on different social issues. For example, abolishing slavery廢除奴隸制度 had been one of the prerequisites for joining the League of Nations since its establishment in 1920 and such requirement promoted the abolition of slavery, which was a violation of human rights, in the international community. Besides, the League also facilitated cooperation among its member states on issues such as international drug trafficking and hygiene. As for the United Nations established after the Second World War, the spirit of international cooperation became more prevalent and the scopes of cooperation on different social issues were extensively broadened. In medical aspect, the World Health Organization 世界衛生組織(1948) greatly promoted global cooperation on disease and hygiene related issues. For instance, the WHO kickstarted the worldwide Smallpox Eradication Program in 1967 in which most countries actively participated and eradication was achieved after vaccination was given to people across the world. In terms of food, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations聯合國糧農組織(1945) also provided technical and financial support for developing countries to increase agricultural production with a view to eliminating famine. In environmental aspect, the United Nations Environment Program聯合國環境規劃署(1972) was the largest dedicated agency in the United Nations for environmental activities, devoted to facilitated global cooperation on different environmental issues. For example, in terms of global warming, it contributed greatly to the signing of the Kyoto Protocol (1997) that was an important first step towards limiting greenhouse gas emissions. It was clear that international cooperation was fully achieved in different aspects.

In comparison, international cooperation was more prominent than conflict. In terms of frequency, international social conflicts happened less frequently, and most international conflicts remained disputes and did not escalate into armed conflicts except the acts of aggression by Germany on the basis of human rights in the 1930s. In contrast, international cooperation had occurred more and more frequently in various fields since the mid-20th century. Such cooperation took place ever since and was actively participated by different countries across the world in various aspects, leading to the close, mutually beneficial and cooperative relationship of unprecedented scale we see nowadays. It was clear that international social cooperation of great diversity was far more prominent than conflict.

In conclusion, there were indeed frequent international conflicts and even the two world wars in the 20th century, but international cooperation gradually overshadowed conflict as many countries started cooperation in different aspects and established peaceful, mutually beneficial and cooperative relationship. Therefore, what the question suggests is valid.

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