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定義 現代化指一國家或地區成功擺脫落後及封建,本質上達致先進﹑文明的狀況。 // 立場 雖然晚清改革及南京政府的改革對實現中國現代化的貢獻有限,但相較之下,南京政府推行改革所帶來的成效略大於晚清改革。 // 架構 以下將從政治﹑經濟﹑社會﹑軍事﹑教育﹑外交等方面比較兩者的成效。

主旨句 政治方面,兩政權的改革均未能有效實現中國政治現代化。 // 項目A 晚清改革試圖為中國推行立憲改革,如於1908年頒布《欽定憲法大綱》﹑1909年成立諮議局﹑1910年設資政院及1911年成立內閣。然而,憲制改革乃為保滿清統治,故缺乏民主成份,如內閣的13名閣員中便有7人為皇族,直至晚清政府倒台前,憲法仍未得以落實。 // 項目B 另一方面,南京政府按照孫中山的《建國大綱》逐步將中國由軍政的階段推至訓政及憲政,但憲政階段因中日戰爭(1937-45)爆發而被推遲至1946年才正式通過,最終卻為時已晚,南京政府的統治已步入尾聲。而且,即使嘗試推行五權分立,但人民仍然缺乏投票權,選舉制度並未能於中國確立。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,兩次改革雖然均嘗試推動中國政治現代化,但均未能有效實現,民主的現代化特徵從未植根於中國,專制本質仍然,成效缺善可陳。







Compare the Late Qing Reform (1901-11) and reforms introduced by the Nanjing government (1928-49) in terms of their effectiveness in modernizing China.

A modernized country or region must have got rid of backwardness and feudalism, being modern and civilized in nature. The Late Qing Reform and that of the Nanjing government had little contribution to China’s modernization. But in comparison, the reform carried by the Nanjing government was unremarkably more effective than the Late Qing one. This essay is going to compare the effectiveness of the two reforms in political, economic, social, military, educational and diplomatic aspect.

Politically, both the reforms introduced by the two regimes did not modernize China effectively. The Late Qing Reform was an attempt at constitutional reform in China. This is supported by examples like the Outline of Imperial Constitution欽定憲法大綱 promulgated in 1908, provincial assemblies諮議局 established in 1909, national assembly資政院 set up in 1910 and the formation of a cabinet內閣 in 1911. However, the reform was aimed at keeping the Qing rule and therefore lacked democratic elements. This was manifested by the Royal Cabinet, in which 7 of the 13 members were from royal families, and the absence of a constitution before the collapse of the Qing dynasty. As for another reform, the Nanjing government followed the Fundamentals of National Reconstruction建國大綱 proposed by Sun Yat-sen, transforming China step by step through the stages of military rule, political tutelage and constitution government. However, the formation of constitutional government was postponed until 1946 due to the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-45). It was too late and the rule of the Nanjing government was approaching its end. Also, the people did not enjoy suffrage投票 despite attempts at separation of powers. Electoral system was not established in China. In comparison, both reforms entailed attempts at promoting China’s political modernization, but none of them was effective in realizing it. Democracy, as a feature of modernization, was never firmly established in China and the nation remained autocratic in nature. The effectiveness of these reforms was unsatisfactory.

Economically, the achievements of the Nanjing government’s reform were apparently greater than those of the Late Qing Reform. The Qing government attempted at transforming China into a rich country. For example, it set up the Ministry of Commerce商部 in 1903 to organize programmes for economic development. It also drafted commercial laws like the Company Act公司章程 and the Articles of Association公司律 with the hope of shaping a more business-friendly environment. But China was not economically modernized by the Reform. The Late Qing Reform was a piecemeal approach that was small in scale. It focused on coastal areas only, leaving rural and inland areas economically backward. Also, the introduction of foreign goods stifled the development of local industry. The environment was not business-friendly at all. As for the Nanjing government, it also did a lot to promote commercial reform. For instance, it reformed the monetary system by replacing silver dollars with banknotes紙幣 in 1935. It also issued economic regulations like the Exchange Act交易所法 and Weights and Measures Act度量衡法. Nevertheless, genuine economic modernization did not take place in China. A small group of wealthy families (especially the Four Big Families四大家族) held monopoly over China’s economy, causing difficulties to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, China, being an agrarian society, had its population mostly working in agriculture. But the productivity was low due to lack of machinery. It is true that both reforms failed to modernize China economically. In comparison, however, the reform introduced by the Nanjing government was more effective because development could be found in finance, transportation, communication, commerce and industry at that time. The situation was still better than the hardship under the Qing rule.

In social aspect, the Late Qing Reform was less effective than that of the Nanjing government. The Qing Court promulgated a series of new regulations, including prohibition of foot binding纏足, slavery奴隸 and opium smoking吸食鴉片, permission for Manzu-Han intermarriage 滿漢通婚and abolishment of salary system of the Manchu Bannermen. These were attempts at modernizing society. However, these reform programmes were not fully implemented and old thinking like social classes and gender inequality still existed with the prevalence of traditional and feudalistic thoughts. As for the Nanjing government, it also carried out reform for social modernization. For example, it passed the People’s Rights Ordinance民權法規 in 1929 to protect basic rights of citizens. Besides, it launched the New Life Movement新生活運動 in 1934 and promoted traditional virtues like propriety and righteousness. The movement helped promote national awakening, social inclusion and consciousness of citizenship. In comparison, the reform of the Nanjing government was more effective because many evil practices, including opium smoking and slavery, that were not eradicated during Qing dynasty have been solved during the Nanjing government period. Therefore, it was more effective than the Late Qing Reform in facilitating the civilization of the society and promoting freedom.

In military aspect, both reforms failed to actualize military modernization. The Qing government attempted at enhancing China’s military strength. The Late Qing Reform included creation of provincial academies武備學堂(1901) and the Bureau of Military Training練兵處(1903). Officers were sent to Japan for training as well. Though the reform gave China the New Army of 270000 soldiers in 1911, it did not modernize China in military aspect. China remained weak in military strength and failed to resist enemies from the outside. For example, China failed to stop Japan and Russia from having a war in Chinese territory (1904-05). Besides, the central government had not enough military power to control local authorities and the New Army was nothing different from the private troop of Yuan Shikai袁世凱. The army became the most powerful weapon for Yuan to arrange abdication of the Qing Emperor. As for the Nanjing government, it also implemented reform to strength China’s military. It trained soldiers at the Whampoa Military Academy黃埔軍校 and bought armaments from countries like the US and Britain. Despite the efforts, it did not make China a militarily modernized country. The Nanjing government was not strong enough to resolve internal disputes and eliminated the communists. It also failed to defend the country against external threats, which were the aggression of Japan exemplified by the September 18th Incident九一八事件 and July 7th Incident七七事件. In comparison, both reforms did not bring about military modernization in China and the country remained weak in military. China did not escape from lengthy wars and both reforms were not effective in this aspect.

In educational aspect, the Nanjing government had a more effective reform than the Qing Court. During the Late Qing Reform, the Qing government gave up the eight-legged essay八股文 as an assessment tool (1902) and abolished the whole civil service examination科舉(1905). A modern school system, consisting of enlightenment, primary and secondary schools, and universities, was set up in 1902. But China did not become modernized because of the reform. The level of educational attainment was still low in China with serious illiteracy. Also, the new curriculum was strongly influenced by the old examination system and Confucius ideas儒家學說 constituted most of the content. This kind of education failed to cultivate students’ knowledge in science and humanities. As for the Nanjing government, it not only reformed some universities and higher educational institutions but also implemented the Law of Compulsory Education義務教育法 in 1932, planning to provide free elementary education for citizens so that more people could be accessible to education. It also issued regulations for primary and secondary education and overseas study successively since 1933. After that, the educational system of China became much more sophisticated. In comparison, despite the untouched problem of serious illiteracy in the midst of the 1930s, the establishment and development of educational system did help modernize China’s in educational aspect. The Nanjing government thus had a more effective reform than the Qing regime.

Diplomatically, the reform implemented by the Nanjing government was apparently greater than the Late Qing one. As a programme of the Late Qing Reform, the Qing government established the Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部 to replace the Zongli Yamen總理衙門 upon the Western powers’ request. But this did not modernize diplomatically and China remained its low international status. China was still bound by unequal treaties like the Treaty of Shimonoseki馬關條約(1895) and Boxer Protocol辛丑條約(1901), losing its tariff autonomy關稅自主權 and extraterritoriality治外法權. Concerning another reform, the Nanjing government tried hard to raise China’s international status. It recovered the British concessions at Hankou漢口 and Xiamen廈門 in the period 1926-30 and retrieved tariff autonomy關稅自主權 in 1930. After the Second World War, most of the unequal treaties were also abolished. In comparison, the Qing government brought about limited progress in modernization, while the Nanjing regime successfully raised China’s international status and China was no longer treated unfairly by the Western powers. Therefore, the reform of the latter was more effective than that of the former.

In conclusion, the effectiveness of both the reforms in modernizing China has received mixed reviews. But after careful analysis, the reform introduced by the Nanjing government was slightly more effective than the Late Qing one in economic, social, educational and diplomatic aspects.

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