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背景 經歷明治維新後,雖然日本已經大體上成為一個現代化國家,但同時也保留了日本濃厚的傳統特色。 // 架構至大正天皇於1912年繼位後,日本在政治、經濟、社會、教育、軍事及外交方面均不斷發展及演變,以下將從上述各方面探討該時期日本的主要特徵。

主旨句 政治方面,大正時期的日本雖然步入政黨政治時期,但卻是動盪不穩的。 // 段落內文大正時期,日本政治已經漸趨開放,如日本已經出現了首次的護憲運動(1913年),要求由元老指名擔任首相的桂太郎辭職,反映傳統的元老政治已經受到挑戰。及後,1918年的原敬出任首相,成為首位非元老或軍方背景的首相,標示了日本進入政黨政治時期,令政黨政治成為大正時期的重要特色。然而,大正時期的政黨政治並不穩固,因原敬至大正時期結束期間,日本七度更換首相,內閣亦更替頻繁。而且,於1922-24年間,元老先後推薦了擁有海軍及元老背景的加藤友三郎、山本權兵衛和清浦奎吾組閣,中斷了政黨政治的發展,反映政黨政治未能紮根於大正時期的日本。 // 小結可見,大正時期的政黨政治並不穩固,反而動盪不穩。







Examine the major characteristics of Japan in the Taisho period (1912-26).

After the Meiji modernization, although Japan could generally be regarded as a modernized nation, it kept a lot of Japanese traditions at the same time. When Emperor Taisho ascended to the throne in 1912, Japan had incessant developments and transformations in political, economic, social, educational, military and diplomatic aspects. The major characteristics of Japan between 1912 and 1926 will be discussed with reference to the aspects mentioned above.

Politically, Japan’s politics in this period was unstable, despite the fact that Japan had entered the era of party politics. During the Taisho period, politics in Japan became more and more liberal. For instance, the First Constitution Protection Movement第一次護憲運動 emerged in 1913, during which Prime Minister Katsura Taro桂太郎 was forced to sign as he was appointed by the genro. This reflected that traditional genro politics was no longer suitable for Japan in this period and it faced challenges. Afterwards, Hara Kei原敬 became the Prime Minister of Japan who had no genro or military background. This noted that Japan entered the era of party politics and it was even a main feature in the Taisho period. However, party politics not stable as from 1918 when Hara Kei became the first Prime Minister to 1926, the cabinet of Japan changed 7 times. Between 1922 and 1924, the genro even recommended Yamamoto Gonnohyoe加藤友三郎, Kato Tomosaburo山本權兵衛 and Kiyoura Keigo清浦奎吾 to form a cabinet, all of whom had naval and genro background. This disrupted the development of party politics, reflecting its inability in developing in Japan in the Taisho period. As a result, Japan’s politics in the Taisho period was unstable.

Economically, Japan’s feature was the zaibatsu’s monopolization of economic development as well as the poor livelihood of lower class. Since the Meiji government was founded, political parties and the zaibatsu had already had close relations. When in the Taisho period, the political donations from the zaibatsu was an important source of income for political parties to join the elections. Hence, the policies were always in favour of the zaibatsu and the zaibatsu succeeded in monopolizing the economic development at that time. For example, Mitsui三井, Mitsubishi三菱, Sumitomo住友 and Yasuda安田 were the ‘Big Four zaibatsu’ at that time. Japan’s economy was mainly controlled by them. Apart from the zaibatsu’s monopolization, the livelihood of the lower class was poor. Take workers as an example. They had low salary but long working hours. Worse still, they did not enjoy any social welfare, lacking support. Moreover, the rising land taxed posed a heavy burden to the farmers. Some of them even became tenants. The poor livelihood of the peasants was a hotbed for nurturing discontent, giving rise to the riot such as the Rice Riot米騷動 in 1918, which was caused by the precipitous rise in the price of rice and the poor living condition at that time. Therefore, the feature was the monopolization of the zaibatsu and the poor living conditions of the lower class.

Socially, Japan had limited freedom in the society. It is true that Japan in the Taisho period was a country with constitutional monarch. The Meiji Constitution明治憲法 also stated that people had the freedom of speech, assembly and press. But such human rights and freedom could only be enjoyed when in circumstance that peace was not harmed and jeopardized. The government always capitalized on the word peace with ambiguous excuse to suppress the freedom of Japanese. People’s rights was limited. In 1925, the government even introduced the Peace Security Preservation Law治安維持法. Though the initial purpose of the law was to limit the anti-emperor discussion and communism, the law was subsequently used by the government to mute the dissenting voice. The freedom of Japanese was limited. Hence, though Japan in the Taisho period allowed Japanese to enjoy freedom, the freedom was of limited scope.

Educationally, the education level and education standard of Japan were high in the Taisho period. As a matter of fact, the education level was not only the highest in Asia, it was also on par with that of Western countries, including the US and Europe. Since Japan carried out compulsory education policy in 1907, the national enrollment rate reached 97%, and further increased to 99% in 1920. It showed that Japan’s education level was not only far ahead of the other Asian countries, but also on par with the Western countries. Japan could almost provide universal education. In addition to enhancing the education level, the academic standard was also rose. Rapid development could be seen in Physics, Medicine and Astronomy. For example, Hideyo Noguchi野口英世 was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1914 and 1915 owing to his contributions to medicine. Also, Mori Ogai森鷗外 and Natsume Soseki夏目漱石 became leading writers in the world and were very famous outside Japan. Thus, the high education level and academic standard were the characteristics of Japan’s education in the Taisho period.

Militarily, the great military strength was a distinctive feature of Japan in the Taisho period. Japan had a well-equipped military force which was strong enough to resolve internal disputes, defend the country against external threats and even invade other countries. For Navy, since the late 19th century, Japan had started research and development of advanced warships. With the large sum of money invested, the development of naval technology was rapid. In 1922, Japan even finished the building of the world’s first standard aircraft carrier航空母艦 named Hosho鳳翔號. Its naval strength was on a par with that of the Western powers. In the Washington Conference華盛頓會議 of 1921-22, Japan was allowed to possess a number of warships that was only lower than that of Britain and the US, being the third largest naval power in the world. For army, Japan introduced conscription before the 20th century. After setting up military academies, learning German military training methods and buying weapons from Germany, there were 13 infantry divisions equipped with modern weapons in Japan in 1906. The strength of Japanese army was too great to ignore. The modernized military force allowed Japan to not only resolve internal and external disputes but also expand its territory. For example, it defeated Russia in 1905(Russo-Japanese War日俄戰爭) and conquered a large piece of land. It transformed into a power that achieved military modernization. Therefore, the great military strength was the biggest characteristic of Japan’s military aspect.

Diplomatically, although Japan enjoyed a high international status in the Taisho period, it was targeted against by the west. Starting from the early 20th century, Japan was already a world power. For instance, the formation of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance英日同盟 in 1902 and Japan’s being one of the permanent members常任理事國 of the League of Nations showed that Japan exerted huge influence in international affairs. This reflected that Japan enjoyed high international status. However, while enjoying high status, Japan was targeted against by the West. Take the Washington Conference華盛頓會議(1921) as an example. Japan was forced by the US and Britain to return the interests in Shandong, harming Japan’s colonial interests. Moreover, Japan passed the the US passed the Immigration Act種族法案 of 1924 to ban immigration from Asian countries, including Japan, to the States. It was explicitly a discrimination against the Japanese.

Generally speaking, Japna in the mid-1930s was becoming modernized. Although it gradually realized a modernized system, some traditional thoughts still existed. Therefore, to a small extent it was a modernized country.

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