架構及立場 經濟情況是影響國家政權穩定與否的一項重要因素,而就導致日本軍國主義於1930年代的崛起而言,其重要性更是最大,比其他因素重要,包括政黨政府的軟弱、極端民族主義的興起等。以下,將從經濟衰退及財閥的壟斷探討經濟因素如何導致軍國主義於1930年代的日本崛起。
主旨句 首先,經濟衰退對於日本軍國主義於1930年代的崛興極具重要性。 // 主項重要性 蓬勃的經濟發展有助提高人民對政府的支持,然而,自1910年代末開始,隨著一次大戰完結,列強重返中國市場,使日本的出口量銳減,經濟開始衰退。更甚,日本於1920年代經歷多次經濟危機,面臨嚴重的經濟問題,例如1923年的關東大地震導致了超過10萬間房屋損毀,經濟損失達300億美元,及至1927年的銀行危機亦造成30多間銀行的倒閉。至1929年經濟大蕭條,日本經濟更跌至谷底,失業人數高達300萬人。惡劣的經濟環境一方面使政府不得民心,認為政府無力解決經濟問題,另一方面導致日人支持軍國主義者的對外擴張的政策,例如在中國的關東軍發動「九一八事變」(1931年)及「一二八事變」(1932年)後,日人及媒體不但沒有譴責關東軍的行動,更對之表示支持,使軍國主義於1930年代受到人民的支持而崛起。 // 小結 可見,經濟衰退的環境成為軍國主義崛起的溫床。
主旨句 其一,政黨政府的軟弱對於軍國主義者得以上台亦具重要性。 // 他項重要性政黨政府過於軟弱,表現令日人失望,例如在外交事務上屈服於列強,包括在倫敦海軍會議(1930年)時未能滿足軍方的要求,只能達到10(美):10(英):6(日本)的大型巡洋艦比例,未能達到軍方事前要求的10:10:7,結果遭到日人及軍方的批評,導致日人支持強勢的軍國主義者,使軍國主義於1930年代日本盛行及受到歡迎。
主旨句 然而,權衡之下,經濟因素較政黨政府的軟弱更為重要。 // 駁論因經濟危機盡顯政黨政府的無能,政黨政府自一上台後便隨即面對一次大戰後的經濟衰退問題,及後又經歷關東大地震、銀行危機及經濟大蕭條等嚴峻的經濟危機,使政黨政府完全無力招架,最終不得民心而倒台。反之,軍國主義者提倡對外擴張,惡劣的經濟環境正正造就出有利的溫床,使軍國主義者成功崛起。 // 小結可見,經濟因素才是導致軍國主義者上台的主因。
Discuss the importance of the economic factor relative to other factors in causing the rise of Japanese militarism in the 1930s.
In terms of the rise of militarism, economic factor was more important than other factors, including the weaknesses of the democratic government, rise of extreme nationalism. Economic factors like economic recession and the monopolization of zaibatsu would discuss how they lead to the rise of militarism in Japan in the 1930s.
First, economic recession was important in causing the rise of militarism in the 1930s. Prosperous economy helped increase people’s support towards the government. However, starting from the late 1910s, Western countries returned to the China market and Japan’s exports dropped as a result. Its economy fell into recession. Worse still, Japan faced serious economic problems after several economic crises in the 1920s. For example, the Great Kanto Earthquake關東大地震 in 1923 caused destruction of more than 100 thousand houses and losses of US$30 billion. About 30 banks were closed during the Bank Crisis銀行危機 of 1927 and the economy was wrecked again. Worse still, the Great Depression經濟大蕭條of 1929 further hit Japan’s trading and financial sectors and 3 million people became unemployed. The depressed economy bred discontent in the society and most of the Japanese believed that territorial expansion was the most effective way to resolve economic problems. The militarists’ invasions of China, including the September 18th Incident九一八事變 in 1931 and January 28th Incident一二八事變 in 1932, were exactly what they wanted. Therefore, the militarists gained popular support in the 1930s and the rise of militarism became possible. Hence, economic recession was a great hotbed for the rise of militarism.
Besides, the zaibatsu’s monopolization of economy was also a reason why the democratic government lost support while militarism rose. Starting from the 1910s, when party politics started, the corrupt political parties colluded with the zaibatsu in order to gain political donations for elections. Corruption thus became frequent. For instance, there were 15,000 cases of violation of the Election Law in 1924 and they ruined the government’s reputation. Also, the Cabinet was frequently reorganized due to lack of popular support. From 1918 to 1932, there were in total 11 cases of Cabinet reshuffle. Meanwhile, Japanese viewed the political parties as the culprit for the monopolization of the zaibatsu, leading to criticisms of extreme nationalist organizations. Some of the extreme nationalist organizations even planned and carried out assassinations like the May 15th Incident五一五事件, in which Prime Minster Inukai Tsuyoshi was killed. 350,000 signatures in blood had been collected from people around the country to plead for a lenient sentence for the assassination. This shows that militarism was accepted by most of the Japanese in the 1930s and the democratic government was losing its popularity. Therefore, the monopolization of economy by the zaibatsu also allowed the rise of militarism.
It could be seen that economy factors were significant in contributing to the rise of militarism from the above. Others factors, including the weaknesses of democratic government and the rise of extreme nationalism, were of less significance.
First, the weaknesses of the democratic government was important in giving rise to militarism. The democratic government was weak and incapable diplomatically. It succumbed to the US and Britain and accepted the 10(US) : 10(Britain) : 6(Japan) ratio on heavy cruisers in the London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議(1930). They failed to fulfill the demand made by the militarists that the ratio on heavy cruisers should be 10(US): 10(Britain): 7(Japan). Eventually, the democratic government was criticized by Japanese as well as the militarists while militarism was embraced by more people and became dominant in Japan.
However, relatively speaking, economic factor was more important than the weaknesses of the democratic government. A number of economic crises exposed the weaknesses of the democratic government as it faced economic problems like post-war recession, Great Kanto Earthquake關東大地震, Bank Crisis銀行危機and the Great Depression經濟大蕭條. The democratic government failed to solve such problems and it fell down. In contrast, the poor economy, which was a hotbed for militarism, as well as the militarists’ hardline diplomatic approach, made them easier to get support from the people. As a result, economic factor was the main reason for the rise of militarism.
Second, the rise of extreme nationalist ideas was also the reason for the rise of militarism. The government emphasized Japanese nationalism a lot. Internally, the Japanese were indoctrinated with values like state supremacy and national consciousness. Such extreme nationalist ideas led to the emergence of militarism and related organizations, including the Black Dragon Society黑龍會, as well as the Brotherhood of Blood League血盟團 that aimed at removing corrupt officials through assassination. These organizations even cooperated with the military to launch several coups like the May 15th Incident五一五事件 of 1932 started by the Brotherhood of Blood League. This stroke a devastating blow to the democratic government, allowing the rise of militarism in the 1930s.
Nonetheless, for the rise of militarism, economic factors were more important than the rise of extreme nationalist ideas. Extreme nationalism once lost its popularity in the 1910s. With Hara Kei原敬 becoming the first Prime Minister who was a commoner, Japan had been facing various economic crises. Such economic crises bred discontent among Japanese. With their dissatisfaction towards the democratic government, extreme nationalist ideas rose again. For example, the Aikoku-Sha愛國社(1928) and the Brotherhood Blood League血盟團(1931) were established under such atmosphere. The militarists gained more support after the foundation of such organizations, leading to the rise of militarism. Thus, economic factors were more important than the rise of extreme nationalist ideas in contributing to the rise of militarism.
To conclude, although there were lots of factors causing the rise of militarism in the 1930s, comparatively speaking, economic factors were of greater significance. Economic factors were indeed more important than the weaknesses of the democratic government and the rise of extreme nationalist ideas.