立場 20世紀初,歐洲列強為了開拓海外市場,攫取更多土地及資源而四出擴張海外的殖民地,結果導致競爭出現,成為影響1900-14年間列強關係的最重要因素。 // 架構以下,將先分析殖民地因素如何惡化及促進列強的關係,然後再探討殖民地因素相對於其他因素的重要性。
主句旨 首先,殖民地爭奪導致衝突出現,大大惡化了列強間的關係。 // 主項重性殖民地對於列強有龐大的利益價值,因殖民地國家擁有廉價的原材料、勞動力及巨大的市場,對於刺激工業出產及貿易額起了重大的意義。因此,列強為爭奪殖民地而互不相讓,惡化了國際局勢,例如德國於1890年代開始推行「世界政策」,積極擴張殖民地,導致了英國的強烈反感,使英、德關係交惡。更甚,殖民地的爭奪直接導致了衝突的出現,例如德、法因對摩洛哥的爭奪而引起1905及1911年兩次摩洛哥危機,德國更於第二次摩洛哥危機中派出黑豹號威嚇法國,使戰爭猶如箭在弦,一觸即發。儘管殖民地問題沒有直接導致歐洲列強間爆發戰爭,但持續的競爭及衝突促使列強關係惡化,令歐洲局勢更趨緊張,埋下了大戰爆發的伏線。 // 小結可見,殖民地爭奪導致衝突出現,是惡化列強關係的重要因素。
主旨句 其一,民族主義對於影響列強關係亦具有重要性,但重要性不及殖民地因素。 // 他項重要性各民族為爭取民族光榮及更多的利益,積極進行擴張,最終導致多次衝突及戰爭的出現,例如波斯尼亞危機(1908年)中,德國支持同族的奧匈吞併波黑,導致了俄、塞的不滿。更甚,於塞拉耶佛危機(1914年)中,泛日耳曼的德、奧與泛斯拉夫的俄、塞再次對抗。最終,大戰更因兩大民族的衝突而觸發,使歐洲陷入戰爭。 // 駁論然而,殖民地因素在影響列強關係一事上較民族主義重要。就因果關係而言,殖民地爭奪使民族主義變質成極端民族主義,因各民族支持其國家進行殖民地擴張,並批評他國擴張殖民地,如德、法兩國因爭奪摩洛哥而使兩民族關係進一步惡化,令民族主義變質成偏激的極端民族主義思想。 // 小結可見,殖民地因素的重要性大於民族主義。
How important was colonial rivalries in affecting the powers’ relationships in 1900-1914?
In the beginning of the 20th century, the powers expanded their overseas colonies aggressively in order to explore overseas market, capture more land and resources. This led to colonial rivalries and became the most important factor in affecting the relationships between powers in 1900-1914. In the following, how this factor had worsened and improved the powers’ relationships will be discussed first. Secondly, the relative importance of colonial factor will be looked into.
First of all, colonial rivalries caused conflicts, worsening the relationships between powers. Colonies were highly valuable to the powers in terms of interests because they provided cheap raw materials and labour as well as large overseas markets, having a great significance in stimulating industrial production and foreign trade. Therefore, none of the powers would give way in colonial rivalries and this aggravated the world situation. For example, Germany pursued the ‘world policy’ 「世界政策」 in the 1890s and performed colonial expansion aggressively. This induced British discontent and damaged Anglo-German relations. Furthermore, colonial rivalries directly led to conflicts like the two Moroccan Crises兩次摩洛哥危機 of 1905 and 1911 caused by the competition for Morocco between Germany and France. In the Second Moroccan Crisis, Germany even sent the gunboat Panther黑豹號 to intimidate the French, bringing them to the verge of war. Though the colonial issue did not bring about the war between the European powers directly, continual competitions and conflicts worsened their relationships and increased tension in Europe, paving the way for the world war. Therefore, colonial rivalries caused conflicts and it is an important factor worsening the relationships between powers.
Secondly, failure in colonial rivalries caused national humiliation, prompting to the conflicts afterwards. As the number of colonies was seen as an indicator of national glory, the European powers went for aggressive colonial expansion. Failure in colonial rivalries, nevertheless, would bring humiliation to the defeated races. For example, Germany was overwhelmed by the combined power of France, Britain and Russia in the two Moroccan Crises兩次摩洛哥危機 of 1905 and 1911. It had no choice but to compromise, thus experiencing great humiliation. Also, the defeat of Russia by Japan, an Asian country, in the Russo-Japanese War日俄戰爭 of 1904-05 brought it embarrassment and shame. In order to regain national glory, countries that were at a disadvantage in colonial rivalries tended to get tough in the conflicts afterwards. For instance, during the Sarajevo Incident塞拉耶佛危機, Germany offered Austria-Hungary the blank cheque「空白支票」 and Russia supported Serbia by being first to announce general mobilization總動員. As a result, all of them took an uncompromising stand and the world war became inevitable. It can show that the national humiliation caused by failure in colonial rivalries will worsen the relationship between powers.
Thirdly, the process of colonial rivalries would also improve some countries’ relationship. During colonial rivalries, the involved countries would seek for allies’ support in order to get more advantages. For instance, in the two Moroccan Crises兩次摩洛哥危機 of 1905 and 1911, Germany sought for Austria-Hungary’s support while France sought for Britain and Russia’s support. This brought closer relationship in the two camps respectively. Moreover, after the failure in colonial rivalries, threats would be reduced to other countries. This paved to the improvement of relationships. For example, colonial rivalries between Russia and Britain had made those powers hostile. However, after the defeat of Russia in the Russo-Japanese War日俄戰爭 (1904-1905), and the influence of France, Britain came to favor a friendly settlement. This was finally achieved in the Anglo-Russian Entente英俄諒解of 1907. This paved to an end of the hostility which lasted for nearly a century and brought two to be allies. It can show that colonial rivalries would improve countries’ relationships significantly.
Although there are other factors affecting the powers’ relationship between 1900 and 1914, they are not as important as colonial factor.
Firstly, nationalism is also important in affect the powers’ relationship, but it is not as important as colonial rivalries. Different nations would actively expand in order to strive for national glory and more benefits. It turned up to be numerous conflicts and wars. For example, in the Bosnian Crisis波斯尼亞危機(1908), Germany came quickly and decidedly to the support of its Austro-Hungarian ally to occupy Bosnia-Herzegovina波黑. This provoke the dissatisfaction of Russia and Serbia. Furthermore, in the Sarajevo Incident塞拉耶佛危機(1914), Germany supported Austria-Hungary for the annexation. This aroused dissatisfaction of Russia and Serbia. Eventually, the world war broke out due to the conflict between two big nations. However, colonial factor is more important than nationalism. In terms of causality因果關係, colonial rivalries turned nationalism民族主義 into extreme nationalism極端民族主義. As each race supported colonial expansion of their own country but criticized that of others; for example, Germany and France scrambled for Morocco摩洛哥 and worsened the relationship between the two races, and soon turned nationalism radical and extreme. As a result, the colonial rivalries is more important than nationalism.
Secondly, alliance system is also important in affecting powers’ relationships between 1900 and 1914, but it is not as important as colonial rivalries. On one side, the alliance system improved some of the countries’ relationships, such as formation of Triple Entente reduced the colonial rivalries between Britain, France and Russia. Their relations improved under the alliance system. At the same time, the alliance system divided Europe into two camps, namely Triple Alliance三國同盟 and Triple Entente三國協約. Conflicts between two countries would turn into regional wars or even world wars easily. The Sarajevo Incident塞拉耶佛危機 in 1914 is an example. Under the alliance system, countries like Germany, Britain and France were involved in the conflict, leading to the world war eventually. However, in terms of causality因果關係, colonial rivalries caused the formation of alliance system as European powers usually formed alliance due to colonial problems. For instance, the expansion of Russia in the Far East stopped Britain from adopting isolation policy but forming an alliance with Japan in 1902 to restrain Russia; the spreading influence of Germany prompted Britain, France and Russia to form the Triple Entente三國協約 to supress the growth of Germany. Colonial rivalries triggered alliance assistance. As a result, the colonial rivalries is more important than alliance system.
Thirdly, armaments race is also one of the factors affecting the relationships between powers, but it is not as important as colonial rivalries. Arms race would harm the relationships between powers, such as the Anglo-German naval race in the beginning of the 20th century. British defense policy was to ensure that the British navy was at least the size of the next two largest navies二比一海軍政策 in response to Germany’s navy expansion in terms of dreadnought無畏艦 . This worsened their relationship. At the same time, Germany created the Schlieffen Plan施里芬計劃, it was the operational plan for a designated attack on France once Russia, in response to international tension. The Plan caused suspicions and hostile relations, which would lead to the worsening of relationships. However, in terms of causality因果關係, colonial rivalries contributed to the appearance of arms race as powers had to actively expand their military and especially navy to support their overseas colonial expansion. For example, to expand in overseas colonies, Germany strengthened its navy extensively in the late 19th century, with a surge of navy expenditure from £ 7,400,000 in 1900 to £ 22,400,000 in 1914. As a result, colonial factor is more important than armaments race.
All in all, there are other factors such as nationalism, alliance system and armaments race affecting the relationships of powers. However, when comparing with colonial factor, these other factors’ importance is limited.