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架構及立場 冷戰的主要成因有三,分別是第二次大戰的影響、美蘇的勢力膨脹及意識形態的差異。其中,二次大戰導致了共產主義的崛起和西方國家與蘇聯之間互不信任,同時,戰後問題的分歧也導致雙方關係的惡化,在大程度上導致了冷戰的出現。

主旨句 第二次世界大戰使共產主義迅速傳播,繼而導致冷戰出現。 // 主項重要性 二次大戰前,共產主義的發展受到限制,例如中國共產黨於1937年日本侵華前,被國民黨圍剿得僅剩4萬黨員。然而,二次大戰成為了共產主義發展的最佳溫床,因德、意、日等軸心國的侵略打破了原有的政局,各國的政權分崩離析,難以壓止共產主義的發展,使共產主義於戰時乘勢而起,例如中國共產黨於二次大戰逆轉了不利的形勢,至1945年時已達121萬黨員,最終能夠與國民黨爭奪中國政權,使第二次國共內戰出現。此外,朝鮮、越南等共產黨也於二次大戰期間蓬勃發展,最終於二次大戰後有能力染指國家政權,使資本主義與共產主義間的地區性戰爭於戰後頻繁出現,形成冷戰的兩大陣營對抗局面。 // 小結 可見,二次大戰使共產主義崛起,導致了冷戰的出現。




主旨句 其一,美、蘇兩國的勢力膨脹也是冷戰的成因之一,但重要性不及二次大戰的影響。 // 他項重要性 美﹑蘇兩國於大戰後勢力迅速膨脹,美國擁有強大的經濟及軍事實力,而蘇聯坐擁600萬軍隊,並且有2萬架戰機及5萬輛坦克,軍事實力能與美國一較高下。因此,雙方均認為對方意圖支配世界,故敵意﹑猜忌日增,於政治勢力﹑軍備及經濟上均進行競賽,爭奪世界元首的寶座,終導致了冷戰的出現。 // 駁論 然而,二次大戰的重要性大於美、蘇兩國的勢力膨脹。就因果關係,二次大戰是導致美、蘇崛起成為超級大國的主因。由於美國本土未有受到戰火破壞,加上戰時大量借貸予歐洲國家,令其於戰後成為了全球最富裕的國家,割據一方。同時,儘管蘇聯受戰火破壞甚深,但因蘇聯於戰時大肆擴張共產主義,赤化了許多東歐國家,包括匈牙利、保加利亞等,使其成為了東歐霸主,能夠與美國一爭長短。 // 小結 可見,美、蘇的勢力膨脹是源於二次大戰的影響,故重要性不及二次大戰的影響。



To what extent was the Cold War caused by the Second World War?

There are three major reasons leading to the Cold War, including the effects of Second World War, expanding power of the US and USSR, as well as ideological divergence. Second World War led to the rise of communism and the mutual distrust between Western countries and USSR. At the same time, the divergence in post-war settlements also worsened their relationship. These to a large extent caused the Cold War.

Second World War led to the rapid spread of communism and caused the Cold War. Before Second World War, the development of communism was restricted. For instance, before the Japanese aggression in China in 1937, the Communist Party of China中國共產黨(CPC) was being encircled by Kuomintang (KMT) and there were only 40,000 members left. However, the Second World War became the best breeding ground for the development of communism as the Axis Power, including Germany, Italy and Japan, shattered the original political situation. The regimes of countries fell apart and could not suppress the development of communism. Communism thus rose during wartime, such as the CPC reversed the unfavorable circumstance and reached 1.21 million members in 1945. Eventually, it could fight with the KMT in obtaining the regime of China and lead to the outbreak of the Second Chinese Civil War第二次國共內戰. Apart from that, the communist parties in Korea朝鮮and Vietnam越南 expanded rapidly during the Second World War. At last, they grabbed the regimes after Second World War. These led to the constant regional wars among capitalism and communism after war and formed the confrontation among two blocs in Cold War. This showed that the Second World War led to the rise of communism and caused the Cold War.

Second World War caused mutual distrust and resulted in the Cold War. Second World War led to the lack of trust between USSR and countries like the US and Britain. USSR thought that the reason for Western countries delaying in fighting on the East was to utilize Germany in reducing her national strength, making her to be the country with highest causalities which amounted to 20 million. At the same time, Western countries were suspicious of the military actions of USSR and believed that the reason for her in liberating Eastern European states was to Sovietize them and turn them into her satellites. Under such situation, not only did the had poor relationship, they took actions to stop the expansion of each other. For instance, the British army landed in Greece希臘 in 1944 and helped the government in fighting the local communist party. This resulted in the Greek Civil War later. Apart from that, in order to stop USSR from spreading communism in Europe, the US launched the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃 in 1948 to provide economic assistance to Western European countries. As a result, USSR followed suit and implemented the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃 when the Marshall Plan was still in a discussion stage. As a result, confrontation resulted in the Cold War. This showed that the Second World War led to the mutual distrust of both parties and was the most important factor leading to the Cold War.

Post-war settlements of Second World War caused the occurrence of Cold War. In the later stage of Second World War, the Allies reversed the war situation and fought back the Axis. Italy surrendered in 1943. At the same time, the Allies, including the US and USSR, organized numerous conferences in discussing the settlement to the Axis powers. This included the Yalta Conference雅爾達會議(1943) and Potsdam Conference波茨坦會議(1945). However, the US and USSR hoped to increase their own power and prevented the expansion of each other. Therefore, divergence occurred in the post-war settlements which caused the Cold War later. For instance, in the settlement to Germany, countries like the US and Britain hoped that Germany could resume her national power so as to facilitate the economic recovery of Europe. On the other hand, USSR hoped that Germany could keep her national strength weak so as to prevent her from imposing any threat. Due to the undecided post-war settlements, the Berlin Crisis柏林危機 occurred with huge discontent of USSR when Britain, the US and France decided to merge their occupied zones in Germany in 1948. Relationship of both parties became red-hot and this was the first direct conflict between powers after Second World War. The Cold War was resulted. This showed that the post-war settlements after Second World War was the major reason leading to the Cold War.

Although other factors also contributed to the Cold War but they had less significance in compared to the effects of Second World War.

Firstly, the expanding power of the US and USSR was a reason leading to the Cold War but it had less importance than the effects of Second World War. The US and USSR expanded their power after the war. The US had great economic and military strength. On the other hand, USSR had an army with 6 million soldiers, 20,000 war planes and 50,000 tanks. Her military strength could be compared to that of the US. Hence, they believed that each other would like to control the world, hostility and suspicion increased. They had a great rival in political influence, armaments and economy. They fought to be the world leader and caused the Cold War later. However, its significance was less than the effects of Second World War. In terms of causality因果關係, the Second World War was the major reason for the US and USSR to be superpowers. At that time, the land of US was not destroyed by the war, together with the fact that she granted a lot of loans to European states, she became the wealthiest country in the world and controlled part of the world. At the same time, although USSR was damaged in the war, she greatly spread communism in the process and Sovietize a lot of Eastern European countries, such as Hungary匈牙利 and Bulgaria保加利亞. She thus became the leader of Eastern Europe and could compete with the US. This showed that the power expansion of the US and USSR was originated from the effects of Second World War, hence had a less significance in compared to it.

Secondly, the ideological divergence led to the Cold War but it had less significance than Second World War. The capitalist and communist states shared different ideologies. Therefore, the capitalist states had great fear of the expansion of communism. At the same time, communist USSR afraid that the liberalizing ideas of capitalism would influence her control towards Eastern Europe. Therefore, both sides confronted each other. For instance, in the Greek Civil War希臘內戰, the US and USSR supported the Greek government army and Communist Party of Greece respectively and formed the situation of Cold War. However, the importance of ideological divergence was less than the effects of Second World War. In mentioning the limitation局限性 of ideology, communist USSR started the expansion of communism as early as in 1917. For instance, Comintern共產國際was formed to foster the communist revolution in the world, including assisting the forming of CPC in 1921. However, the Cold War did not occur at that time. However, in the Second World War, communism spread rapidly in the world. This led to the confrontation of the capitalist bloc and formed the Cold War. This showed that in the occurrence of Cold War, the effects of Second World War were more important than the ideological divergence.

To sum up, the Second World War to a large extent led to the occurrence of the Cold War. Factors like power expansion and ideological differences had less significance than the effects of Second World War.

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